Dummy Lora Packet Sending

Fork of Dealer_18feb17 by kumar singh

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lora.cpp	Fri Jan 27 18:30:02 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+ #include "Lora.h"
+ #include "OBD.h"
+ #include "Common_Defs.h"
+ #include "Beacon.h"
+ //Configure Lora Packet
+ RawSerial LORA_Module_UART(PA_0, PA_1);//USART4_TX->PA_0,USART4_RX->PA_1
+ RawSerial DEBUGING_UART(PA_9, PA_10);//USART1_TX->PA_9,USART1_RX->PA_10
+ uint8 Packet_Type_To_Send = HEARTBEAT_TYPE_PACKET;  //By Default Heart Beat PAckets should be sent
+ uint8 OBD_Protocol_Version = 0x01;
+ uint8 Vehicle_Identification_Number[17];                     //Unique Vehicle_Identification_Number, Read using OBD
+ uint8 Motion_Packet_Sent_Count=0;
+ uint8 CheckIN_Packet_Sent_Count=0;
+ uint8 Lora_Packet_To_Send[100];
+ uint8 Send_Lora_Packet_Flag = FALSE;
+ int Lora_RxBuffer_Crnt_Pos,Lora_RxBuffer_End_Pos; // must be volatile or the compiler may over-optimise.
+ int receivedDataCount = 0;
+ char LORA_UART_RX_Buffer[LORA_UART_RX_Size];
+ int LORA_UART_RX_Crnt_Pos;
+ uint8 Lora_Command_Rcvd[100];
+ uint8 Lora_Cmd_Length = 0;
+ uint8 AT_Response_Receive_Status = FAILURE; 
+ //Create Object for Type of Lora Packet to send
+ Heart_Beat_PacketType Heart_Beat_Lora_Packet;    //Allocate Memory for HeartBeat Lora Packets
+ CheckIN_PacketType CheckIN_Lora_Packet; //Allocate Memory for CheckIN Lora Packets
+ Motion_PacketType Motion_Lora_Packet;    //Allocate Memory for Movement Lora Packets
+ Vehicle_Status_PacketType Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet;    //Allocate Memory for Movement Lora Packets
+ //Lora AT Commands list
+ const char* Attention = {"AT\r"};     
+ const char* Reset_Device = "ATZ\r";
+ const char* Reset_to_Factory_Defaults = "AT&F\r";
+ const char* Save_Configuration = "AT&W\r";
+ const char* Serial_Baud_Rate = "AT+IPR=";
+ const char* Join_Network = "AT+JOIN\r";
+ const char* Join_Retries = "AT+JR=";
+ const char* AES_Encryption = "AT+ENC=";
+ const char* Send_Lora_Packet = "AT+SEND ";
+ const char* Set_Frequency_Sub_Band = "AT+FSB=";
+ const char* Set_Network_ID = "AT+NI=";
+ const char* Set_Network_Key = "AT+NK=";
+ const char* Network_Key = "010203123";
+ const char* Network_ID = "010203040";
+ const char* Network_Join_Retries = "AT+JR=";
+ const char* Network_Join_Status = "AT+NJS=";
+ const char* Lora_Device_ID = "AT+DI\r";
+ uint8 Calculate_Lora_Frame_FCS(uint8* Packet_Data,uint8 Packet_Length);
+ void Set_Up_Lora_Network_Configuration(void); 
+ void Get_Lora_Response(void);
+//Set Up lora network
+void Set_Up_Lora_Network_Configuration(void)
+    LORA_Module_UART.baud(115200);
+    LORA_Module_UART.printf(Attention);//Send Attention command
+    AT_Response_Receive_Status = FAILURE;
+    DEBUGING_UART.printf("Nwk set up started");
+    while(AT_Response_Receive_Status)
+        Get_Lora_Response();
+    DEBUGING_UART.printf("AT Response received");
+    LORA_Module_UART.printf("%s%d\r",Set_Frequency_Sub_Band,FREQUENCY_SUB_BAND_CHANNEL7);//set frequency sub band to 7
+    AT_Response_Receive_Status = FAILURE;
+    while(AT_Response_Receive_Status)
+        Get_Lora_Response();
+    DEBUGING_UART.printf("Frequency band response received");
+    LORA_Module_UART.printf("%s%d,%s\r",Set_Network_Key,STRING_PARAMETER,Network_Key);   //set network key
+    AT_Response_Receive_Status = FAILURE;
+    while(AT_Response_Receive_Status)
+        Get_Lora_Response();
+    DEBUGING_UART.printf("Network key Response received");
+    LORA_Module_UART.printf("%s%d,%s\r",Set_Network_ID,STRING_PARAMETER,Network_ID);     //set network id
+    AT_Response_Receive_Status = FAILURE;
+    while(AT_Response_Receive_Status)
+        Get_Lora_Response();
+    DEBUGING_UART.printf("Network Id response received");
