I2C 接続の LCD AQM1602XA-RN-GBW 用のライブラリ. Library for LCD 1602XA-RN-GBW connected using I2C interface.

Dependents:   UIT2_MovingAv_Intr UIT2_VariableFIR UIT2_VowelSynthesizer UIT2_ALE_LeakyLMS ... more

--- a/AQM1602.hpp	Mon Jul 06 08:15:38 2015 +0000
+++ b/AQM1602.hpp	Fri Sep 04 06:50:54 2015 +0000
@@ -1,17 +1,11 @@
 //  Class for LCD, AQM1602XA-RN-GBW (Header)
-//  Default pin assignments
+//  Default pin assignments for Nucleo
 //      D14  SDA ---- to pin4 of LCD module
 //      D15  SCL ---- to pin3 of LCD module
-//  Assignment of I2C ports
-//                SDA                SCL
-//      I2C1   PB_7 or PB_9(D14)  PB_6(D10) or PB_8(D15)
-//      I2C2   PB_3(D3)           PB_10(D6)
-//      I2C3   PB_4(D5) or PC_9   PA_8(D7)
-//  2015/07/06, Copyright (c) 2015 MIKAMI, Naoki
+//  2015/09/04, Copyright (c) 2015 MIKAMI, Naoki
 #ifndef AQM1602I2C_HPP
@@ -26,12 +20,20 @@
         // Constructor
+#if defined(STM32F4) || defined(STM32L0)
         Aqm1602(PinName sda = D14,          // SDA
                 PinName scl = D15,          // SCL
                 uint32_t clock = 100000,    // clock: 100 kHz
                 bool cursor = false,        // cursor:  off
                 bool blink = false);        // blink:   off
+// Default constructor is defined for only Nucleo 
+        Aqm1602(PinName sda,                // SDA
+                PinName scl,                // SCL
+                uint32_t clock = 100000,    // clock: 100 kHz
+                bool cursor = false,        // cursor:  off
+                bool blink = false);        // blink:   off
         // Return false if LCD is not connected
         bool IsConnected() { return connected_; }