Mashup Camp Hardware hackathon in Tokyo

Mashup Camp Hardware hackathon - "Let's create the FUTURE of learning and working" with Gugen was held in Tokyo (at Coworking office MONO).

This 2.5 days event was organized by Mashup Awards (MA) planning committee and followings are cooperations.

  • ARM
  • Toyota IT development center
  • gracenote
  • KDDI web communications
  • ZENRIN DataCom
  • Nifty
  • PUX
  • Microsoft Japan
  • Yahoo!

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ARM provided 25pcs mbed boards to attendees for free of charge.


Theme of this hackathon event is "Let's create the FUTURE of learning and working". Attendees joined few teams and created a lot of idea using mbed, KOKUYO's office furniture and web APIs.

Almost all team used mbed platform and online compiler to implement their idea!


  • Happiness Saga

This is "wearable device + Social Game" service. Player get/loss points when wearable device detects smiling or unhappy face. It also uses Twilio web API to get more smile.

/media/uploads/MACRUM/happy1.jpg /media/uploads/MACRUM/happy2.jpg

  • Hyaku-ita (hundred boards)

This white-board has feature to save picture by image recognition, data sharing and layer function by projector. Content on the white-board can be save as layer and browse/download after the meeting.

/media/uploads/MACRUM/hyaku2.jpg /media/uploads/MACRUM/hyaku3.jpg

  • Sugo-isu (Awesome chair)

The chair has embedded modules (accelerometer, touch sensor, motor) and vibrates when it detects setting people is napping.

/media/uploads/MACRUM/isu1.jpg /media/uploads/MACRUM/isu2.jpg

  • Tsukue-de-GO! (Let's go by desk!)

Very fun office desk in the meeting room which senses expression of human face and density CO2 level in the room.

/media/uploads/MACRUM/tsukue1.jpg /media/uploads/MACRUM/tsukue2.jpg

  • Lunchmap

This service recommend lunch menu based on activity in a day which is sensed by WebCam.

/media/uploads/MACRUM/lunch1.jpg /media/uploads/MACRUM/lunch2.jpg

Highest award

Team "Tsukue-de Go!" got an award in this evet! They are two under graduates from Nagoya, parent and child from Tokyo. One team member said "We are located very far away but we can continue the collaboration of the development because mbed support online compiler!" :-)

/media/uploads/MACRUM/awards.jpg /media/uploads/MACRUM/winner.jpg


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