First version of the MAX2871 shield library. Includes demo program with terminal for setting frequency on channel A.

Dependents:   MAX2871-Synthesizer

Fork of MAX2871_Shield_MAXREFDES161 by Central Applications - Mbed Code repo

diff -r 40b397b31d13 -r b47819dab536 MAX2871.h
--- a/MAX2871.h	Mon Jul 31 23:57:09 2017 +0000
+++ b/MAX2871.h	Tue Jan 09 16:05:51 2018 +0000
@@ -104,13 +104,26 @@
 class MAX2871
-    ///Register 0 bits
+    //MAX2871 Registers
+    enum Registers_e
+    {
+        REG0          = 0x00,
+        REG1          = 0x01,
+        REG2          = 0x02,
+        REG3          = 0x03,
+        REG4          = 0x04,
+        REG5          = 0x05,
+        REG6          = 0x06
+    };
+    //Register 0 bits
     union REG0_u
-        ///Access all bits
+        //Access all bits
         uint32_t all;
-        ///Access individual bits
+        //Access individual bits
         struct BitField_s
             uint32_t addr       : 3;
@@ -120,13 +133,13 @@
-    ///Register 1 bits
+    //Register 1 bits
     union REG1_u
-        ///Access all bits
+        //Access all bits
         uint32_t all;
-        ///Access individual bits
+        //Access individual bits
         struct BitField_s
             uint32_t addr         : 3;
@@ -138,13 +151,13 @@
-    ///Register 2 bits
+    //Register 2 bits
     union REG2_u
-        ///Access all bits
+        //Access all bits
         uint32_t all;
-        ///Access individual bits
+        //Access individual bits
         struct BitField_s
             uint32_t addr      : 3;
@@ -165,13 +178,13 @@
-    ///Register 3 bits
+    //Register 3 bits
     union REG3_u
-        ///Access all bits
+        //Access all bits
         uint32_t all;
-        ///Access individual bits
+        //Access individual bits
         struct BitField_s
             uint32_t addr      : 3;
@@ -186,13 +199,13 @@
-    ///Register 4 bits
+    //Register 4 bits
     union REG4_u
-        ///Access all bits
+        //Access all bits
         uint32_t all;
-        ///Access individual bits
+        //Access individual bits
         struct BitField_s
             uint32_t addr       : 3;
@@ -214,13 +227,13 @@
-    ///Register 5 bits
+    //Register 5 bits
     union REG5_u
-        ///Access all bits
+        //Access all bits
         uint32_t all;
-        ///Access individual bits
+        //Access individual bits
         struct BitField_s
             uint32_t addr      : 3;
@@ -239,13 +252,13 @@
-    ///Register 6 bits
+    //Register 6 bits
     union REG6_u
-        ///Access all bits
+        //Access all bits
         uint32_t all;
-        ///Access individual bits
+        //Access individual bits
         struct BitField_s
             uint32_t addr      : 3;
@@ -260,16 +273,6 @@
-    REG0_u reg0;
-    REG1_u reg1;
-    REG2_u reg2;
-    REG3_u reg3;
-    REG4_u reg4;
-    REG5_u reg5;
-    REG6_u reg6;
-    float f_reference;
     ///@brief MAX2871 Constructor
     ///@param spiBus - Reference to spi interface
     ///@param le - Pin used for latch enable
@@ -278,37 +281,69 @@
     ///@brief MAX2871 Destructor
-    ///@brief Write given register.\n
+    ///@brief Writes raw 32-bit data pattern. The MAX2871 accepts 32-bit words at a time; 29 data bits and 3 address bits.
     ///On Entry:
-    ///@param[in] reg - Register to write
-    ///@param[in] data - Data to write 
+    ///@param[in] data - 32-bit word to write to the MAX2871. Bits[31:3] contain the register data, and Bits[2:0] contain the register address.
     ///@returns None
-    void writeRegister(const uint32_t data);
+    void write(const uint32_t data);
-    ///@brief Read Register 6 and update reg6 member.\n
+    ///@brief Read Register 6 and update reg6 member variable. The MAX2871 only has one readable register - Register 6.
+    ///
+    ///@returns 32-bit word whose lowest bits are '110' indicating register address 6.
+    uint32_t readRegister6();
+    ///@brief Updates MAX2871 settings to achieve target output frequency on channel A.\n
+    ///
+    ///On Entry:
+    ///@param[in] freq - Frequency in MHz 
     ///@returns None
-    void readRegister6();
+    void setRFOUTA(const double freq);
-    ///@brief Update all registers.\n
+    ///@brief Provide frequency input to REF_IN pin.\n
+    ///
+    ///On Entry:
+    ///@param[in] ref_in - Frequency in MHz
     ///@returns None
-    void update();
+    void setPFD(const double ref_in, const uint16_t rdiv);
-    ///@brief Updates MAX2871 settings to achieve frequency output.\n
+    double getPFD();
+    ///@brief Read ADC voltage.\n
     ///On Entry:
-    ///@param[in] freq - Frequency in MHz
-    ///@returns None
-    void frequency(const float freq);
+    ///@returns ADC reading in Volts   
+    double readADC();
+    uint32_t readVCO();
+    void powerOn(const bool pwr);
+    double getRFOUTA();
+    double readTEMP();
+    void updateAll();
     SPI &m_spiBus;
     DigitalOut m_le;
+    REG0_u reg0;
+    REG1_u reg1;
+    REG2_u reg2;
+    REG3_u reg3;
+    REG4_u reg4;
+    REG5_u reg5;
+    REG6_u reg6;
+    double f_pfd;
+    double f_rfouta;
 #endif /* _MAX2871_H_ */