This program consists of the software developed for the ELEC5870M Individual Project. It runs on the mbed LPC1768. It uses the mbed RTOS to perform the following tasks: - Implements intuitive GUI with buttons, LCD TFT Display and LEDs. - Serial Communication with the RPi - I2C communication with INA219 voltage current sensors - Power control at the USB ports

Dependencies:   Adafruit_GFX Adafruit_ST7735 INA219 MODSERIAL MbedJSONValue mbed-rtos mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Screens/SolarScreen.h	Sat Feb 04 20:17:44 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+#include "ListController.h"
+class SolarScreen: public Button <SolarScreen>
+    SolarScreen(uint16_t backgroundColor);
+    int start();
+    void buttonPressed(int button);
+    void drawSolarScreen();
+    void drawTile();
+    void updateTile();
+    //void deAllocateMemory();
+    void drawWattage(float wattage, uint16_t color);
+    int changeScreen;
+    float previousWattage;
+    ListController *list;   // manages the list
+    bool scroll;    // updated when a scroll event occurs
+    bool enter;     // updated when an enter event occurs
+    uint16_t bgColor;   // background color
+SolarScreen::SolarScreen(uint16_t backgroundColor)
+    bgColor = backgroundColor;
+int SolarScreen::start(){
+    previousWattage = -1;
+    // attach interrupts to buttons
+    Button<SolarScreen>::activateButtons(this);
+    // draw the screen
+    drawSolarScreen();
+    changeScreen = 0;
+    scroll = false;
+    enter = false;
+    while (changeScreen == 0){
+        updateTile();
+        // scroll event occured
+        if (scroll) {
+            // perform scroll on the list
+            list->scroll();
+            // reset variable
+            scroll = false;
+        }
+        // enter event occured
+        if (enter) {
+            // read the current option on the list
+            changeScreen = list->getCurrentOption();
+        }
+        //wait_ms(500);
+        Thread::wait(200);    
+    }
+    // relese memory occupied by list controller
+    delete list;
+    // dettach interrupts to buttons
+    Button<SolarScreen>::deActivateButtons();
+    return changeScreen;
+void SolarScreen::drawSolarScreen(){
+    // draw the tile
+    drawTile();
+    // construct the list
+    list = new ListController( 0,
+                     63,
+                   "Solar",
+                "Values",
+                "Graph",
+                "",
+                "",
+                backgroundColor,
+                2);
+    // draw the list 
+    list->drawList(); 
+void SolarScreen::drawTile()
+    // draw the green background
+    tft.fillRect(0,0,tft.width(),63,ST7735_GREEN);
+    // draw the text
+    tft.setTextSize(1);
+    tft.setCursor(5,5);
+    tft.setTextColor(ST7735_RED);
+    tft.printf("Power:");
+    // update the power values
+    updateTile();
+void SolarScreen::updateTile()
+    // read the current power
+    float wattage = getSolarPower();
+    // temporary storage
+    char wattageString[5];
+    // tracks previously measured power
+    // ensure first value is ridiculous 
+    // to enable print on startup
+    //static float previousWattage = -1;
+    //  convert float to char*
+    //  to round off to 1 decimal place
+    sprintf(wattageString,"%.1f",wattage);    
+    // convert back to float
+    wattage = atof(wattageString);
+    // multiply by 10
+    wattage = wattage*10;
+    // convert float to integer
+    float currentWattage = wattage;
+    if(currentWattage != previousWattage){
+        // first delete the previous wattage
+        drawWattage(previousWattage,ST7735_GREEN);
+        // then write the new wattage
+        drawWattage(currentWattage,ST7735_BLUE);
+    }else{
+        // do nothing    
+    }
+    // update the previous wattage
+    previousWattage = currentWattage;
+void SolarScreen::drawWattage(float wattage, uint16_t color)
+    // convert float to integer
+    int wattageInt = wattage;
+    // divide by 10
+    int firstInt = wattageInt/10;
+    // print the quotient as the first value
+    int secondInt = wattageInt%10;
+    // the coordinates of the first large digit
+    int startWidth = 40;
+    int startHeight = 15;
+    // The first Large Digit
+    tft.setTextSize(6);
+    tft.setCursor(startWidth, startHeight);
+    tft.setTextColor(color);
+    tft.printf("%d",firstInt);
+    // the decimal point
+    tft.setCursor(startWidth+ 28, startHeight + 21);
+    tft.setTextSize(3);
+    tft.printf(".");
+    // The second Large Digit
+    tft.setCursor(startWidth + 45, startHeight);
+    tft.setTextSize(6);
+    tft.printf("%d", secondInt);
+    // The power units
+    tft.setCursor(startWidth + 80, startHeight + 15);
+    tft.setTextSize(3);
+    tft.printf("W");
+    // reset the text size to smallest  
+    tft.setTextSize(1);  
+void SolarScreen::buttonPressed(int button)
+    switch(button){
+        case BACKBUTTON:
+            // navigate to the previous screen
+            changeScreen = -1;
+            break;
+        case SCROLLBUTTON:
+            // scroll to the next option
+            scroll = true;
+            break;
+        case ENTERBUTTON:
+            // navigate to the selected option
+            enter = true;
+        default:
+            // do nothing
+            break;    
+    }
\ No newline at end of file