This is my TPJ project that controls the SLA battery charging cycle with 2W 12V Solar Panel and provides real-time data for user via LCD screen and Bluetooth

Dependencies:   N5110 Terminal mbed

Automated Solar Power Harvesting System

• Controls the charging and discharging operation of power bank with solar panel as well as house hold load and informs the user via Bluetooth and Internet of Things (IoT)

• Operated by FRDM-K64F: Kinetis Development Board that has ARM Cortes-M4 processor

• Programed with Mbed online C/C++ IDE.



Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Thu Apr 20 13:28:42 2017 +0000
Commit message:
This is my TPJ project that controls the SLA battery charging cycle with 2W 12V Solar Panel and provides real-time data for user via LCD screen and Bluetooth

Changed in this revision

Main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
N5110.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
gate1.cpp Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Main.cpp	Thu Apr 20 13:28:42 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+                  TPJ project 
+Automated Solar Power Harvesting System 
+It is created  by Ozan SANCI
+Description: This program controls charging operation of SLA battery(6V-4A) with 12V 2W Solar Panel and  controls:
+    -load On/OFF
+    -ADC real-time voltage on both solar and battery,
+    -power consumption with ACS712 Current Sensor (-5 to 5A)
+    -interfacing with user via Nokia 5110 screen as well as HC-05 Bluetooth module. 
+    -third part Android application, “Bluetooth Electronic” is used. 
+Additional note: The charging algorithms for the final demonstration have been changed slightly: 
+    Solar Panel and battery voltage thresholds, 6.5V, and 6.4V are changed to 6V. 
+    Because, instead of solar panel, A dc source is used since solar panel is not able to provide enough power in the Lab.  
+#include "Terminal.h"
+#include "N5110.h"
+#include "string"
+/*********************************Pin decleration*************/
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+Serial blue(PTC15,PTC14); 
+AnalogIn solar_voltage(A0);
+AnalogIn battery_voltage(A1);
+AnalogIn load_current(A2);
+DigitalOut solar_gate(D5);
+DigitalOut load_gate(D4);
+DigitalIn  pushBtnLeft(D3);
+DigitalIn  pushBtnRight(D2);
+DigitalOut blueLed(D0);
+using std::string;
+/****************************Nokia5110 Pin Decleration*********/
+N5110 lcd(PTA0,PTC2,PTC4,PTD2,PTD1,PTC3);
+#define solargate 
+#define refVolt 3300
+float solarVoltage;
+unsigned char sGate = 'A'; //Initially gate is open
+unsigned char bGate = 'B';//Initially gate is open
+ string gateStat= "LR255G0B0"; // INTIALLY IT IS RED, GREEN IS LR0G255B0
+float batteryVoltage;
+/********************************************************Function Prototypes************/
+float fnc_solarPanel(void);
+bool fnc_chargingstat(float i);
+float fnc_batteryVolt(void);
+bool fnc_loadstat(float i);
+float fnc_load_current(void);
+/************************************************************M A I N************************/
+int main(){
+bool loadStatus, chargingStatus,screenOne,screenTwo;
+ solarVoltage = 0.0;
+ batteryVoltage = 0.0;
+float loadCurrent = 0.0;
+float usagePower = 0.0;
+float powerLeftinW = 0.0;
+int powerLeftinH = 0.0;
+char outputs[10];//it is used for conversion from solar volt (float) to char in order to print as string. 
+char outputb[10];//it is used for conversion from battery charge(float) to char in order to print as string.
+char outputc[10];//it is used for conversion from current charge(float) to char in order to print as string. 
