WSN Coordinator

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of I2C_HelloWorld_Mbed by mbed official

--- a/main.cpp	Thu Feb 14 17:24:48 2013 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Jun 16 18:17:19 2014 +0000
@@ -1,25 +1,253 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
+#include "PowerControl.h"
+#include "EthernetPowerControl.h"
 // Read temperature from LM75BD
+#define USR_POWERDOWN    (0x104)
 I2C i2c(p28, p27);
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
+InterruptIn PIR_in(p5);
+Serial xbee1(p9,p10);
+DigitalOut rst1(p11);
+AnalogIn light(p20);
-const int addr = 0x90;
+Timer cal_temp_time; 
+Timer cal_temp_time_c;
+Timer PIR_c;
+//Ticker flipper;
+const int tx_addr = 0x14;
+const int rx_addr = 0x15;
+char readbuff [35];
+char rb [35];
+char tx_cmd[1];
+int y[18];
+ int x[16];
+ int occupancy_count = 0;
+ char c = 'y';
+ int flag = 0;
+ int room_temp = 0;
+ int cal_temp[16];
+  int flag_c = 0;
+ int room_temp_c = 0;
+ int cal_temp_c[16];
+ int temp_occupancy_count_c = 0;
+ int PIR_tag = 0;
+ int initial_flag = 0;
+ int after_cond_high = 0;
+  int after_cond_low = 0;
+ int temp_occupancy_count_ed = 0;
+ int low_duration = 0;
+ int high_duration = 0;
+ int fluc_counter = 0;
+ int human_temp_c = 0;
+ int human_temp = 0;
+void flip() {
+   // pc.printf("kos kesh");
+   if (PIR_tag == 1)
+    {
+        if ( >= 30)         //check to see if the PIR sensor has been low for 30 seconds or more, if so, then most likely someone new just entered
+            temp_occupancy_count_c = 1;
+        else if ( <= 10)
+            temp_occupancy_count_c = temp_occupancy_count_ed; 
+            PIR_c.reset();
+            PIR_tag = 0;
+        }
+    tx_cmd[0] = 0x4C;
+        //tx_cmd[1] = 0x4C;
+        //i2c.write(tx_addr,
+        i2c.write(tx_addr, tx_cmd , 1);
+        wait(0.25);
+        //i2c.write(rx_addr, cmd, 1);
+, readbuff, 35);
+        //float tmp = (float((cmd[0]<<8)|cmd[1]) / 256.0);
+        for (int count = 0; count < 17; count++)
+         y[count] = 256*readbuff[(count*2)+1] + readbuff [(count*2)];
+         y[17] = readbuff[34];
+                   //calibrating
+               for (int temp_comp_c = 0; temp_comp_c < 16; temp_comp_c++)
+               {    
+                    if (( x[temp_comp_c] >= 240) && (x[temp_comp_c] <= 300))
+                     room_temp_c = room_temp_c + 1;
+                    if (( x[temp_comp_c] >= 300) && (x[temp_comp_c] <= 400))
+                     human_temp_c = human_temp_c + 1;}
+             if (flag_c == 0) {           
+                if (room_temp_c >= 12){
+                   for (int cal_c = 0; cal_c < 16; cal_c++)
+                        cal_temp_c[cal_c] = x[cal_c];
+                                                }
+                        flag_c = 1;
+                        cal_temp_time_c.start();
+                        }
+               if (cal_temp_time_c.read_ms() == 900000){
+                    flag_c = 0;
+                    cal_temp_time_c.reset();}
+              if (after_cond_high == 1){
+         if (( <= 10) && (room_temp_c + room_temp <= 28) && (fluc_counter == 5))        //check to see if the PIR sensor has been high for 10 or less seconds if so, someone just passed by and probably left
+           { temp_occupancy_count_c = temp_occupancy_count_c;}
+             high_duration =;  //how long did the PIR signal stay high (busy)
+             PIR_c.reset();                 //reset timer
+           if ((high_duration > low_duration) && (room_temp_c + room_temp <= 10) && (fluc_counter == 5))
+             temp_occupancy_count_c++; 
+          after_cond_low = 1; 
+          after_cond_high = 0;     
+       }     
+    if (after_cond_low == 1){
+        if (( >= 120) && (room_temp_c + room_temp >= 24) && (fluc_counter == 5))
+            temp_occupancy_count_c--;
+        else if (( >= 600) && (room_temp_c+room_temp >= 24) && (fluc_counter == 5)) 
+            temp_occupancy_count_c = 1;
+           low_duration =;   //how long did the PIR signal stay low 
+           PIR_c.reset();               //reset timer
+           if (low_duration > high_duration)        //comparing low and high duration
+            temp_occupancy_count_c--;
+            after_cond_low = 0;
+            after_cond_high = 1;
+        }   
+   if (initial_flag == 0){
+        if (PIR_in == 1){           //first raising edge of Coord PIR Sensor (someone has entered the room)
+            PIR_c.start();          // start timer for PIR sensor processing
+           // temp_occupancy_count_c = temp_occupancy_count_c + 1
+           initial_flag = 1 ;
+           after_cond_high = 1;}        //initial condition met, neg to pos edge 
+           // initial_flag = 1;
+        else {
+            PIR_c.start();
+            PIR_tag = 1;        
+             }   
+        }      
