
Dependencies:   PwmIn mbed

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Tue May 03 15:46:32 2016 +0000
Commit message:
final code

Changed in this revision

Polynomial_Controller_Car.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
PwmIn.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 000000000000 -r d1910328124a Polynomial_Controller_Car.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Polynomial_Controller_Car.cpp	Tue May 03 15:46:32 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "PwmIn.h"
+//Initialize Xbee comms
+Serial xbee1(p9,p10);
+//Initialize PC comms
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+//Variables for tripping sensors
+DigitalInOut Rxsig(p21);
+DigitalInOut debugOut(p7);
+//Initialize variables coming from MATLAB
+int ctrl_flag = 0;
+float acc_des = 0;
+float steer_des = 0;
+char string1[150];
+char arg1[100];
+char arg2[100];
+char arg3[100];
+//Initialize pins to receive Sensor voltages
+AnalogIn sensor1(p18); //stbd
+AnalogIn sensor2 (p19); //mid
+AnalogIn sensor3(p20); //port
+//Initialize variables for sensor data
+float stbd_dist = 0.0, mid_dist = 0.0, port_dist = 0.0; //used by main function
+float stbdvolt = 0.0, stbddist = 0.0, midvolt = 0.0, middist = 0.0, portvolt = 0.0, portdist = 0.0;//used by individual functions
+float mindist = 0.0; //used by function ClosestRange
+float min_dist = 0.0; //used by main function
+//Initialize variables for translating sensor data to distances
+float stbdslope = 402.4255;
+float stbdoffset = 1.5023;
+float midslope = 351.825;
+float midoffset = 2.33;
+float portslope = 383.956;
+float portoffset = 1.4791;
+//Variables for finding requested car velocity
+float ESC_sig = 0.0, vel_req = 0.0, vel_sig = 0.0;
+PwmIn acc_in(p27);
+float reverse = 1.0;
+float neutral = 1.38;
+//float neutral = 1.52;
+float forward = 1.98;
+float maxspeed = 1.65/1000;
+//Variables for finding requested steering
+float steer_sig = 0.0;
+float steer_req = 1.5/1000;
+PwmIn steer_in(p28);
+//Variables for setting car telemetry
+PwmOut steer_out(p26);
+PwmOut acc_out(p25);
+float steer_req_ms =0.0, vel_req_ms=0.0;
+//Variables for proportional controller
+float c = 9.0; //Distance from hazard at which car should be stopped
+float stop_dist = 6.0; //Distance over which the car should come to a stop
+float b = c + stop_dist;
+float a1 = -(3*b - c)/(b*b*(b - c)*(b*b - 2*b*c + c*c));
+float a2 = (2*(2*b*b + 2*b*c - c*c))/(b*b*(b - c)*(b*b - 2*b*c + c*c));
+float a3 = (c*(- 8*b*b + b*c + c*c))/(b*b*(b*b*b - 3*b*b*c + 3*b*c*c - c*c*c));
+float a4 = (2*(- c*c*c + 2*b*c*c))/(b*(b*b*b - 3*b*b*c + 3*b*c*c - c*c*c));
+float pcontroller = 0.0; //used by main function
+float ctrl = 0.0; //called by PController function
+//Variables for Timing
+Timer timer;
+float start_time = 0.0, curr_time = 0.0; //timing done in seconds
+//Function for calculating the closest distance from Stbd sensor
+float getStbd()
+    stbdvolt =;
+    stbddist = stbdslope*stbdvolt +stbdoffset;
+    return stbddist;
+//Function for calculating the closest distance from Mid sensor
+float getMid()
+    midvolt =;
+    middist = midslope*midvolt +midoffset;
+    return middist;
+//Function for calculating the closest distance from Port sensor
+float getPort()
+    portvolt =;
+    portdist = portslope*portvolt +portoffset;
+    return portdist;
+//Function for calculating the overall closest hazard
+float ClosestRange(float s, float m, float p)
+    if ((p<=m)&&(p<=s)) {
+        mindist = p;
+    } else if ((m<=p)&&(m<=s)) {
+        mindist = m;
+    } else {
+        mindist = s;
+    }
+    return mindist;
+//Function to find the requested car velocity, given the control flag value
+float CarVel(int a, float b, float p)
+    if (a ==0) {
+        //Use Joystick steering and acceleration commands
+        ESC_sig = acc_in.pulsewidth();
