Fully featured I2C and SPI driver for CEVA (Hilcrest)'s BNO080 and FSM300 Inertial Measurement Units.

Dependents:   BNO080-Examples BNO080-Examples

BNO080 Driver

by Jamie Smith / USC Rocket Propulsion Lab

After lots of development, we are proud to present our driver for the Hilcrest BNO080 IMU! This driver is inspired by SparkFun and Nathan Seidle's Arduino driver for this chip, but has been substantially rewritten and adapted.

It supports the main features of the chip, such as reading rotation and acceleration data, as well as some of its more esoteric functionality, such as counting steps and detecting whether the device is being hand-held.


  • Support for 15 different data reports from the IMU, from acceleration to rotation to tap detection
  • Support for reading of sensor data, and automatic checking of update rate against allowed values in metadata
  • BNO_DEBUG switch enabling verbose, detailed output about communications with the chip for ease of debugging
  • Ability to tare sensor rotation and set mounting orientation
  • Can operate in several execution modes: polling I2C, polling SPI, and threaded SPI (which handles timing-critical functions in a dedicated thread, and automatically activates when the IMU has data available)
    • Also has experimental support for using asynchronous SPI transactions, allowing other threads to execute while communication with the BNO is occurring. Note that this functionality requires a patch to Mbed OS source code due to Mbed bug #13941
  • Calibration function
  • Reasonable code size for what you get: the library uses about 4K of flash and one instance of the object uses about 1700 bytes of RAM.


Full Doxygen documentation is available online here

Example Code

Here's a simple example:

BNO080 Rotation Vector and Acceleration

#include <mbed.h>
#include <BNO080.h>

int main()
	Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);

	// Create IMU, passing in output stream, pins, I2C address, and I2C frequency
	// These pin assignments are specific to my dev setup -- you'll need to change them
	BNO080I2C imu(&pc, p28, p27, p16, p30, 0x4a, 100000); 


	// Tell the IMU to report rotation every 100ms and acceleration every 200ms
	imu.enableReport(BNO080::ROTATION, 100);
	imu.enableReport(BNO080::TOTAL_ACCELERATION, 200);

	while (true)
		// poll the IMU for new data -- this returns true if any packets were received
			// now check for the specific type of data that was received (can be multiple at once)
			if (imu.hasNewData(BNO080::ROTATION))
				// convert quaternion to Euler degrees and print
				pc.printf("IMU Rotation Euler: ");
				TVector3 eulerRadians = imu.rotationVector.euler();
				TVector3 eulerDegrees = eulerRadians * (180.0 / M_PI);
				eulerDegrees.print(pc, true);
			if (imu.hasNewData(BNO080::TOTAL_ACCELERATION))
				// print the acceleration vector using its builtin print() method
				pc.printf("IMU Total Acceleration: ");
				imu.totalAcceleration.print(pc, true);


If you want more, a comprehensive, ready-to-run set of examples is available on my BNO080-Examples repository.


This driver makes use of a lightweight, public-domain library for vectors and quaternions available here.


Version 2.1 (Nov 24 2020)

  • Added BNO080Async, which provides a threaded implementation of the SPI driver. This should help get the best performance and remove annoying timing requirements on the code calling the driver
  • Added experimental USE_ASYNC_SPI option
  • Fixed bug in v2.0 causing calibrations to fail

Version 2.0 (Nov 18 2020)

  • Added SPI support
  • Refactored buffer system so that SPI could be implemented as a subclass. Unfortunately this does substantially increase the memory usage of the driver, but I believe that the benefits are worth it.

Version 1.3 (Jul 21 2020)

  • Fix deprecation warnings and compile errors in Mbed 6
  • Fix compile errors in Arm Compiler (why doesn't it have M_PI????)

