ELEC351 SUBMISSION - Same as on the DLE


--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ELEC351_LIBRARY/samplingMaster/samplingMaster.hpp	Wed Jan 10 09:49:43 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#ifndef __samplingMaster__ //Inclusion safeguards
+#define __samplingMaster__
+typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { // Store one after another
+    float temp;     // Temperature
+    float pres;     // Presure
+    float ligt;     // Light level
+} TDS_sensorData;   // Type Def Struct _ sensor Data
+/* Spec said that we are not allowed to use any third party code unless it is
+from ARM or STmicroelectronics, so I wrote my own driver for sampling BMP280 &
+ADC in succesion. Ths code for MPB280 was inspired by the BMP280 Datasheet: 
+and BMP280 mbed library by "charlie": 
+[https://os.mbed.com/users/charly/code/BMP280/] */
+/* BMP280 register addresses and values */
+#define I2C_adr 0xEE
+#define Tsb_IIR_REGISTER 0xF5
+#define PRES_ADDRESS_VAL 0xF7
+#define DIG_Tn_REGISTERS 0x88
+#define DIG_Pn_REGISTERS 0x8E
+#define PREAS_UPER_LIMIT 0x80000000
+class C_sensorData              // Class _ sensor Data 
+    private: 
+    PinName  ADC_pin;
+    PinName  SDI_pin;
+    PinName  SCK_pin;
+    char     inst[18];          // Instruction/Data array
+    uint16_t T1Trim;            // Unsigned int of 16 bits for temperature trim
+    int16_t  T2Trim, T3Trim;    // Signed ints of 16 bits for temperature trim
+    uint16_t P1Trim;            // Unsigned int of 16 bits for pressure trim
+    int16_t  P2Trim, P3Trim, P4Trim, P5Trim, P6Trim, P7Trim, P8Trim, P9Trim; /* 
+    Signed ints of 16 bits for temperature trim */
+    int32_t  tempT, tempA, tempB;// Temporary working variables
+    uint32_t tempP;              // Temporary working variables
+    public:
+    C_sensorData();
+    TDS_sensorData read();
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