ELEC351 SUBMISSION - Same as on the DLE


diff -r 000000000000 -r c66224a27cf8 ELEC351_LIBRARY/loggingMaster/dateAndTime.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ELEC351_LIBRARY/loggingMaster/dateAndTime.cpp	Wed Jan 10 09:49:43 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "dateAndTime.hpp"
+TDS_DT C_DT::getDT()            // Returns TDS_DT Date & Time format
+    time_t secondsElapsed;      // Object of type time_t
+    struct tm *tempTimeInfo;    // Pointer to a embeded structure containing calendar dates
+    time(&secondsElapsed);      // Get time is seconds since epoch. Also hope people are ready for UNIX milenium bug
+    tempTimeInfo = localtime (&secondsElapsed); // Convert current epoch time to calendar time acounting for timezones & daylight saving
+    // Reasign date components to custom data type
+    this-> date_time.day = tempTimeInfo->tm_mday;
+    this-> date_time.mnt = 1+tempTimeInfo->tm_mon;      // Months indexed at 1
+    this-> date_time.yr = 1900 + tempTimeInfo->tm_year; // Years since epoch
+    // Reasign time components to custom data type
+    this-> date_time.sec = tempTimeInfo->tm_sec;
+    this-> date_time.min = tempTimeInfo->tm_min;
+    this-> date_time.hr = tempTimeInfo->tm_hour;
+    return date_time;   // Return custom data type containing Date & Time
+void C_DT::setD(int day, int mnt, int yr)    // Updates RTC date
+    time_t secondsElapsed;      // Object of type time_t
+    struct tm *tempTimeInfo;    // Pointer to a embeded structure containing calendar dates
+    time(&secondsElapsed);      // Get time is seconds since epoch.
+    tempTimeInfo = localtime (&secondsElapsed); // Convert current epoch time to calendar time acounting for timezones & daylight saving
+    tempTimeInfo->tm_mday = day;            // Update day
+    tempTimeInfo->tm_mon  = mnt - 1;        // Update month / Indexed at 0
+    tempTimeInfo->tm_year = yr - 1900 ;     // Update year  / Years since epoch
+    secondsElapsed = mktime(tempTimeInfo);  // Convert to epoch time
+    set_time(secondsElapsed);               // Update RTC
+void C_DT::setT(int hr, int min, int sec)   // Updates RTC time
+    time_t secondsElapsed;      // Object of type time_t
+    struct tm *tempTimeInfo;    // Pointer to a embeded structure containing calendar dates
+    time(&secondsElapsed);      // Get time is seconds since epoch.
+    tempTimeInfo = localtime (&secondsElapsed); // Convert current epoch time to calendar time acounting for timezones & daylight saving
+    tempTimeInfo->tm_sec = sec; // Update seconds
+    tempTimeInfo->tm_min = min; // Update minutes
+    tempTimeInfo->tm_hour = hr; // Update hours
+    secondsElapsed = mktime(tempTimeInfo);  // Convert to epoch time
+    set_time(secondsElapsed);               // Update RTC
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