Simple interface for Mbed Cloud Client


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factory_configurator_client.h File Reference

factory_configurator_client.h File Reference

factory configurator client APIs. More...

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fcc_status_e fcc_init (void)
 Initiates the FCC module.
fcc_status_e fcc_finalize (void)
 Finalizes the FCC module.
fcc_status_e fcc_storage_delete (void)
 Cleans from the device all data that was saved during the factory process.
fcc_output_info_sfcc_get_error_and_warning_data (void)
 The function retrieves pointer to warning and errors structure.
fcc_status_e fcc_verify_device_configured_4mbed_cloud (void)
 Verifies that all mandatory fields needed to connect to mbed Cloud are in place on the device.
fcc_status_e fcc_time_set (uint64_t time)
 Sets device time.
fcc_status_e fcc_entropy_set (const uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_size)
 Sets Entropy.
fcc_status_e fcc_rot_set (const uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_size)
 Sets root of trust If user wishes to set his own root of trust, this function must be called after fcc_init() and fcc_entropy_set() (if user sets his own entropy), and prior to any other FCC or KCM functions.
fcc_status_e fcc_trust_ca_cert_id_set (void)
 The function sets bootstrap ca identification and stores it.
fcc_status_e fcc_factory_disable (void)
 Sets Factory disabled flag to disable further use of the factory flow.
fcc_status_e fcc_is_factory_disabled (bool *fcc_factory_disable)
 Returns true if the factory flow was disabled by calling fcc_factory_disable() API, outherwise returns false.
fcc_status_e fcc_developer_flow (void)
 This API is for developers only.

Detailed Description

factory configurator client APIs.

Definition in file factory_configurator_client.h.

Function Documentation

fcc_status_e fcc_developer_flow ( void   )

This API is for developers only.

You can download the `mbed_cloud_dev_credentials.c` file from the portal and thus, skip running FCU on PC side. The API reads all credentials from the `mbed_cloud_dev_credentials.c` file and stores them in the KCM. RoT, Entropy and Time configurations are not a part of fcc_developer_flow() API. Devices that need to set RoT or Entropy should call `fcc_rot_set()`/`fcc_entropy_set()` APIs before fcc_developer_flow(). If device does not have it's own time configuration and `fcc_time_set()` was not called before fcc_developer_flow(), during fcc_verify_device_configured_4mbed_cloud() certificate time validity will not be checked.

FCC_STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success or one of the `fcc_status_e` errors otherwise.

Definition at line 57 of file fcc_dev_flow.c.

fcc_status_e fcc_entropy_set ( const uint8_t *  buf,
size_t  buf_size 

Sets Entropy.

If device does not have its own entropy - this function must be called after fcc_init() and prior to any other FCC or KCM functions. This API should be used if device has its own entropy and user wishes to add his own entropy.

bufThe buffer containing the entropy.
buf_sizeThe size of buf in bytes. Must be exactly FCC_ENTROPY_SIZE.
Operation status.

Definition at line 206 of file factory_configurator_client.c.

fcc_status_e fcc_factory_disable ( void   )

Sets Factory disabled flag to disable further use of the factory flow.

Operation status.

Definition at line 270 of file factory_configurator_client.c.

fcc_status_e fcc_finalize ( void   )

Finalizes the FCC module.

Finalizes and frees file storage resources.

FCC_STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success or one of the `fcc_status_e` errors otherwise.

Definition at line 100 of file factory_configurator_client.c.

fcc_output_info_s* fcc_get_error_and_warning_data ( void   )

The function retrieves pointer to warning and errors structure.

Should be called after fcc_verify_device_configured_4mbed_cloud, when possible warning and errors was stored in the structure. The structure contains data of last fcc_verify_device_configured_4mbed_cloud run.*

pointer to fcc_output_info_s structure.

Definition at line 150 of file factory_configurator_client.c.

fcc_status_e fcc_init ( void   )

Initiates the FCC module.

Must be called before any other fcc's APIs. Otherwise relevant error will be returned.

FCC_STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success or one of the `fcc_status_e` errors otherwise.

Definition at line 76 of file factory_configurator_client.c.

fcc_status_e fcc_is_factory_disabled ( bool *  fcc_factory_disable )

Returns true if the factory flow was disabled by calling fcc_factory_disable() API, outherwise returns false.

  • If the factory flow is already disabled any FCC API(s) will fail.
fcc_factory_disableAn output parameter, will be set to "true" in case factory flow is already disabled, "false" otherwise.
FCC_STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success or one of the `fcc_status_e` errors otherwise.

Definition at line 248 of file factory_configurator_client.c.

fcc_status_e fcc_rot_set ( const uint8_t *  buf,
size_t  buf_size 

Sets root of trust If user wishes to set his own root of trust, this function must be called after fcc_init() and fcc_entropy_set() (if user sets his own entropy), and prior to any other FCC or KCM functions.

bufThe buffer containing the root of trust.
buf_sizeThe size of buf in bytes. Must be exactly FCC_ROT_SIZE.
Operation status.

Definition at line 221 of file factory_configurator_client.c.

fcc_status_e fcc_storage_delete ( void   )

Cleans from the device all data that was saved during the factory process.

Should be called if the process failed and needs to be executed again.

FCC_STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success or one of the `fcc_status_e` errors otherwise.

Definition at line 130 of file factory_configurator_client.c.

fcc_status_e fcc_time_set ( uint64_t  time )

Sets device time.

This function will set the device time to what the user provides. Device time must be set in order to enable certificate expiration validations.

timeThe device time to set. As epoch time (number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970)
Operation status.

Definition at line 236 of file factory_configurator_client.c.

fcc_status_e fcc_trust_ca_cert_id_set ( void   )

The function sets bootstrap ca identification and stores it.

Should be called only after storing bootstrap ca certificate on the device.

Operation status.

Definition at line 288 of file factory_configurator_client.c.

fcc_status_e fcc_verify_device_configured_4mbed_cloud ( void   )

Verifies that all mandatory fields needed to connect to mbed Cloud are in place on the device.

Should be called in the end of the factory process

FCC_STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success or one of the `fcc_status_e` errors otherwise.

Definition at line 159 of file factory_configurator_client.c.