
Dependents:   PS4_FF14_Adapter

Fork of USBDevice by mbed official

--- a/USBDevice/TARGET_Silicon_Labs/src/em_usbtimer.c	Thu Jul 20 10:14:36 2017 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,381 +0,0 @@
- * @file em_usbtimer.c
- * @brief USB protocol stack library, timer API.
- * @version 3.20.14
- *******************************************************************************
- * @section License
- * <b>(C) Copyright 2014 Silicon Labs, http://www.silabs.com</b>
- *******************************************************************************
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
-#include "em_device.h"
-#if defined( USB_PRESENT ) && ( USB_COUNT == 1 )
-#include "em_usb.h"
-#if defined( USB_DEVICE ) || defined( USB_HOST )
-#include "em_cmu.h"
-#include "em_timer.h"
-#include "em_usbtypes.h"
-#include "em_usbhal.h"
-#include "device_peripherals.h"
- *  Use one HW timer to serve n software milisecond timers.
- *  A timer is, when running, in a linked list of timers.
- *  A given timers timeout period is the acculmulated timeout
- *  of all timers preceeding it in the queue.
- *  This makes timer start (linked list insertion) computing intensive,
- *  but the checking of the queue at each tick very effective.
- *             ______          ______          ______
- *            |      |    --->|      |    --->|      |
- *   head --> |      |   |    |      |   |    |      |
- *            |______|---     |______|---     |______|---/ NULL
- */
-#ifndef USB_TIMER
-#error HW platform must define the timer to use for USB
-#if ( USB_TIMER == USB_TIMER0 ) && ( TIMER_COUNT >= 1 )
-  #define TIMER             TIMER0
-  #define TIMER_CLK         cmuClock_TIMER0
-  #define TIMER_IRQ         TIMER0_IRQn
-  #define TIMER_IRQHandler  TIMER0_IRQHandler
-#elif ( USB_TIMER == USB_TIMER1 ) && ( TIMER_COUNT >= 2 )
-  #define TIMER             TIMER1
-  #define TIMER_CLK         cmuClock_TIMER1
-  #define TIMER_IRQ         TIMER1_IRQn
-  #define TIMER_IRQHandler  TIMER1_IRQHandler
-#elif ( USB_TIMER == USB_TIMER2 ) && ( TIMER_COUNT >= 3 )
-  #define TIMER             TIMER2
-  #define TIMER_CLK         cmuClock_TIMER2
-  #define TIMER_IRQ         TIMER2_IRQn
-  #define TIMER_IRQHandler  TIMER2_IRQHandler
-#elif ( USB_TIMER == USB_TIMER3 ) && ( TIMER_COUNT == 4 )
-  #define TIMER             TIMER3
-  #define TIMER_CLK         cmuClock_TIMER3
-  #define TIMER_IRQ         TIMER3_IRQn
-  #define TIMER_IRQHandler  TIMER3_IRQHandler
-#error "Illegal USB TIMER definition"
-typedef struct _timer
-  uint32_t                  timeout;  /* Delta value relative to prev. timer */
-  struct _timer             *next;
-  USBTIMER_Callback_TypeDef callback;
-  bool                      running;
-} USBTIMER_Timer_TypeDef;
-#if ( NUM_QTIMERS > 0 )
-static USBTIMER_Timer_TypeDef timers[ NUM_QTIMERS ];
-static USBTIMER_Timer_TypeDef *head = NULL;
-static uint32_t ticksPrMs, ticksPr1us, ticksPr10us, ticksPr100us;
-#if ( NUM_QTIMERS > 0 )
-static void TimerTick( void );
-void TIMER_IRQHandler( void )
-  uint32_t flags;
-  flags = TIMER_IntGet( TIMER );
-  if ( flags & TIMER_IF_CC0 )
-  {
-    TIMER_IntClear( TIMER, TIMER_IFC_CC0 );
-    TIMER_CompareSet( TIMER, 0, TIMER_CaptureGet( TIMER, 0 ) + ticksPrMs );
-    TimerTick();
-  }
-#endif /* ( NUM_QTIMERS > 0 ) */
-static void DelayTicks( uint16_t ticks )
-  uint16_t startTime;
-  volatile uint16_t now;
-  if ( ticks )
-  {
-    startTime = TIMER_CounterGet( TIMER );
-    do
-    {
-      now = TIMER_CounterGet(TIMER);
-    } while ( (uint16_t)( now - startTime ) < ticks );
-  }
-/** @endcond */
-/** @addtogroup USB_COMMON
- *  @{*/
- * @brief
- *   Active wait millisecond delay function. Can also be used inside
- *   interrupt handlers.
- *
- * @param[in] msec
- *   Number of milliseconds to wait.
- ******************************************************************************/
-void USBTIMER_DelayMs( uint32_t msec )
-  uint64_t totalTicks;
-  totalTicks = (uint64_t)ticksPrMs * msec;
-  while ( totalTicks > 20000 )
-  {
-    DelayTicks( 20000 );
-    totalTicks -= 20000;
-  }
-  DelayTicks( (uint16_t)totalTicks );
- * @brief
- *   Active wait microsecond delay function. Can also be used inside
- *   interrupt handlers.
- *
- * @param[in] usec
- *   Number of microseconds to wait.
