Alarm v1.0

Dependencies:   Debounced RTC-DS1307 mbed

Fork of Rtc_Ds1307_Sample by Henry Leinen


--- a/main.cpp	Wed Jun 26 21:07:13 2013 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Nov 02 04:18:25 2015 +0000
@@ -1,87 +1,218 @@
+/*Programa tomado y adaptado de Henry Leinen*/
+/*Algunas modificaciones se realizan con propósitos educativos*/
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "Rtc_Ds1307.h"
+#include "DebouncedIn.h"
 //RtcCls rtc(p28, p27, p29, true);
-Rtc_Ds1307 rtc(p28, p27);
+Rtc_Ds1307 rtc(PTE0, PTE1);
+/****************Configurar Salidas********************/
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX, "pc");
+PwmOut led1(LED1);
+PwmOut led2(LED2);
-Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX, "pc");
+DebouncedIn Stop(PTE2);
+DebouncedIn CLK(PTE3);
+DebouncedIn DT(PTE4);
+DebouncedIn SW1(PTE5);
+DebouncedIn Snooze(PTB11);
+/*****************Definir variables********************/
 char buffer[128];
 int readptr = 0;
+int started=0;
+int wakeup=0;
+//int snooze=0;
+int howmanytimes = 0;
+//Alarm variables;
+int hour1;
+int min1;
+int sec1;
-int main() {
-    char c;
-    Rtc_Ds1307::Time_rtc tm = {};
-    while(1) {
-        pc.printf("*************************************\n");
-        pc.printf("* Menu for RTC Test :               *\n");
-        pc.printf("* read  - reads the clock           *\n");
-        pc.printf("* start - start the clock           *\n");
-        pc.printf("* stop  - stop the clock            *\n");
-        pc.printf("* write - write the clock           *\n");
-        pc.printf("* ena   - enable Square wave output *\n");
-        pc.printf("* dis   - disable square wave outp. *\n");
-        pc.printf("*************************************\n");
-        while( (c = pc.getc()) != '\n') {
-            buffer[readptr++] = c;
-        }
-        buffer[readptr++] = 0;
-        if (strncmp(buffer, "read", 4) == 0) {
-            //  perform read
-            pc.printf("Performing read operation\n");
-            if (rtc.getTime(tm) ) {
-                pc.printf("The current time is : %02d:%02d:%02d\n", tm.hour, tm.min, tm.sec);
-                pc.printf("The current date is : %s, %02d/%02d/%04d\n", rtc.weekdayToString(tm.wday), tm.mon,, tm.year);
+void Encoder()
+    int NewClk;
+    int OldClk;
+    int NewDt;
+    int OldDt;
+    int NewPos;
+    int OldPos;
+    int counter2=0;
+    pc.printf("Setting Alarm...\n\r") ;
+    pc.printf("The current alarm settings : %02d:%02d\n", hour1,min1);
+    pc.printf("Hour:\n\r") ;
+    while(howmanytimes != 0)
+    {           
+        NewClk =;
+        NewPos = 2*NewClk + NewDt;
+        if (NewClk != OldClk || NewDt != OldDt)
+        {   
+            counter2++;         
+            if ((OldPos == 0 && NewPos == 2) ||(OldPos == 2 && NewPos == 3) || (OldPos == 3 && NewPos == 1) || (OldPos == 1 && NewPos == 0)) //Incremento;
+            {
+                if (howmanytimes ==1 && counter2 ==2){hour1++; if(hour1>23){hour1=0;}};
+                if (howmanytimes ==2 && counter2 ==2){min1++; if(min1>59){min1=0;}};
+                printf("%d : %d\n", hour1, min1);
+            else if ((OldPos == 0 && NewPos == 1) ||(OldPos == 1 && NewPos == 3) || (OldPos == 3 && NewPos == 2) || (OldPos == 2 && NewPos == 0))
+            {
+                if (howmanytimes ==1 && counter2 ==2 ){hour1--; if(hour1<0){hour1=23;}};
+                if (howmanytimes ==2 && counter2 ==2){min1--; if(min1<0){min1=59;}};
+                printf("%d : %d\n", hour1, min1);
+            }         
+            if (counter2==2){counter2=0;}
-        else if (strncmp(buffer, "write", 5) == 0) {
-            //  perform write
-            pc.printf("Enter the date (date 0..31)");
-            pc.scanf("%d", &;
-            pc.printf("Enter the date (month 1..12)");
-            pc.scanf("%d", &tm.mon);
-            pc.printf("Enter the date (year)");
-            pc.scanf("%d", &tm.year);
-            pc.printf("Enter the time (hours 0..23)");
-            pc.scanf("%d", &tm.hour);
-            pc.printf("Enter the time (minutes 0..59)");
-            pc.scanf("%d", &tm.min);
-            pc.printf("Enter the time (seconds 0..59)");
-            pc.scanf("%d", &tm.sec);
-            pc.printf("Performing write operation\n");
-            while(pc.readable()) 
-                pc.getc();
-            rtc.setTime(tm, false, false);
+        OldClk=NewClk;
+        OldDt=NewDt;
+        OldPos = NewPos;
+        if(SW1.falling())
+        {
+            howmanytimes++;
+            if(howmanytimes==2){pc.printf("Minutes...\n");}
+            if(howmanytimes > 2) {howmanytimes=0;}
-        else if (strncmp(buffer, "start", 5) == 0) {
-            //  start
-            pc.printf("Performing start operation\n");
-            rtc.startClock();
-        }
-        else if (strncmp(buffer, "stop", 4) == 0) {
-            //  stop