Version 1.2 (Jan 30 2020)

  • Removed accidental IRQ change
  • Fixed hard iron offset reading incorrectly due to missing cast

Version 1.1 (Jun 14 2019)

  • Added support for changing permanent orientation
  • Add FRS writing functions
  • Removed some errant printfs

Version 1.0 (Dec 29 2018)

  • Initial Mbed OS release


Jamie Smith

File content as of revision 8:199c7fad233d:

 * This is USC RPL's ARM MBed BNO080 IMU driver, by Jamie Smith.
 * It is based on SparkFun and Nathan Seidle's Arduino driver for this chip, but is substantially rewritten and adapted.
 * It also supports some extra features, such as setting the mounting orientation and
 * enabling some additional data reports.
 * This driver uses no dynamic allocation, but does allocate a couple hundred bytes of class variables as buffers.
 * This should allow you to monitor its memory usage using MBed's size printout.
 * The BNO080 is a very complex chip; it's capable of monitoring and controlling other sensors and making
 * intelligent decisions and calculations using its data.  Accordingly, the protocol for communicating with it
 * is quite complex, and it took me quite a while to wrap my head around it.  If you need to modify or debug
 * this driver, look at the CPP file for an overview of the chip's communication protocol.
 * Note: this driver only supports I2C.  I attempted to create an SPI version, but as far as I can tell,
 * the BNO's SPI interface has a bug that causes you to be unable to wake the chip from sleep in some conditions.
 * Until this is fixed, SPI on it is virtually unusable.

#ifndef HAMSTER_BNO080_H
#define HAMSTER_BNO080_H

#include <mbed.h>
#include <Stream.h>
#include <quaternion.h>

#include "BNO080Constants.h"

// useful define when working with orientation quaternions
#define SQRT_2 1.414213562f

  Class to drive the BNO080 9-axis IMU.
  There should be one instance of this class per IMU chip. I2C address and pin assignments are passed in the constructor.
class BNO080Base
	 * Serial stream to print debug info to.  Used for errors, and debugging output if debugging is enabled.
	Stream * _debugPort;

	/// Interrupt pin -- signals to the host that the IMU has data to send
	DigitalIn _int;
	// Reset pin -- resets IMU when held low.
	DigitalOut _rst;

	// packet storage


	// Size of the largest individual packet we can receive.
	// Min value is set by the advertisement packet (272 bytes)
	// If you enable lots of sensor reports and get an error, you might need to increase this.

	// Size of largest packet that we need to transmit (not including header)

	// scratch space buffers
	uint8_t rxPacketBuffer[SHTP_HEADER_SIZE + SHTP_RX_PACKET_SIZE + SHTP_HEADER_SIZE];  // need a second header worth of extra scratch space to write the header of a continued packet

	/// Each SHTP packet starts with a header of 4 uint8_ts
	uint8_t * txShtpHeader = txPacketBuffer;
	uint8_t * rxShtpHeader = rxPacketBuffer;

	/// Stores data contained in each packet.  Packets can contain an arbitrary amount of data, but
	/// rarely get over a hundred bytes unless you have a million sensor reports enabled.
	/// The only long packets we actually care about are batched sensor data packets.
	uint8_t * txShtpData = txPacketBuffer + SHTP_HEADER_SIZE;
	uint8_t * rxShtpData = rxPacketBuffer + SHTP_HEADER_SIZE;

	/// Length of packet that was received into buffer.  Does NOT include header bytes.
	uint16_t rxPacketLength;

	/// Current sequence number for each channel, incremented after transmission. 
	uint8_t sequenceNumber[6];

	/// Commands have a seqNum as well. These are inside command packet, the header uses its own seqNum per channel
	uint8_t commandSequenceNumber;

	// frs metadata

	/// Record ID of the metadata record currently stored in the metadataRecord[] buffer.
	/// Used so that we can avoid requerying the FRS record if we need to make multiple metadata reads
	/// in succession.
	uint16_t bufferMetadataRecord;

	/// currently we only need the first 10 words of the metadata

	/// Buffer for current metadata record.
	uint32_t metadataRecord[METADATA_BUFFER_LEN];

	// data storage

	// 1 larger than the largest sensor report ID

	/// stores status of each sensor, indexed by report ID
	uint8_t reportStatus[STATUS_ARRAY_LEN];

	/// stores whether a sensor has been updated since the last call to hasNewData()
	bool reportHasBeenUpdated[STATUS_ARRAY_LEN];


	// list of reports

	/// List of all sensor reports that the IMU supports.
	enum Report
		 * Total acceleration of the IMU in world space.
		 * See BNO datasheet section 2.1.1

		 * Acceleration of the IMU not including the acceleration of gravity.
		 * See BNO datasheet section 2.1.1

		 * Acceleration of gravity felt by the IMU.
		 * See BNO datasheet section 2.1.1

		 * (calibrated) gyroscope reading of the rotational speed of the IMU.
		 * See BNO datasheet section 2.1.2

		 * (calibrated) reading of Earth's magnetic field levels.
		 * See BNO datasheet section 2.1.3

		* Uncalibrated reading of magnetic field levels, without any hard iron offsets applied
		* See BNO datasheet section 2.1.3

		 * Fused reading of the IMU's rotation in space using all three sensors.  This is the most accurate reading
		 * of absolute orientation that the IMU can provide.
		 * See BNO datasheet section 2.2.4

		 * Fused reading of rotation from accelerometer and magnetometer readings.  This report is designed to decrease
		 * power consumption (by turning off the gyroscope) in exchange for reduced responsiveness.

