Aaron Goselin

7 pages

Notebook pages are being deprecated


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Due to limited adoption and persistent spam abuse, we are removing notebook support. As of May 2021, Notebooks are deprecated and are read-only.

Looking to share with other users? Consider creating a code repo , as these are searchable and easier for others to import into their development environments.

Want to create private notes? You may want to try GitHub Gists.

Progress update: uOLED Library updated, PCB Design, .96" OLED watch development.
Bug reports for uOLED library.
A quick update on my learning progress. What I have been working on and what I am working on now.
Current progress of my RSS Parser using a Sparkfun 16x2 LCD (HD44780), RJ45 Magjack, and of course an mbed.
My first 24 hours with an mbed.