-            pc.printf("Performing stop operation\n");
-            rtc.stopClock();
-        }
-        else if (strncmp(buffer, "ena", 3) == 0) {
-            int rs;
-            pc.printf("Please specify the frequency : [0 = 1Hz, 1 = 4.096kHz, 2 = 8.192kHz, 3 = 32.768kHz] ");
-            scanf("%d", &rs);
-            pc.printf("Enabling the output with %d option\n", rs);
-            rtc.setSquareWaveOutput(true, (Rtc_Ds1307::SqwRateSelect_t)rs);
-        }
-        else if (strncmp(buffer, "dis", 3) == 0) {
-            pc.printf("Disableing square wave output\n");
-            rtc.setSquareWaveOutput(false, Rtc_Ds1307::RS1Hz);
-        }
-        else {
-            pc.printf("syntax error\n");
-        }
-        readptr = 0;
-        pc.printf("\n\n\n");
+int main() {
+    int c;
+    int counter1=0;
+    led1.period(2.0);
+    led1.write(1.0);
+    led2.period(2.0);
+    led2.write(1.0);
+    Rtc_Ds1307::Time_rtc tm = {}; //Se da un nombre a la estructura usada para almacenar la información del reloj
+    /*Inicializar el reloj*/
+    pc.printf("************************\n Be Welcome! \n ************************\n");    
+                if (rtc.getTime(tm) )                     {
+                        pc.printf("The current time is : %02d:%02d:%02d\n", tm.hour, tm.min, tm.sec);
+                        pc.printf("The current date is :  %02d/%02d/%04d\n",  tm.mon,, tm.year);
+                    }
+   while(started==0)
+   {  pc.printf("Is it right? yes or not?\n");
+        while( (c = pc.getc()) != '\n') 
+            {
+                buffer[readptr++] = c;
+            }
+        buffer[readptr++] = 0; //Almaceno un cero en la posición después del cambio de línea;
+        if (strncmp(buffer, "yes", 3) == 0) //Date and time are ok, lets start!
+        {
+            pc.printf("Lets start...\n");
+            rtc.startClock();            
+            started=1; 
+        }
+        else if (strncmp(buffer, "not", 3) == 0)
+        {
+                            //  perform write
+                pc.printf("Enter the date (date 0..31)");
+                pc.scanf("%d", &;
+                pc.printf("Enter the date (month 1..12)");
+                pc.scanf("%d", &tm.mon);
+                pc.printf("Enter the date (year)");
+                pc.scanf("%d", &tm.year);
+                pc.printf("Enter the time (hours 0..23)");
+                pc.scanf("%d", &tm.hour);
+                pc.printf("Enter the time (minutes 0..59)");
+                pc.scanf("%d", &tm.min);
+                pc.printf("Enter the time (seconds 0..59)");
+                pc.scanf("%d", &tm.sec);
+                pc.printf("Performing write operation\n");
+                while(pc.readable()) 
+                    pc.getc();
+                rtc.setTime(tm, false, false);
+                rtc.startClock(); 
+                started=1;         
+        }
+        else 
+        {
+            pc.printf("Try again \n");
+            readptr=0;
+        }
+    pc.printf("\n");
+    }//while start
+   //Esto es temporal
+   if (tm.min==59){   hour1 = tm.hour+1;   min1=0;}
+   else {hour1 = tm.hour;   min1=tm.min+1;}
+    /*Ciclo infinito para correr el programa*/
+    while(1)    
+    {
+        wait(0.01);
+       counter1++; //Aumento el contador 
+ /*******Get the time*********/
+        if (counter1==90) //Cuento 900ms para mostrar algo en pantalla;
+            {
+                    counter1=0;        
+                    if (rtc.getTime(tm) )
+                    {
+                            pc.printf("The current time is : %02d:%02d:%02d\n", tm.hour, tm.min, tm.sec);
+                            pc.printf("The current date is : %02d/%02d/%04d\n",  tm.mon,, tm.year);
+                        if (hour1==tm.hour && min1==tm.min && sec1 == tm.sec)
+                        {
+                            wakeup=1;
+                            pc.printf("Wakeup bitch!..\n");
+                            led1.write(0.5);
+                            led2.write(1.0);
+                        }        
+                        }  //if rtc
+                    }    //if counter  
+    if (SW1.falling() && wakeup != 1)
+    {
+        led2.write(0.5);   
+        howmanytimes++;
+        Encoder();
+        led2.write(1.0);  
+    }
+    if (Stop.rising()&& wakeup==1)
+    {
+        pc.printf("Alarm Stopped ... \n");
+        led1.write(1.0);
+        wakeup=0;
+    }
+        if (Snooze.rising() && wakeup==1)//In case of pushing snooze;
+    {
+        pc.printf("Two more minutes please!!!!\n");
+        led1.write(1.0);
+        wakeup=0;
+        if (tm.min==58){min1=0;hour1=hour1+1;}
+        else if (tm.min==59){min1=1;hour1=hour1+1;}
+        else { min1=tm.min+1;} //two more minutes please}
+        pc.printf("Alarm will sound again at: %02d:%02d:%02d\n", hour1, min1,sec1);
+    }
+    }//while