+char blueInput;
+int left, right;
+loadStatus  = false;
+chargingStatus = false;
+screenOne = true;
+screenTwo = false;
+right = 1;
+left = 0;
+blueLed = 0;
+    while(1){
+       if (blue.readable()) {
+            blueLed = 1;
+            blueInput = blue.getc();
+           switch(blueInput){
+               case 'B' : bGate = 'B'; break;
+               case 'b' : bGate = 'b'; break;
+               case 'A': sGate = 'A';break;
+               case 'a' : sGate = 'a'; break;
+               }}
+right =;
+left =;
+if(right){screenOne = false; screenTwo = true; }
+solarVoltage=fnc_solarPanel();//solar voltge 
+            sprintf(outputs,"SolarV: %.2fV",solarVoltage); 
+            lcd.printString(outputs,0,0);
+    //lcd.refresh();
+    blue.printf("*S%s*",outputs);
+chargingStatus = fnc_chargingstat(solarVoltage); // return true if volt bigger than 6V else false and sets the gate
+    if (chargingStatus){lcd.printString("Charging: ON ",0,1);/*lcd.refresh();*/blue.printf("*LR0G255B0*");}
+        else {lcd.printString("Charging: OFF",0,1);blue.printf("*LR255G0B0*");}
+     /*lcd.refresh();*/
+batteryVoltage = fnc_batteryVolt(); // return battery volt as float
+            sprintf(outputb,"Battery: %.2fV",batteryVoltage); /*lcd.refresh();*/
+            lcd.printString(outputb,0,2);
+  /*lcd.refresh();*/    
+  blue.printf("*B%s*",outputb);  
+loadStatus = fnc_loadstat(batteryVoltage); // return true if volt higger than 6v else fals end sets the gate
+    if (loadStatus){lcd.printString("Status: ON  ",0,3);/*lcd.refresh();*/blue.printf("*MR0G255B0*");}
+        else {lcd.printString("Status: OFF",0,3);blue.printf("*MR255G0B0*");}
+fnc_load_current(); // only return current as float and power calculations are required 
+lcd.printString("Power Usage =>",0,5);
+    lcd.refresh();
+    fnc_load_current();
+loadCurrent = fnc_load_current();
+      sprintf(outputc,"Load:%.2fmA",loadCurrent); 
+            blue.printf("*E%s*",outputc);
+      usagePower = loadCurrent * batteryVoltage;
+      sprintf(outputc,"L-Power:%.2fmW",usagePower); 
+            blue.printf("*I%s*",outputc);
+      powerLeftinW = 24 - usagePower;
+      if(batteryVoltage <= 5) powerLeftinW=0.0;
+      sprintf(outputc,"B-Power:%.1fkW",powerLeftinW);
+      blue.printf("*I%s*",outputc);
+       powerLeftinH = 24 / usagePower;
+       if(batteryVoltage <= 5) powerLeftinH=0.0;
+       sprintf(outputc,"B-Hour:%dh", powerLeftinH); 
+            blue.printf("*N%s*",outputc);
+    wait_ms(500);
+    }//if screenone
+    if(screenTwo)
+    { 
+    lcd.clear();
+solarVoltage=fnc_solarPanel();//solar voltge 
+            sprintf(outputs,"SolarV: %.2fV",solarVoltage); 
+    blue.printf("*S%s*",outputs);
+chargingStatus = fnc_chargingstat(solarVoltage); // return true if volt bigger than 6V else false and sets the gate
+    if (chargingStatus){blue.printf("*LR0G255B0*");}
+        else {blue.printf("*LR255G0B0*");}
+batteryVoltage = fnc_batteryVolt(); // return battery volt as float
+            sprintf(outputb,"Battery: %.2fV",batteryVoltage); 
+  blue.printf("*B%s*",outputb);  
+loadStatus = fnc_loadstat(batteryVoltage); // return true if volt higger than 6v else fals end sets the gate
+    if (loadStatus){blue.printf("*MR0G255B0*");}
+        else {blue.printf("*MR255G0B0*");}
+fnc_load_current(); // only return current as float and power calculations are required 
+      loadCurrent = fnc_load_current();
+      sprintf(outputc,"Load:%.2fmA",loadCurrent); /*lcd.refresh();*/
+            lcd.printString(outputc,0,0);/*lcd.refresh();*/
+            blue.printf("*E%s*",outputc);
+      usagePower = loadCurrent * batteryVoltage;
+      sprintf(outputc,"L-Power:%.2fmW",usagePower); /*lcd.refresh();*/
+            lcd.printString(outputc,0,1);/*lcd.refresh();*/
+            blue.printf("*I%s*",outputc);
+      powerLeftinW = 24 - usagePower;
+       if(batteryVoltage <= 5) powerLeftinW=0.0;