		 * Fused reading of the IMU's rotation in space.  Unlike the regular rotation vector, the Game Rotation Vector
	 	 * is not referenced against the magnetic field and the "zero yaw" point is arbitrary.
	 	 * See BNO datasheet section 2.2.2

		 * Detects a user tapping on the device containing the IMU.
		 * See BNO datasheet section 2.4.2

		 * Detects whether the device is on a table, being held stably, or being moved.
		 * See BNO datasheet section 2.4.1

		 * Detects a user taking a step with the IMU worn on their person.
		 * See BNO datasheet section 2.4.3

		 * Detects how many steps a user has taken.
		 * See BNO datasheet section 2.4.4

		 * Detects when the IMU has made a "significant" motion, defined as moving a few steps and/or accelerating significantly.
		 * NOTE: this report automatically disables itself after sending a report, so you'll have to reenable it each time a motion i s detected.
		 * See BNO datasheet section 2.4.6

		 * Detects when the IMU is being shaken.
		 * See BNO datasheet section 2.4.7

	// data variables to read reports from

	// @{
	/// Version info read from the IMU when it starts up
	uint8_t majorSoftwareVersion;
	uint8_t minorSoftwareVersion;
	uint16_t patchSoftwareVersion;
	uint32_t partNumber;
	uint32_t buildNumber;
	// @}

	 * Readout from Accleration report.
	 * Represents total acceleration in m/s^2 felt by the BNO's accelerometer.
	TVector3 totalAcceleration;

	 * Readout from Linear Acceleration report.
	 * Represents acceleration felt in m/s^2 by the BNO's accelerometer not including the force of gravity.
	TVector3 linearAcceleration;

	 * Readout from Gravity report.
	 * Represents the force of gravity in m/s^2 felt by the BNO's accelerometer.
	TVector3 gravityAcceleration;

	 * Readout from Calibrated Gyroscope report
	 * Represents the angular velocities of the chip in rad/s in the X, Y, and Z axes
	TVector3 gyroRotation;

	 * Readout from the Magnetic Field Calibrated report.
	 * Represents the magnetic field read by the chip in uT in the X, Y, and Z axes
	TVector3 magField;

	 * Readout from the Magnetic Field Uncalibrated report.
	 * Represents the magnetic field read by the chip in uT in the X, Y, and Z axes, without hard iron offsets applied
	TVector3 magFieldUncalibrated;

	 * Auxiliary readout from the Magnetic Field Uncalibrated report.
	 * Represents the hard iron offsets that the chip is using in each axis in uT.
	TVector3 hardIronOffset;

	 * Readout from the Rotation Vector report.
	 * Represents the rotation of the IMU (relative to magnetic north) in radians.
	Quaternion rotationVector;

	 * Auxiliary accuracy readout from the Rotation Vector report.
	 * Represents the estimated accuracy of the rotation vector in radians.
	float rotationAccuracy;

	 * Readout from the Game Rotation Vector report.
	 * Represents the rotation of the IMU in radians.  Unlike the regular rotation vector, the Game Rotation Vector
	 * is not referenced against the magnetic field and the "zero yaw" point is arbitrary.
	Quaternion gameRotationVector;

	 * Readout from the Geomagnetic Rotation Vector report.
	 * Represents the geomagnetic rotation of the IMU (relative to magnetic north) in radians.
	Quaternion geomagneticRotationVector;

	 * Auxiliary accuracy readout from the Geomagnetic Rotation Vector report.
	 * Represents the estimated accuracy of the rotation vector in radians.
	float geomagneticRotationAccuracy;

	 * Tap readout from the Tap Detector report.  This flag is set to true whenever a tap is detected, and you should
	 * manually clear it when you have processed the tap.
	bool tapDetected;

	 * Whether the last tap detected was a single or double tap.
	bool doubleTap;

	 * Enum to represent the different stability types.
	 * See BNO datasheet section 2.4.1 and SH-2 section for details.
	enum Stability
		/// Unknown stability type.
		UNKNOWN = 0,

		/// At rest on a stable surface with very little motion
		ON_TABLE = 1,

		/// Motion is stable, but the duration requirement for stability has not been met.
		/// Can only occur during gyroscope calibration (why? beats me!)

