Dummy Lora Packet Sending

Fork of Dealer_18feb17 by kumar singh

diff -r dc33cd3f4eb9 -r 77e595130230 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Thu Jan 12 23:35:40 2017 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Jan 27 18:30:02 2017 +0000
@@ -1,21 +1,305 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
+#include "rtos.h"
+#include "OBD.h"
+#include "Lora.h"
+#include "Accelerometer.h"
+#include "Beacon.h"
+#include "main.h"
+//Datatype typecasting
+typedef unsigned char uint8;
+typedef unsigned int uint16;
+//peripheral connection 
 DigitalOut led1(LED1);
 DigitalOut led2(LED2);
-Thread thread;
+//Configure Serial port
+ RawSerial LORA_UART(PA_0, PA_1);//USART4_TX->PA_0,USART4_RX->PA_1      :       Used for Lora module command sending and reception from gateway
+ RawSerial DEBUG_UART(PA_9, PA_10);//USART1_TX->PA_9,USART1_RX->PA_10   :       Used for debugging purpose only
+ RawSerial Beacon_UART(PC_4, PC_5);//USART3_TX->PC4,USART3_RX->PC_5     :       Used for sending command to beacon module
+ InterruptIn CheckIn_Interrupt(PC_13);
+ uint8 Ticker_Count = 0;    //Variable to count for timer overflows
+ uint8 OBD_Plugin_Detected = FALSE;
-void led2_thread() {
-    while (true) {
-        led2 = !led2;
-        wait(1);
+ //Create Object for structure of Lora Packet to be sent
+ static uint16 Calculate_Wheels_RPM(uint8* Buffer);
+ void flip_Packet_Sending_Flag();
+ void Lora_Periodic_Packet_Sending_thread(void const *args);
+ void Lora_Rcvd_Cmd_Processing_thread(void);// const *args);
+ void Enable_CheckIN_Packet_Sending();
+/*************************Accelerometer related definitions***********************************/
+//Accelerometer related definitions
+#define DOUBLE_TAP_INTERRUPT        0x20
+#define ACTIVITY_INTERRUPT          0x10
+#define INACTIVITY_INTERRUPT        0x08
+#define TAP_THRESHOLD               75 
+#define ACTIVITY_THRESHOLD          64      // THRES_ACT register value 62.5mg/LSB , therfore value 32 indicates 2g activity
+#define INACTIVITY_THRESHOLD        50
+#define DUR_TIME                    0x15    // DUR Register value providing maximum time to be held to generate an interrupt
+#define LATENT_TIME                 0x15    // The interrupt latency
+#define WINDOW_TIME                 0x45    // The time of the interrupt window in which the next tap will be detected 
+#define INACTIVITY_VALIDATION_TIME  5       // The time until which the acceleration must be held below the inactivity threshold to generate an inactvity interrupt
+                                            // Here the value 5 indicates literally 5 secs
+#define X_AXIS_OFFSET               0x7F
+#define Y_AXIS_OFFSET               0x7F
+#define Z_AXIS_OFFSET               0x05
+I2C i2c(PB_9, PB_8);
+RawSerial DEBUG_UART1(PA_9, PA_10);//USART1_TX->PA_9,USART1_RX->PA_10
+InterruptIn activity(PB_0); 
+InterruptIn inactivity(PA_4); // As for now only this is used
+DigitalOut led(LED1);
+const int slave_address_acc = 0xA6;
+char axis_data[6] = {0,0,0,0,0,0};
+char interrupt_source[2];
+char axis_data_start_address[2] = {0x32, 0};
+char intr_source_address[2] = {0x30, 0};
+char all_interrupt_clear_command[2] = {0x2E, 0x00};
+char all_interrupt_enable_command[2] = {0x2E, 0x38};
+char activity_interrupt_disable_command[2] = {0x2E, 0x08};
+char inactivity_interrupt_disable_command[2] = {0x2E, 0x30};
+char accelerometer_status_registered = 0;
+unsigned int interrupt_source_duplicate;
+char threshold_offset_command[5];
+char act_inact_time_config_command[8];
+char interrupt_enable_command[3];
+char tap_axis_enable_command[2];
+char baud_rate_command[2];
+char data_format_command[2];
+char measure_bit_on_command[2];
+char previous_state = 0;
+char current_state = 0;
+unsigned char vehicle_speed = 25;                                       // Kmph
+unsigned char current_speed, previous_speed, speed_threshold = 10;      // Kmph
+unsigned char x_axis, y_axis, z_axis;
+unsigned char Motion_Detect_Status = FALSE;
+uint8 OBD_PlugInOut_IOC_Status = FALSE;
+unsigned char Motion_Type_Detected = MOTION_TYPE_UNKNOWN;    //By default set motion type as unknown
+void Accelerometer_Process_thread();//void const *args) ;
+//This function is Interrupt routine for detecting motion(acceleartion), i.e. either starts from rest/vehicle stops afeter running or if sudden jurk is detected
+void interrupt_activity_inactivity()
+    i2c.write(slave_address_acc, all_interrupt_clear_command, 2);  
+    Motion_Detect_Status = TRUE;  
+uint8 Command_Sent[100];
+uint8 Command_Length_Sent;
+void Extract_Received_Lora_Response(void);
+ //This function is Interrupt routine for detecting OBD Plugin and Out
+void Handle_CheckIn_Interrupt()
+    OBD_PlugInOut_IOC_Status = TRUE;
+    DEBUG_UART.printf("Movement_Detected");
+ //Declare Ticker for sending lora packet
+ Ticker Lora_Packet_Sending_Ticker;
+ void flip_Packet_Sending_Flag(void) 
+ { //flip function
+    if(Ticker_Count < 5)
+    {
+        Ticker_Count++;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        Ticker_Count = 0;
+        Send_Lora_Packet_Flag = TRUE;
+    }
+ }
+// called every time a byte is received from lora module.
