This code contains the game Starship designed for the STM32F429i-DISC1 board. It requires a keyboard to play.

Dependencies:   Starship LCD_DISCO_F429ZI USBHost mbed

Dependents:   Starship

--- a/Player.h	Sun Sep 17 17:05:27 2017 +0000
+++ b/Player.h	Fri Nov 17 02:23:33 2017 +0000
@@ -4,18 +4,30 @@
 #include "stdint.h"
 struct Player
-    uint16_t x_pos;
-    uint16_t y_pos;
-    uint16_t health;
-    uint16_t rapidFireTimer;
-    uint16_t powerShotTimer;
-    uint16_t wideShotTimer;
-    uint16_t shieldTimer;
-    uint16_t gunTimer;
+    int16_t x_pos;
+    int16_t y_pos;
+    int16_t health;
+    int16_t rapidFireTimer;
+    int16_t RFT_Timer;
+    int16_t powerShotTimer;
+    int16_t wideShotTimer;
+    int16_t shieldTimer;
+    int16_t gunTimer;
-static struct Player player;
+extern struct Player player;
-void movePlayer(uint8_t x_vel, uint8_t y_vel);
+//User interface functions.
+void resetPlayer();
+int16_t getPlayerBulletPos(int8_t XorY);
+int8_t dealDamageToPlayer();
+//int8_t callMultiFuncPlayer(int8_t x_dir, int8_t y_dir, int8_t didUserRequestFire);
+void callMultiFuncPlayer();
+void movePlayer(int8_t x_dir, int8_t y_dir);
+int8_t shouldFire(int8_t didUserRequestFire);
+//Functions user does not need to worry about.
 void updatePlayerTimers();
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