+      sprintf(outputc,"B-Power:%.1fkW",powerLeftinW); /*lcd.refresh();*/
+      blue.printf("*I%s*",outputc);
+        lcd.printString(outputc,0,2);/*lcd.refresh();*/
+       powerLeftinH = 24 / usagePower;
+        if(batteryVoltage <= 5) powerLeftinH=0.0;
+       sprintf(outputc,"B-Hour:%dh", powerLeftinH); /*lcd.refresh();*/
+            lcd.printString(outputc,0,3);/*lcd.refresh();*/
+            blue.printf("*N%s*",outputc);
+       lcd.printString("",0,1);/*lcd.refresh();*/
+       lcd.printString("<= Charger",0,5);
+       lcd.refresh();
+     wait_ms(500);
+        }// if screentwo
+    }
+ }
+ /******************************************E N D   M A I N*************************/
+ /******************************************Function Definations********************/
+ float fnc_solarPanel(void)//Solar Panel Voltage at A0 in -------------------------------------------
+ {
+         float solarVolt = (( * (refVolt/1000.0))*2.63);    
+         return solarVolt;  
+ }
+   //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool fnc_chargingstat(float i)//it returns true if voltage on solar panel is enough. 
+ {
+        if (i<6|| sGate =='a' ) 
+        {
+            solar_gate = 0; 
+            gateStat = "LR255GOBO";
+         //   blue.printf("*OR255G0B0*");
+        return false;  
+        }
+        else {
+          // blue.printf("*OR0G255B0*");
+            gateStat= "LROG255BO";
+         solar_gate = 1; return true;}
+ }
+      //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ float fnc_batteryVolt(void) //Returns battery volage as float
+ {
+        batteryVoltage = ((*(refVolt/1000.0))*3.7789);
+        return batteryVoltage;  
+ }
+       //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool fnc_loadstat(float i)
+ {  //bool stat; 
+        if (i <6 ){ blue.printf("*OR255G0B0*");  return false;  }
+        else{  blue.printf("*OR0G255B0*"); return true;} 
+// return stat; 
+ }
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    float fnc_load_current(void)
+ {                                                
+       float loadcurrent =;
+       return loadcurrent; 
+ }  
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/N5110.lib	Thu Apr 06 03:40:54 2017 +0000
+++ b/N5110.lib	Thu Apr 20 13:28:42 2017 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
--- a/gate1.cpp	Thu Apr 06 03:40:54 2017 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-#include "Terminal.h"
-#include "N5110.h"
-#include "string"
-/*********************************Pin decleration*************/
-Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
-Serial blue(PTC15,PTC14); 
-AnalogIn solar_voltage(A0);
-AnalogIn battery_voltage(A1);
-AnalogIn load_current(A2);
-DigitalOut solar_gate(D5);
-DigitalOut load_gate(D4);
-DigitalIn  pushBtnLeft(D3);
-DigitalIn  pushBtnRight(D2);
-DigitalOut blueLed(D0);
-using std::string;
-/****************************Nokia5110 Pin Decleration*********/
-N5110 lcd(PTA0,PTC2,PTC4,PTD2,PTD1,PTC3);
-#define solargate 
-#define refVolt 3300
-float solarVoltage;
-unsigned char sGate = 'A';
-unsigned char bGate = 'B';
- string gateStat= "LR255G0B0"; // INTIALLY IT IS RED, GREEN IS LR0G255B0
-float batteryVoltage;
-/********************************************************Function Prototypes************/
-float fnc_solarPanel(void);
-bool fnc_chargingstat(float i);
-float fnc_batteryVolt(void);
-bool fnc_loadstat(float i);
-float fnc_load_current(void);
-/************************************************************M A I N************************/
-int main(){
-bool loadStatus, chargingStatus,screenOne,screenTwo;
- solarVoltage = 0.0;
- batteryVoltage = 0.0;
-float loadCurrent = 0.0;
-float usagePower = 0.0;
-float powerLeftinW = 0.0;
-int powerLeftinH = 0.0;
-char outputs[10];//it is used for conversion from solar volt (float) to char in order to print as string. 