		/// Stable (has been below the acceleration threshold for the required duration)
		STABLE = 3,

		/// IMU is moving.
		MOTION = 4

	 * Readout from the stability classifier.
	 * Current stability status of the IMU.
	Stability stability;

	 * Readout from the Step Detector report.  This flag is set to true whenever a step is detected, and you should
	 * manually clear it when you have processed the step.
	bool stepDetected;

	 * Readout from the Step Counter report.  This count increases as the user takes steps, but can also decrease
	 * if the IMU decides that a motion was not a step.
	uint16_t stepCount;

	 * Readout from the Significant Motion Detector report.  This flag is set to true whenever significant motion is detected, and you should
	 * manually clear it when you have processed the event.
	bool significantMotionDetected;

	 * Readout from the Shake Detector report.  This flag is set to true whenever shaking is detected, and you should
	 * manually clear it when you have processed the event.
	bool shakeDetected;

	// @{
	/// The axis/axes that shaking was detected in in the latest shaking report.
	bool xAxisShake;
	bool yAxisShake;
	bool zAxisShake;
	// @}

	// Management functions

	 * Construct a BNO080, providing pins and parameters.
	 * This doesn't actally initialize the chip, you will need to call begin() for that.
	 * NOTE: while some schematics tell you to connect the BOOTN pin to the processor, this driver does not use or require it.
	 * Just tie it to VCC per the datasheet.
	 * @param debugPort Serial port to write output to.  Cannot be nullptr.
	BNO080Base(Stream *debugPort, PinName user_INTPin, PinName user_RSTPin);

	 * Resets and connects to the IMU.  Verifies that it's connected, and reads out its version
	 * info into the class variables above.
	 * If this function is failing, it would be a good idea to turn on BNO_DEBUG in the cpp file to get detailed output.
	 * @return whether or not initialization was successful
	bool begin();

	 * Tells the IMU to use its current rotation vector as the "zero" rotation vector and to reorient
	 * all outputs accordingly.
	 * @param zOnly If true, only the rotation about the Z axis (the heading) will be tared.
	void tare(bool zOnly = false);

	 * Tells the IMU to begin a dynamic sensor calibration.  To calibrate the IMU, call this function and move
	 * the IMU according to the instructions in the "BNO080 Sensor Calibration Procedure" app note
	 * (http://www.hillcrestlabs.com/download/59de9014566d0727bd002ae7).
	 * To tell when the calibration is complete, look at the status bits for Game Rotation Vector (for accel and gyro)
	 * and Magnetic Field (for the magnetometer).
	 * The gyro and accelerometer should only need to be calibrated once, but the magnetometer will need to be recalibrated
	 * every time the orientation of ferrous metals around the IMU changes (e.g. when it is put into a new enclosure).
	 * The new calibration will not be saved in flash until you call saveCalibration().
	 * NOTE: calling this with all false values will cancel any calibration in progress.  However, the calibration data being created will
	 * remain in use until the next chip reset (I think!)
	 * @param calibrateAccel Whether to calibrate the accelerometer.
	 * @param calibrateGyro Whether to calibrate the gyro.
	 * @param calibrateMag Whether to calibrate the magnetometer.
	 * @return whether the operation succeeded
	bool enableCalibration(bool calibrateAccel, bool calibrateGyro, bool calibrateMag);

	 * Saves the calibration started with startCalibration() and ends the calibration.
	 * You will want to call this once the status bits read as "accuracy high".
	 * WARNING: if you paid for a factory calibrated IMU, then this WILL OVERWRITE THE FACTORY CALIBRATION in whatever sensors
	 * are being calibrated.  Use with caution!
	 * @return whether the operation succeeded
	bool saveCalibration();

	 * Sets the orientation quaternion, telling the sensor how it's mounted
	 * in relation to world space.
	 * See page 40 of the BNO080 datasheet.
	 * NOTE: this driver provides the macro SQRT_2 to help with entering values from that table.
	 * NOTE 2: this setting does not persist and will have to be re-applied every time the chip is reset.
	 * Use setPermanentOrientation() for that.
	 * @param orientation quaternion mapping from IMU space to world space.
	void setSensorOrientation(Quaternion orientation);

