A simple example temperature/humidy sensor with LCD display using: DHT11 & Robot LCD 1602

Dependencies:   DHT TextLCD mbed

Fork of DHT11-HelloWorld by WIZnet

diff -r 3b6dd029d50c -r f31d081b628c main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Tue Jun 23 00:18:57 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Jan 25 15:36:49 2016 +0000
@@ -1,14 +1,58 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "DHT.h"
+#include "TextLCD.h"    // LCD1602
-DHT sensor(D4, DHT11);
+DHT sensor(PA_11, DHT11);
+ // LCD pins
+TextLCD lcd(D8, D9, D4, D5, D6, D7);
+AnalogIn keys(A0);
+// diplay text on LCD
+void textLCD(char *text, int line) {
+    char tmpBuf[16];
+    for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) tmpBuf[i] = 0x20;
+    for (int i = 0; i < strlen(text); i++) {
+        if (i < 16) tmpBuf[i] = text[i];
+    }
+    lcd.locate(0, line);
+    lcd.printf(tmpBuf);
 int main()
     int error = 0;
     float h = 0.0f, c = 0.0f, f = 0.0f, k = 0.0f, dp = 0.0f, dpf = 0.0f;
+    pc.baud(9600);
+    lcd.cls();
+    char tmpString[16];
+    char tmpString2[16];
+    int iKey = 0;
+    int oldiKey = 0;
+    int temp_format = 0;
+    int humid_format = 0;
     while(1) {
+        iKey = keys.read_u16();
+        if (iKey != oldiKey) {   // button press            
+            oldiKey = iKey;                 
+            if ((iKey >= 0) &&(iKey < 0x1800)) { // right
+              temp_format++;
+              if (temp_format == 3) temp_format = 0;
+            } else if ((iKey >= 0x8000) && (iKey < 0xc000)) { // left
+              humid_format++;
+              if (humid_format == 3) humid_format = 0;
+            }
+            //} else if ((iKey >=  0x1800) && (iKey < 0x5000)) { // up
+            //} else if ((iKey >= 0x5000) && (iKey < 0x8000)) { // down
+            //} else if ((iKey >= 0xc000) && (iKey < 0xfa00)) { // sel
+            //} else { // nowt
+            //}
+       } 
         error = sensor.readData();
         if (0 == error) {
@@ -18,10 +62,24 @@
             h   = sensor.ReadHumidity();
             dp  = sensor.CalcdewPoint(c, h);
             dpf = sensor.CalcdewPointFast(c, h);
-            printf("Temperature in Kelvin: %4.2f, Celcius: %4.2f, Farenheit %4.2f\n", k, c, f);
-            printf("Humidity is %4.2f, Dewpoint: %4.2f, Dewpoint fast: %4.2f\n", h, dp, dpf);
+            pc.printf("Temperature in Kelvin: %4.2f, Celcius: %4.2f, Farenheit %4.2f\n", k, c, f);
+            pc.printf("Humidity is %4.2f, Dewpoint: %4.2f, Dewpoint fast: %4.2f\n", h, dp, dpf);
+            pc.printf("Tempformat: %d HumidFormat: %d\n", temp_format, humid_format);
+            switch(temp_format) {
+                case 0 : sprintf(tmpString, " Temp: %4.2fC", c); break;
+                case 1 : sprintf(tmpString, " Temp: %4.2fF", f); break;
+                case 2 : sprintf(tmpString, " Temp: %4.2fK", k); break;
+            }     
+            textLCD(tmpString, 0);
+            switch(humid_format) {
+                case 0 : sprintf(tmpString2, "Humid: %4.2f", h); break;
+                case 1 : sprintf(tmpString2, "Dewpoint: %4.2f", dp); break;
+                case 2 : sprintf(tmpString2, "DewpFast: %4.2f", dpf); break;
+            }                   
+            textLCD(tmpString2, 1);            
         } else {
-            printf("Error: %d\n", error);
+            pc.printf("Error: %d\n", error);
+            textLCD("Error", 0);
\ No newline at end of file