Dependencies:   mbed BufferedSerial SX1276GenericLib X_NUCLEO_IKS01A2

--- a/main.cpp	Tue Jun 04 23:58:46 2019 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Jun 17 00:10:40 2019 +0000
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
 /* Includes */
 #include "mbed.h" /* Mbed include */
-#include "XNucleoIKS01A2.h" /* Sensors include*/
+/* Lora includes */
+#include "PinMap.h"
+#include "sx1276-mbed-hal.h"
-/* LoRa includes */
-#include "PinMap.h" 
-#include "sx1276-mbed-hal.h" 
-/* LoRa definitions */
+/* Serial communication include */
+#include "BufferedSerial.h"
 /* Set this flag to '1' to display debug messages on the console */
 #define DEBUG_MESSAGE   1
@@ -15,7 +14,7 @@
 /* Set this flag to '1' to use the LoRa modulation or to '0' to use FSK modulation */
 #define USE_MODEM_LORA  1
-#define RF_FREQUENCY            RF_FREQUENCY_915_0  // Hz
+#define RF_FREQUENCY            RF_FREQUENCY_915_0 // Hz
 #define TX_OUTPUT_POWER         14                  // 14 dBm
 #if USE_MODEM_LORA == 1
@@ -34,206 +33,208 @@
-#define RX_TIMEOUT_VALUE    3500    // in ms
+#define RX_TIMEOUT_VALUE    0       // In ms
+#define TX_TIMEOUT_VALUE    1000000 // In ms
 //#define BUFFER_SIZE       32        // Define the payload size here
-#define BUFFER_SIZE         64        // Define the payload size here
-/* Sensors instances */
-/* Instantiate the expansion board */
-static XNucleoIKS01A2 *mems_expansion_board = XNucleoIKS01A2::instance(D14, D15, D4, D5);
+#define BUFFER_SIZE         64      // Define the payload size here
-/* Retrieve the composing elements of the expansion board */
-static LSM303AGRMagSensor *magnetometer = mems_expansion_board->magnetometer;
-static HTS221Sensor *hum_temp = mems_expansion_board->ht_sensor;
-static LPS22HBSensor *press_temp = mems_expansion_board->pt_sensor;
-static LSM6DSLSensor *acc_gyro = mems_expansion_board->acc_gyro;
-static LSM303AGRAccSensor *accelerometer = mems_expansion_board->accelerometer;
+typedef struct {
+        uint8_t header; // Header for identification of updated informations - 0 0 p temp LSM6DSL LSM303AGR
+        int time; // Time between transmissions
+        float p;  // Pressure of LPS22HB
+        float temperatureLPS22HB; // Temperature from LPS22HB
+        int32_t ag[3]; // Acceleration of the accelerometer and gyroscope LSM6DSL 
+        int32_t w[3]; // Angular velocity of LSM6DSL
+        int32_t a[3]; // Acceleration of the accelerometer LSM303AGR
+        int32_t m[3]; // Heading of LSM303AGR
-//uint32_t dados[16]; //data vector
+typedef struct {
+        uint8_t header; // Header for identification of updated informations - 0 1 InternalCommunication HTS221
+        int time; // Time between transmissions
+        bool drogueStatus; // Drogue parachute status provided by Avionics
+        bool mainStatus; //Main parachute status provided by Avionics
+        bool mainStatusCOTS; // Main parachute status provided by COTS Altimeter
+        bool drogueStatusCOTS; // Drogue status provided by COTS Altimeter
+        float pressureBar; // Pressure by COTS Altimeter
+        float temperature; // Temperature by COTS Altimeter
+        int16_t timeStamp; // Timestamp from COTS Altimeter
+        int16_t aglAlt; // AGL Altitude from COTS Altimeter
+        int8_t battery; // Battery voltage reading from COTS Altimeter
