ESC class used to controll standard Electronic Speed Controllers for brushless motors of RC models

Dependents:   MTQuadControl Base_Hybrid_V2 base_rekam_darurat_v1 Base_Hybrid_Latihan_Ok_Hajar_servo_pwm ... more

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "esc.h"
00004 ESC::ESC(const PinName pwmPinOut, const int period)
00005         : esc(pwmPinOut), period(period), throttle(1000)
00006 {
00007     esc.period_ms(period);
00008     esc.pulsewidth_us(throttle);
00009 }
00011 bool ESC::setThrottle (const float t)
00012 {
00013     if (t >= 0.0 && t <= 1.0) {       // qualify range, 0-1
00014         throttle = 1000.0*t + 1000;     // map to range, 1-2 ms (1000-2000us)
00015         return true;
00016     }
00017     return false;
00018 }
00019 bool ESC::operator= (const float t){
00020     return this->setThrottle(t);
00021 }
00023 float ESC::getThrottle () const{
00024     return throttle;
00025 }
00026 ESC::operator float () const{
00027     return this->getThrottle();
00028 }
00030 void ESC::pulse ()
00031 {
00032     esc.pulsewidth_us(throttle);
00033 }
00034 void ESC::operator() ()
00035 {
00036     this->pulse();
00037 }