-char outputb[10];//it is used for conversion from battery charge(float) to char in order to print as string.
-char outputc[10];//it is used for conversion from current charge(float) to char in order to print as string. 
-char blueInput;
-int left, right;
-loadStatus  = false;
-chargingStatus = false;
-screenOne = true;
-screenTwo = false;
-right = 1;
-left = 0;
-blueLed = 0;
-    while(1){
-       if (blue.readable()) {
-            blueLed = 1;
-            blueInput = blue.getc();
-           switch(blueInput){
-               case 'B' : bGate = 'B'; break;
-               case 'b' : bGate = 'b'; break;
-               case 'A': sGate = 'A';break;
-               case 'a' : sGate = 'a'; break;
-               }}
-right =;
-left =;
-if(right){screenOne = false; screenTwo = true; }
-solarVoltage=fnc_solarPanel();//solar voltge 
-            sprintf(outputs,"SolarV: %.2fV",solarVoltage); 
-            lcd.printString(outputs,0,0);
-    //lcd.refresh();
-    blue.printf("*S%s*",outputs);
-chargingStatus = fnc_chargingstat(solarVoltage); // return true if volt bigger than 6V else false and sets the gate
-    if (chargingStatus){lcd.printString("Charging: ON ",0,1);/*lcd.refresh();*/blue.printf("*LR0G255B0*");}
-        else {lcd.printString("Charging: OFF",0,1);blue.printf("*LR255G0B0*");}
-     /*lcd.refresh();*/
-batteryVoltage = fnc_batteryVolt(); // return battery volt as float
-            sprintf(outputb,"Battery: %.2fV",batteryVoltage); /*lcd.refresh();*/
-            lcd.printString(outputb,0,2);
-  /*lcd.refresh();*/    
-  blue.printf("*B%s*",outputb);  
-loadStatus = fnc_loadstat(batteryVoltage); // return true if volt higger than 6v else fals end sets the gate
-    if (loadStatus){lcd.printString("Status: ON  ",0,3);/*lcd.refresh();*/blue.printf("*MR0G255B0*");}
-        else {lcd.printString("Status: OFF",0,3);blue.printf("*MR255G0B0*");}
-fnc_load_current(); // only return current as float and power calculations are required 
-lcd.printString("Power Usage =>",0,5);
-    lcd.refresh();
-    fnc_load_current();
-loadCurrent = fnc_load_current();
-      sprintf(outputc,"Load:%.2fmA",loadCurrent); 
-            blue.printf("*E%s*",outputc);
-      usagePower = loadCurrent * batteryVoltage;
-      sprintf(outputc,"L-Power:%.2fmW",usagePower); 
-            blue.printf("*I%s*",outputc);
-      powerLeftinW = 24 - usagePower;
-      if(batteryVoltage <= 5) powerLeftinW=0.0;
-      sprintf(outputc,"B-Power:%.1fkW",powerLeftinW);
-      blue.printf("*I%s*",outputc);
-       powerLeftinH = 24 / usagePower;
-       if(batteryVoltage <= 5) powerLeftinH=0.0;
-       sprintf(outputc,"B-Hour:%dh", powerLeftinH); 
-            blue.printf("*N%s*",outputc);
-    wait_ms(500);
-    }//if screenone
-    if(screenTwo)
-    { 
-    lcd.clear();
-solarVoltage=fnc_solarPanel();//solar voltge 
-            sprintf(outputs,"SolarV: %.2fV",solarVoltage); 
-    blue.printf("*S%s*",outputs);
-chargingStatus = fnc_chargingstat(solarVoltage); // return true if volt bigger than 6V else false and sets the gate
-    if (chargingStatus){blue.printf("*LR0G255B0*");}
-        else {blue.printf("*LR255G0B0*");}