+        float humidity; // Humidity of HTS221
+        float temperatureHTS221; // Temperature from HTS221
+        //uint8_t filler[25];
 typedef struct {
-            float p; //pressure
-            float temperatureHTS221; //temperature from HTS221
-            float humidity; //humidity
-            float temperatureLPS22HB; //temperature from LPS22HB
-            int32_t w[3]; //angular velocity
-            int32_t a[3]; //acceleration of the accelerometer LSM303AGR
-            int32_t ag[3]; //acceleration of the accelerometer and gyroscope LSM6DSL 
-            int32_t m [3]; //heading 
-Dados dados;
+        uint8_t header; // Header for identification of updated informations - 1 0 GPS 
+        int time; // Time between transmissions
+        unsigned long timeOfWeek; //GPS time of week
+        long timeOfWeekFracPart; // GPS time of week fractional part
+        unsigned char gpsFix; // GPS fix
+        long ecefx; // GPS X posiition
+        long ecefy; // GPS Y posistion
+        long ecefz; // GPS Z postion
+        unsigned long positionAcc3D; // GPS 3D position accuracy
+        long ecefvx; // GPS X velocity
+        long ecefvy; // GPS Y velocity
+        long ecefvz; // GPS Z velocity
+        unsigned long speedAcc; // GPS speed accuracy
+        unsigned char numbSat; // GPS number of satellites conected
+        //uint8_t filler[8];
+union Data {
+    Pkg1 pkg1;
+    Pkg2 pkg2;
+    Pkg3 pkg3;
+Data data;
 /* LoRa modem instances and configurations */
 static RadioEvents_t RadioEvents; // Calback functions struct
-SX1276Generic *Radio; //Defenition of a Radio object
+SX1276Generic *Radio; // Definition of a Radio object
-/*Configuration function*/
+bool received = false; // Flag to indicate the end of reception
+/* Configuration function */
 void SystemClock_Config(void);
- bool transmited = true;
+/* Callback functions prototypes */
-/* Callback functions prototypes */
+// Brief Function to be executed on Radio Tx Done event
 void OnTxDone(void *radio, void *userThisPtr, void *userData);
+// Brief Function to be executed on Radio Rx Done event
 void OnRxDone(void *radio, void *userThisPtr, void *userData, uint8_t *payload, uint16_t size, int16_t rssi, int8_t snr );
+// Brief Function executed on Radio Tx Timeout event
 void OnTxTimeout(void *radio, void *userThisPtr, void *userData);
+// Brief Function executed on Radio Rx Timeout event
 void OnRxTimeout(void *radio, void *userThisPtr, void *userData);
+// Brief Function executed on Radio Rx Error event
 void OnRxError(void *radio, void *userThisPtr, void *userData);
+// Brief Function executed on Radio Fhss Change Channel event
 void OnFhssChangeChannel(void *radio, void *userThisPtr, void *userData, uint8_t channelIndex);
+// Brief Function executed on CAD Done event
 void OnCadDone(void *radio, void *userThisPtr, void *userData);
 /* Serial communication to debug program */
-Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX);
+BufferedSerial *ser;
 int main() {
-    /* General Header*/
-    pc.printf("Telemetry Tx inicial version program\r\n\r\n");
-    uint8_t id; //Sensor id parameter for debug purpose
-    /* Enable all sensors */
-    hum_temp->enable();
-    press_temp->enable();
-    magnetometer->enable();
-    accelerometer->enable();
-    acc_gyro->enable_x();
-    acc_gyro->enable_g();
