I simplified the library "ILI9225_TFT" provided by Arman Safikhani to better suit my needs in implementing a simple sliding puzzle game.



File content as of revision 3:251e4d020501:

#include "ILI9225.h"
#define bitRead(value, bit) (((value) >> (bit)) & 0x01)

int font_color, x_font, y_font;

//Global Variables
int x_text = 0, y_text = 0;
int x_base = 0;

//Constructor when using software SPI.  All output pins are configurable.
ILI9225::ILI9225(PinName rst, PinName rs, PinName cs,
    PinName sdi, PinName clk, PinName led) :
    _rst(rst), _rs(rs), _cs(cs), _sdi(sdi), _clk(clk), spi(sdi, NC, clk),
    _led(led), _rstInOut(_rst), _rsInOut(_rs), _csInOut(_cs), _ledInOut(_led),

void ILI9225::_orientCoordinates(uint16_t &x1, uint16_t &y1) {
    switch (_orientation) {
    case 0:
    case 1:
        y1 = _maxY - y1 - 1;
        _swap(x1, y1);
    case 2:
        x1 = _maxX - x1 - 1;
        y1 = _maxY - y1 - 1;
    case 3:
        x1 = _maxX - x1 - 1;
        _swap(x1, y1);

void ILI9225::_setWindow(uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1,
    uint16_t y1) {
    _orientCoordinates(x0, y0);
    _orientCoordinates(x1, y1);

    if (x1 < x0)
        _swap(x0, x1);
    if (y1 < y0)
        _swap(y0, y1);

    _writeRegister(ILI9225_HORIZONTAL_WINDOW_ADDR1, x1);
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_HORIZONTAL_WINDOW_ADDR2, x0);

    _writeRegister(ILI9225_VERTICAL_WINDOW_ADDR1, y1);
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_VERTICAL_WINDOW_ADDR2, y0);

    _writeRegister(ILI9225_RAM_ADDR_SET1, x0);
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_RAM_ADDR_SET2, y0);

    _writeCommand(0x00, 0x22);

void ILI9225::begin() {
    //Set up pins

    if (_led)
    if (hwSPI) { //Using hardware SPI
        spi.format(8, 0);
    else {
        DigitalInOut _clkInOut(_clk);
        DigitalInOut _sdiInOut(_sdi);

    //Turn on backlight
    if (_led)
        _ledInOut = 1;

    //Initialization Code
    _rstInOut = 1; //Put reset pin high to release ILI9225C from reset status
    _rstInOut = 0; //Put reset pin low to reset ILI9225
    _rstInOut = 1; //Put reset pin high to release ILI9225C from reset status

    //Start Initial Sequence
    //Set SS bit and direction output from S528 to S1
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_POWER_CTRL1, 0x0000); //Set SAP,DSTB,STB
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_POWER_CTRL2, 0x0000); //Set APON,PON,AON,VCI1EN,VC
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_POWER_CTRL3, 0x0000); //Set BT,DC1,DC2,DC3
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_POWER_CTRL4, 0x0000); //Set GVDD
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_POWER_CTRL5, 0x0000); //Set VCOMH/VCOML voltage

    //Power-on sequence
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_POWER_CTRL2, 0x0018); //Set APON,PON,AON,VCI1EN,VC
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_POWER_CTRL3, 0x6121); //Set BT,DC1,DC2,DC3
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_POWER_CTRL4, 0x006F); //Set GVDD   /*007F 0088 */
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_POWER_CTRL5, 0x495F); //Set VCOMH/VCOML voltage
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_POWER_CTRL1, 0x0800); //Set SAP,DSTB,STB
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_POWER_CTRL2, 0x103B); //Set APON,PON,AON,VCI1EN,VC

    //Set disp line # & disp dir
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_DRIVER_OUTPUT_CTRL, 0x011C);
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_LCD_AC_DRIVING_CTRL, 0x0100); //Set 1 line inversion
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_ENTRY_MODE, 0x1030); //Set GRAM write dir & BGR=1.
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_DISP_CTRL1, 0x0000); //Display off
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_BLANK_PERIOD_CTRL1, 0x0808); //Set back & front porch
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_FRAME_CYCLE_CTRL, 0x1100); //Set clocks # per line
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_INTERFACE_CTRL, 0x0000); //CPU interface
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_OSC_CTRL, 0x0D01); //Set Osc  /*0e01*/
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_VCI_RECYCLING, 0x0020); //Set VCI recycling
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_RAM_ADDR_SET1, 0x0000); //RAM Address
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_RAM_ADDR_SET2, 0x0000); //RAM Address

