Class library for LCD character display ACM1602NI using I2C on Nucleo. Nucleo 用 I2C 接続の LCD キャラクタ・ディスプレー ACM1602Ni 用のクラス・ライブラリ.

Dependents:   UIT2_VariableFIR_LPFHPF UIT2_VariableFIR_LPF UIT2_InputSW_LCD ADDA_Prototype_PollingSW ... more

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ACM1602NI.cpp	Mon Oct 20 03:01:24 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+//  Class for LCD, ACM1602NI
+//  2014/09/13, Copyright (c) 2014 MIKAMI, Naoki
+#include "ACM1602NI.hpp"
+namespace Mikami
+    // Constructor
+    Acm1602Ni::Acm1602Ni(PinName sda, PinName scl, uint32_t clock,
+                         bool cursor, bool blink)
+        : i2c_(sda, scl), myI2c_((I2C_TypeDef*)NULL)
+    {
+        if ( ((sda == PB_9) || (sda == PB_7)) &&
+             ((scl == PB_8) || (scl == PB_6)) )
+                myI2c_ = (I2C_TypeDef*)I2C_1;   // I2C1 will be used
+        if ( (sda == PB_3) && (scl == PB_10) )
+                myI2c_ = (I2C_TypeDef*)I2C_2;   // I2C2 will be used
+        if ( ((sda == PC_9) || (sda == PB_4)) &&
+             (scl == PA_8) )
+                myI2c_ = (I2C_TypeDef*)I2C_3;   // I2C3 will be used
+        connected_ = Clear();      // Clear display
+        if (!connected_) return;
+        if (clock != 100000) i2c_.frequency(clock);
+        WriteCmd(0x38); // data length:8-bit, 2-line, 5×8 dots
+        WriteCmd(0x0C | (cursor << 1) | blink);
+        WriteCmd(0x06); // cursor direction: rightward
+    }
+    // All clear
+    bool Acm1602Ni::Clear()
+    {
+        bool ok = WriteCmd(0x01);
+        wait_ms(50);
+        return ok;
+    }
+    // Write string from specified position
+    void Acm1602Ni::WriteString(const char str[],
+                                uint8_t x, uint8_t y)
+    {
+        SetXY(x, y);
+        for (int n=0; n<16; n++)
+            if (str[n] == 0) break;
+            else             WriteChar(str[n]);
+    }
+    //---------------------------------------------------
+    // Following functions: private
+    // Send command and data
+    bool Acm1602Ni::LcdTx(uint8_t cmdData, uint8_t data)
+    {
+        if (!Start()) return false;
+        // defines king of "data" in next statement
+        TxDR(cmdData);
+        TxDR(data);
+        wait_us(500);   // indispensable
+        // Generate stop condition
+        SetCR1(I2C_CR1_STOP);
+        return true;
+    }
+    // Preparation for send of command and data
+    bool Acm1602Ni::Start()
+    {
+        const uint8_t WAIT = 20;
+        const uint8_t LENGTH = 10;
+        // wait for I2C not busy
+        for (int n=0; n<LENGTH; n++)
+        {
+            wait_us(WAIT);      
+            if (!Check(myI2c_->SR2, I2C_SR2_BUSY)) break;
+            if (n == LENGTH-1) return false;
+        }
+        // Generate start condition
+        SetCR1(I2C_CR1_START);
+        // Confirm start condition and master mode
+        for (int n=0; n<LENGTH; n++)
+        {
+            wait_us(WAIT);      
+            if (Check(myI2c_->SR1, I2C_SR1_SB) &&
+                Check(myI2c_->SR2, I2C_SR2_MSL |
+                                   I2C_SR2_BUSY)) break;
+            if (n == LENGTH-1) return false;
+        }
+        // Send slave address
+        TxDR(LCD_ADDRESS_);
+        // Confirm on transmit mode
+        for (int n=0; n<LENGTH; n++)
+        {
+            wait_us(WAIT);      
+            if (Check(myI2c_->SR1, I2C_SR1_TXE |
+                                   I2C_SR1_ADDR) &&
+                Check(myI2c_->SR2, I2C_SR2_MSL |
+                                   I2C_SR2_BUSY |
+                                   I2C_SR2_TRA)) break;
+            if (n == LENGTH-1) return false;
+        }
+        return true;
+    }