-    pc.printf("\r\n--- Starting the sensors ---\r\n");
+    SystemClock_Config(); /* Synchronize clock for TX and RX boards */
-    hum_temp->read_id(&id);
-    pc.printf("HTS221  humidity & temperature    = 0x%X\r\n", id);
-    press_temp->read_id(&id);
-    pc.printf("LPS22HB  pressure & temperature   = 0x%X\r\n", id);
-    magnetometer->read_id(&id);
-    pc.printf("LSM303AGR magnetometer            = 0x%X\r\n", id);
-    accelerometer->read_id(&id);
-    pc.printf("LSM303AGR accelerometer           = 0x%X\r\n", id);
-    acc_gyro->read_id(&id);
-    pc.printf("LSM6DSL accelerometer & gyroscope = 0x%X\r\n", id);
+    /* Serial configuration */
+    if (DEBUG_MESSAGE) {
+        ser = new BufferedSerial(USBTX, USBRX);
+        ser->baud(115200);
+        ser->format(8);
+    }
-    pc.printf("\r\n");
-        /* Radio setup */
-     pc.printf("\r\n--- Starting the modem LoRa ---\r\n");
+    /* General Header*/
+        ser->printf("Telemetry Rx inicial version program\r\n\r\n");
     Radio = new SX1276Generic(NULL, MURATA_SX1276,
-    pc.printf("SX1276 Simple transmission aplication\r\n" );
-    pc.printf("Frequency: %.1f\r\n", (double)RF_FREQUENCY/1000000.0);
-    pc.printf("TXPower: %d dBm\r\n",  TX_OUTPUT_POWER);
-    pc.printf("Bandwidth: %d Hz\r\n", LORA_BANDWIDTH);
-    pc.printf("Spreading factor: SF%d\r\n", LORA_SPREADING_FACTOR);
+    if (DEBUG_MESSAGE) {        
+        ser->printf("SX1276 Simple receiver aplication\r\n" );
+        ser->printf("Frequency: %.1f\r\n", (double)RF_FREQUENCY/1000000.0);
+        ser->printf("TXPower: %d dBm\r\n",  TX_OUTPUT_POWER);
+        ser->printf("Bandwidth: %d Hz\r\n", LORA_BANDWIDTH);
+        ser->printf("Spreading factor: SF%d\r\n", LORA_SPREADING_FACTOR);
+    }
     // Initialize Radio driver
     RadioEvents.TxDone = OnTxDone;
     RadioEvents.RxDone = OnRxDone;
     RadioEvents.RxError = OnRxError;
     RadioEvents.TxTimeout = OnTxTimeout;
-    RadioEvents.RxTimeout = OnRxTimeout;    
+    RadioEvents.RxTimeout = OnRxTimeout; 
+    // Initializes the radio    
     while (Radio->Init( &RadioEvents ) == false) {
-        pc.printf("Radio could not be detected!\r\n");
+        if (DEBUG_MESSAGE)
+            ser->printf("Radio could not be detected!\r\n");
         wait( 1 );
+    // Display the board type
     switch(Radio->DetectBoardType()) {
         case SX1276MB1LAS:
             if (DEBUG_MESSAGE)
-                pc.printf(" > Board Type: SX1276MB1LAS <\r\n");
+                ser->printf(" > Board Type: SX1276MB1LAS <\r\n");
         case SX1276MB1MAS:
             if (DEBUG_MESSAGE)
-                pc.printf(" > Board Type: SX1276MB1LAS <\r\n");
+                ser->printf(" > Board Type: SX1276MB1LAS <\r\n");
         case MURATA_SX1276:
             if (DEBUG_MESSAGE)
-                pc.printf(" > Board Type: MURATA_SX1276_STM32L0 <\r\n");
+                ser->printf(" > Board Type: MURATA_SX1276_STM32L0 <\r\n");
         case RFM95_SX1276:
-            if (DEBUG_MESSAGE)
-                pc.printf(" > HopeRF RFM95xx <\r\n");
+            if (DEBUG_MESSAGE) 
+                ser->printf(" > HopeRF RFM95xx <\r\n");
-            pc.printf(" > Board Type: unknown <\r\n");
+            if (DEBUG_MESSAGE)
+                ser->printf(" > Board Type: unknown <\r\n");
-    Radio->SetChannel(RF_FREQUENCY );
+    Radio->SetChannel(RF_FREQUENCY ); // Sets the frequency of the communication