+        if (ESC_sig > maxspeed) {
+            ESC_sig = maxspeed; 
+            }
+        acc_des = ESC_sig*1000;
+    }
+    if(a ==1) {
+        //Use Matlab steering and acceleration commands
+        ESC_sig = b/1000;
+    }
+    //vel_sig = p*ESC_sig;
+    if (ESC_sig <= neutral/1000) {
+        vel_sig = ESC_sig;
+    }
+    if (ESC_sig > neutral/1000) {
+        vel_sig = p*(ESC_sig - neutral/1000) + neutral/1000;
+    }
+    if (vel_sig > maxspeed) {
+        vel_sig = maxspeed; 
+    }
+    return vel_sig;
+//Function to find the request car steering, given the control flag value
+float CarSteer(int c, float d)
+    if(c==0) {
+        //Use Joystick steering commands
+        steer_sig = steer_in.pulsewidth();
+    }
+    if (c==1) {
+        //Use Matlab steering commands
+        steer_sig = d/1000;
+    }
+    if ((steer_sig <1.1/1000)&&(steer_sig>0.0000)) {
+        steer_sig = 1.1/1000;
+    } else if(steer_sig == 0.0) {
+        steer_sig = 1.45/1000;
+    }
+    if (steer_sig>1.9/1000) {
+        steer_sig = 1.9/1000;
+    }
+    return steer_sig;
+//Function for calculating the proportional controller value given range information
+float PController(float min)
+    ctrl = a1*min*min*min*min + a2*min*min*min + a3*min*min + a4*min;
+    if (min>=b) {
+        ctrl = 1;
+    }
+    if(min<=c) {
+        ctrl = 0;
+    }
+    if(ctrl>1) {
+        ctrl = 1;
+    }
+    return ctrl;
+//Main function
+int main()
+    pc.baud(921600);
+    acc_out.period_us(20000);
+    steer_out.period_us(20000);
+    xbee1.baud(115200);
+    timer.start();
+    start_time = timer.read_us();
+    //Trip sonar sequencing
+    Rxsig = 0;
+    Rxsig.output();
+    wait(0.005);
+    Rxsig = 1;
+    wait (0.03);
+    Rxsig = 0;
+    Rxsig.input();
+    int sendDataIdx = 1;
+    while(1) {
+        //Get MATLAB Info
+        if (xbee1.readable()) {
+            xbee1.scanf("%s",&string1);
+        }
+        //Parse string
+        sscanf(string1,"%[^,\n],%[^,\n],%s",&arg1,&arg2,&arg3);
+        sscanf(arg1,"%d",&ctrl_flag);
+        sscanf(arg2,"%f",&acc_des);
+        sscanf(arg3,"%f",&steer_des);
+        //Get sensor readings
+        stbd_dist = getStbd();
+        mid_dist = getMid();
+        port_dist = getPort();
+        //Determine closest object/min distance
+        min_dist = ClosestRange(stbd_dist,mid_dist,port_dist);
+        //Calculate Proportional Controller Value
+        pcontroller = PController(min_dist);
+        //Get car speed
+        vel_req = CarVel(ctrl_flag,acc_des,pcontroller);
+        //Get car steering
+        steer_req = CarSteer(ctrl_flag,steer_des);
+        //Set car speed & steering
+        steer_out.pulsewidth(steer_req);
+        acc_out.pulsewidth(vel_req);
+        //Send car telemetry and relevant variables to MATLAB via Xbee
+        steer_req_ms = 1000*steer_req;
+        vel_req_ms = 1000*vel_req;
+        curr_time =;
+        //Only send every 10th data point
+        if (sendDataIdx > 10) {
+            xbee1.printf("C:%d, Pc:%f, Va:%f, vc:%f, sta:%f, stc:%f, p:%f, m:%f, s:%f, t:%f \n",ctrl_flag,pcontroller, vel_req_ms, acc_des, steer_req_ms, steer_des, port_dist, mid_dist, stbd_dist, curr_time);
+            sendDataIdx = 1;
+        } else {
+            sendDataIdx++;
+        }
+        //wait(0.05);
+        //pc.printf("C:%d, Pc:%f, Va:%f, vc:%f, sta:%f, stc:%f, p:%f, m:%f, s:%f, t:%f \n",ctrl_flag,pcontroller, vel_req_ms, acc_des, steer_req_ms, steer_des, port_dist, mid_dist, stbd_dist, curr_time);
+    }
diff -r 000000000000 -r d1910328124a PwmIn.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/PwmIn.lib	Tue May 03 15:46:32 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 000000000000 -r d1910328124a mbed.bld
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Tue May 03 15:46:32 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file