	 * Sets the orientation quaternion, telling the sensor how it's mounted
	 * in relation to world space. See page 40 of the BNO080 datasheet.
	 * Unlike setSensorOrientation(), this setting will persist across sensor restarts.
	 * However, it will also take a few hundred milliseconds to write.
	 * @param orientation quaternion mapping from IMU space to world space.
	 * @return true if the operation succeeded, false if it failed.
	bool setPermanentOrientation(Quaternion orientation);
	// Report functions

	 * Checks for new data packets queued on the IMU.
	 * If there are packets queued, receives all of them and updates
	 * the class variables with the results.
	 * Note that with some backends (SPI), sending commands will also update data, which can
	 * cause updateData() to return false even though new data has been received.  hasNewData()
	 * is a more reliable way to determine if a sensor has new data.
	 * @return True iff new data packets of any kind were received.  If you need more fine-grained data change reporting,
	 * check out hasNewData().
	bool updateData();

	 * Gets the status of a report as a 2 bit number.
	 * per SH-2 section 6.5.1, this is interpreted as: <br>
	 * 0 - unreliable <br>
	 * 1 - accuracy low <br>
	 * 2 - accuracy medium <br>
	 * 3 - accuracy high <br>
	 * of course, these are only updated if a given report is enabled.
	 * @param report
	 * @return
	uint8_t getReportStatus(Report report);

	 * Get a string for printout describing the status of a sensor.
	 * @return
	const char* getReportStatusString(Report report);

	 * Checks if a specific report has gotten new data since the last call to this function.
	 * @param report The report to check.
	 * @return Whether the report has received new data.
	bool hasNewData(Report report);

	 * Enable a data report from the IMU.  Look at the comments above to see what the reports do.
	 * This function checks your polling period against the report's max speed in the IMU's metadata,
	 * and reports an error if you're trying to poll too fast.
	 * @param timeBetweenReports time in milliseconds between data updates.
	void enableReport(Report report, uint16_t timeBetweenReports);

	 * Disable a data report from the IMU.
	 * @param report The report to disable.
	void disableReport(Report report);

	 * Gets the serial number (used to uniquely identify each individual device).
	 * NOTE: this function should work according to the datasheet, but the device I was testing with appears to have
	 * an empty serial number record as shipped, and I could never get anything out of it. Your mileage may vary.
	 * @return The serial number, or 0 on error.
	uint32_t getSerialNumber();

	// Metadata functions

	 * Gets the range of a report as reported by the IMU.   Units are the same as the report's output data.
	 * @return
	float getRange(Report report);

	 * Gets the resolution of a report as reported by the IMU.  Units are the same as the report's output data.
	 * @param report
	 * @return
	float getResolution(Report report);

	 * Get the power used by a report when it's operating, according to the IMU.
	 * @param report
	 * @return Power used in mA.
	float getPower(Report report);

	 * Gets the smallest polling period that a report supports.
	 * @return Period in seconds.
	float getMinPeriod(Report report);

	 * Gets the larges polling period that a report supports.
	 * Some reports don't have a max period, in which case this function will return -1.0.
	 * @return Period in seconds, or -1.0 on error.
	float getMaxPeriod(Report report);

	 * Prints a summary of a report's metadata to the
	 * debug stream.  Should be useful for debugging and setting up reports since lots of this data
	 * isn't given in the datasheets.
	 * Note: to save string constant space, this function is only available when BNO_DEBUG is 1.
	void printMetadataSummary(Report report);


	// Internal metadata functions

	 * Gets the version of the metadata stored in the buffer.
	 * We might see version 3 and 4 records, and they have different layouts.
	 * @return
	uint16_t getMetaVersion() {return static_cast<uint16_t>(metadataRecord[3] >> 16);}

	// @{
	 * Gets the Q point from a report's metadata, which essentially defines where the decimal point goes in the sensor's output.
	 * The 1/2/3 Q values are used in different places in the metadata, see SH-2 section 5.1 for details.
	 * @param report
	 * @return
	int16_t getQ1(Report report);
	int16_t getQ2(Report report);
	int16_t getQ3(Report report);
	// @}