-        pc.printf("             > LORA FHSS Mode <\r\n");
-        pc.printf("             > LORA Mode <\r\n");
-    pc.printf("\r\n");
+    // Debug message of the state of fhss
+        if (DEBUG_MESSAGE)
+            ser->printf("             > LORA FHSS Mode <\r\n");
+    }    
+    if (!LORA_FHSS_ENABLED) {
+        if (DEBUG_MESSAGE)
+            ser->printf("             > LORA Mode <\r\n");
+    }
+    // Sets the configuration of the transmission     
                          LORA_IQ_INVERSION_ON, 2000 );
+    // Sets the configuration of the reception
                          LORA_CODINGRATE, 0, LORA_PREAMBLE_LENGTH,
                          LORA_IQ_INVERSION_ON, true );
-    Radio->Tx(1000000);
-    while(1) {   
-        press_temp->get_pressure(&dados.p); //get the pressure
-        press_temp->get_temperature(&dados.temperatureLPS22HB); //get temperature from LPS22HB
-        accelerometer->get_x_axes(dados.a);//get the acceleration
-        acc_gyro->get_x_axes(dados.ag);//get the acceleration
-        acc_gyro->get_g_axes(dados.w);//get the angular velocity
-        magnetometer->get_m_axes(dados.m); //get the magnetometer heading
-        hum_temp->get_temperature(&dados.temperatureHTS221); //get temperature from HTS221
-        hum_temp->get_humidity(&dados.humidity); //get humidity
-        //sensors data
+        ser->printf("Starting Receive loop\r\n"); 
-        /*dados[0] = a[0];
-        dados[1] = a[1];
-        dados[2] = a[2];
-        dados[3] = ag[0];
-        dados[4] = ag[1];
-        dados[5] = ag[2];
-        dados[6] = w[0];
-        dados[7] = w[1];
-        dados[8] = w[2];
-        dados[9] = m[0];
-        dados[10] = m[1];
-        dados[11] = m[2];
-        dados[12] = humidity;
-        dados[13] = temperatureHTS221;
-        dados[14] = temperatureLPS22HB;
-        dados[15] = p;*/
-        if (transmited==true) {
-            transmited = false;
-            wait_ms(10);
-            Radio->Send( &dados, sizeof(dados) );
+    Radio->Rx(RX_TIMEOUT_VALUE); // Puts the device in reception mode continuously
+    while( 1 )
+    {   
+        //After the receiving, puts the device again in receive mode 
+        if (received == true) {
+            received = false;
+            Radio->Rx(RX_TIMEOUT_VALUE); 
 void SystemClock_Config(void)
 #ifdef B_L072Z_LRWAN1_LORA
@@ -278,44 +279,62 @@
-/* Helper function for printing floats & doubles */
 void OnTxDone(void *radio, void *userThisPtr, void *userData)
     Radio->Sleep( );
-    transmited = true;
-    if (DEBUG_MESSAGE) {
-        pc.printf("> OnTxDone\r\n");
-        pc.printf("I transmited %d mg, %d mg, %d mg, %d mg, %d mg, %d mg, %d mdps, %d mdps, %d mdps\r\n", dados.a[0], dados.a[1], dados.a[2], dados.ag[0], dados.ag[1], dados.ag[2], dados.w[0], dados.w[1], dados.w[2]);
-        pc.printf("and %d mG, %d mG, %d mG, %g %%, %g C, %g C, %g mBar\r\n", dados.m[0], dados.m[1], dados.m[2], dados.humidity, dados.temperatureHTS221, dados.temperatureLPS22HB, dados.p);
-    }    
+        ser->printf("> OnTxDone\r\n");
 void OnRxDone(void *radio, void *userThisPtr, void *userData, uint8_t *payload, uint16_t size, int16_t rssi, int8_t snr)
     Radio->Sleep( );
-        pc.printf("> OnRxDone: RssiValue=%d dBm, SnrValue=%d\r\n", rssi, snr);
+    received = true;
