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pal_network.h File Reference

pal_network.h File Reference

PAL network. This file contains the network APIs and it is a part of the PAL service API. It provides network functionalities for UDP and TCP sockets and connections. More...

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Data Structures

struct  palNetInterfaceInfo


typedef uint32_t palSocketLength_t
 PAL network socket API
PAL network sockets configurations options:
Set PAL_NET_TCP_AND_TLS_SUPPORT to true if TCP is supported by the platform and is required.
typedef void * palSocket_t
typedef struct palNetInterfaceInfo palNetInterfaceInfo_t
typedef void(* palAsyncSocketCallback_t )(void *)
typedef void(* palGetAddressInfoAsyncCallback_t )(const char *url, palSocketAddress_t *address, palSocketLength_t *addressLength, palStatus_t status, void *callbackArgument)


enum  palSocketDomain_t { , PAL_AF_INET6 = 10 }
enum  palSocketType_t { , PAL_SOCK_STREAM_SERVER = 99, PAL_SOCK_DGRAM = 2 }
enum  palSocketOptionName_t { ,
  PAL_SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x1006


palStatus_t pal_registerNetworkInterface (void *networkInterfaceContext, uint32_t *interfaceIndex)
palStatus_t pal_setSockAddrPort (palSocketAddress_t *address, uint16_t port)
palStatus_t pal_setSockAddrIPV4Addr (palSocketAddress_t *address, palIpV4Addr_t ipV4Addr)
palStatus_t pal_setSockAddrIPV6Addr (palSocketAddress_t *address, palIpV6Addr_t ipV6Addr)
palStatus_t pal_getSockAddrIPV4Addr (const palSocketAddress_t *address, palIpV4Addr_t ipV4Addr)
palStatus_t pal_getSockAddrIPV6Addr (const palSocketAddress_t *address, palIpV6Addr_t ipV6Addr)
palStatus_t pal_getSockAddrPort (const palSocketAddress_t *address, uint16_t *port)
palStatus_t pal_socket (palSocketDomain_t domain, palSocketType_t type, bool nonBlockingSocket, uint32_t interfaceNum, palSocket_t *socket)
palStatus_t pal_setSocketOptions (palSocket_t socket, int optionName, const void *optionValue, palSocketLength_t optionLength)
palStatus_t pal_isNonBlocking (palSocket_t socket, bool *isNonBlocking)
palStatus_t pal_bind (palSocket_t socket, palSocketAddress_t *myAddress, palSocketLength_t addressLength)
palStatus_t pal_receiveFrom (palSocket_t socket, void *buffer, size_t length, palSocketAddress_t *from, palSocketLength_t *fromLength, size_t *bytesReceived)
palStatus_t pal_sendTo (palSocket_t socket, const void *buffer, size_t length, const palSocketAddress_t *to, palSocketLength_t toLength, size_t *bytesSent)
palStatus_t pal_close (palSocket_t *socket)
palStatus_t pal_getNumberOfNetInterfaces (uint32_t *numInterfaces)
palStatus_t pal_getNetInterfaceInfo (uint32_t interfaceNum, palNetInterfaceInfo_t *interfaceInfo)
palStatus_t pal_listen (palSocket_t socket, int backlog)
palStatus_t pal_accept (palSocket_t socket, palSocketAddress_t *address, palSocketLength_t *addressLen, palSocket_t *acceptedSocket)
palStatus_t pal_connect (palSocket_t socket, const palSocketAddress_t *address, palSocketLength_t addressLen)
palStatus_t pal_recv (palSocket_t socket, void *buf, size_t len, size_t *recievedDataSize)
palStatus_t pal_send (palSocket_t socket, const void *buf, size_t len, size_t *sentDataSize)
palStatus_t pal_asynchronousSocket (palSocketDomain_t domain, palSocketType_t type, bool nonBlockingSocket, uint32_t interfaceNum, palAsyncSocketCallback_t callback, palSocket_t *socket)
palStatus_t pal_asynchronousSocketWithArgument (palSocketDomain_t domain, palSocketType_t type, bool nonBlockingSocket, uint32_t interfaceNum, palAsyncSocketCallback_t callback, void *callbackArgument, palSocket_t *socket)
palStatus_t pal_getAddressInfo (const char *url, palSocketAddress_t *address, palSocketLength_t *addressLength)
palStatus_t pal_getAddressInfoAsync (const char *url, palSocketAddress_t *address, palSocketLength_t *addressLength, palGetAddressInfoAsyncCallback_t callback, void *callbackArgument)