+void Lora_onDataRx()
+    while (LORA_UART.readable()) 
+    { // while there is data waiting
+        LORA_UART_RX_Buffer[Lora_RxBuffer_End_Pos++] = LORA_UART.getc(); // put it in the buffer
+        //DEBUG_UART.putc(LORA_UART_RX_Buffer[Lora_RxBuffer_End_Pos-1]);
+        if(Lora_RxBuffer_End_Pos >= LORA_UART_RX_Size)
+        {
+            // BUFFER OVERFLOW. What goes here depends on how you want to cope with that situation.
+            // For now just throw everything away.
+            Lora_RxBuffer_End_Pos  = 0;
+        }
-int main() {
-    thread.start(led2_thread);
-    while (true) {
-        led1 = !led1;
-        wait(0.5);
+ /*
+// called every time a byte is received from Beacon Module.
+void Beacon_onDataRx()
+    while (Beacon_UART.readable()) 
+    { // while there is data waiting
+        Beacon_RX_Buffer[Beacon_RxBuffer_End_Pos++] = Beacon_UART.getc(); // put it in the buffer
+        //DEBUG_UART.putc(LORA_UART_RX_Buffer[Beacon_RxBuffer_End_Pos-1]);
+        if(Beacon_RxBuffer_End_Pos >= 100)
+        {
+            // BUFFER OVERFLOW. What goes here depends on how you want to cope with that situation.
+            // For now just throw everything away.
+            Beacon_RxBuffer_End_Pos  = 0;
+        }
+int main()
+    DEBUG_UART.baud(115200);
+    DEBUG_UART.printf("%s","Debugging started");
+    LORA_UART.attach(&Lora_onDataRx, Serial::RxIrq);
+    //Beacon_UART.attach(&Beacon_onDataRx, Serial::RxIrq);
+    //Create a thread to read vehicle data
+    //Thread OBD_thread(OBD_Rcvd_Cmd_Processing_thread);
+    Lora_Packet_Sending_Ticker.attach(&flip_Packet_Sending_Flag, 3.0); // call flip_Packet_Sending_Flag function every 5 seconds
+    // OBD_PLUGIN_INTERRUPT_PIN.rise(&Enable_CheckIN_Packet_Sending);  // call toggle function on the rising edge
+    //led2_thread is executing concurrently with main at this point
+    CheckIn_Interrupt.rise(&Handle_CheckIn_Interrupt);
+    inactivity.rise(interrupt_activity_inactivity); // Attach the address of interrupt_activity_inactivity function to rising edge
+    Initialize_Beacon_Module();
+    Lora_Periodic_Packet_Sending(); //Infinite loop for sending and receiving lora response, no return from here
+ //Functiont to be called when Interrupt is genearted for motion sensing, checkin
+ void Initialize_Packets_Sent_Count(void)
+ {
+    Motion_Packet_Sent_Count = 0x00;
+    CheckIN_Packet_Sent_Count = 0x00;
+ } 
+void Lora_Periodic_Packet_Sending() 
+    DEBUG_UART.printf("Periodic packet sending intiialized");
+    Set_Up_Lora_Network_Configuration();
+    Initialize_lora_Packets();   
+    while (true) 
+    {
+        if(Packet_Type_To_Send == HEARTBEAT_TYPE_PACKET)    //check if packet to be sent is Heartbeat packet
+        {
+            if(Send_Lora_Packet_Flag)       //Check if packet sending isd enabled, Packet should be sent only when enabled after timeout period
+            {
+                Send_HeartBeat_Packet();                            //call function to send heartbeat packet
+                DEBUG_UART.printf("Sent HeartBeat Packet");
+                AT_Response_Receive_Status = FAILURE;
+                while(AT_Response_Receive_Status)
+                    Get_Lora_Response();
+                Send_Lora_Packet_Flag = FALSE;
+                DEBUG_UART.printf("Heartbeat Packet Response Received");
+            }
+        }
+        else if(Packet_Type_To_Send == MOTION_TYPE_PACKET)      //check if packet to be sent is motion packet
+        {
+            if(Send_Lora_Packet_Flag)                           //Check if packet sending isd enabled, Packet should be sent only when enabled after timeout period
+            {
+                Send_Motion_Packet();
+                DEBUG_UART.printf("Sent Motion Packet");                               //call function to send periodic motion packet
+                AT_Response_Receive_Status = FAILURE;
+                while(AT_Response_Receive_Status)
+                    Get_Lora_Response();
+                DEBUG_UART.printf("Motion Packet Response Received");
+                Send_Lora_Packet_Flag = FALSE;
+                if(Motion_Packet_Sent_Count >= 5)               //Stop Sending Motion Packets if after sending for 2 minute
