Driver for Texas Instruments' battery state-of-charge estimator.

Dependents:   BQ34Z100G1-Utils BQ34Z100G1-ChemIDMeasurer

BQ34Z100G1 Driver

Newer releases of this driver have moved to GitHub:

By USC Rocket Propulsion Lab / Arpad Kovesdy, Kyle Marino, Jamie Smith

After lots of development, testing, debugging, dead ends, backtracking, and retracing our steps, we at RPL are proud to present a complete driver for Texas Instruments' BQ34Z100G1 state-of-charge estimator. This handy chip handles all the complexities of monitoring a battery's charging and discharging cycle, and is one of the only real ways to have a real estimate of how much usable energy is left in a standard lithium-ion battery.

However, in order to perform this function, the IC needs a lot of information, including both the on-paper specifications of your battery system and the results of several different calibration runs of your real battery system. With one exception*, this driver can handle all the needed configuration, taking you from unconfigured to calibrated in as little time as possible.

Note: To initially program the Chem ID information into each chip to configure it for your battery, you will need an EV2300 or EV2400 programmer box from TI, as well as a header to plug it in on your board.

Calibrating the Chip

See here.


The initial version of this driver was taken from Ralim on GitHub here.

However, we have made a huge number of changes and additions since then, including porting the Arduino library to Mbed, cleaning up the code to use enums, breaking out the configuration to external constants, and fixing looots of bugs.