+         room_temp_c = 0;
+         room_temp = 0;
+         human_temp_c = 0;
+         human_temp = 0;
+        pc.printf("Coordinator:\n\r%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n\r%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n\r%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n\r%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n\r\n\r",y[1],y[2],y[3],
+        y[4],y[5],y[6],y[7],y[8],y[9],y[10],y[11],y[12],y[13],y[14],y[15],y[16]);
+        pc.printf("Occupany Count: %d\n\r", temp_occupancy_count_c);
+        if (temp_occupancy_count_c <= 3)
+        pc.printf("Low Occupancy\n\r");
+        if ((temp_occupancy_count_c <= 6) && (temp_occupancy_count_c > 3))
+        pc.printf("Mid Occupancy\n\r");
+        if (temp_occupancy_count_c > 6)
+        pc.printf("High Occupancy\n\r");
 int main() {
-    char cmd[2];
+    i2c.frequency(50000);
+     xbee1.baud(115200);
+     PHY_PowerDown();
+    PIR_in.rise(&flip); 
+    PIR_in.fall(&flip);
+    rst1 = 0; //Set reset pin to 0
+    wait_ms(1);//Wait at least one millisecond
+    rst1 = 1;//Set reset pin to 1
+    wait_ms(1);
+   // pc.printf("not this");
+   wait_ms(75000);  //wait one minute for initial start up 
     while (1) {
-        cmd[0] = 0x01;
-        cmd[1] = 0x00;
-        i2c.write(addr, cmd, 2);
+           // xbee1.putc(c);
+            if (xbee1.readable()){
+               // pc.printf("receiving\n\r");
+               // pc.putc(xbee1.getc()); 
+               if (fluc_counter < 6)   
+                  fluc_counter++;
+               for (int j = 2; j < 34; j++)   
+               rb[j] = xbee1.getc();
+               for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++)
+               x[z] = 256*rb[(2*z)+3]+rb[(2*z)+2];
+                            //calibrating
+               for (int temp_comp = 0; temp_comp < 16; temp_comp++)
+               {    
+                    if (( x[temp_comp] >= 240) && (x[temp_comp] <= 300))
+                     room_temp = room_temp + 1;
+                    if (( x[temp_comp] >= 300) && (x[temp_comp] <= 400))
+                     human_temp = human_temp + 1;}
+               if (flag == 0) {       
+                if (room_temp >= 12){                         //good place to set the initial flag to begin duration timing
+                   for (int cal = 0; cal < 16; cal++)
+                        cal_temp[cal] = x[cal];
+                                                }
+                        flag = 1;
+                        cal_temp_time.start();
+                        }
+               if (cal_temp_time.read_ms() == 900000){
+                    flag = 0;
+                    cal_temp_time.reset();}
+              // pc.printf("x = %d\n\r", x);
+              pc.printf("End Device\n\r%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n\r%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n\r%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n\r%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n\r\n\r",x[0],x[1],x[2],x[3],
+              x[4],x[5],x[6],x[7],x[8],x[9],x[10],x[11],x[12],x[13],x[14],x[15]);
+              pc.printf("Occupany Count: %d\n\r", temp_occupancy_count_c);}
+              if (( >= 600) && (PIR_in == 0)) {            //if the signal has been low for 5 or more minutes, and the PIR_in is low, check the temp, if room, occupancy zero
+                  tx_cmd[0] = 0x4C;
+                 i2c.write(tx_addr, tx_cmd , 1);
+                wait(0.25);
-        wait(0.5);
+      , readbuff, 35);
-        cmd[0] = 0x00;
-        i2c.write(addr, cmd, 1);
-, cmd, 2);
-        float tmp = (float((cmd[0]<<8)|cmd[1]) / 256.0);
-        printf("Temp = %.2f\n", tmp);
+                for (int count = 0; count < 17; count++)
+                y[count] = 256*readbuff[(count*2)+1] + readbuff [(count*2)];
+                  y[17] = readbuff[34];
+                   for (int temp_comp_c = 0; temp_comp_c < 16; temp_comp_c++)
+               {    
+                    if (( x[temp_comp_c] >= 240) && (x[temp_comp_c] <= 300))
+                     room_temp_c = room_temp_c + 1;
+                    if (( x[temp_comp_c] >= 300) && (x[temp_comp_c] <= 400))
+                     human_temp_c = human_temp_c + 1;}
+                }
+                if (room_temp_c >= 12)
+                 temp_occupancy_count_c = 0;
+                if (human_temp_c >= 6)
+                  temp_occupancy_count_c = 1;
+                if (human_temp_c >= 8)
+                  temp_occupancy_count_c = 2;
+              if (light < 0.5){  //and thermal temp readings are low, need to think about this a little more
+               occupancy_count = 0;
+               }
+      //   sleep();
+        // pc.printf("system on idle\n\r");
+        //pc.printf("x1 = %d\n",x1);
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