
Forks of BME280

A fork is a repository which is based on a copy of this repository.

Replaced original getTemperature Routine as it was returned strange values BME280
Fork for BME280 library BME280
Use burst read for getXXXX: As mentioned at chapter “4 Data readout” in datasheet. Fixed getHumidity function (Used register 0xfd for hum_lsb in prev. The impact will be small.) Changed …
A library to read BME280 sensor with error detection BME280, Humidity, I2C, pressure, sensor, Temperature
Fork of BME280 library with I2C address fixed for Adafruit breakout module
version of the BME280 library which uses mbed-os 5.4.3 instead of mbed 2.X
BME280 Combined humidity and pressure sensor library BME280
for STM32L476RG
BME280 Combined humidity and pressure sensor library with SPI interface BME280
BME280 Combined humidity and pressure sensor library BME280