+    //LORA_Module_UART.printf("%s",Reset_Device);                    //reset device
+    //wait_ms(3500);
+    LORA_Module_UART.printf("AT+TXDR=DR2\r");
+    AT_Response_Receive_Status = FAILURE;
+    while(AT_Response_Receive_Status)
+        Get_Lora_Response();
+    LORA_Module_UART.printf("AT+ADR=1\r"); //Enable adaptive data rate
+    AT_Response_Receive_Status = FAILURE;
+    while(AT_Response_Receive_Status)
+        Get_Lora_Response();
+    LORA_Module_UART.printf("%s",Save_Configuration);              //save configuration          
+    AT_Response_Receive_Status = FAILURE;
+    while(AT_Response_Receive_Status)
+        Get_Lora_Response();
+    DEBUGING_UART.printf("Configuration saved");
+    LORA_Module_UART.printf(Attention);        //Send Attention command
+    AT_Response_Receive_Status = FAILURE;
+    while(AT_Response_Receive_Status)
+        Get_Lora_Response();
+    DEBUGING_UART.printf("AT Response received");
+    LORA_Module_UART.printf("%s",Join_Network);                    //join network with gateway
+    AT_Response_Receive_Status = FAILURE;
+    while(AT_Response_Receive_Status)
+        Get_Lora_Response();
+    DEBUGING_UART.printf("Join Response received");
+ void Initialize_lora_Packets()
+    uint8 i;
+    /******* Initialize Lora packet for HeartBeat *****/
+    Heart_Beat_Lora_Packet.Header = LORA_PACKET_HEADER;
+    Heart_Beat_Lora_Packet.Protocol_Version = OBD_Protocol_Version;
+    Heart_Beat_Lora_Packet.Packet_Type = HEART_BEAT_PACKET_CMD;
+    Heart_Beat_Lora_Packet.OBD_Battery_Voltage = 0x1234;
+    Heart_Beat_Lora_Packet.Car_Battery_Voltage = 0x5241;
+    Heart_Beat_Lora_Packet.OBD_Battery_Temperature = 0x00;
+    Heart_Beat_Lora_Packet.Car_Ambient_Temperature = 0x00;
+    for(i=0;i<6;i++)
+        Heart_Beat_Lora_Packet.Parking1_Beacon_ID[i] = 0x78;      //MAC ID of 1st NearBy Beacon Device with Highest Signal Strength,dummy data
+    Heart_Beat_Lora_Packet.Parking1_Beacon_Signal_Strength = 0x00;             //Signal Strength of 3rd NearBy Beacon Device with Highest Signal Strength          
+    for(i=0;i<6;i++)
+        Heart_Beat_Lora_Packet.Parking2_Beacon_ID[i] = 0x12;      //MAC ID of 1st NearBy Beacon Device with Highest Signal Strength,dummy data
+    Heart_Beat_Lora_Packet.Parking2_Beacon_Signal_Strength = 0x00;             //Signal Strength of 3rd NearBy Beacon Device with Highest Signal Strength          
+    for(i=0;i<6;i++)
+        Heart_Beat_Lora_Packet.Parking3_Beacon_ID[i] = 0x00;      //MAC ID of 1st NearBy Beacon Device with Highest Signal Strength,dummy data
+    Heart_Beat_Lora_Packet.Parking3_Beacon_Signal_Strength = 0x00;             //Signal Strength of 3rd NearBy Beacon Device with Highest Signal Strength          
+    Heart_Beat_Lora_Packet.FCS = 0x00;                                 //FCS of all packets        
+    /******* Initialize Lora packet for Vehicle Status *****/
+    Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.Header = LORA_PACKET_HEADER;
+    Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.Protocol_Version = OBD_Protocol_Version;
+    Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.Packet_Type = CHECKIN_PACKET_CMD;
+    for(i=0;i<17;i++)
+        Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.VIN[i] = Vehicle_Identification_Number[i];
+    for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+        Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.ODO_METER_READING[i] = 0x00;  //Dummyy data, To be read using OBD
+    Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.OBD_Battery_Voltage = 0x1234;
+    Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.Car_Battery_Voltage = 0x5241;
+    Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.OBD_Battery_Temperature = 0x00;
+    Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.Car_Ambient_Temperature = 0x00;