Detailed Description

PAL network. This file contains the network APIs and it is a part of the PAL service API. It provides network functionalities for UDP and TCP sockets and connections.

Definition in file pal_network.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* palAsyncSocketCallback_t)(void *)

The type of the callback funciton passed when creating asynchronous sockets.

[in]argumentThe user provided argument passed to the callback function.

Definition at line 284 of file pal_network.h.

typedef void(* palGetAddressInfoAsyncCallback_t)(const char *url, palSocketAddress_t *address, palSocketLength_t *addressLength, palStatus_t status, void *callbackArgument)

Prototype of the callback function invoked when querying address info asynchronously (pal_getAddressInfoAsync).

[in]urlThe user provided url (or IP address string) that was requested to be translated
[in]addressThe address for the output of the translation
[in]addressLengthThe length of the address for the output of the translation in bytes
[in]statusThe status of the operation - PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure
[in]callbackArgumentThe user callback argument

Definition at line 328 of file pal_network.h.

Address data structure with enough room to support IPV4 and IPV6.

typedef void* palSocket_t

The length of data.

Definition at line 43 of file pal_network.h.

typedef uint32_t palSocketLength_t

PAL network socket API
PAL network sockets configurations options:
Set PAL_NET_TCP_AND_TLS_SUPPORT to true if TCP is supported by the platform and is required.

Set PAL_NET_ASYNCHRONOUS_SOCKET_API to true if asynchronous socket API is supported by the platform and is required: Currently MANDATORY. Set PAL_NET_DNS_SUPPORT to true if DNS URL lookup API is supported.

Definition at line 42 of file pal_network.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Internet IP Protocol.

Definition at line 58 of file pal_network.h.

Socket types supported by PAL.


Allow local address reuse.


Keep TCP connection open even if idle using periodic messages.


The time (in seconds) the connection needs to remain idle before TCP starts sending keepalive probes, if the socket option SO_KEEPALIVE has been set on this socket.


The time (in seconds) between individual keepalive probes


Send timeout.

Definition at line 73 of file pal_network.h.

Network domains supported by PAL.


Stream socket.


Stream socket.

Definition at line 64 of file pal_network.h.

Function Documentation

palStatus_t pal_accept ( palSocket_t  socket,
palSocketAddress_t *  address,
palSocketLength_t addressLen,
palSocket_t acceptedSocket 

Accept a connection on the given socket.

[in]socketThe socket on which to accept the connection. (The socket must be already created and bound and listen has must have been called on it.) [The sockets passed to this function should be of type PAL_SOCK_STREAM_SERVER (the implementation may support other types as well).]
[out]addressThe source address of the incoming connection.
[in,out]addressLenThe length of the address field on input, the length of the data returned on output.
[out]acceptedSocketThe socket of the accepted connection.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.

Definition at line 283 of file pal_network.c.

palStatus_t pal_asynchronousSocket ( palSocketDomain_t  domain,
palSocketType_t  type,
bool  nonBlockingSocket,
uint32_t  interfaceNum,
palAsyncSocketCallback_t  callback,
palSocket_t socket 

Get an asynchronous network socket.

[in]domainThe domain for the created socket (see enum `palSocketDomain_t` for supported types).
[in]typeThe type for the created socket (see enum `palSocketType_t` for supported types).
[in]nonBlockingSocketIf true, the socket is created as non-blocking (with O_NONBLOCK set).
[in]interfaceNumThe number of the network interface used for this socket (info in interfaces supported via `pal_getNumberOfNetInterfaces` and `pal_getNetInterfaceInfo`). Select PAL_NET_DEFAULT_INTERFACE for the default interface.
[in]callbackA callback function that is called when any supported event happens in the given asynchronous socket (see `palAsyncSocketCallbackType` enum for the types of events supported).
[out]socketThe socket is returned through this output parameter.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.

