Class library for LCD character display ACM1602NI using I2C on Nucleo. Nucleo 用 I2C 接続の LCD キャラクタ・ディスプレー ACM1602Ni 用のクラス・ライブラリ.

Dependents:   UIT2_VariableFIR_LPFHPF UIT2_VariableFIR_LPF UIT2_InputSW_LCD ADDA_Prototype_PollingSW ... more

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ACM1602NI.hpp	Mon Oct 20 03:01:24 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+//  Class for LCD, ACM1602NI (Header)
+//  Default pin assignments
+//      D14  SDA ---- to pin5 of LCD module
+//      D15  SCL ---- to pin4 of LCD module
+//  Assignment of I2C ports
+//                SDA                SCL
+//      I2C1   PB_7 or PB_9(D14)  PB_6(D10) or PB_8(D15)
+//      I2C2   PB_3(D3)           PB_10(D6)
+//      I2C3   PB_4(D5) or PC_9   PA_8(D7)
+//  2014/09/13, Copyright (c) 2014 MIKAMI, Naoki
+//  I2C_TypeDef: See stm32f401xe.h on following URL
+//       552587b429a1/TARGET_NUCLEO_F401RE
+#ifndef ACM1602NI_HPP
+#define ACM1602NI_HPP
+#include "mbed.h"
+namespace Mikami
+    class Acm1602Ni
+    {
+    public:
+        // Constructor
+        Acm1602Ni(PinName sda = D14,        // SDA
+                  PinName scl = D15,        // SCL
+                  uint32_t clock = 100000,  // clock: 100 kHz
+                  bool cursor = false,      // cursor:  off
+                  bool blink = false);      // blink:   off
+        // Return false if LCD is not connected
+        bool GetOk() { return connected_; }
+        // All clear
+        bool Clear();
+        // Send command
+        bool WriteCmd(uint8_t cmd) { return LcdTx(0x00, cmd); }
+        // Write character
+        void WriteChar(char data) { LcdTx(0x80, data); }
+        // Specify display position, x: 0 - 15, y: 0, 1
+        void SetXY(uint8_t x = 0, uint8_t y = 0)
+        { WriteCmd(x + y*0x40 | 0x80);}
+        // Write string from specified position
+        void WriteString(const char str[],
+                         uint8_t x = 0, uint8_t y = 0);
+        // Clear of specified line
+        void ClearLine(uint8_t line)
+        { WriteString("                 ", 0, line); }
+    private:
+        // Object of I2C
+        I2C i2c_;
+        // Slave address of ACM1602NI (0x50)
+        //      left-justified 7-bit address
+        static const uint8_t LCD_ADDRESS_ = 0x50 << 1;
+        // Set false if LCD is not connected
+        bool connected_;
+        // Pointer of I2C
+        I2C_TypeDef* myI2c_;
+        bool LcdTx(uint8_t cmdData, uint8_t data);
+        bool Start();
+        // Forbid to use copy constructor
+        Acm1602Ni(const Acm1602Ni&);
+        // Forbid to use substitution operator
+        Acm1602Ni& operator=(const Acm1602Ni&);
+        // For check contents of register
+        bool Check(uint32_t rg, uint16_t value)
+        { return value == (rg & value); }
+        void TxDR(uint8_t data) { myI2c_->DR = data; }
+        void SetCR1(uint16_t data) { myI2c_->CR1 |= data; }
+    };
+#endif  // ACM1602NI_HPP