	// internal utility functions

	 * Processes the packet currently stored in the buffer, and updates class variables to reflect the data it contains
	void processPacket();

	 * Processes the sensor data packet currently stored in the buffer.
	 * Only called from processPacket()
	void parseSensorDataPacket();

	 * Call to wait for a packet with the given parameters to come in.
	 * @param channel Channel of the packet
	 * @param reportID Report ID (first data byte) of the packet
	 * @param timeout how long to wait for the packet
	 * @return true if the packet has been received, false if it timed out
	bool waitForPacket(int channel, uint8_t reportID, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout = 125ms);

	 * Given a Q value, converts fixed point floating to regular floating point number.
	 * @param fixedPointValue
	 * @param qPoint
	 * @return
	float qToFloat(int16_t fixedPointValue, uint8_t qPoint);

	 * Given a Q value, converts fixed point floating to regular floating point number.
	 * This version is used for the unsigned 32-bit values in metadata records.
	 * @param fixedPointValue
	 * @param qPoint
	 * @return
	float qToFloat_dword(uint32_t fixedPointValue, int16_t qPoint);

	 * Given a floating point value and a Q point, convert to Q
 	 * See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q_(number_format)
	 * @param qFloat
	 * @param qPoint
	 * @return
	int16_t floatToQ(float qFloat, uint8_t qPoint);

	 * Given a floating point value and a Q point, convert to Q
	 * See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q_(number_format)
	 * This version is used for the signed 32-bit values in metadata records.
	 * @param qFloat
	 * @param qPoint
	 * @return
	int32_t floatToQ_dword(float qFloat, uint16_t qPoint);

	 * 	Tell the sensor to do a command.
	 * 	See SH-2 Reference Manual section 6.3.8 page 42, Command request
	 * 	The caller is expected to set shtpData 3 though 11 prior to calling
	void sendCommand(uint8_t command);

	 * Given a sensor's report ID, this tells the BNO080 to begin reporting the values.
	 * @param reportID
	 * @param timeBetweenReports
	 * @param specificConfig the specific config word. Useful for personal activity classifier.
	void setFeatureCommand(uint8_t reportID, uint16_t timeBetweenReports, uint32_t specificConfig = 0);

	 * Read a record from the FRS (Flash Record System) on the IMU.  FRS records are composed of 32-bit words,
	 * with the size of each record determined by the record type.
	 * Will block until the entire record has been read.
	 * @param recordID Record ID to read.  See SH-2 figures 28 and 29 for a list of these.  Sometimes also called
	 * the "FRS Type" by the datasheet (???).
	 * @param readBuffer Buffer to read data into.
	 * @param readLength Amount of words to read from the record.  Must be <= the length of the record.
	 * @return whether the request succeeded
	bool readFRSRecord(uint16_t recordID, uint32_t* readBuffer, uint16_t readLength);

	 * Write a record to the FRS (Flash Record System) on the IMU.  FRS records are composed of 32-bit words,
	 * with the size of each record determined by the record type.
	 * Will block until the entire record has been written.
	 * @param recordID Record ID to write.  See SH-2 figures 28 and 29 for a list of these.  Sometimes also called
	 * the "FRS Type" by the datasheet (???).
	 * @param buffer Buffer to write data into.
	 * @param length Amount of words to write to the record.  Must be <= the length of the record.
	 * @return whether the request succeeded
	bool writeFRSRecord(uint16_t recordID, uint32_t* buffer, uint16_t length);

	 * Reads a packet from the IMU and stores it in the class variables.
	 * @param timeout how long to wait for there to be a packet
	 * @return whether a packet was recieved.
	virtual bool receivePacket(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout=200ms) = 0;

	 * Sends the current shtpData contents to the BNO.  It's a good idea to disable interrupts before you call this.
	 * @param channelNumber the channel to send on
	 * @param dataLength How many bits of shtpData to send
	 * @return
	virtual bool sendPacket(uint8_t channelNumber, uint8_t dataLength) = 0;

	 * Prints the current shtp packet stored in the buffer.
	 * @param length
	void printPacket(uint8_t * buffer);

	 * Erases the current SHTP TX packet buffer
	 void zeroBuffer();

	  * Loads the metadata for this report into the metadata buffer.
	  * @param report
	  * @return Whether the operation succeeded.
	 bool loadReportMetadata(Report report);