- ******************************************************************************/
-void USBTIMER_DelayUs( uint32_t usec )
-  uint64_t totalTicks;
-  totalTicks = (uint64_t)ticksPr1us * usec;
-  if ( totalTicks == 0 )
-  {
-    usec /= 10;
-    totalTicks = (uint64_t)ticksPr10us * usec;
-    if ( totalTicks == 0 )
-    {
-      usec /= 10;
-      totalTicks = (uint64_t)ticksPr100us * usec;
-    }
-  }
-  while ( totalTicks > 60000 )
-  {
-    DelayTicks( 60000 );
-    totalTicks -= 60000;
-  }
-  DelayTicks( (uint16_t)totalTicks );
- * @brief
- *   Activate the hardware timer used to pace the 1 millisecond timer system.
- *
- * @details
- *   Call this function whenever the HFPERCLK frequency is changed.
- *   This function is initially called by HOST and DEVICE stack xxxx_Init()
- *   functions.
- ******************************************************************************/
-void USBTIMER_Init( void )
-  uint32_t freq;
-  TIMER_Init_TypeDef timerInit     = TIMER_INIT_DEFAULT;
-  freq = CMU_ClockFreqGet( cmuClock_HFPER );
-  ticksPrMs = ( freq + 500 ) / 1000;
-  ticksPr1us = ( freq + 500000 ) / 1000000;
-  ticksPr10us = ( freq + 50000 ) / 100000;
-  ticksPr100us = ( freq + 5000 ) / 10000;
-  timerCCInit.mode = timerCCModeCompare;
-  CMU_ClockEnable( TIMER_CLK, true );
-  TIMER_TopSet( TIMER, 0xFFFF );
-  TIMER_InitCC( TIMER, 0, &timerCCInit );
-  TIMER_Init( TIMER, &timerInit );
-#if ( NUM_QTIMERS > 0 )
-  TIMER_CompareSet( TIMER, 0, TIMER_CounterGet( TIMER ) + ticksPrMs );
-  NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ( TIMER_IRQ );
-#endif /* ( NUM_QTIMERS > 0 ) */
-#if ( NUM_QTIMERS > 0 ) || defined( DOXY_DOC_ONLY )
- * @brief
- *   Start a timer.
- *
- * @details
- *   If the timer is already running, it will be restarted with new timeout.
- *
- * @param[in] id
- *   Timer id (0..).
- *
- * @param[in] timeout
- *   Number of milliseconds before timer will elapse.
- *
- * @param[in] callback
- *   Function to be called on timer elapse, ref. @ref USBTIMER_Callback_TypeDef.
- ******************************************************************************/
-void USBTIMER_Start( uint32_t id, uint32_t timeout,
-                     USBTIMER_Callback_TypeDef callback )
-  uint32_t accumulated;
-  USBTIMER_Timer_TypeDef *this, **last;
-  INT_Disable();
-  if ( timers[ id ].running )
-  {
-    USBTIMER_Stop( id );
-  }
-  if ( timeout == 0 )
-  {
-    callback();
-    INT_Enable();
-    return;
-  }
-  timers[ id ].running  = true;
-  timers[ id ].callback = callback;
-  timers[ id ].next     = NULL;
-  if ( !head )                                        /* Queue empty ? */
-  {
-    timers[ id ].timeout  = timeout;
-    head = &timers[ id ];
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    this = head;
-    last = &head;
-    accumulated = 0;
-    /* Do a sorted insert */
-    while ( this  )
-    {
-      if ( timeout < accumulated + this->timeout )  /* Insert before "this" ? */
-      {
-        timers[ id ].timeout  = timeout - accumulated;
-        timers[ id ].next     = this;
-        *last = &timers[ id ];
-        this->timeout -= timers[ id ].timeout;        /* Adjust timeout     */
-        break;
-      }
-      else if ( this->next == NULL )                  /* At end of queue ?  */
-      {
-        timers[ id ].timeout  = timeout - accumulated - this->timeout;
-        this->next = &timers[ id ];
-        break;
-      }
-      accumulated += this->timeout;
-      last = &this->next;
-      this = this->next;
-    }
-  }
-  INT_Enable();
- * @brief
- *   Stop a timer.
- *
- * @param[in] id
- *   Timer id (0..).
- ******************************************************************************/
-void USBTIMER_Stop( uint32_t id )
-  USBTIMER_Timer_TypeDef *this, **last;
-  INT_Disable();
-  if ( head )                                           /* Queue empty ?    */
-  {
-    this = head;
-    last = &head;
-    timers[ id ].running = false;
-    while ( this  )
-    {
-      if ( this == &timers[ id ] )                      /* Correct timer ?  */
-      {
-        if ( this->next )
-        {
-          this->next->timeout += timers[ id ].timeout;  /* Adjust timeout   */
-        }
-        *last = this->next;
-        break;
-      }
-      last = &this->next;
-      this = this->next;
-    }
-  }
-  INT_Enable();
-#endif /* ( NUM_QTIMERS > 0 ) */
-/** @} (end addtogroup USB_COMMON) */
-#if ( NUM_QTIMERS > 0 )
-static void TimerTick( void )
-  USBTIMER_Callback_TypeDef cb;
-  INT_Disable();
-  if ( head )
-  {
-    head->timeout--;
-    while ( head  )
-    {
-      if ( head->timeout == 0 )
-      {
-        cb = head->callback;
-        head->running = false;
-        head = head->next;
-        /* The callback may place new items in the queue !!! */
-        if ( cb )
-        {
-          (cb)();
-        }
-        continue; /* There might be more than one timeout pr. tick */
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  INT_Enable();
-/** @endcond */
-#endif /* ( NUM_QTIMERS > 0 ) */
-#endif /* defined( USB_DEVICE ) || defined( USB_HOST ) */
-#endif /* defined( USB_PRESENT ) && ( USB_COUNT == 1 ) */