A PPM driver for the K64F that uses the CMT module

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PPMout Class Reference

PPMout Class Reference

A library for producing PPM output on the K64F (pin PTD7) using the CMT (Carrier/Modulator Transmitter) module. More...

#include <PPMout.h>

Public Member Functions

 PPMout ()
 Create PPMout instance.
void update_channel (int channel, float value)
 Update a PPM channel value.

Detailed Description

A library for producing PPM output on the K64F (pin PTD7) using the CMT (Carrier/Modulator Transmitter) module.


  #include "mbed.h"
  #include "PPMout.h"

  PPMout myPPM;
  Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);

  int main()
      while(1) {

          char buffer[128];
          float f;
          pc.gets(buffer, 5);
          f = (float) atof(buffer);
          myPPM.update_channel(0, f);

Definition at line 82 of file PPMout.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PPMout (  )

Create PPMout instance.

Definition at line 11 of file PPMout.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void update_channel ( int  channel,
float  value 

Update a PPM channel value.

channelThe channel to update (0-7)
valueThe new value for the channel (0-1)

Definition at line 23 of file PPMout.cpp.