// TODO list:
// - Better handling of continued packets (discard as an error)
// - Unified TX/RX SPI comms function

 * Version of the BNO080 driver which uses the I2C interface
class BNO080I2C : public BNO080Base
	 * I2C port object.  Provides physical layer communications with the chip.
	I2C _i2cPort;

	/// user defined port speed
	int  _i2cPortSpeed;

	/// i2c address of IMU (7 bits)
	uint8_t _i2cAddress;

	 * Construct a BNO080 driver for the I2C bus, providing pins and parameters.
	 * This doesn't actally initialize the chip, you will need to call begin() for that.
	 * NOTE: while some schematics tell you to connect the BOOTN pin to the processor, this driver does not use or require it.
	 * Just tie it to VCC per the datasheet.
	 * @param debugPort Serial port to write output to.  Cannot be nullptr.
	 * @param user_SDApin Hardware I2C SDA pin connected to the IMU
	 * @param user_SCLpin Hardware I2C SCL pin connected to the IMU
	 * @param user_INTPin Input pin connected to HINTN
	 * @param user_RSTPin Output pin connected to NRST
	 * @param i2cAddress I2C address.  The BNO defaults to 0x4a, but can also be set to 0x4b via a pin.
	 * @param i2cPortSpeed I2C frequency.  The BNO's max is 400kHz.
	BNO080I2C(Stream *debugPort, PinName user_SDApin, PinName user_SCLpin, PinName user_INTPin, PinName user_RSTPin, uint8_t i2cAddress=0x4a, int i2cPortSpeed=400000);


	bool receivePacket(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout=200ms) override;

	bool sendPacket(uint8_t channelNumber, uint8_t dataLength) override;

// typedef for compatibility with old version of driver where there was no SPI
typedef BNO080I2C BNO080;

 * Version of the BNO080 driver which uses the SPI interface.
 * WARNING: The SPI interface, unlike the I2C interface, of this chip
 * has some god-awful timing requirements that are difficult to satisfy.
 * In order for the chip to produce data, you must call updateData() at at more than
 * twice the frequency of the fastest sensor poll rate you have set.
 * Otherwise, for reasons that I don't exactly understand, the IMU
 * will have some kind of internal watchdog timeout error and shut itself down.
 * Also, you have about 500ms after calling begin() to configure reports and start
 * receiving data, or the same thing happens.
 * If this timing error happens to you, the symptoms are strange: the IMU will just stop sending data, several seconds later.
 * No error or anything, just no data.
 * To recover from the error, you would have to call begin() again and reconfigure it from scratch.
class BNO080SPI : public BNO080Base
	 * I2C port object.  Provides physical layer communications with the chip.
	SPI _spiPort;

	// Wake pin to signal the IMU to wake up
	DigitalOut _wakePin;

	/// user defined port speed
	int  _spiSpeed;

	 * Construct a BNO080 driver for the SPI bus, providing pins and parameters.
	 * This doesn't actually initialize the chip, you will need to call begin() for that.
	 * NOTE: while some schematics tell you to connect the BOOTN pin to the processor, this driver does not use or require it.
	 * Just tie it to VCC per the datasheet.
	 * @param debugPort Serial port to write output to.  Cannot be nullptr.
	 * @param rstPin Hardware reset pin, resets the IMU
	 * @param intPin Hardware interrupt pin, this is used for the IMU to signal the host that it has a message to send
	 * @param wakePin Hardware wake pin, this is used by the processor to signal the BNO to wake up and receive a message
	 * @param misoPin SPI MISO pin
	 * @param mosiPin SPI MOSI pin
	 * @param sclkPin SPI SCLK pin
	 * @param csPin SPI CS pin
	 * @param spiSpeed SPI frequency.  The BNO's max is 3MHz.
	BNO080SPI(Stream *debugPort, PinName rstPin, PinName intPin, PinName wakePin, PinName misoPin, PinName mosiPin, PinName sclkPin, PinName csPin, int spiSpeed=3000000);


	bool receivePacket(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout=200ms) override;

	bool sendPacket(uint8_t channelNumber, uint8_t dataLength) override;

	 * Assuming that at least a packet header has been read into the RX buffer, receive the remainder of the packet.
	 * @param bytesRead The number of bytes (including the header) of the packet that have already been read.
	 * @return
	bool receiveCompletePacket(size_t bytesRead, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout=200ms);

#endif //HAMSTER_BNO080_H