GPS NMEA through NavSatFix

Dependencies:   TinyGPSPlus



File content as of revision 5:a201e5377e90:

#include "PROJ515.hpp" // Contains all Libraries, Definitions & Function Prototypes

/*================================= SETUP ====================================*/

DigitalIn btn(USER_BUTTON);                 // Onboard blue button
BusOut leds(LED1, LED2, LED3);              // Onboard LEDs bus

// Threads and Signals
Thread serThread (osPriorityNormal);        // Create thread for serial comms
EventFlags thread_com;                      // Event flag for thread comms

// Namespaces
using namespace std;                        // Make all std symbols visible
using namespace ros;                        // Make all ros symbols visible
using namespace nav_msgs;                   // Make all nav_msgs symbols visible
using namespace std_msgs;                   // Make all sdt_msgs symbols visible

// Instantiations
TinyGPSPlus gpsModule;                      // Instance of GPS class
Serial gpsSer(GPS_TX, GPS_RX);              // Instance of Serial class to gps
Serial usbSer(USB_TX, USB_RX);              // Instance of Serial class to usb
NodeHandle nh;                              // Instance for ROS Node Handler
Odometry gps_odom_msg;                      // Instance for ROS Odometry message
String gps_stat_msg;                        // Instance for ROS String message
Publisher gps_odom_pub("gps_odom", &gps_odom_msg); // Instance for ROS publisher (Odometry Message)
Publisher gps_stat_pub("gps_stat", &gps_stat_msg); // Instance for ROS publisher (String Message)

// Definitions
char gps_c = 0;                             // GPS serial character
int sats_n = 0;                             // GPS Satelite count

/*================================ FUNCIONS ==================================*/

void streamF()                              // Function for Serial to PC
    while(true) {                           // Do forever
        thread_com.wait_all(PRINT_DATA);    // Wait on signal to print data (Sleeps if blocking until Flag is set)

        gps_odom_msg.header.stamp =; // Get current time

        gps_odom_msg.pose.pose.position.x = gpsModule.location.lng(); // Get Longtitude
        gps_odom_msg.pose.pose.position.y =; // Get Latitude
        gps_odom_msg.pose.pose.position.z = 0;  // Get Altitude

        gps_odom_pub.publish(&gps_odom_msg); // Publish the Odometry message

        usbSer.printf("\n>Valid Loc<"); // Print out valid location


void setupRosMsg()
    nh.getHardware()->setBaud(ROS_Baud);    // Set Baud Rate for ROS Serial

    gps_odom_msg.header.frame_id = frameID; // Pack ROS frame ID
    gps_odom_msg.child_frame_id = childID;  // Pack ROS child frame ID

    gps_odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation.x = 1; // Identity quaternion
    gps_odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation.y = 0; // Identity quaternion
    gps_odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation.z = 0; // Identity quaternion
    gps_odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation.w = 0; // Identity quaternion

    gps_odom_msg.pose.covariance[ 0] = CVX; // X pos covariance
    gps_odom_msg.pose.covariance[ 7] = CVY; // Y pos covariance
    gps_odom_msg.pose.covariance[14] = CVZ; // Z pos covariance
    gps_odom_msg.pose.covariance[21] = CVR; // X rot covariance
    gps_odom_msg.pose.covariance[28] = CVR; // Y rot covarianceL
    gps_odom_msg.pose.covariance[35] = CVR; // Z rot covariance

/*================================== MAIN ====================================*/
int main()                                  // Entry Point
    nh.initNode();                          // Initialise ROS Node Handler
    nh.advertise(gps_odom_pub);             // Adverstise Odometry topic
    nh.advertise(gps_stat_pub);             // Adverstise String topic
    setupRosMsg();                          // Set up ROS message parts
    gpsSer.baud(GPS_Baud);                  // Set Baud rate for GPS Serial
    usbSer.baud(USB_Baud);                  // Set Baud rate for USB Serial
    serThread.start(streamF);               // Start serial comms thread

    while(!nh.connected()) {                // While node handler is not connected
        nh.spinOnce();                      // Attempt to connect and synchronise

    while (true) {                          // When node handler is connected, do forever

        nh.spinOnce();                      // Reccuring connect and synchronise

        if(gpsSer.readable()) {             // If serial buffer has character
            gps_c = gpsSer.getc();          // Read serial buffer and store character
            gpsModule.encode(gps_c);        // Encode character from GPS
            usbSer.printf("\n %c", gps_c);  // Print out gps character
            leds = LEDS_ON;                 // Flash LED bus ON

        } else {
            leds = LEDS_OFF;                // Flash LED bus OFF

        if (gpsModule.location.isValid()) { // If GPS location is Valid
            thread_com.set(PRINT_DATA);     // Set EventFlag to Print Data
            usbSer.printf("\n > LOCATION VALID <"); // Print Status Check

        if (btn) {                          // If blue button is pressed
            sats_n = gpsModule.satellites.value(); // Aquire satelite number
            usbSer.printf("\nstatChck: %d Satelites", sats_n); // Print Status Check
