This program consists of the software developed for the ELEC5870M Individual Project. It runs on the mbed LPC1768. It uses the mbed RTOS to perform the following tasks: - Implements intuitive GUI with buttons, LCD TFT Display and LEDs. - Serial Communication with the RPi - I2C communication with INA219 voltage current sensors - Power control at the USB ports

Dependencies:   Adafruit_GFX Adafruit_ST7735 INA219 MODSERIAL MbedJSONValue mbed-rtos mbed

Sun Apr 30 17:19:22 2017 +0000
Final Code for mbed operation

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 1 #ifndef SETTINGSICON_H
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 2 #define SETTINGSICON_H
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 3
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 4 class SettingsIcon
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 5 {
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 6 public:
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 7 SettingsIcon(uint8_t xCoordinate, uint8_t yCoordinate, uint16_t backgroundColor );
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 8 void drawSettingsIcon();
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 9
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 10 private:
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 11 uint8_t startingWidth;
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 12 uint8_t startingHeight;
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 13 uint16_t bgColor;
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 14 uint16_t drawColor;
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 15 };
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 16
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 17 SettingsIcon::SettingsIcon(uint8_t xCoordinate, uint8_t yCoordinate, uint16_t backgroundColor){
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 18
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 19 // set the centre of the big circle
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 20 startingWidth = xCoordinate + 23;
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 21 startingHeight = yCoordinate + 23;
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 22
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 23 // set the backgroundColor
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 24 bgColor = backgroundColor;
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 25
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 26 // determine the color of the lines on the solar panel
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 27 if (bgColor == ST7735_WHITE ) {
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 28 drawColor = ST7735_BLACK;
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 29 } else if (bgColor == ST7735_BLACK) {
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 30 drawColor = ST7735_WHITE;
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 31 }
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 32
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 33 }
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 34
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 35 void SettingsIcon::drawSettingsIcon(){
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 36
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 37 // radii of outer circles (background circles)
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 38 int outerRad = 7;
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 39
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 40 // radius of inner circle (background circle)
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 41 int innerRad = 7;
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 42
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 43 // radius of big circle
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 44 int rad = 23;
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 45
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 46 // distance to radius of circles along the horizontal
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 47 // and vertical axis of the big circle
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 48 int horAndVar = 23;
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 49
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 50 // distance to radius of circles at 45 degrees
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 51 // from the centre of the big circle
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 52 int sides = 16;
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 53
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 54
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 55 // draw big circle
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 56 tft.fillCircle(startingWidth, startingHeight, rad, drawColor);
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 57
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 58 // draw inner small background circle
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 59 tft.fillCircle(startingWidth, startingHeight, innerRad, bgColor);
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 60
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 61 // draw outer small background circles
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 62
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 63 // along vertical and horizontal axis
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 64 tft.fillCircle(startingWidth, startingHeight-horAndVar, outerRad, bgColor);
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 65 tft.fillCircle(startingWidth, startingHeight+horAndVar, outerRad, bgColor);
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 66
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 67 tft.fillCircle(startingWidth-horAndVar, startingHeight, outerRad, bgColor);
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 68 tft.fillCircle(startingWidth+horAndVar, startingHeight, outerRad, bgColor);
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 69
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 70 // along 45 degrees
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 71 tft.fillCircle(startingWidth+sides, startingHeight-sides, outerRad, bgColor);
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 72 tft.fillCircle(startingWidth+sides, startingHeight+sides, outerRad, bgColor);
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 73
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 74 tft.fillCircle(startingWidth-sides, startingHeight-sides, outerRad, bgColor);
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 75 tft.fillCircle(startingWidth-sides, startingHeight+sides, outerRad, bgColor);
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 76 }
OHstin 2:104bec169fb6 77 #endif