-batteryVoltage = fnc_batteryVolt(); // return battery volt as float
-            sprintf(outputb,"Battery: %.2fV",batteryVoltage); 
-  blue.printf("*B%s*",outputb);  
-loadStatus = fnc_loadstat(batteryVoltage); // return true if volt higger than 6v else fals end sets the gate
-    if (loadStatus){blue.printf("*MR0G255B0*");}
-        else {blue.printf("*MR255G0B0*");}
-fnc_load_current(); // only return current as float and power calculations are required 
-      loadCurrent = fnc_load_current();
-      sprintf(outputc,"Load:%.2fmA",loadCurrent); /*lcd.refresh();*/
-            lcd.printString(outputc,0,0);/*lcd.refresh();*/
-            blue.printf("*E%s*",outputc);
-      usagePower = loadCurrent * batteryVoltage;
-      sprintf(outputc,"L-Power:%.2fmW",usagePower); /*lcd.refresh();*/
-            lcd.printString(outputc,0,1);/*lcd.refresh();*/
-            blue.printf("*I%s*",outputc);
-      powerLeftinW = 24 - usagePower;
-       if(batteryVoltage <= 5) powerLeftinW=0.0;
-      sprintf(outputc,"B-Power:%.1fkW",powerLeftinW); /*lcd.refresh();*/
-      blue.printf("*I%s*",outputc);
-        lcd.printString(outputc,0,2);/*lcd.refresh();*/
-       powerLeftinH = 24 / usagePower;
-        if(batteryVoltage <= 5) powerLeftinH=0.0;
-       sprintf(outputc,"B-Hour:%dh", powerLeftinH); /*lcd.refresh();*/
-            lcd.printString(outputc,0,3);/*lcd.refresh();*/
-            blue.printf("*N%s*",outputc);
-       lcd.printString("",0,1);/*lcd.refresh();*/
-       lcd.printString("<= Charger",0,5);
-       lcd.refresh();
-     wait_ms(500);
-        }// if screentwo
-    }
- }
- /******************************************E N D   M A I N*************************/
- /******************************************Function Definations********************/
- float fnc_solarPanel(void)//Solar Panel Voltage at A0 in -------------------------------------------
- {
-         float solarVolt = (( * (refVolt/1000.0))*2.63);    
-         return solarVolt;  
- }
-   //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool fnc_chargingstat(float i)//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
-        if (i<6|| sGate =='a' ) 
-        {
-            solar_gate = 0; 
-            gateStat = "LR255GOBO";
-         //   blue.printf("*OR255G0B0*");
-        return false;  
-        }
-        else {
-          // blue.printf("*OR0G255B0*");
-            gateStat= "LROG255BO";
-         solar_gate = 1; return true;}
- }
-      //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- float fnc_batteryVolt(void)
- {
-        batteryVoltage = ((*(refVolt/1000.0))*3.7789);
-        return batteryVoltage;  
- }
-       //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool fnc_loadstat(float i)
- {  //bool stat; 
-        if (i <6 ){ blue.printf("*OR255G0B0*");  return false;  }
-        else{  blue.printf("*OR0G255B0*"); return true;} 
-// return stat; 
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    float fnc_load_current(void)
- {                                                
-       float loadcurrent =;
-       return loadcurrent; 
- }  
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
\ No newline at end of file