Werkend met ledjes

Dependencies:   mbed QEI HIDScope biquadFilter MODSERIAL FastPWM

--- a/main.cpp	Fri Oct 04 11:18:15 2019 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Oct 04 17:44:30 2019 +0000
@@ -6,37 +6,58 @@
 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);         //verbinden met pc
 DigitalOut motor2_direction(D4);    //verbinden met motor 2 op board (altijd d4)
 FastPWM motor2_pwm(D5);             //verbinden met motor 2 pwm (altijd d5)
+DigitalOut motor1_direction(D6);    //verbinden met motor 2 op board (altijd d4)
+FastPWM motor1_pwm(D7);             //verbinden met motor 2 pwm (altijd d5)
 Ticker loop_ticker;                 //used in main()
-InterruptIn button(D10);            //knop op birorobotics shield
-DigitalOut led1(D9);                // led op D9 aanzetten
-QEI encoder (D11, D12, NC, 8400, QEI::X4_ENCODING); //encoder gebruiken
+AnalogIn Pot1(A1);                  //pot 1 op biorobotics shield
+AnalogIn Pot2(A0);                  //pot 2 op biorobotics shield
+InterruptIn but1(D10);            //knop 1 op birorobotics shield
+InterruptIn but2(D9);            //knop 1 op birorobotics shield
+QEI encoder1 (D11, D12, NC, 8400, QEI::X4_ENCODING); //encoder 1 gebruiken
+QEI encoder2 (D1, D2, NC, 8400, QEI::X4_ENCODING); //encoder 2 gebruiken
 enum States {idle, cw, ccw, end, failure};
-States current_state;               //wat gebeurd hier?
-class motor_state {                 // je maakt hier motor_state?
-    public:                         //wat gebeurd hier?
+States current_state;               //Definieren van de current_state met als keuzes Idle, cw, ccw, end en failure
+class motor_state {                 // Een emmer met variabelen die je hierna motor gaat noemen.
+    public:                         //Wat is public?
     float pwm1; //pwm of 1st motor
     float pwm2; //pwm of 2nd motor
     int dir1; //direction of 1st motor
     int dir2; //direction of 2nd motor
+    float speed1;   // speed motor 1
+    double speed2;   // speed motor 2
-motor_state motor;              //
+motor_state motor;              //Een emmer met variabelen met motor.iets als naam bijv. motor.speed1
 bool state_changed = false;
-volatile bool button_pressed = false;
+volatile bool but1_pressed = false;
+volatile bool but2_pressed = false;
+float pot_1 = 0;
+float pot_2 = 0;
-void measure_signals() {return;}
+// the funtions needed to run the program
+void measure_signals() {
+    pot_1 = Pot1.read();
+    pc.printf("pot_1 = %f",pot_1);  // Dit doet hij niet, waarom niet? Er scheelt niet veel aan, maar toch
+    motor.speed1 = pot_1*0.75;      //pod_read * 0.75 (dus max 75%)
+    pot_2 = Pot2.read();
+    pc.printf("pot_2 = %f",pot_2);  // Dit doet hij niet, waarom niet? Er scheelt niet veel aan, maar toch
+    motor.speed2 = pot_2*0.75;      //pod_read * 0.75 (dus max 75%)
+    return;
+    }
 void do_nothing() {
+    motor.speed1 = 0;
+    motor.speed2 = 0;
-    if (button_pressed == true) { //this moves the program from the idle to cw state
+    if (but1_pressed == true) { //this moves the program from the idle to cw state
         current_state = cw;
-        led1 = 0;
         state_changed = true; //to show next state it can initialize
         pc.printf("Changed state from idle to cw\r\n");
-        button_pressed = false; //reset button
+        but1_pressed = false; //reset button 1
@@ -47,13 +68,15 @@
         pc.printf("State changed to CW\r\n");
         state_changed = false; //reset this so it wont print next loop
+    motor.dir1 = 1;             //todo: check if this is actually clockwise
     motor.dir2 = 1;             //todo: check if this is actually clockwise
-    if (!state_changed && button_pressed) { //state wasnt just changed, button has been pressed -> change state
+    if (!state_changed && but1_pressed) { //state wasnt just changed, button 1 has been pressed -> change state
         current_state = ccw;
         state_changed = true;
-        button_pressed = false; //reset this
+        but1_pressed = false; //reset this
 void rotate_ccw() {
@@ -62,24 +85,47 @@
         pc.printf("State changed to CCW\r\n");
         state_changed = false;
+    motor.dir1 = 0;
     motor.dir2 = 0;
-    if (!state_changed && button_pressed) { //state niet veranderd, button gepressd -> state verandert
+    if (!state_changed && but1_pressed) { //state niet veranderd, button 1 gepressd -> state verandert
         current_state = cw;
         state_changed = true;
-        button_pressed = false;
+        but1_pressed = false;
-void motor_controller() {return;}
+void motor_controller() {
+    motor1_pwm.period(0.0000625‬f);              // 1/frequency van waarop hij draait
+    motor1_direction = motor.dir1;              // Zet de richting goed
+    motor1_pwm.write(motor.speed1);             // Zet het op de snelheid van motor.speed1
+    motor2_pwm.period(0.0000625f);              // 1/frequency van waarop hij draait
+    motor2_direction = motor.dir2;
+    motor2_pwm.write(motor.speed2);             
+    return;
+    }
 void output() {return;}
-void button_interrupt () {
-    button_pressed = true;
+void but1_interrupt () {
+    but1_pressed = true;
+    pc.printf("Button 1 pressed \n\r");
+void but2_interrupt () {
+    but2_pressed = true;
+    pc.printf("Button 2 pressed \n\r");
 void state_machine() {
+    if (but2_pressed){              // Is dit de goede locatie hiervoor?
+        current_state = idle;
+        but2_pressed = false;
+        pc.printf("Do_nothing happened due to pressing button 2 \n\r");   
+    }
     //run current state
     switch (current_state) {
         case idle:                  // hoezo de :?
@@ -98,6 +144,7 @@
 void main_loop() {
@@ -107,19 +154,15 @@
 int main() {
-    pc.printf("Executing main()\r\n");
+    pc.printf("Executing main()... \r\n");
     current_state = idle;
-    motor.pwm1 = 0;
-    motor.pwm2 = 0;
     motor.dir1 = 0;
     motor.dir2 = 0;
-    //motor.dir2 = 1;             //todo: check if this is actually clockwise
-    //motor.pwm2 = 0.5f;
-    button.fall(&button_interrupt);
+    but1.fall(&but1_interrupt);
+    but2.fall(&but2_interrupt);
     loop_ticker.attach(&main_loop, 0.1f); //main loop at 1kHz
-    pc.printf("Iickerloop finished \n \r");
+    pc.printf("Main_loop is running\n \r");
     while (true) {}
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