
diff -r cf8183ae80ef -r 51643d078474 BLDCmotorDriver.cpp
--- a/BLDCmotorDriver.cpp	Fri Mar 13 01:07:30 2020 +0000
+++ b/BLDCmotorDriver.cpp	Fri Aug 21 08:29:01 2020 +0000
@@ -4,181 +4,132 @@
                     PinName pH1, PinName pH2, PinName pH3, PinName pFault) : 
                     GH_A(pGH_A), GH_B(pGH_B), GH_C(pGH_C), GL_A(pGL_A), GL_B(pGL_B), GL_C(pGL_C),
                     H1(pH1), H2(pH2), H3(pH3), Fault(LED1){
-    sampleTime = 1e-3;
-    switchingPeriod = 1.0 / 20e3;
+    HS_usec = 1e9;  //速度表示を0にするため、最初にHS_usecを非常に大きい値にする。HS_usecが0だとprintfにinfと表示される。(main関数での計算上そうなる)              
+    sampleTime = 1e-4;
+    switchingPeriod = 1.0 / 20e3;   //PWMの周波数を20kHzにしている
     dutyCycle = tempDutyCycle = 0;
-    GH_A.period(switchingPeriod); // applies to all PwmOut instances
-//    rl.setLimits(0.1, -0.5, 0, sampleTime); // initial 10 second ramp
-    //H1.mode(PullNone);
-    //H2.mode(PullNone);
-    //H3.mode(PullNone);
-    H1.rise(this, &BLDCmotorDriver::commutation);
+    GL_A.period(switchingPeriod); // applies to all PwmOut instances
+    H1.rise(this, &BLDCmotorDriver::H1rise);    //U相ホールセンサの立上りだけ回転数計測処理してからcommutation処理するようにしている
     H2.rise(this, &BLDCmotorDriver::commutation);
     H3.rise(this, &BLDCmotorDriver::commutation);
     H1.fall(this, &BLDCmotorDriver::commutation);
     H2.fall(this, &BLDCmotorDriver::commutation);
     H3.fall(this, &BLDCmotorDriver::commutation);
-void BLDCmotorDriver::configure(float sampleTime, float switchingFrequency, float rampUpSlope, float rampDownSlope) {
-    if (sampleTime < 1e-6)
-        sampleTime = 1e-3;
-    if (switchingFrequency < 100)
-        switchingFrequency = 20e3;
-    if (rampUpSlope < 0 || rampUpSlope > 1)
-        rampUpSlope = 0.1;
-    if (rampDownSlope > 0 || rampDownSlope < -1)
-        rampDownSlope = -0.1;
-    this->sampleTime = sampleTime;
-    switchingPeriod = 1.0 / switchingFrequency;
-    rl.setLimits(rampUpSlope, rampDownSlope, 0, sampleTime);
-int BLDCmotorDriver::getSector(){           // hall 120°
+int BLDCmotorDriver::getSector(){           //ホールセンサ信号読み取り モータ回転角検出
     h1 = H1.read();  
     h2 = H2.read();
     h3 = H3.read();
+    if(h1 == 0 && h2 == 0 && h3 == 1){ _currentSector = 0; }    
+    else if(h1 == 0 && h2 == 1 && h3 == 1){ _currentSector = 1; }        
+    else if(h1 == 0 && h2 == 1 && h3 == 0){ _currentSector = 2; }  
+    else if(h1 == 1 && h2 == 1 && h3 == 0){ _currentSector = 3; } 
+    else if(h1 == 1 && h2 == 0 && h3 == 0){ _currentSector = 4; }
+    else if(h1 == 1 && h2 == 0 && h3 == 1){ _currentSector = 5; }           
+    currentSector = _currentSector;
+    Fault = 0;
+    return currentSector;                
+void BLDCmotorDriver::H1rise()  {   //H1 (U相ホールセンサ)
+    /*回転数計測処理開始*/
+/*  計測方法1 */  
+    HScnt++;
+    t.stop();
+    rpm_a = t.read_us();
+    rpm_b = rpm_b - HS_usec;
+    rpm_b = rpm_b + rpm_a;
+    HS_usec = rpm_b / 20;
+    t.reset();
+    t.start();
+/*  計測方法2 */    //こちらの方が安定している。
+    HS_check = 0;   //ホールセンサ割込みが起きていることを表すため0を代入
+    HS_cnt++;
+    t.stop();
+    if( t.read_ms() >= 100 ){
+        HS_usec = t.read_us() / HS_cnt;
+        HS_cnt = 0;
+        t.reset();
+    }
+    t.start();
+    /*回転数計測処理終了*/
+    commutation();     //駆動信号出力処理に飛ぶ
+void BLDCmotorDriver::commutation()  {
+    if( t.read_ms() >= 120 && HS_check ){   //ホールセンサ(U相立上り)割り込みが一定時間発生していない(モータが回転していない場合)の処理
+        HS_usec = 1e9;  //速度表示を0にするためHS_usecを非常に大きい値にする
+    }
+    HS_check = 1;   //ホールセンサ割込み関数で0に戻される。割込みが起きない場合(1のまま一定時間過ぎると)HS_usecに1e9代入する処理に繋がる。
-    if(h1 == 0 && h2 == 0 && h3 == 1){          
-            _currentSector = 0;
-             }    
-    else if(h1 == 0 && h2 == 1 && h3 == 1){
