test morning

Dependencies:   ISR_Mini-explorer mbed

Fork of roboticLab_withclass_3_July by Georgios Tsamis

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MiniExplorerCoimbra.hpp	Mon Jun 26 12:05:20 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+#include "Map.hpp"
+#include "Sonar.hpp"
+	/*
+Robot coordinate system:      			World coordinate system:
+      ^                 							^
+      |x                							|y
+   <--R                 							O-->
+    y                     							x
+angles from pi/2 to 3pi/2->0 to pi              angles from 0 to pi->0 to pi 
+angles from pi/2 to -pi/2->0 to -pi				angles from pi to 2pi-> -pi to 0
+	The idea is that for every command to the robot we use to world coodinate system 
+class MiniExplorerCoimbra {
+	public:
+	float xWorld;
+	float yWorld;
+	float thetaWorld;
+	Map map;
+	Sonar sonarLeft;
+	Sonar sonarFront;
+	Sonar sonarRight;
+	float speed;
+	float radiusWheels;
+	float distanceWheels; 
+	float khro;
+	float ka;
+	float kb;
+	float kv;
+	float kh;
+	float rangeForce;
+	float attractionConstantForce;
+	float repulsionConstantForce;
+	MiniExplorerCoimbra(float defaultXWorld, float defaultYWorld, float defaultThetaWorld);
+	//generate a position randomly and makes the robot go there while updating the map
+	void randomize_and_map();
+	//move of targetXWorld and targetYWorld ending in a targetAngleWorld
+	void go_to_point_with_angle(float targetXWorld, float targetYWorld, float targetAngleWorld);
+	//use virtual force field
+	void try_to_reach_target(float targetXWorld,float targetYWorld);
+	void test_procedure_lab_4();
+	private:
+	void myOdometria();
+	void setXYThetaAndXYThetaWorld(float defaultXWorld, float defaultYWorld, float defaultThetaWorld);
+	float update_angular_speed_wheels_go_to_point_with_angle(float targetXWorld, float targetYWorld, float targetAngleWorld, float dt);
+	void update_sonar_values(float leftMm,float frontMm,float rightMm);
+	void do_half_flip();
+	//Distance computation function
+	float dist(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2);
+	/*angleToTarget is obtained through atan2 so it s:
+	< 0 if the angle is bettween PI and 2pi on a trigo circle
+	> 0 if it is between 0 and PI
+	*/
+	void turn_to_target(float angleToTarget);
+	void print_map_with_robot_position_and_target(float targetXWorld, float targetYWorld);
+	void vff(bool* reached, float targetXWorld, float targetYWorld);
+	//compute the force on X and Y
+	void compute_forceX_and_forceY(float* forceXWorld, float* forceYWorld, float targetXWorld, float targetYWorld);
+	void calculate_line(float forceX, float forceY, float *line_a, float *line_b, float *line_c);
+	//currently line_c is not used
+	void go_to_line(float line_a, float line_b, float line_c,float targetXWorld, float targetYWorld);
+	void update_force(int widthIndice, int heightIndice, float* forceRepulsionComputedX, float* forceRepulsionComputedY );
+	//return 1 if positiv, -1 if negativ
+	float sign1(float value);
+	//return 1 if positiv, 0 if negativ
+	int sign2(float value);
+	void go_straight_line(float distanceCm);
+	void procedure_lab_4(float xEstimatedK,float yEstimatedK, float thetaWorldEstimatedK, float distanceMoved, float angleMoved, float PreviousCovarianceOdometricPositionEstimate[3][3]);