Definition at line 331 of file pal_network.c.

palStatus_t pal_asynchronousSocketWithArgument ( palSocketDomain_t  domain,
palSocketType_t  type,
bool  nonBlockingSocket,
uint32_t  interfaceNum,
palAsyncSocketCallback_t  callback,
void *  callbackArgument,
palSocket_t socket 

Get an asynchronous network socket that passes the provided `callbackArgument` to the provided callback on callback events.

[in]domainThe domain for the created socket (see enum `palSocketDomain_t` for supported types).
[in]typeThe type for the created socket (see enum `palSocketType_t` for supported types).
[in]nonBlockingSocketIf true, the socket is created as non-blocking (with O_NONBLOCK set).
[in]interfaceNumThe number of the network interface used for this socket (info in interfaces supported via `pal_getNumberOfNetInterfaces` and `pal_getNetInterfaceInfo`). Select PAL_NET_DEFAULT_INTERFACE for the default interface.
[in]callbackA callback function that is called when any supported event happens in the given asynchronous socket.
[in]callbackArgumentThe argument with which the callback function is called when any supported event happens in the given asynchronous socket.
[out]socketThe socket is returned through this output parameter.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.

Definition at line 340 of file pal_network.c.

palStatus_t pal_bind ( palSocket_t  socket,
palSocketAddress_t *  myAddress,
palSocketLength_t  addressLength 

Bind a given socket to a local address.

[in]socketThe socket to bind.
[in]myAddressThe address to bind to.
[in]addressLengthThe length of the address passed in `myAddress`.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.

Definition at line 209 of file pal_network.c.

palStatus_t pal_close ( palSocket_t socket )

Close a network socket.

[in,out]Thesocket to be closed.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.
Receives `palSocket_t*`, NOT `palSocket_t`, so that it can zero the socket to avoid re-use.

Definition at line 242 of file pal_network.c.

palStatus_t pal_connect ( palSocket_t  socket,
const palSocketAddress_t *  address,
palSocketLength_t  addressLen 

Open a connection from the given socket to the given address.

[in]socketThe socket to use for connection to the given address. [The sockets passed to this function should be of type PAL_SOCK_STREAM (the implementation may support other types as well).]
[in]addressThe destination address of the connection.
[in]addressLenThe length of the address field.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.

Definition at line 294 of file pal_network.c.

palStatus_t pal_getAddressInfo ( const char *  url,
palSocketAddress_t *  address,
palSocketLength_t addressLength 

This function translates from a URL to `palSocketAddress_t` which can be used with PAL sockets. It supports both IP address as strings and URLs (using DNS lookup).

[in]urlThe URL (or IP address string) to be translated to a `palSocketAddress_t`.
[out]addressThe address for the output of the translation.

Definition at line 353 of file pal_network.c.

palStatus_t pal_getAddressInfoAsync ( const char *  url,
palSocketAddress_t *  address,
palSocketLength_t addressLength,
palGetAddressInfoAsyncCallback_t  callback,
void *  callbackArgument 

This function translates from a URL to `palSocketAddress_t` which can be used with PAL sockets. It supports both IP address as strings and URLs (using DNS lookup).

The function is a non-blocking function.
[in]urlThe user provided url (or IP address string) to be translated
[out]addressThe address for the output of the translation
[out]addressLengthThe length of the address for the output of the translation in bytes
[in]callbackThe user provided callback to be invoked once the function has completed
[in]callbackArgumentThe user provided callback argument which will be passed back to the (user provided) callback function

Definition at line 375 of file pal_network.c.

palStatus_t pal_getNetInterfaceInfo ( uint32_t  interfaceNum,
palNetInterfaceInfo_t interfaceInfo 

Get information regarding the socket at the index/interface number given (this number is returned when registering the socket).

