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ServiceClientCallback Class Reference

ServiceClientCallback Class Reference

ServiceClientCallback A callback class for passing the client progress and error condition to the MbedCloudClient class object. More...

#include <ServiceClient.h>

Inherited by MbedCloudClient.

Public Member Functions

virtual void complete (ServiceClientCallbackStatus status)=0
 Indicates that the setup or close operation is complete with success or failure.
virtual void error (int error, const char *reason)=0
 Indicates an error condition from one of the underlying clients, including identity, connector or update client.
virtual void value_updated (M2MBase *base, M2MBase::BaseType type)=0
 A callback indicating that the value of the resource object is updated by the LWM2M Cloud server.

Detailed Description

ServiceClientCallback A callback class for passing the client progress and error condition to the MbedCloudClient class object.

Definition at line 42 of file ServiceClient.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void complete ( ServiceClientCallbackStatus  status ) [pure virtual]

Indicates that the setup or close operation is complete with success or failure.

status,Indicatessuccess or failure in terms of status code.
virtual void error ( int  error,
const char *  reason 
) [pure virtual]

Indicates an error condition from one of the underlying clients, including identity, connector or update client.

error,Indicatesan error code translated to MbedCloudClient::Error.
reason,Indicateshuman readable text for error description.
virtual void value_updated ( M2MBase *  base,
M2MBase::BaseType  type 
) [pure virtual]

A callback indicating that the value of the resource object is updated by the LWM2M Cloud server.

base,Theobject whose value is updated.
type,Thetype of the object.