Funktionen Umbennenen

Dependencies:   HCSR

Fork of Bertl by Franz Pucher

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ur_Bertl.h	Thu Feb 26 10:12:06 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+name:   ur_Bertl.h      Version: 1.0
+author: PE HTL BULME
+    Definition portion of the class ur_Bertl The Robot
+#include "mbed.h"
+#ifndef UR_BERTL_H
+#define UR_BERTL_H
+#define LEFTSENSOR P1_12
+#define RIGHTSENSOR P1_13
+ name:   ur_Bertl.h 
+ version: 1.0
+ author: PE HTL BULME.
+ email:
+ description:
+    Definition and documentation portion of the class ur_Bertl The Robot.
+Example motor sensor test:
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "ur_Bertl.h"
+#include "const.h"
+int main()
+    ur_Bertl karel(LEFTSENSOR);  // RIGHTSENSOR
+    while(true) {
+        karel.NibbleLeds(karel.Read());
+    }
+Example moving the robot around:
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "ur_Bertl.h"
+#include "const.h"
+int main()
+    ur_Bertl karel;
+    while(karel.WaitUntilButtonPressed()){}
+    //karel.Move();
+    karel.TurnLeft();
+    karel.ShutOff();
+Example LEDs:
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "ur_Bertl.h"
+#include "const.h"
+int main()
+   ur_Bertl karel;
+   while(karel.WaitUntilButtonPressed()){}
+   karel.TurnLedOn(LED_FL1 | LED_FR1);  // see const.h
+   wait(1);
+   karel.TurnLedOn(0xFF);               // or use hex
+   wait(1);
+   karel.RGBLed(1,0,0);     // red
+   wait(1);
+   karel.RGBLed(0,1,0);     // green
+   wait(1);
+   karel.RGBLed(0,0,1);     // blue
+   karel.BlueLedsON();
+   karel.NibbleLeds(karel.Read());
+   wait(1);
+   karel.BlueLedsOFF();
+   karel.TurnLedOff(0xFF);
+   karel.ShutOff();
+ */
+class ur_Bertl
+    int beepersInBag;       /**< how many beepers does the robot have in his bag*/
+    char cmd[3];            /**< I2C command */
+    int16_t btns;           /**< which button is pressed */
+    InterruptIn _interrupt; /**< interrupted used*/
+    volatile int _count;    /**< values of motor sensor*/
+    /**
+    protected methodes for internal purposes only
+    */
+    void increment();       /**< ISR to increment sensor values of motor */
+    bool backIsClear();     /**< don't now for what */
+    bool frontButtonPressed();/**< TRUE if a a button on the front of Robot is pressed else FALSE */
+    void error();           /**< Error: stops the robot and all LEDs are blinking*/
+    ur_Bertl();                 /**< default constructor; you have to define constants in config.h such as SPEED, DISTANCE or ANGLE*/
+    ur_Bertl(PinName pin);      /**< parameterized constructor; on what pin should the interrupt work; SPEED, DISTANCE or ANGLE have to bee defined in config.h */
+    void Move();                /**< Robot moves one turn as much as the constant DISTANCE; if one of the buttons fire --> Error()*/      
+    void TurnLeft();            /**< Robot turns left as much as the constant ANGLE*/      
+    void PutBeeper();           /**< if Robot has any Beepers in his bag he can put one or more Beeper; if not --> Error(()*/  
+    void PickBeeper();          /**< if Robot stands on a black item he can pick one or more Beeper (max. 16 --> Error()); if not --> Error()*/   
+    void NibbleLeds(int value); /**< methode for the 4 (half byte) yellow LEDs at the back left side */
+    void TurnLedOn(int16_t led);/**< turns the specified one or more LEDs ON; description and name in const.h, such as LED_FL1 = 0x01; front LED white */
+    void TurnLedOff(int16_t led);/**< turns the specified one or more LEDs OFF; description and name in const.h, such as LED_FL1 = 0x01; front LED white */
+    bool WaitUntilButtonPressed();  /**< wait until any button is pressed at the robot */
+    void RGBLed(bool red, bool green, bool blue); /**<RGB Led with red, green and blue component of the Color */
+    void BlueLedsOFF();         /**< OFF all blue LEDs which are on the same Port 1_28 */   
+    void BlueLedsON();          /**< ON all blue LEDs which are on the same Port 1_28 */   
+    void ShutOff();             /**<  turnes the robot off */
+    int Read();
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