I2C 接続の LCD AQM1602XA-RN-GBW 用のライブラリ. Library for LCD 1602XA-RN-GBW connected using I2C interface.

Dependents:   UIT2_MovingAv_Intr UIT2_VariableFIR UIT2_VowelSynthesizer UIT2_ALE_LeakyLMS ... more

--- a/AQM1602.hpp	Mon Sep 07 09:14:06 2015 +0000
+++ b/AQM1602.hpp	Sun Nov 15 06:32:29 2015 +0000
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
 //  Class for LCD, AQM1602XA-RN-GBW (Header)
+//      Do not use mbed Rev.109, using Nucleo-F401/441
 //  Default pin assignments for Nucleo
 //      D14  SDA ---- to pin4 of LCD module
 //      D15  SCL ---- to pin3 of LCD module
-//  2015/09/07, Copyright (c) 2015 MIKAMI, Naoki
+//  2015/11/15, Copyright (c) 2015 MIKAMI, Naoki
 #ifndef AQM1602I2C_HPP
@@ -38,7 +39,7 @@
         bool IsConnected() { return connected_; }
         // All clear
-        bool Clear();
+        void Clear();
         // Send command
         bool WriteCmd(uint8_t cmd) { return LcdTx(0x00, cmd); }
@@ -71,13 +72,12 @@
         static const uint8_t N_CHR = 16;
         I2C i2c_;               // Object of I2C
-        bool connected_;        //  false: LCD is not connected
+        bool connected_;        // false: LCD is not connected
         bool LcdTx(uint8_t cmdData, uint8_t data);
-        // Forbid to use copy constructor
+        // disallow copy constructor and assignment operator
         Aqm1602(const Aqm1602&);
-        // Forbid to use substitution operator
         Aqm1602& operator=(const Aqm1602&);