    //Set GRAM area
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_GATE_SCAN_CTRL, 0x0000);
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_VERTICAL_SCROLL_CTRL1, 0x00DB);
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_VERTICAL_SCROLL_CTRL2, 0x0000);
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_VERTICAL_SCROLL_CTRL3, 0x0000);
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_PARTIAL_DRIVING_POS1, 0x00DB);
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_PARTIAL_DRIVING_POS2, 0x0000);
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_HORIZONTAL_WINDOW_ADDR1, 0x00AF);
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_HORIZONTAL_WINDOW_ADDR2, 0x0000);
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_VERTICAL_WINDOW_ADDR1, 0x00DB);
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_VERTICAL_WINDOW_ADDR2, 0x0000);

    //Set GAMMA curve
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_GAMMA_CTRL1, 0x0000);
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_GAMMA_CTRL2, 0x0808);
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_GAMMA_CTRL3, 0x080A);
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_GAMMA_CTRL4, 0x000A);
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_GAMMA_CTRL5, 0x0A08);
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_GAMMA_CTRL6, 0x0808);
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_GAMMA_CTRL7, 0x0000);
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_GAMMA_CTRL8, 0x0A00);
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_GAMMA_CTRL9, 0x0710);
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_GAMMA_CTRL10, 0x0710);

    _writeRegister(ILI9225_DISP_CTRL1, 0x0012);
    _writeRegister(ILI9225_DISP_CTRL1, 0x1017);


    //Initialize variables


void ILI9225::clear() {
    uint8_t old = _orientation;
    fillRectangle(0, 0, _maxX - 1, _maxY - 1, COLOR_BLACK);

void ILI9225::fill(uint16_t color) {
    fillRectangle(0, 0, _maxX - 1, _maxY - 1, color);

void ILI9225::invert(bool flag) {
    _writeCommand(0x00, flag ? ILI9225C_INVON : ILI9225C_INVOFF);

void ILI9225::setBacklight(bool flag) {
    if (_led) _ledInOut = flag ? 1 : 0;

void ILI9225::setDisplay(bool flag) {
    if (flag) {
        _writeRegister(0x00ff, 0x0000);
        _writeRegister(ILI9225_POWER_CTRL1, 0x0000);
        _writeRegister(ILI9225_DISP_CTRL1, 0x1017);
    else {
        _writeRegister(0x00ff, 0x0000);
        _writeRegister(ILI9225_DISP_CTRL1, 0x0000);
        _writeRegister(ILI9225_POWER_CTRL1, 0x0003);

void ILI9225::setOrientation(uint8_t orientation) {
    _orientation = orientation % 4;

    switch (_orientation) {
    case 0:
        _maxX = ILI9225_LCD_WIDTH;
        _maxY = ILI9225_LCD_HEIGHT;
    case 1:
        _maxX = ILI9225_LCD_HEIGHT;
        _maxY = ILI9225_LCD_WIDTH;
    case 2:
        _maxX = ILI9225_LCD_WIDTH;
        _maxY = ILI9225_LCD_HEIGHT;
    case 3:
        _maxX = ILI9225_LCD_HEIGHT;
        _maxY = ILI9225_LCD_WIDTH;

void ILI9225::drawRectangle(uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t x2,
    uint16_t y2, uint16_t color) {
    drawLine(x1, y1, x1, y2, color);
    drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y1, color);
    drawLine(x1, y2, x2, y2, color);
    drawLine(x2, y1, x2, y2, color);

void ILI9225::fillRectangle(uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t x2,
    uint16_t y2, uint16_t color) {
    _setWindow(x1, y1, x2, y2);

    for (uint16_t t = (y2 - y1 + 1) * (x2 - x1 + 1); t > 0; t--)
        _writeData(color >> 8, color);

void ILI9225::drawLine(uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t x2,
    uint16_t y2, uint16_t color) {
    //Bresenham algorithm
    int16_t steep = abs(y2 - y1) > abs(x2 - x1);
    int16_t dx, dy;

    if (steep) {
        _swap(x1, y1);
        _swap(x2, y2);

    if (x1 > x2) {
        _swap(x1, x2);
        _swap(y1, y2);

    dx = x2 - x1;
    dy = abs(y2 - y1);

    int16_t err = dx / 2;
    int16_t ystep;

    if (y1 < y2)
        ystep = 1;
        ystep = -1;

    for (; x1 <= x2; x1++) {
            drawPixel(y1, x1, color);
            drawPixel(x1, y1, color);

        err -= dy;
        if (err < 0) {
            y1 += ystep;
            err += dx;

void ILI9225::drawPixel(uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t color) {
    if ((x1 >= _maxX) || (y1 >= _maxY))

