Code to interface with the MCP7940 Real time clock. Supports getting and setting the time in 24 hour format

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MCP7940 Class Reference

MCP7940 Class Reference

MCP7940 class. More...

#include <MCP7940.h>

Public Member Functions

 MCP7940 (PinName sda, PinName scl)
 Constructor Start year will default to 2000.
 MCP7940 (PinName sda, PinName scl, int StartYear)
 Constructor Start year will default to 2000.
int Day ()
 Day Note getTime() must have been called to update the value of day.
int Month ()
 Month Note getTime() must have been called to update the value of day.
int Year ()
 Year Note getTime() must have been called to update the value of day.
int Hour ()
 Hour Note getTime() must have been called to update the value of day.
int Minutes ()
 Minutes Note getTime() must have been called to update the value of day.
int Seconds ()
 Seconds Note getTime() must have been called to update the value of day.
int MilliSeconds ()
 MilliSeconds Note getTime() must have been called to update the value of day.
int DayOfWeek ()
 DayOfWeek Note getTime() must have been called to update the value of day.
int setTime ()
 SetTime Transfers the values of the time members into the MCP7940.
int setTime (int Year, int Month, int Day, int Hour, int Mins)
 SetTime Transfers the values of the time members into the MCP7940.
int setTime (int Year, int Month, int Day, int Hour, int Mins, int Secs)
 SetTime Transfers the values of the time members into the MCP7940.
int setTime (int Year, int Month, int Day, int Hour, int Mins, int Secs, int MiliSecs)
 SetTime Transfers the values of the time members into the MCP7940.
int setTime (int Year, int Month, int Day, int Hour, int Mins, int Secs, int MiliSecs, int DayOfWeek)
 SetTime Transfers the values of the time members into the MCP7940.
int getTime ()
 getTime Loads the time from the MCP7940 so its upto date and can be accessed by the Day(), Month()...
void StartClock ()
 StartClock Clears and sets bit 7 of register 0x00 to start the clock.
char * TimeStamp ()
 TimeStamp getTime() is called within this function so does not need to be called from code.

Detailed Description

MCP7940 class.

Interface to the MCP7940 allowing you to get and set the time Example:

 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "MCP7940.h"

 MCP7940 clock(PinName sda, PinName scl);

 int main() {

      clock.setTime(2015, 9, 26, 22, 50);
      printf("%s \r\n" clock.TimeStamp());
      printf("Day: %i, Month: %i, Year %i  \r\n" clock.Day(), clock.Month(), clock.Year());

Definition at line 26 of file MCP7940.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MCP7940 ( PinName  sda,
PinName  scl 

Constructor Start year will default to 2000.

sdaI2C SDA pin
sclI2C SCL pin

Definition at line 3 of file MCP7940.cpp.

MCP7940 ( PinName  sda,
PinName  scl,
int  StartYear 

Constructor Start year will default to 2000.

sdaI2C SDA pin
sclI2C SCL pin
StarYearThe start year for you calender. The MCP7940 defines years as XX, so that this library can give XXXX years you need to set your year 0, ie 2000

Definition at line 8 of file MCP7940.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

int Day (  )

Day Note getTime() must have been called to update the value of day.

The day of the month

Definition at line 140 of file MCP7940.cpp.

int DayOfWeek (  )

DayOfWeek Note getTime() must have been called to update the value of day.

The day of the week, a number 1-7. This is user defined

Definition at line 162 of file MCP7940.cpp.

int getTime (  )

getTime Loads the time from the MCP7940 so its upto date and can be accessed by the Day(), Month()...


Definition at line 93 of file MCP7940.cpp.

int Hour (  )

Hour Note getTime() must have been called to update the value of day.

the hour

Definition at line 149 of file MCP7940.cpp.

int MilliSeconds (  )

MilliSeconds Note getTime() must have been called to update the value of day.

Included for completeness - but MCP7940 doesn't have a mS counter

Milliseconds = 0 for MCP7940

Definition at line 159 of file MCP7940.cpp.

int Minutes (  )

Minutes Note getTime() must have been called to update the value of day.


Definition at line 152 of file MCP7940.cpp.

int Month (  )

Month Note getTime() must have been called to update the value of day.

The month.

Definition at line 143 of file MCP7940.cpp.

int Seconds (  )

Seconds Note getTime() must have been called to update the value of day.


Definition at line 156 of file MCP7940.cpp.

int setTime ( int  Year,
int  Month,
int  Day,
int  Hour,
int  Mins,
int  Secs,
int  MiliSecs,
int  DayOfWeek 

SetTime Transfers the values of the time members into the MCP7940.

Use one of the other setTime functions

Yearthe year in YYYY
Daythe Day of the month
MiliSecs- note only for completeness and future extension as MCP7940 doesn't include mS
DayOfWeek- the day of the week as a number 1-7, User defined

Definition at line 35 of file MCP7940.cpp.

int setTime ( int  Year,
int  Month,
int  Day,
int  Hour,
int  Mins,
int  Secs 

SetTime Transfers the values of the time members into the MCP7940.

Use one of the other setTime functions

Yearthe year in YYYY
Daythe Day of the month

Definition at line 29 of file MCP7940.cpp.

int setTime (  )

SetTime Transfers the values of the time members into the MCP7940.

Use one of the other setTime functions

Definition at line 75 of file MCP7940.cpp.

int setTime ( int  Year,
int  Month,
int  Day,
int  Hour,
int  Mins 

SetTime Transfers the values of the time members into the MCP7940.

Use one of the other setTime functions

Yearthe year in YYYY
Daythe Day of the month

Definition at line 26 of file MCP7940.cpp.

int setTime ( int  Year,
int  Month,
int  Day,
int  Hour,
int  Mins,
int  Secs,
int  MiliSecs 

SetTime Transfers the values of the time members into the MCP7940.

Use one of the other setTime functions

Yearthe year in YYYY
Daythe Day of the month
MiliSecs- note only for completeness and future extension as MCP7940 doesn't include mS

Definition at line 32 of file MCP7940.cpp.

void StartClock (  )

StartClock Clears and sets bit 7 of register 0x00 to start the clock.

Keeps the current values of 0x00 bits 0-6

Definition at line 46 of file MCP7940.cpp.

char * TimeStamp (  )

TimeStamp getTime() is called within this function so does not need to be called from code.

A pointer to a time stamp as YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS

Definition at line 119 of file MCP7940.cpp.

int Year (  )

Year Note getTime() must have been called to update the value of day.

The Year as XXXX = StartYear + XX as in MCP7940

Definition at line 146 of file MCP7940.cpp.