+    uint8_t state = payload[0] >> 6;
+    //ser->printf("The state is %x\r\n", state);
+    ser->printf("> OnRxDone: RssiValue=%d dBm, SnrValue=%d, State=%d\r\n", rssi, snr, state);
+    //for(int i = 0; i < BUFFER_SIZE; i++){
+    //    ser->printf("%x ", payload[i]);   
+    //}
+    ser->printf("\r\n");
+    if(state == 3){
+        memcpy(&data.pkg1, payload, BUFFER_SIZE);
+        //ser->printf("Header: %x, time: %d, p: %f, tempLPS22HB: %f, ag: %d; %d; %d, w: %d; %d; %d, a: %d; %d; %d, m: %d; %d; %d\r\n", pkg1.header, pkg1.time, pkg1.p, pkg1.temperatureLPS22HB, pkg1.ag[0], pkg1.ag[1], pkg1.ag[2], pkg1.w[0], pkg1.w[1], pkg1.w[2], pkg1.a[0], pkg1.a[1], pkg1.a[2], pkg1.m[0], pkg1.m[1], pkg1.m[2]);   
+        ser->printf("%x,%d,%f,%f,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\r\n", data.pkg1.header, data.pkg1.time, data.pkg1.p, data.pkg1.temperatureLPS22HB, data.pkg1.ag[0], data.pkg1.ag[1], data.pkg1.ag[2], data.pkg1.w[0], data.pkg1.w[1], data.pkg1.w[2], data.pkg1.a[0], data.pkg1.a[1], data.pkg1.a[2], data.pkg1.m[0], data.pkg1.m[1], data.pkg1.m[2]);
+    }
+    else if(state == 1){
+        memcpy(&data.pkg2, payload, BUFFER_SIZE);
+        //ser->printf("Header: %x, time: %d, parachuteStatus: %d%d%d%d, pressureBar: %f, temperature: %f, timeStamp: %d, aglAlt: %d, battery: %d, humidity: %f, tempHTS221: %f\r\n", pkg2.header, pkg2.time, pkg2.drogueStatus, pkg2.mainStatus, pkg2.mainStatusCOTS, pkg2.drogueStatusCOTS, pkg2.pressureBar, pkg2.temperature, pkg2.timeStamp, pkg2.aglAlt, pkg2.battery, pkg2.humidity, pkg2.temperatureHTS221);
+        ser->printf("%x,%d,%d%d%d%d,%f,%f,%d,%d,%d,%f,%f\r\n", data.pkg2.header, data.pkg2.time, data.pkg2.drogueStatus, data.pkg2.mainStatus, data.pkg2.mainStatusCOTS, data.pkg2.drogueStatusCOTS, data.pkg2.pressureBar, data.pkg2.temperature, data.pkg2.timeStamp, data.pkg2.aglAlt, data.pkg2.battery, data.pkg2.humidity, data.pkg2.temperatureHTS221);
+    }
+    else if(state == 2){
+        memcpy(&data.pkg3, payload, BUFFER_SIZE);
+        //ser->printf("Header: %x, time: %d, timeOfWeek: %d, frac: %d, gpsFix: %d\r\n", pkg3.header, pkg3.time, pkg3.timeOfWeek, pkg3.timeOfWeekFracPart, pkg3.gpsFix);
+        //ser->printf("eceFx: %d, eceFy: %d, eceFz: %d, posAcc3D: %d, eceFvx: %d, eceFvy: %d, eceFvz: %d\r\n", pkg3.ecefx, pkg3.ecefy, pkg3.ecefz, pkg3.positionAcc3D, pkg3.ecefvx, pkg3.ecefvy, pkg3.ecefvz);
+        //ser->printf("speedAcc: %d, numbSat: %d\r\n", pkg3.speedAcc, pkg3.numbSat);
+        ser->printf("%x,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\r\n", data.pkg3.header, data.pkg3.time, data.pkg3.timeOfWeek, data.pkg3.timeOfWeekFracPart, data.pkg3.gpsFix, data.pkg3.ecefx, data.pkg3.ecefy, data.pkg3.ecefz, data.pkg3.positionAcc3D, data.pkg3.ecefvx, data.pkg3.ecefvy, data.pkg3.ecefvz, data.pkg3.speedAcc, data.pkg3.numbSat);
+    }
 void OnTxTimeout(void *radio, void *userThisPtr, void *userData)
     Radio->Sleep( );
-        pc.printf("> OnTxTimeout\r\n");
+        ser->printf("> OnTxTimeout\r\n");
 void OnRxTimeout(void *radio, void *userThisPtr, void *userData)
     Radio->Sleep( );
-        pc.printf("> OnRxTimeout\r\n");
+        ser->printf("> OnRxTimeout\r\n");
 void OnRxError(void *radio, void *userThisPtr, void *userData)
     Radio->Sleep( );
+    received = true;
-        pc.printf("> OnRxError\r\n");
+        ser->printf("> OnRxError\r\n");