    _setWindow(x1, y1, x1 + 1, y1 + 1);
    _orientCoordinates(x1, y1);
    _writeData(color >> 8, color);

uint16_t ILI9225::maxX() {
    return _maxX;

uint16_t ILI9225::maxY() {
    return _maxY;

uint16_t ILI9225::setColor(uint8_t red8, uint8_t green8, uint8_t blue8) {
    //RGB16 = red5 green6 blue5
    return (red8 >> 3) << 11 | (green8 >> 2) << 5 | (blue8 >> 3);

void ILI9225::splitColor(uint16_t rgb, uint8_t &red, uint8_t &green,
    uint8_t &blue) {
    //RGB16 = red5 green6 blue5
    red = (rgb & 0xF800) >> 11 << 3;
    green = (rgb & 0x7E0) >> 5 << 2;
    blue = (rgb & 0x1F) << 3;

void ILI9225::_swap(uint16_t &a, uint16_t &b) {
    uint16_t w = a;
    a = b;
    b = w;

void ILI9225::_writeCommand(uint8_t HI, uint8_t LO) {
    _rsInOut = 0;
    _csInOut = 0;
    _csInOut = 1;

void ILI9225::_writeData(uint8_t HI, uint8_t LO) {
    _rsInOut = 1;
    _csInOut = 0;
    _csInOut = 1;

void ILI9225::_writeRegister(uint16_t reg, uint16_t data) {
    _writeCommand(reg >> 8, reg & 255);
    _writeData(data >> 8, data & 255);

void ILI9225::setBackgroundColor(uint16_t color) {
    _bgColor = color;

void ILI9225::setFont(const uint8_t* font) {
    cfont.font = font;
    cfont.width = font[0];
    cfont.height = font[1];
    cfont.offset = font[2];
    cfont.numchars = font[3];
    cfont.nbrows = cfont.height / 8;

    if (cfont.height % 8)
        cfont.nbrows++; //Set # of bytes used by font height in multiples of 8.

void ILI9225::drawText(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, char *s, uint16_t color) {
    uint16_t currx = x;

    //Print every character in string
    for (uint8_t k = 0; k < strlen(s); k++)
        currx += drawChar(currx, y, s[k], color) + 1;

uint16_t ILI9225::drawChar(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t ch,
    uint16_t color) {
    uint8_t charData, charWidth;
    uint8_t h, i, j;
    uint16_t charOffset;

    //Bytes used by each character
    charOffset = (cfont.width * cfont.nbrows) + 1;
    //Char offset (add 4 for font header)
    charOffset = (charOffset * (ch - cfont.offset)) + FONT_HEADER_SIZE;
    //Get font width from 1st byte
    charWidth = cfont.font[charOffset];
    //Increment pointer to first character data byte

    //Loop through each font "column" (+1 blank column for spacing)
    for (i = 0; i <= charWidth; i++) {
        h = 0;  //Keep track of char height
        for (j = 0; j < cfont.nbrows; j++) { //Each column byte
            if (i == charWidth)
                charData = (uint8_t)0x0; //Insert blank column
                charData = cfont.font[charOffset];

            //Process every row in font character
            for (uint8_t k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
                if (h >= cfont.height)
                    break;  //No need to process excess bits
                if (bitRead(charData, k))
                    drawPixel(x + i, y + (j * 8) + k, color);
                    drawPixel(x + i, y + (j * 8) + k, _bgColor);
    return charWidth;

//************************************* ECA 2.8 inch LCD Module ****************
//Description  : Draws a beveled figure on the screen. 
//Input        : x0, y0 - coordinate position of the upper left center
//             : x1, y1 - coordinate position of the lower right center
//             : rad    - defines the redius of the circle,
//             : fill   - fill yes or no
void ILI9225::roundRectangle(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int rad,
    bool fill, int color) {
    signed int a, b, P;

    a = 0; //Increment by 1
    b = rad; //Decrement by 1 using P
    P = 1 - rad;
    if (fill) {
        fillRectangle(x0, y0 + rad, x1, y1 - rad, color);

        do {
            fillRectangle(x0 - a + rad, y0 - b + rad, a + x1 - rad,
                y0 - b + rad, color); //8 --> 1
            fillRectangle(x0 - b + rad, y0 - a + rad, b + x1 - rad,
                y0 - a + rad, color); //7 --> 2
            fillRectangle(x0 - b + rad, a + y1 - rad, b + x1 - rad,
                a + y1 - rad, color); //6 --> 3
            fillRectangle(x0 - a + rad, b + y1 - rad, a + x1 - rad,
                b + y1 - rad, color); //5 --> 4

            if (P < 0)
                P += 3 + 2 * a++;
                P += 5 + 2 * (a++ - b--);