+                {    
+                    DEBUG_UART.printf("Packet Type Sending Changed to HeartBeat");
+                    Motion_Packet_Sent_Count = 0;
+                    Packet_Type_To_Send = HEARTBEAT_TYPE_PACKET;    //Set Packet type to send as heartbeat packet
+                    Lora_Packet_Sending_Ticker.detach();          //destroy ticker                          
+                    Lora_Packet_Sending_Ticker.attach(&flip_Packet_Sending_Flag, 10.0); //create new ticker
+                }
+            }   
+        }
+        else if(Packet_Type_To_Send == CHECKIN_TYPE_PACKET)    //check if packet to be sent is Checkin packet
+        {
+            if(Send_Lora_Packet_Flag)       //Check if packet sending isd enabled, Packet should be sent only when enabled after timeout period
+            {
+                Send_CheckIN_Packet();                              //call function to send periodic checkIn packet
+                DEBUG_UART.printf("Sent Checkin Packet");
+                AT_Response_Receive_Status = FAILURE;
+                while(AT_Response_Receive_Status)
+                    Get_Lora_Response();
+                Send_Lora_Packet_Flag = FALSE;
+                DEBUG_UART.printf("Checkin Packet Response Received");
+                if(CheckIN_Packet_Sent_Count >= 5)   //Stop Sending Motion Packets if after sending for 2 minute
+                {
+                    DEBUG_UART.printf("Packet Type Sending Changed to HeartBeat");
+                    CheckIN_Packet_Sent_Count = 0;
+                    Packet_Type_To_Send = HEARTBEAT_TYPE_PACKET;    //Set Packet type to send as heartbeat packet
+                    Initialize_Packets_Sent_Count();
+                }
+            }
+        } 
+        if(OBD_PlugInOut_IOC_Status)    //Check if Accelerometer Interrupt is generated
+        {
+            Enable_CheckIN_Packet_Sending();
+            //Get_Acceleration_Type();
+            OBD_PlugInOut_IOC_Status = FALSE;
+        }
+        if(Motion_Detect_Status)    //Check if Accelerometer Interrupt is generated
+        {
+            Get_Acceleration_Type();
+            Motion_Detect_Status = FALSE;
+        }
+    }   
+void Get_Acceleration_Type(void)
+    Packet_Type_To_Send = MOTION_TYPE_PACKET;       //whenever acceleration is detected change the packet type to be sent to motion type
+    Lora_Packet_Sending_Ticker.detach();            //destroy ticker                                    
+    Lora_Packet_Sending_Ticker.attach(&flip_Packet_Sending_Flag, 5.0); //create new ticker, time inetrval value to be changed
+    Send_Lora_Packet_Flag = 1;                      //set flag to send motion packet as soon as motion is detecetd
+    Motion_Lora_Packet.Acceleration_Type = Motion_Type_Detected;             //Read Type of motion deteceted
+    //write code to read acceleration value for every 10sec after any of the acceleration is found
+//This function is used to enable checkin packet sending once OBD device is plugged in
+void Enable_CheckIN_Packet_Sending() 
+    Packet_Type_To_Send = CHECKIN_TYPE_PACKET;          //whenever acceleration is detected change the packet type to be sent to motion type
+    OBD_Plugin_Detected = TRUE;
+    Lora_Packet_Sending_Ticker.detach();                //destroy ticker                                  
+    Lora_Packet_Sending_Ticker.attach(&flip_Packet_Sending_Flag, 5.0); //create new ticker
+    Send_Lora_Packet_Flag = 1;                          //Set Counter so that packet is sent instantly as soon as checkin interrupt is detected
+static void Process_Lora_Command_Received(uint8* Command_Received,uint8 Command_Length)
+    if(Command_Received[0] == 0xFE) //check start of frame of packet received. every packet must start with 0xFE
+    {
+        if(Calculate_Lora_Frame_FCS((Command_Received + 1),(Command_Length + 1)) == (Command_Received[Command_Length + 2]))  //Check for packet inegrity by checking FCS
+        {
+            if((Command_Received[0] == SET_BEACON_CMD0) && (Command_Received[1] == SET_BEACON_CMD1))    //Check if command is received for setting beacon parameters
+            {
+                Process_Beacon_Command_Received((Command_Received + 2));
+            }
+        }
+    }