+    for(i=0;i<6;i++)
+        Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.BLE_Adv_Beacon_ID[i] = BLE_Adv_Module_Beacon_ID[i];         //MAC ID of 1st NearBy Beacon Device with Highest Signal Strength,dummy data
+    for(i=0;i<6;i++)
+        Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.Parking1_Beacon_ID[i] = 0x00;         //MAC ID of 1st NearBy Beacon Device with Highest Signal Strength,dummy data
+    Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.Parking1_Beacon_Signal_Strength = 0x00;   //Signal Strength of 3rd NearBy Beacon Device with Highest Signal Strength          
+    for(i=0;i<6;i++)
+        Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.Parking2_Beacon_ID[i] = 0x00;         //MAC ID of 1st NearBy Beacon Device with Highest Signal Strength,dummy data
+    Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.Parking2_Beacon_Signal_Strength = 0x00;   //Signal Strength of 3rd NearBy Beacon Device with Highest Signal Strength          
+    for(i=0;i<6;i++)
+        Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.Parking3_Beacon_ID[i] = 0x00;         //MAC ID of 1st NearBy Beacon Device with Highest Signal Strength,dummy data
+    Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.Parking3_Beacon_Signal_Strength = 0x00;   //Signal Strength of 3rd NearBy Beacon Device with Highest Signal Strength          
+    Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.FCS = 0x00;                       //FCS of all packets     
+    /******* Initialize Lora packet for CheckIn *****/
+    CheckIN_Lora_Packet.Header = LORA_PACKET_HEADER;
+    CheckIN_Lora_Packet.Protocol_Version = OBD_Protocol_Version;
+    CheckIN_Lora_Packet.Packet_Type = CHECKIN_PACKET_CMD;
+    for(i=0;i<17;i++)
+        CheckIN_Lora_Packet.VIN[i] = Vehicle_Identification_Number[i];
+    for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+        CheckIN_Lora_Packet.ODO_METER_READING[i] = 0x00;  //Dummyy data, To be read using OBD
+    for(i=0;i<6;i++)
+        CheckIN_Lora_Packet.Parking1_Beacon_ID[i] = 0x00;         //MAC ID of 1st NearBy Beacon Device with Highest Signal Strength,dummy data
+    CheckIN_Lora_Packet.Parking1_Beacon_Signal_Strength = 0x00;   //Signal Strength of 3rd NearBy Beacon Device with Highest Signal Strength          
+    for(i=0;i<6;i++)
+        CheckIN_Lora_Packet.Parking2_Beacon_ID[i] = 0x00;         //MAC ID of 1st NearBy Beacon Device with Highest Signal Strength,dummy data
+    CheckIN_Lora_Packet.Parking2_Beacon_Signal_Strength = 0x00;   //Signal Strength of 3rd NearBy Beacon Device with Highest Signal Strength          
+    for(i=0;i<6;i++)
+        CheckIN_Lora_Packet.Parking3_Beacon_ID[i] = 0x00;         //MAC ID of 1st NearBy Beacon Device with Highest Signal Strength,dummy data
+    CheckIN_Lora_Packet.Parking3_Beacon_Signal_Strength = 0x00;   //Signal Strength of 3rd NearBy Beacon Device with Highest Signal Strength          
+    CheckIN_Lora_Packet.FCS = 0x00;                       //FCS of all packets     
+    /******* Initialize Lora packet for Movement *****/
+    Motion_Lora_Packet.Header = LORA_PACKET_HEADER;
+    Motion_Lora_Packet.Protocol_Version = OBD_Protocol_Version;
+    Motion_Lora_Packet.Packet_Type = MOTION_PACKET_CMD;
+    for(i=0;i<6;i++)
+        Motion_Lora_Packet.Parking1_Beacon_ID[i] = 0x00;          //MAC ID of 1st NearBy Beacon Device with Highest Signal Strength,dummy data
+    Motion_Lora_Packet.Parking1_Beacon_Signal_Strength = 0x00;    //Signal Strength of 1st NearBy Beacon Device with Highest Signal Strength      
+    for(i=0;i<6;i++)
+        Motion_Lora_Packet.Parking2_Beacon_ID[i] = 0x00;          //MAC ID of 2nd NearBy Beacon Device with Highest Signal Strength,dummy data
