- Committer:
- awmcdowall
- Date:
- 2019-05-06
- Revision:
- 5:2621fc2ed6da
- Parent:
- 4:8249fab4d8d3
- Child:
- 6:dfc31e7e2c23
File content as of revision 5:2621fc2ed6da:
/* Simple Routine for Nucleo Board for ROCO104 Buggy Motor Control and Microswitches Heavy edit from previous ROCO103PP code Motor Class can now be instansiated with all four pins needed to control the H Bridge with a member functions as follows Motor::Speed(float A, Float B) range -0.1 to +1.0 to give full reverse to full forward for A/B motors Motor::Stop() STOP Motor::Fwd(float) Forward but floating point number (range 0.0 to 1.0) Motor::Rev(float) Reverse but floating point number (range 0.0 to 1.0) Plymouth University M.Simpson 31st October 2016 Edited 03/02/2017 Edited 06/12/2018 */ #include "mbed.h" #include "motor.h" #include "UltraSonic.h" #include "spc.h" #define TIME_PERIOD 2 //Constant compiler Values here 2 equates to 2ms or 500Hz base Frequency #define DUTY 0.9 //DUTY of 1.0=100%, 0.4=40% etc., DigitalIn microswitch1(D4); //Instance of the DigitalIn class called 'microswitch1' DigitalIn microswitch2(D3); //Instance of the DigitalIn class called 'microswitch2' Motor Wheel(D13,D11,D9,D10); //Instance of the Motor Class called 'Wheel' see motor.h and motor.cpp DigitalIn myButton(USER_BUTTON); //USER_BUTTON is the Blue Button on the NUCLEO Board DigitalOut led(LED3); //LED1 is the Green LED on the NUCLEO board //N.B. The RED LED is the POWER Indicator //and the Multicoloured LED indicates status of the ST-LINK Programming cycle Serial terminal(USBTX,USBRX); //Instance of the Serial class to enable much faster BAUD rates then standard 9600 i.e. 115200 //This is Pseudo RS232 over USB the NUCLEO will appear as a COMx Port see device Manager on PC used //Use PuTTY to monitor check COMx and BAUD rate (115200) DigitalOut red(D6); //Three coloured LEDs for the single Pixel Camera DigitalOut green(D12); DigitalOut blue(D8); AnalogIn ldr(A1); //Instance of the AnalogIn class called 'ldr' void SPCoff(void){red=0;green=0;blue=0;} void SPCtest(void) { float rlight,glight,blight; red=1;green=0;blue=0; //ILLUMINATE WITH RED ONLY! wait_ms(50); //Wait for LDR to respond leave this rlight=ldr/RCOR; //Read the Analogue input MBED Normalised 0.0 to 1.0f Multiply by 3.3f to Calibrate to a Voltage read printf("RED %4.2fV ",rlight); //Send LDR response in Volts to PC via PuTTY wait(0.1f); red=0;green=1;blue=0; //ILLUMINATE WITH GREEN ONLY! wait_ms(50); //Wait for LDR to respond leave this glight=ldr/GCOR; //Read the Analogue input MBED Normalised 0.0 to 1.0f Multiply by 3.3f to Calibrate to a Voltage read printf("GRN %4.2fV ",glight); //Send LDR response in Volts to PC via PuTTY wait(0.1f); red=0;green=0;blue=1; //ILLUMINATE WITH BLUE ONLY! wait_ms(50); //Wait for LDR to respond leave this blight=ldr/BCOR; //Read the Analogue input MBED Normalised 0.0 to 1.0f Multiply by 3.3f to Calibrate to a Voltage read printf("BLU %4.2fV\n\r",blight); //Send LDR response in Volts to PC via PuTTY wait(0.1f); red=0;green=0;blue=0; if(rlight<glight && rlight<blight){printf("\n\rRED!\n\n\r"); SPCflash(RED,5);} if(glight<rlight && glight<blight){printf("\n\rGREEN!\n\n\r");SPCflash(GRN,5);} if(blight<glight && blight<rlight){printf("\n\rBLUE!\n\n\r"); SPCflash(BLU,5);} wait(1.0f); } void SPCflash(int colour,int numberOfFlashes) { switch (colour) { case RED:for(int i=0;i<numberOfFlashes*2;i++){red=!red;wait(0.15f);}break; case GRN:for(int i=0;i<numberOfFlashes*2;i++){green=!green;wait(0.15f);}break; case BLU:for(int i=0;i<numberOfFlashes*2;i++){blue=!blue;wait(0.15f);}break; default:break; } } DigitalOut Trigger(D7); //Instance of the DigitalInOut class called 'TriggerEcho' WAS D6 DigitalIn Echo(D2); //Instance of the DigitalInOut class called 'TriggerEcho' Timer pulse; //Instance of the Timer class called 'pulse' so we can measure timed events // Function ultra_sonic_distance() will load the global variable distance with Ultra Sonic Sensor value in mm // and then send the value to the stdio ouput i.e serial over USB void ultra_sonic_distance(void) { printf("%dmm \n\r",(int)GetDistance()); } // Function GetDistance() will return a float value of the Distance from the Ultrasonic Sensor in millimetres typically use as: ‘(float)myDistance=GetDistance();’ float GetDistance() { //Function Name to be called int EchoPulseWidth=0,EchoStart=0,EchoEnd=0; //Assign and set to zero the local variables for this function Trigger = 1; //Signal goes High i.e. 3V3 wait_us(100); //Wait 100us to give a pulse width Triggering the Ultrasonic Module Trigger = 0; //Signal goes Low i.e. 0V pulse.start(); //Start the instance of the class timer pulse.reset(); //Reset the instance of the Timer Class while(Echo == 0 && EchoStart < 25000){ //wait for Echo to go high EchoStart=pulse.read_us(); //Conditional 'AND' with timeout to prevent blocking! } while(Echo == 1 && ((EchoEnd - EchoStart) < 25000)){//wait for echo to return low EchoEnd=pulse.read_us(); //Conditional 'OR' with timeout to prevent blocking! } EchoPulseWidth = EchoEnd - EchoStart; //time period in us pulse.stop(); //Stop the instance of the class timer return (float)EchoPulseWidth/5.8f; //calculate distance in mm and return the value as a float } //Variable 'duty' for programmer to use to vary speed as required set here to #define compiler constant see above float duty=DUTY; // int main(){ terminal.baud(115200); while(1){ SPCoff(); SPCtest(); wait(0.5); } } /* //Consider these lines of code to Accelerate the motors for (float i=0.5f; i<=1.0f; i+=0.01f) //Accelerate from 50% to 100% { Wheel.Speed(i,i); wait(0.1f); } */