[in]interfaceNumThe number of the interface to get information for.
[out]interfaceInfoSet to the information for the given interface number.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.

Definition at line 264 of file pal_network.c.

palStatus_t pal_getNumberOfNetInterfaces ( uint32_t *  numInterfaces )

Get the number of current network interfaces.

[out]numInterfacesThe number of interfaces.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.

Definition at line 253 of file pal_network.c.

palStatus_t pal_getSockAddrIPV4Addr ( const palSocketAddress_t *  address,
palIpV4Addr_t  ipV4Addr 

Get an IPv4 address from `palSocketAddress_t`.

[in]addressThe address to set.
[out]ipV4AddrThe address that is set in `address`.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.

Definition at line 115 of file pal_network.c.

palStatus_t pal_getSockAddrIPV6Addr ( const palSocketAddress_t *  address,
palIpV6Addr_t  ipV6Addr 

Get an IPv6 address from `palSocketAddress_t`.

[in]addressThe address to set.
[out]ipV6AddrThe address that is set in `address`.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.

Definition at line 135 of file pal_network.c.

palStatus_t pal_getSockAddrPort ( const palSocketAddress_t *  address,
uint16_t *  port 

Get a port from `palSocketAddress_t`.

[in]addressThe address to set.
[out]portThe port that is set in `address`.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.

Definition at line 155 of file pal_network.c.

palStatus_t pal_isNonBlocking ( palSocket_t  socket,
bool *  isNonBlocking 

Check if a given socket is non-blocking.

[in]socketThe socket to check.
[out]isNonBlockingTrue if the socket is non-blocking, otherwise false.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.

Definition at line 200 of file pal_network.c.

palStatus_t pal_listen ( palSocket_t  socket,
int  backlog 

Use the given socket to listen for incoming connections. This may also limit the queue of incoming connections.

[in]socketThe socket to listen to. [The sockets passed to this function should be of type PAL_SOCK_STREAM_SERVER (the implementation may support other types as well).]
[in]backlogThe amount of pending connections that can be saved for the socket.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.

Definition at line 276 of file pal_network.c.

palStatus_t pal_receiveFrom ( palSocket_t  socket,
void *  buffer,
size_t  length,
palSocketAddress_t *  from,
palSocketLength_t fromLength,
size_t *  bytesReceived 

Receive a payload from the given socket.

[in]socketThe socket to receive from. [The sockets passed to this function should be of type PAL_SOCK_DGRAM (the implementation may support other types as well).]
[out]bufferThe buffer for the payload data.
[in]lengthThe length of the buffer for the payload data.
[out]fromThe address that sent the payload.
[in,out]fromLengthThe length of the `from` address. Contains the amount of data actually written to the `from` address.
[out]bytesReceivedThe actual amount of payload data received in the buffer.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.

Definition at line 220 of file pal_network.c.

palStatus_t pal_recv ( palSocket_t  socket,
void *  buf,
size_t  len,
size_t *  recievedDataSize 

Receive data from the given connected socket.

[in]socketThe connected socket on which to receive data. [The sockets passed to this function should be of type PAL_SOCK_STREAM (the implementation may support other types as well).]
[out]bufThe output buffer for the message data.
[in]lenThe length of the input data buffer.
[out]recievedDataSizeThe length of the data actually received.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.

Definition at line 305 of file pal_network.c.

palStatus_t pal_registerNetworkInterface ( void *  networkInterfaceContext,
uint32_t *  interfaceIndex 

Register a network interface for use with PAL sockets. Must be called before other socket functions. Most APIs will not work before a single interface is added.

[in]networkInterfaceContextThe network interface to be added ( this is an OS specific value). In mbed OS the networkInterfaceContext is the `NetworkInterface` object pointer for the network adapter [**Note:** We assume that connect has already been called on this interface object]. In Linux the networkInterfaceContext is the string name of the network interface (e.g. "eth0"). For more examples see the PAL palTestGetNetWorkInterfaceContext function implementations in the platform bring-up examples (found in Examples). The palTestGetNetWorkInterfaceContext function illustrates the expected value for networkInterfaceContext for that target. If a context is not applicable on a target configuration use NULL.
[out]interfaceIndexContains the index assigned to the interface in case it has been assigned successfully. This index can be used, when creating a socket, to bind the socket to the interface.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.