+    Motion_Lora_Packet.Parking2_Beacon_Signal_Strength = 0x00;    //Signal Strength of 2nd NearBy Beacon Device with Highest Signal Strength          
+    for(i=0;i<6;i++)
+        Motion_Lora_Packet.Parking3_Beacon_ID[i] = 0x00;          //MAC ID of 3rd NearBy Beacon Device with Highest Signal Strength,dummy data
+    Motion_Lora_Packet.Parking3_Beacon_Signal_Strength = 0x00;    //Signal Strength of 3rd NearBy Beacon Device with Highest Signal Strength          
+    Motion_Lora_Packet.Acceleration_Type = 0x00;          //Type of acceleration, Vehicle Started/Vehicle Stopped/Sudden Vehicle Movement
+    Motion_Lora_Packet.FCS = 0x00;                        //FCS of all packets  
+ //HeartBeat Packet should be sent every 30sec
+void Send_HeartBeat_Packet(void)
+    //write code to read obd data,temperature,beacon data
+    uint8 Pos = 0,i;
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Heart_Beat_Lora_Packet.Header;                  //Header of Lora Packet,0xFE
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Heart_Beat_Lora_Packet.Protocol_Version;
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Heart_Beat_Lora_Packet.Packet_Type;      //MSB of Motion Packet Type
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = (Heart_Beat_Lora_Packet.OBD_Battery_Voltage >> 8);     //Get OBD_Battery Voltage
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = (Heart_Beat_Lora_Packet.OBD_Battery_Voltage & 0xFF);     //Get OBD_Battery Voltage
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = (Heart_Beat_Lora_Packet.Car_Battery_Voltage >> 8); //Get Vehicle_Battery Temperature
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = (Heart_Beat_Lora_Packet.Car_Battery_Voltage & 0xFF); //Get Vehicle_Battery Temperature
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Heart_Beat_Lora_Packet.OBD_Battery_Temperature;     //Get Battery Temperature
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Heart_Beat_Lora_Packet.Car_Ambient_Temperature;     //Get Ambient Temperature
+    for(i=0;i<6;i++)
+        Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Heart_Beat_Lora_Packet.Parking1_Beacon_ID[i];       //Get Beacon_ID of 1st nearby Beacon Device
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Heart_Beat_Lora_Packet.Parking1_Beacon_Signal_Strength; //Get Signal Strength of 1st nearby Beacon Device
+    for(i=0;i<6;i++)
+        Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Heart_Beat_Lora_Packet.Parking2_Beacon_ID[i];       //Get Beacon_ID of 2nd nearby Beacon Device
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Heart_Beat_Lora_Packet.Parking2_Beacon_Signal_Strength; //Get Signal Strength of 2nd nearby Beacon Device
+    for(i=0;i<6;i++)
+        Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Heart_Beat_Lora_Packet.Parking3_Beacon_ID[i];       //Get Beacon_ID of 3rd nearby Beacon Device
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Heart_Beat_Lora_Packet.Parking3_Beacon_Signal_Strength; //Get Signal Strength of 3rd nearby Beacon Device
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Calculate_Lora_Frame_FCS(Lora_Packet_To_Send,Pos);   //Calculate FCS of all bytes
+    Packet_Type_To_Send = HEARTBEAT_TYPE_PACKET;
+    Send_Lora_Packet_To_Gateway(Lora_Packet_To_Send,Pos); 
+//CheckIN packets sending should be started when device is plugged in to the vehicle. It should be sent every 5sec for 2minutes and afterthat it should stop sending
+void Send_Vehicle_Status_Packet(void)
+    //write code to read OBD data,temperature,beacon data
+    uint8 Pos = 0,i;
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.Header;                  //Header of Lora Packet,0xFE
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.Protocol_Version;      //MSB of Motion Packet Type
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.Packet_Type;      //MSB of Motion Packet Type