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/BQ34Z100.h	Sun Feb 07 01:17:28 2021 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+   BQ34Z100-G1 Sensor Driver
+   Reads the current state of the main battery, can determine charge remaining inside
+   as well as read instantaneous voltage, current, or temperature.
+   Datasheet:
+   Existing arduino code to reference from unknown author:
+   Partial library from TI that may be useful:
+ */
+#ifndef BQ34Z100_H
+#define BQ34Z100_H
+#include <cstdint>
+//Battery configuration settings
+//Stored in flash: run flashSettings() then reset sensor to save
+//battery information:
+#define DESIGNCAP 1400 //mAh, per cell (Page 48, offset 11)
+#define DESIGNENERGY 5180 //mWh, per cell (Page 48, offset 14)
+#define CELLCOUNT 0x04 //number of series cells (Page 65, offset 7)
+#define LEDCONFIG 0x4b //5-LED Expander with I2C host comm (Page 64, offset 5)
+#define VOLTSEL true //Switches to an external battery voltage divider
+#define ZEROCHARGEVOLT 3375 //mV, charge cut-off voltage/Cell terminate voltages
+#define FLASH_UPDATE_OK_VOLT 2800 // mV, below this voltage per cell flash writes will not go through
+#define QMAX0 10000 //mAh, same as c-rate
+//The voltage divider works by this formula: Gain = (TOP LEG R/BOTTOM LEG R)*1000
+//Top leg: 294Kohm and bottom leg: 16.5Kohm
+//This only works if you enable the external voltage divider (VOLTSEL) option for the sensor
+//Note: requires calibration after setting in flash
+#define VOLTAGEGAIN 17818
+#define LOADSELECT 0x01 // "Load Select defines the type of power or current model to be used to compute load-compensated capacity in the Impedance Track algorithm"
+#define LOADMODE 0x00 // "Load Mode is used to select either the constant current or constant power model for the Impedance Track algorithm"
+#define RESETVOLTAGE 22200 //mV, voltage to reset to after unsuccessful voltage calibration
+//Sense resistor value
+#define SENSE_RES 5.0f //mOhms, value of guage sense resistor
+#define USE_EXTERNAL_THERMISTOR 0 // If 1, use an external thermistor connected to the IT pin.  If 0, use the internal temp sensor.
+#include "mbed.h"
+class BQ34Z100
+    // Top-level commands - the first byte that you can send on an I2C transaction
+    enum class Command : uint8_t
+    {
+        Control = 0x0,
+        StateOfCharge = 0x2,
+        MaxError = 0x3,
+        RemainingCapacity = 0x4,
+        FullChargeCapacity = 0x6,
+        Voltage = 0x8,
+        AverageCurrent = 0xA,
+        Temperature = 0xC,
+        Flags = 0xE,
+        Current = 0x10,
+        FlagsB = 0x12,
+        // ...
+        SerialNumber = 0x28,
+        InternalTemperature = 0x2A,
+        CycleCount = 0x2C,
+        StateOfHealth = 0x2E,
+        // ...
+        DataFlashClass = 0x3E,
+        DataFlashBlock = 0x3F,
+        BlockData = 0x40,
+        // ...
+        BlockDataCheckSum = 0x60,
+        BlockDataControl = 0x61
+    };
+    // subcommands for Control command
+    enum class Control : uint16_t
+    {
+        CONTROL_STATUS = 0x0,
+        DEVICE_TYPE = 0x1,
+        FW_VERSION = 0x02,
+        HW_VERSION = 0x03,
+        RESET_DATA = 0x5,
+        PREV_MACWRITE = 0x7,
+        CHEM_ID = 0x8,
+        BOARD_OFFSET = 0x9,
+        CC_OFFSET = 0xA,
+        CC_OFFSET_SAVE = 0xB,
+        DF_VERSION = 0xC,
+        SET_FULLSLEEP = 0x10,
+        STATIC_CHEM_CHECKSUM = 0x17,
+        SEALED = 0x20,
+        IT_ENABLE = 0x21,
+        CAL_ENABLE = 0x2D,
+        RESET = 0x41,
+        EXIT_CAL = 0x80,
+        ENTER_CAL = 0x81,
+        OFFSET_CAL = 0x82,
+        // unseal key, from datasheet p.21
+        UNSEAL_KEY1 = 0x0414,
+        UNSEAL_KEY2 = 0x3672
+    };
+        /** Create an GQ34Z100-G1 object connected to the specified I2C pins
+         *
+         * @param sda The I2C data pin.
+         * @param scl The I2C clock pin.
+         * @param hz The I2C bus frequency (400kHz acc. to datasheet).
+         */
+        BQ34Z100(PinName sda, PinName scl, int hz = 400000);
+        //returs status of key features
+        uint16_t getStatus();
+        //Allows use of the entry and exit functions to the CALIBRATION mode
+        //Use before enterCal or exitCal()
+        void enableCal();
+        //Enables CALIBRATION mode
+        void enterCal();
+        //Exits CALIBRATION mode
+        void exitCal();
+        //Allows the sensor to begin the Impednance Track algorithm (learns about
+        //the battery and begins to find the SOC)
+        void ITEnable();
+        //Returns the predicted remaining battery capacity expressed as a percentage
+        //From 0% to 100%
+        uint8_t getSOC();
+        //Returns the expected margin of error in the SOC calculation ranging from
+        //1% to 100%. The value is updated continuously internally in increments
+        //of 0.05%
+        uint16_t getError();
+        //Estimated remaining battery capacity (1 mAH per bit)
+        uint16_t getRemaining();
+        //Returns the measured battery voltage in mV (0 to 65535 mV)
+        uint16_t getVoltage();
+        //Returns measured current flow through the sense resistor (mA)
+        int16_t getCurrent();
+        //Returns internal sensor temperature in units of celsius
+        double getTemperature();
+        //Returns the current ChemID configured inside the chip.
+        // Returns as a hex number, e.g. programming ID 2109 would cause
+        // this function to return 8457 = 0x2109
+        uint16_t getChemID();
+        //Returns a percent from 0 to 100 that is the ratio of the predicted FCC over the design capacity
+        //FCC = the full charge capacity
+        //For example, an old battery will not be able to charge fully to its design capacity
+        //This sensor can tell us if we should throw the battery away because its worn out! Cool!
+        uint16_t getStateOfHealth();
+        //Returns the pack serial number programmed in the data flash
+        int getSerial();
+        //Instructs the fuel gauge to perform a full reset. This command is only
+        //available when the fuel gauge is UNSEALED
+        void reset();
+        //Unseal some registers, allowing writing (recommended before writing to flash)
+        void unseal();
+        //Reverse unseal command, do not recommend ever using this
+        void seal();
+        //Data flash functions
+        //Changes to a different register in BlockData()
+        void changePage(char subclass, uint16_t offset);
+        //Reads the checksum and updates it using the flashbytes array
+        //Required by the sensor to save changes to the flash
+        void updateChecksum();
+        //Reads the blockData in the current page and saves it to
+        //flashbytes array
+        void readFlash();
+        //Writes a specific index in the page to a given value
+        //given the length of the property
+        void writeFlash(uint8_t index, uint32_t value, int len);
+        //Returns array (pointer) to flashbytes internal array
+        //which stores the last updated page in flash
+        uint8_t* getFlashBytes();
+        //The following functions change different pages
+        //The number is the subClass ID that is being changed
+        //Each page has different properties that are in those registers
+        void changePage48();
+        void changePage64();
+        void changePage80();
+        void changePage82();
+        //Calibrates the Voltage Divider register (run at least 3 times sequentially)
+        // NOTE: Voltage divider changes seem to require a chip reset to take effect.
+        // So you must reset the chip between each calibration.
+        uint16_t calibrateVoltage(uint16_t currentVoltage);
+        //If a problem arises with the voltage divider calibration,
+        //reset the register with this function
+        void setVoltageDivider(uint16_t newVoltage = RESETVOLTAGE);
+        //Calibrate CCGain and CCOffset registers, which control current shunt
+        //and therefore affect the current and voltage readouts
+        void calibrateShunt(int16_t calCurrent);
+        //Set the Chem ID in the flash
+        void setChemID();
+        //Set sense resistor - Calibrate shunt also works, but that requires and external
+        //current measurement.
+        void setSenseResistor();
+        // Read the device type.  Should be 0x100 for the BQ34Z100.
+        uint16_t readDeviceType();
+        // reads the contents of the SW and HW version registers.
+        uint16_t readFWVersion();
+        uint16_t readHWVersion();
+		// Convert float value to Xemics floating point used on the BQZ.
+		// Documented in this app note:
+		static uint32_t floatToXemics(float value);
+		static float xemicsToFloat(uint32_t xemics);
+		// Read the update status register from flash.
+		// This gives the status of the Impedance Track algorithm and learning process.
+		uint8_t getUpdateStatus();
+		/**
+		 * Use the Flags and FlagsB commands to get the contents of the Gas Gauge Status Register.
+		 * @return
+		 */
+		std::pair<uint16_t, uint16_t> getFlags();
+        I2C _i2c;
+        uint8_t currFlashPage = 0; // current flash page that we have read
+        uint8_t currFlashBlockIndex = 0; // 32 bit block index into current flash page
+        uint8_t flashbytes[32]; //Stores page in flash memory on Hamster
+        //Internal commands for writing/reading i2c
+        // Send a control command and return the result
+        void sendControlCommand(Control control);
+        uint16_t readControlCommand(Control control);
+        void write(Command command, const uint8_t cmd); //1 byte only
+        void write(Command command, const uint8_t cmd1, const uint8_t cmd2); //2 bytes
+        uint32_t read(Command command, const uint8_t length);
+        // Calculate the checksum of the current flashbytes
+        uint8_t calcChecksum();