I2C 接続の LCD AQM1602XA-RN-GBW 用のライブラリ. Library for LCD 1602XA-RN-GBW connected using I2C interface.

Dependents:   UIT2_MovingAv_Intr UIT2_VariableFIR UIT2_VowelSynthesizer UIT2_ALE_LeakyLMS ... more



File content as of revision 12:21830002e12d:

//  Class for LCD, AQM1602XA-RN-GBW (Header)
//  Default pin assignments for Nucleo
//      D14  SDA ---- to pin4 of LCD module
//      D15  SCL ---- to pin3 of LCD module
//  動作を確認したボード: Nucleo-F401RE, Nucleo-F411RE, Nucleo-F446RE,
//                      LPC1768
//  動作が不良なボード:  Nucleo-F302R8, Nucle0-F746ZG, Disco-f746NG
//  このプログラムを作った際の mbed のリビジョン:Rev.154
//  2017/10/28, Copyright (c) 2017 MIKAMI, Naoki

#ifndef AQM1602I2C_HPP
#define AQM1602I2C_HPP

#include "mbed.h"
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>    // min() で使用

namespace Mikami
    class Aqm1602
        // Constructor
        // sda, scl のデフォルト値は Nucleo に対応
        Aqm1602(PinName sda = D14,          // SDA
                PinName scl = D15,          // SCL
                uint32_t clock = 100000,    // clock: 100 kHz
                bool cursor = false,        // cursor:  off
                bool blink = false);        // blink:   off

        Aqm1602(I2C &i2c,                   // Reference of I2C object
                uint32_t clock = 100000,    // clock: 100 kHz
                bool cursor = false,        // cursor:  off
                bool blink = false);        // blink:   off

        virtual ~Aqm1602()
        {   if (NULL != i2cPtr_) delete i2cPtr_;    }

        // Return false if LCD is not connected
        bool IsConnected() { return connected_; }
        // All clear
        void Clear();
        // Send command
        bool WriteCmd(uint8_t cmd) { return LcdTx(0x00, cmd); }
        // Write character (Not 0x80 but 0x40)
        bool WriteChar(char data) { return LcdTx(0x40, data); }
        // Specify display position, x: 0 - 7, y: 0, 1
        void SetXY(uint8_t x = 0, uint8_t y = 0)
        { WriteCmd(x + y*0x40 | 0x80);}
        // Write string
        void WriteString(const string str);
        // Write string from specified position
        void WriteStringXY(const string str, uint8_t x, uint8_t y);

        // Write numerical value
        template <typename T> void WriteValue(const char fmt[], T value)
            char str[N_CHR+1];
            sprintf(str, fmt, value);

        // Write numerical value from specified position
        template <typename T>
        void WriteValueXY(const char fmt[], T value, uint8_t x, uint8_t y)
            SetXY(x, y);
            WriteValue(fmt, value);

        // Clear of specified line
        void ClearLine(uint8_t line);

        void SetContrast(uint8_t c);

        // Slave address of AQM1602A
        //      left-justified 7-bit address
        static const uint8_t LCD_ADDRESS_ = 0x7C;
        static const uint8_t N_CHR = 16;

        I2C *i2cPtr_;       // Pointer of I2C object
        I2C &i2c_;          // Reference of I2C object
        bool connected_;    // false: LCD is not connected

        void Init(uint32_t clock, bool cursor, bool blink);
        bool LcdTx(uint8_t cmdData, uint8_t data);

        // disallow copy constructor and assignment operator
        Aqm1602(const Aqm1602&);
        Aqm1602& operator=(const Aqm1602&);
#endif  // AQM1602I2C_HPP