+    for(i=0;i < 17;i++)
+        Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.VIN[i];           //Get OBD_ID
+    for(i=0;i < 3;i++)
+        Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.ODO_METER_READING[i];           //Get OBD_ID
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = (Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.Fuel_Level >> 8);     //Get OBD_Battery Voltage
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = (Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.Fuel_Level & 0xFF);     //Get OBD_Battery Voltage
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = (Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.OBD_Battery_Voltage >> 8);     //Get OBD_Battery Voltage
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = (Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.OBD_Battery_Voltage & 0xFF);     //Get OBD_Battery Voltage
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = (Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.Car_Battery_Voltage >> 8); //Get Vehicle_Battery Temperature
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = (Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.Car_Battery_Voltage & 0xFF); //Get Vehicle_Battery Temperature
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.OBD_Battery_Temperature;     //Get Battery Temperature
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.Car_Ambient_Temperature;     //Get Ambient Temperature
+    for(i=0;i<6;i++)
+        Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.BLE_Adv_Beacon_ID[i];       //Get Beacon_ID of 1st nearby Beacon Device
+    for(i=0;i<6;i++)
+        Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.Parking1_Beacon_ID[i];       //Get Beacon_ID of 1st nearby Beacon Device
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.Parking1_Beacon_Signal_Strength; //Get Signal Strength of 1st nearby Beacon Device
+    for(i=0;i<6;i++)
+        Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.Parking2_Beacon_ID[i];       //Get Beacon_ID of 2nd nearby Beacon Device
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.Parking2_Beacon_Signal_Strength; //Get Signal Strength of 2nd nearby Beacon Device
+    for(i=0;i<6;i++)
+        Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.Parking3_Beacon_ID[i];       //Get Beacon_ID of 3rd nearby Beacon Device
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.Parking3_Beacon_Signal_Strength; //Get Signal Strength of 3rd nearby Beacon Device
+    for(i=0;i<6;i++)
+        Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.Near_Car1_Beacon_ID[i];       //Get Beacon_ID of 1st nearby Beacon Device
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.Near_Car1_Beacon_Signal_Strength; //Get Signal Strength of 1st nearby Beacon Device
+    for(i=0;i<6;i++)
+        Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.Near_Car2_Beacon_ID[i];       //Get Beacon_ID of 2nd nearby Beacon Device
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.Near_Car2_Beacon_Signal_Strength; //Get Signal Strength of 2nd nearby Beacon Device
+    for(i=0;i<6;i++)
+        Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.Near_Car3_Beacon_ID[i];       //Get Beacon_ID of 3rd nearby Beacon Device
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Vehicle_Status_Lora_Packet.Near_Car3_Beacon_Signal_Strength; //Get Signal Strength of 3rd nearby Beacon Device
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Calculate_Lora_Frame_FCS(Lora_Packet_To_Send,Pos);   //Calculate FCS of all bytes
+    CheckIN_Packet_Sent_Count++;
+    Send_Lora_Packet_To_Gateway(Lora_Packet_To_Send,Pos); 
+//CheckIN packets sending should be started when device is plugged in to the vehicle. It should be sent every 5sec for 2minutes and afterthat it should stop sending