-            _currentSector = 1;        
-            }        
-    else if(h1 == 0 && h2 == 1 && h3 == 0){  
-            _currentSector = 2;       
-            }  
-    else if(h1 == 1 && h2 == 1 && h3 == 0){
-            _currentSector = 3;
-            } 
-    else if(h1 == 1 && h2 == 0 && h3 == 0){
-            _currentSector = 4;
-            }
-    else if(h1 == 1 && h2 == 0 && h3 == 1){
-            _currentSector = 5;
-            }           
-     previousSector = _currentSector - 1;
-     difference = _currentSector - previousSector;
-     if (difference == 1){
-       currentSector = _currentSector;
-       Fault = 0;
-       }
-     else Fault = 1; 
-return currentSector;                
-void BLDCmotorDriver::commutation()  {
- dutyCycle = rl.out(tempDutyCycle);
- currentSector = getSector();
+    dutyCycle = tempDutyCycle;
+    currentSector = getSector();
     if (dutyCycle > 0) {
-        currentSector++;
-        if(currentSector > 5)currentSector = 0;
-        switch(currentSector) {  
-          case 0:               //001     
-                GL_C = 0;                
-                GL_B = 0;
-                GL_A = 1;
-                GH_C = 0;
-                GH_B = dutyCycle;
-                GH_A = 0;
-                break;
-           case 1:            
-                GL_C = 1;
-                GL_B = 0;
-                GL_A = 0;
-                GH_C = 0;
-                GH_B = dutyCycle;
-                GH_A = 0; 
-                break;
-           case 2:             
-                GL_C = 1;
-                GL_B = 0;
-                GL_A = 0;
-                GH_C = 0;
-                GH_B = 0;
-                GH_A = dutyCycle;
-                break;
-            case 3:             
-                GL_C = 0;
-                GL_B = 1;
-                GL_A = 0;
-                GH_C = 0;
-                GH_B = 0;
-                GH_A = dutyCycle;
-                break;
-            case 4:              
-                GL_C = 0;
-                GL_B = 1;
-                GL_A = 0;
-                GH_C = dutyCycle;
-                GH_B = 0;
-                GH_A = 0;
-                break;    
-            case 5:              
-                GL_C = 0;
-                GL_B = 0;
-                GL_A = 1;
-                GH_C = dutyCycle;
-                GH_B = 0;
-                GH_A = 0;
-                break;
+        if( !direction ){
+            currentSector++;
+            if(currentSector > 5){
+                currentSector = 0;
+            }
+            switch(currentSector) {         /*正転*/        
+                case 0:               //001     
+                    GL_C = 0; GL_B = 0; GL_A = dutyCycle; GH_C = 0; GH_B = 1; GH_A = 0;
+                    break;
+                case 1:            
+                    GL_C = dutyCycle; GL_B = 0; GL_A = 0; GH_C = 0; GH_B = 1; GH_A = 0; 
+                    break;
+                case 2:             
+                    GL_C = dutyCycle; GL_B = 0; GL_A = 0; GH_C = 0; GH_B = 0; GH_A = 1;
+                    break;
+                case 3:             
+                    GL_C = 0; GL_B = dutyCycle; GL_A = 0; GH_C = 0; GH_B = 0; GH_A = 1;
+                    break;
+                case 4:              
+                    GL_C = 0; GL_B = dutyCycle; GL_A = 0; GH_C = 1; GH_B = 0; GH_A = 0;
+                    break;    
+                case 5:              
+                    GL_C = 0; GL_B = 0; GL_A = dutyCycle; GH_C = 1; GH_B = 0; GH_A = 0;
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
+        else if ( direction ) {    //dutyがマイナスかつ進行方向が後退になっている場合
