Monitors the CANbus and prints read messages over USB Allows you to send messages via USB to the CANbus Use a terminal application like PuTTY for windows or MoSerial for Ubuntu.

Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/USB2CAN.cpp	Tue May 31 12:04:38 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
+// File:        USB2CAN.cpp                                                  //
+// Contents:    Converts a serial string to a canmessage and the other way   //
+//              around. Accepts both standard and extended format.           //
+//              Data to be sent as :                                         //
+//  !<format>_<type>_<ID>_<length>_<d0>_<d1>_<d2>_<d3>_<d4>_<d5>_<d6>_<d7>   //
+//              in which "_" are spaces.                                     //
+// Author:      Melchior du Pau                                              //
+// Date:        31-05-2011                                                   //
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "CAN.h"
+#include "stdio.h"
+#include "stdlib.h"
+#include "string.h"
+Ticker ticker;                  // Liveled toggle ticker
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);        // Serial connection
+DigitalOut write_activity(LED1);// CAN write toggle led
+DigitalOut read_activity(LED2); // CAN read toggle led
+DigitalOut pc_activity(LED3);   // USB activity toggle led
+DigitalOut live_led(LED4);      // Live toggle led
+CAN can(p30, p29);              // RD, TD
+CANMessage msg;                 // The canmessage
+int pc_ID;                      // Standard 11bit ID
+int pc_IDe;                     // Extended 29bit ID
+char candata[8];                // 8 databytes
+int pc_length;                  // 1 - 8
+int pc_format;                  // 0 = standard, 1 = extended
+int pc_type;                    // 0 = data, 1 = remote
+char pc_msg[60];                // The string received via USB
+int pcd0, pcd1, pcd2, pcd3, pcd4, pcd5, pcd6, pcd7; //8 data bytes
+void setdata(int d0, int d1, int d2, int d3, int d4, int d5, int d6, int d7) 
+// converts 8 ints into an array of chars so it can be sent in the CANMessage
+    candata[0] = (char) (d0);   // LSB
+    candata[1] = (char) (d1);
+    candata[2] = (char) (d2);
+    candata[3] = (char) (d3);
+    candata[4] = (char) (d4);
+    candata[5] = (char) (d5);
+    candata[6] = (char) (d6);
+    candata[7] = (char) (d7);   // MSB
+void canread() 
+// Reads a CANMessage and prints it's contents via serial
+    // Reading the message
+    // Printing what was read
+    pc.printf("Read:    [ ID: %9x",;
+    pc.printf(" Length: %d", msg.len);
+    pc.printf(" Data: %2x",[0]);
+    pc.printf(" %2x",[1]);
+    pc.printf(" %2x",[2]);
+    pc.printf(" %2x",[3]);
+    pc.printf(" %2x",[4]);
+    pc.printf(" %2x",[5]);
+    pc.printf(" %2x",[6]);
+    pc.printf(" %2x",[7]);
+    pc.printf(" Type: %d", msg.type);           // 0 = data, 1 = remote
+    pc.printf(" Format: %d ]\r\n", msg.format); // 0 = standard, 1 = extended
+    read_activity = !read_activity;             //Blink!
+void pc_msg_read() 
+// Reads a serial string, converts it to a CANMessage and sends it via CAN
+    // Read the string and copy it to the char array pc_msg 
+    pc.scanf("%[^\x0d]s",pc_msg);
+    // Read pc_msg and extract all data
+    sscanf(pc_msg,"%d %d %x %d %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x", &pc_format, &pc_type, &pc_ID, &pc_length, 
+    &pcd0, &pcd1, &pcd2, &pcd3, &pcd4, &pcd5, &pcd6, &pcd7);
+    // Printing extracted data, mostly for testing (Echo)
+    pc.printf("Entered: [ ID: %9x ",pc_ID);
+    pc.printf("length: %d ",pc_length);
+    pc.printf("data: %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x ",pcd0, pcd1, pcd2, pcd3, pcd4, pcd5, pcd6, pcd7);
+    pc.printf("type: %d ",pc_type);
+    pc.printf("format: %d ]\r\n",pc_format);
+    // Setting the data to format
+    setdata(pcd0, pcd1, pcd2, pcd3, pcd4, pcd5, pcd6, pcd7);
+    // Transmitting CANMessage
+    if(pc_format == 0)
+    { // CANStandard
+        if(pc_type==0) 
+        { // CANData
+            if(can.write(CANMessage(pc_ID,candata,(char)pc_length,CANData,CANStandard))) 
+            {
+                pc.printf("MBED:    [ Message compiled and sent. ]\r\n");
+                write_activity = !write_activity;
+            }
+        }
+        else if(pc_type==1) 
+        { // CANRemote
+            if(can.write(CANMessage(pc_ID,CANStandard))) {
+                pc.printf("MBED:    [ RTR Message compiled and sent. ]\r\n");
+                write_activity = !write_activity;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else if(pc_format == 1)
+    { // CANExtended
+        if(pc_type==0) 
+        { // CANData
+            if(can.write(CANMessage(pc_ID,candata,(char)pc_length,CANData,CANExtended))) 
+            {
+                pc.printf("MBED:    [ Message compiled and sent. ]\r\n");
+                write_activity = !write_activity;
+            }
+        }
+        else if(pc_type==1) 
+        { // CANRemote
+            if(can.write(CANMessage(pc_ID,CANExtended))) {
+                pc.printf("MBED:    [ RTR Message compiled and sent. ]\r\n");
+                write_activity = !write_activity;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void initcan() 
+// Initializes MBED's CAN port
+    can.frequency(1000000);             // 1Mbit/s
+    can.reset();
+    can.attach(&canread);               // Run canread on CAN reception interrupt
+void liveled()
+// Toggles the led
+    live_led=!live_led;
+int main() 
+    initcan();
+    //can.monitor(1);                   // If you want the node to only monitor the CAN network.
+    pc.baud(115200);                    // PC baudrate
+    ticker.attach(&liveled, 1);         // Send every 1 sec
+    char test;                          // Used to check for "!".
+    char dump;                          // Used to dump strings that did not start with "!"
+    pc.printf("         [ Please enter !format_type_ID_length_d0_d1_d2_d3_d4_d5_d6_d7 ('_'=space) ]\r\n");
+    while(1) {
+        if (pc.readable()) {            // If there's data available from pc
+            pc_activity = !pc_activity; // LED
+            test = pc.getc();           // Get the first character of the string   
+            if (test == '!') {          // See if it's a "valid" message
+                pc_msg_read();          // Valid => read the message and extract the data
+            }
+            else {                      // Invalid data or leftover characters
+                pc.printf("         [ Dumped: ");
+                while(pc.readable()) {  // Keep dumping the leftovers
+                    dump = pc.getc();
+                    pc.printf("%c",dump);
+                }
+                pc.printf(" ]\r\n");    // Done dumping buffer
+            }
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file