Definition at line 55 of file pal_network.c.

palStatus_t pal_send ( palSocket_t  socket,
const void *  buf,
size_t  len,
size_t *  sentDataSize 

Send a given buffer via the given connected socket.

[in]socketThe connected socket on which to send data. [The sockets passed to this function should be of type PAL_SOCK_STREAM (the implementation may support other types as well).]
[in]bufThe output buffer for the message data.
[in]lenThe length of the input data buffer.
[out]sentDataSizeThe length of the data sent.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.

Definition at line 315 of file pal_network.c.

palStatus_t pal_sendTo ( palSocket_t  socket,
const void *  buffer,
size_t  length,
const palSocketAddress_t *  to,
palSocketLength_t  toLength,
size_t *  bytesSent 

Send a payload to the given address using the given socket.

[in]socketThe socket to use for sending the payload. [The sockets passed to this function should be of type PAL_SOCK_DGRAM (the implementation may support other types as well).]
[in]bufferThe buffer for the payload data.
[in]lengthThe length of the buffer for the payload data.
[in]toThe address to which the payload should be sent.
[in]toLengthThe length of the `to` address.
[out]bytesSentThe actual amount of payload data sent.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.

Definition at line 231 of file pal_network.c.

palStatus_t pal_setSockAddrIPV4Addr ( palSocketAddress_t *  address,
palIpV4Addr_t  ipV4Addr 

Set an IPv4 address to `palSocketAddress_t` and `addressType` to IPv4.

[in,out]addressThe address to set.
[in]ipV4AddrThe address value to set.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.

Definition at line 89 of file pal_network.c.

palStatus_t pal_setSockAddrIPV6Addr ( palSocketAddress_t *  address,
palIpV6Addr_t  ipV6Addr 

Set an IPv6 address to `palSocketAddress_t` and the `addressType` to IPv6.

[in,out]addressThe address to set.
[in]ipV6AddrThe address value to set.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.

Definition at line 100 of file pal_network.c.

palStatus_t pal_setSockAddrPort ( palSocketAddress_t *  address,
uint16_t  port 

Set a port to `palSocketAddress_t`.
You can set it either directly or via the `palSetSockAddrIPV4Addr` or `palSetSockAddrIPV6Addr` functions.

[in,out]addressThe address to set.
[in]portThe port number to set.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.
To set the socket correctly, the `addressType` field of the address must be set correctly.

Definition at line 63 of file pal_network.c.

palStatus_t pal_setSocketOptions ( palSocket_t  socket,
int  optionName,
const void *  optionValue,
palSocketLength_t  optionLength 

Set the value for a given socket option on a given network socket.

[in]socketThe socket for which to get options.
[in]optionNameThe identification of the socket option for which we are getting the value (see enum palSocketOptionName_t for supported types).
[in]optionValueThe buffer holding the option value to set for the given option.
[in]optionLengthThe size of the buffer provided for `optionValue`.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.

Definition at line 190 of file pal_network.c.

palStatus_t pal_socket ( palSocketDomain_t  domain,
palSocketType_t  type,
bool  nonBlockingSocket,
uint32_t  interfaceNum,
palSocket_t socket 

Get a network socket.

[in]domainThe domain for the created socket (see `palSocketDomain_t` for supported types).
[in]typeThe type of the created socket (see `palSocketType_t` for supported types).
[in]nonBlockingSocketIf true, the socket is created as non-blocking (with O_NONBLOCK set).
[in]interfaceNumThe number of the network interface used for this socket (info in interfaces supported via `pal_getNumberOfNetInterfaces` and `pal_getNetInterfaceInfo`). Select PAL_NET_DEFAULT_INTERFACE for the default interface.
[out]socketThe socket is returned through this output parameter.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.

Definition at line 180 of file pal_network.c.