+            GL_C = dutyCycle; GL_B = dutyCycle; GL_A = dutyCycle; GH_C = 0; GH_B = 0; GH_A = 0;  //回生動作する            
-    } else if (dutyCycle < 0) { 
-        currentSector--;
-        if(currentSector < 0)currentSector = 5;
-        switch(currentSector) {
-          case 0:
-                GL_C = 0;
-                GL_B = 0;
-                GL_A = 1;
-                GH_C = -dutyCycle;
-                GH_B = 0;              
-                GH_A = 0;
-                break;
-          case 1:                 
-                GL_C = 0;
-                GL_B = 0;
-                GL_A = 1;
-                GH_C = 0;
-                GH_B = -dutyCycle;
-                GH_A = 0;
-                break;
-           case 2:
-                GL_C = 1;
-                GL_B = 0;
-                GL_A = 0;
-                GH_C = 0;
-                GH_B = -dutyCycle;            
-                GH_A = 0;
-                break;
-           case 3:
-                GL_C = 1;
-                GL_B = 0;
-                GL_A = 0;
-                GH_C = 0;
-                GH_B = 0;      
-                GH_A = -dutyCycle;
-                break;
-            case 4:
-                GL_C = 0;
-                GL_B = 1;
-                GL_A = 0;
-                GH_C = 0;
-                GH_B = 0;
-                GH_A = -dutyCycle;
-                break;
-            case 5:
-                GL_C = 0;
-                GL_B = 1;
-                GL_A = 0;
-                GH_C = -dutyCycle;
-                GH_B = 0;     
-                GH_A = 0;
-                break;    
-                }                
-        }else {
+    }
+    else if( dutyCycle < 0 ){
+        if( direction ){ /*逆転*/
+            currentSector--;
+            if(currentSector < 0){ 
+                currentSector = 5;
+            }
+            switch(currentSector) {
+                case 0:  
+                    GL_C = 0; GL_B = 0; GL_A = -dutyCycle; GH_C = 1; GH_B = 0; GH_A = 0;
+                    break;
+                case 1:                 
+                    GL_C = 0; GL_B = 0; GL_A = -dutyCycle; GH_C = 0; GH_B = 1; GH_A = 0;
+                    break;
+                case 2:
+                    GL_C = -dutyCycle; GL_B = 0; GL_A = 0; GH_C = 0; GH_B = 1; GH_A = 0;
+                    break;
+                case 3:
+                    GL_C = -dutyCycle; GL_B = 0; GL_A = 0; GH_C = 0; GH_B = 0; GH_A = 1;
+                    break;
+                case 4:
+                    GL_C = 0; GL_B = -dutyCycle; GL_A = 0; GH_C = 0; GH_B = 0; GH_A = 1;
+                    break;
+                case 5:
+                    GL_C = 0; GL_B = -dutyCycle; GL_A = 0; GH_C = 1; GH_B = 0; GH_A = 0;
+                    break;   
+             }
+        }
+        else if ( !direction ) {    //dutyがマイナスかつ進行方向が後退になっている場合
+            GL_C = -dutyCycle; GL_B = -dutyCycle; GL_A = -dutyCycle; GH_C = 0; GH_B = 0; GH_A = 0;  //回生動作する            
+        }
+    } 
+    else {
@@ -190,21 +141,17 @@
-/*void BLDCmotorDriver::adjustDutyCycle() {
-    dutyCycle = rl.out(tempDutyCycle);
-    float diff = tempDutyCycle - dutyCycle;
-    if (diff < 0.01 || diff > -0.01)
-        ticker.detach();
+void BLDCmotorDriver::setDirection(float DS) {
+    if (!DS) {
+        direction = 0;
+    } else {
+        direction = 1;
+    }
 void BLDCmotorDriver::coast() {
-    GH_A = 0;
-    GL_A = 0;
-    GH_B = 0;
-    GL_B = 0;
-    GH_C = 0;
-    GL_C = 0;
+    GH_A = 0; GL_A = 0; GH_B = 0; GL_B = 0; GH_C = 0; GL_C = 0;
     dutyCycle = tempDutyCycle = 0;
-    rl.reset();
 float BLDCmotorDriver::getDutyCycle() {