+void Send_CheckIN_Packet(void)
+    //write code to read OBD data,temperature,beacon data
+    uint8 Pos = 0,i;
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = CheckIN_Lora_Packet.Header;                  //Header of Lora Packet,0xFE
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = CheckIN_Lora_Packet.Protocol_Version;      //MSB of Motion Packet Type
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = CheckIN_Lora_Packet.Packet_Type;      //MSB of Motion Packet Type
+    for(i=0;i < 17;i++)
+        Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = CheckIN_Lora_Packet.VIN[i];           //Get OBD_ID
+    for(i=0;i < 3;i++)
+        Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = CheckIN_Lora_Packet.ODO_METER_READING[i];           //Get OBD_ID
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = (CheckIN_Lora_Packet.OBD_Battery_Voltage >> 8);     //Get OBD_Battery Voltage
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = (CheckIN_Lora_Packet.OBD_Battery_Voltage & 0xFF);     //Get OBD_Battery Voltage
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = (CheckIN_Lora_Packet.Car_Battery_Voltage >> 8); //Get Vehicle_Battery Temperature
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = (CheckIN_Lora_Packet.Car_Battery_Voltage & 0xFF); //Get Vehicle_Battery Temperature
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = CheckIN_Lora_Packet.OBD_Battery_Temperature;     //Get Battery Temperature
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = CheckIN_Lora_Packet.Car_Ambient_Temperature;     //Get Ambient Temperature
+    for(i=0;i<6;i++)
+        Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = CheckIN_Lora_Packet.Parking1_Beacon_ID[i];       //Get Beacon_ID of 1st nearby Beacon Device
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = CheckIN_Lora_Packet.Parking1_Beacon_Signal_Strength; //Get Signal Strength of 1st nearby Beacon Device
+    for(i=0;i<6;i++)
+        Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = CheckIN_Lora_Packet.Parking2_Beacon_ID[i];       //Get Beacon_ID of 2nd nearby Beacon Device
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = CheckIN_Lora_Packet.Parking2_Beacon_Signal_Strength; //Get Signal Strength of 2nd nearby Beacon Device
+    for(i=0;i<6;i++)
+        Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = CheckIN_Lora_Packet.Parking3_Beacon_ID[i];       //Get Beacon_ID of 3rd nearby Beacon Device
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = CheckIN_Lora_Packet.Parking3_Beacon_Signal_Strength; //Get Signal Strength of 3rd nearby Beacon Device
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Calculate_Lora_Frame_FCS(Lora_Packet_To_Send,Pos);   //Calculate FCS of all bytes
+    CheckIN_Packet_Sent_Count++;
+    Send_Lora_Packet_To_Gateway(Lora_Packet_To_Send,Pos); 
+//Motion packets sending should be started when vehicle acceleration changes like when it starts moving,stops moving and gets sudden jurk in case of theft.
+// It should be sent every 30sec for 2minutes and afterthat it should stop sending
+void Send_Motion_Packet(void)
+    //write code to read accelerometer data,temperature,beacon data
+    uint8 Pos = 0,i;
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Motion_Lora_Packet.Header;                  //Header of Lora Packet,0xFE
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = (Motion_Lora_Packet.Packet_Type >> 8);      //MSB of Motion Packet Type
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = (Motion_Lora_Packet.Packet_Type & 0xFF);         //LSB of Motion Packet Type
+    for(i=0;i<6;i++)
+        Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Motion_Lora_Packet.Parking1_Beacon_ID[i];       //Get Beacon_ID of 1st nearby Beacon Device