        } while (a <= b);
    } //Fill
    else {
        fillRectangle(x0 + rad, y0, x1 - rad, y0, color); //Top
        fillRectangle(x0 + rad, y1, x1 - rad, y1, color); //Bottom
        fillRectangle(x0, y0 + rad, x0, y1 - rad, color); //Left
        fillRectangle(x1, y0 + rad, x1, y1 - rad, color); //Right

        do {
            drawPixel(a + x1 - rad, y0 - b + rad, color); // `````` Segment 1
            drawPixel(b + x1 - rad, y0 - a + rad, color); // `````` Segment 2

            drawPixel(b + x1 - rad, a + y1 - rad, color); // `````` Segment 3
            drawPixel(a + x1 - rad, b + y1 - rad, color); // `````` Segment 4

            drawPixel(x0 - a + rad, b + y1 - rad, color); // `````` Segment 5
            drawPixel(x0 - b + rad, a + y1 - rad, color); // `````` Segment 6

            drawPixel(x0 - b + rad, y0 - a + rad, color); // `````` Segment 7
            drawPixel(x0 - a + rad, y0 - b + rad, color); // `````` Segment 8

            if (P < 0)
                P += 3 + 2 * a++;
                P += 5 + 2 * (a++ - b--);
        } while (a <= b);
    } //No fill
} //RoundRectangle

//************************************* ECA 2.8 inch LCD Module ****************
//Go to a specific pont for farsi font (x:0..TS_SIZE_X , y:0..TS_SIZE_Y)
void ILI9225::goToXY(int x, int y) {
    if ((x >= _maxX) || (x < 0)) {
        x_font = 0;
        x_base = 0;
    else {
        x_font = x;
        x_base = x;
    if ((y >= _maxY) || (y < 0))
        y_font = 0;
        y_font = y;

//************************************* ECA 2.8 inch LCD Module ****************
//Make an ascii string from an unicode string 

void ILI9225::unicode2ascii(char *uni_str, char *ascii_str) {
    int counter = 0;
    int Uch = 0;
    char chl, chh;

    while (*uni_str) {
        chl = *uni_str++;
        chh = *uni_str++;

        Uch = 0;
        Uch = ((Uch | chh) << 8) | chl;

        if (Uch > 1574 && Uch < 1591)
            *(ascii_str + counter) = (char)(Uch - 1376);
        else if (Uch > 1590 && Uch < 1595)
            *(ascii_str + counter) = (char)(Uch - 1375);
        else if (Uch > 1600 && Uch < 1603)
            *(ascii_str + counter) = (char)(Uch - 1380);
        else if (Uch == 1705)
            *(ascii_str + counter) = (char)(Uch - 1482);
        else if (Uch == 1604)
            *(ascii_str + counter) = (char)(Uch - 1379);
        else if (Uch > 1604 && Uch < 1609)
            *(ascii_str + counter) = (char)(Uch - 1378);
        else if (Uch == 1740)
            *(ascii_str + counter) = (char)(Uch - 1503);
        else if (Uch == 1574)
            *(ascii_str + counter) = (char)(Uch - 1381);
        else if (Uch == 1662)
            *(ascii_str + counter) = (char)(Uch - 1533);
        else if (Uch == 1670)
            *(ascii_str + counter) = (char)(Uch - 1529);
        else if (Uch == 1688)
            *(ascii_str + counter) = (char)(Uch - 1546);
        else if (Uch == 1711)
            *(ascii_str + counter) = (char)(Uch - 1567);
        else if (Uch == 1570)
            *(ascii_str + counter) = (char)(Uch - 1376);
        else if (Uch > 1631 && Uch < 1642)
            *(ascii_str + counter) = (char)(Uch - 1584);
        else if (Uch == 65536)
            *(ascii_str + counter) = NULL;
            *(ascii_str + counter) = (char)Uch;

    *(ascii_str + counter) = NULL;