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Motion_Lora_Packet.Parking1_Beacon_Signal_Strength; //Get Signal Strength of 1st nearby Beacon Device
+    for(i=0;i<6;i++)
+        Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Motion_Lora_Packet.Parking2_Beacon_ID[i];       //Get Beacon_ID of 2nd nearby Beacon Device
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Motion_Lora_Packet.Parking2_Beacon_Signal_Strength; //Get Signal Strength of 2nd nearby Beacon Device
+    for(i=0;i<6;i++)
+        Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Motion_Lora_Packet.Parking3_Beacon_ID[i];       //Get Beacon_ID of 3rd nearby Beacon Device
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Motion_Lora_Packet.Parking3_Beacon_Signal_Strength; //Get Signal Strength of 3rd nearby Beacon Device
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Motion_Lora_Packet.Acceleration_Type;       //get Type of Acceleration
+    Lora_Packet_To_Send[Pos++] = Calculate_Lora_Frame_FCS(Lora_Packet_To_Send,Pos);   //Calculate FCS of all bytes
+    Motion_Packet_Sent_Count++;
+    Send_Lora_Packet_To_Gateway(Lora_Packet_To_Send,Pos); 
+void Get_Lora_Response(void)
+    static uint16 Temp_Pos1;
+    static uint8 Lora_Response_Found = 0x00; 
+    static uint8 Response_Start_Pos[5];
+    Lora_Response_Found = 0;
+    Temp_Pos1 = LORA_UART_RX_Crnt_Pos = 0;
+    while(Temp_Pos1 < Lora_RxBuffer_End_Pos) 
+    { //check for end of AT response to calculate length
+        if((LORA_UART_RX_Buffer[Temp_Pos1] != 0x0D) || (LORA_UART_RX_Buffer[Temp_Pos1+1] != 0x0A)) 
+        { //check for  AT end response <cr><lf> (i.e. 0x0D,0x0A)
+            Temp_Pos1++;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            Temp_Pos1+=2;
+            Response_Start_Pos[Lora_Response_Found++] = Temp_Pos1;
+            //DEBUGING_UART.printf("%c",Temp_Pos1);
+            if(Lora_Response_Found >= 4)
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    if(Lora_Response_Found >= 3)
+    {
+        if((Response_Start_Pos[1] - Response_Start_Pos[0]) > 0x02) //Response received without data
+        {
+            LORA_UART_RX_Crnt_Pos = (Response_Start_Pos[0]);
+            Response_Start_Pos[1]-=2;
+            for(Temp_Pos1=0; LORA_UART_RX_Crnt_Pos < Response_Start_Pos[1]; Temp_Pos1++)
+            {
+                Lora_Command_Rcvd[Temp_Pos1] = LORA_UART_RX_Buffer[LORA_UART_RX_Crnt_Pos++];
+                DEBUGING_UART.putc(Lora_Command_Rcvd[Temp_Pos1]);
+            }
+            Lora_RxBuffer_End_Pos = 0;
+            AT_Response_Receive_Status = SUCCESS;
+        }
+        else if((Response_Start_Pos[1] - Response_Start_Pos[0]) == 0x02) //Response received along with data
+        {
+            LORA_UART_RX_Crnt_Pos = (Response_Start_Pos[1]);
+            Response_Start_Pos[2]-=2;
+            for(Temp_Pos1=0; LORA_UART_RX_Crnt_Pos < Response_Start_Pos[2]; Temp_Pos1++)
+            {
+                Lora_Command_Rcvd[Temp_Pos1] = LORA_UART_RX_Buffer[LORA_UART_RX_Crnt_Pos++];
+                DEBUGING_UART.putc(Lora_Command_Rcvd[Temp_Pos1]);
+            }
+            Lora_RxBuffer_End_Pos = 0;
+            AT_Response_Receive_Status = SUCCESS;
+        }
+    }
+//Function to send general Lora packets using "AT+SEND" Command
+void Send_Lora_Packet_To_Gateway(uint8* Command_To_Send,uint8 Length)
+    uint8 i=0;
+    LORA_Module_UART.printf("%s",Send_Lora_Packet);//write to serial port for sending through lora module
+    for(i=0;i<Length;i++)
+        LORA_Module_UART.putc(Command_To_Send[i]);//write to serial port for sending through lora module
+    LORA_Module_UART.printf("\r");
+ unsigned char Calculate_Lora_Frame_FCS(unsigned char* Packet_Data,unsigned char Packet_Length)
+ {
+     uint8 i,FCS = 0x00;
+     for(i=0; i < Packet_Length; i++)
+     {
+        FCS ^= (Packet_Data[i]);
+     }
+     return(FCS);
+ }