Русифицированная версия программы для измерения температуры и отн. влажности и вывода информации на сенсорный TFT

Dependencies:   FT800_2 HYT mbed

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Show/hide line numbers display.StringsTransform.cpp Source File


00001 #include "display.h"
00003 /**************************************************************************************************************************
00004 ************************** Transform humiditity / temperature float value to string ***************************************
00005 **************************************************************************************************************************/
00006 // If isTemp = 0, resulting string includes
00007 // 1. current humididty
00008 // 3. " %"
00010 // If isTemp = 1, resulting string includes
00011 // 1. "-" (optional),
00012 // 2. current temperature with decimal mark
00013 // 3. " С"
00015 // Returns offset using for placing degree sign
00016 char Display::CreateStringTempHum(char *str, float number, bool isTemp)
00017 {
00018     char offsetForDegreeSign;
00019     short int multipedNumber = (short int)(number * 100);
00020     char strCnt = 0;
00021     if (isTemp) {
00022         if (multipedNumber < 0) {
00023             multipedNumber = -multipedNumber;
00024             str[strCnt] = '-';
00025             strCnt++;
00026         }
00027     }
00028     if (multipedNumber >= 10000) {
00029         str[strCnt] = '0' + (multipedNumber % 100000) / 10000;
00030         strCnt++;
00031     }
00032     if (multipedNumber >= 1000) {
00033         str[strCnt] = '0' + (multipedNumber % 10000) / 1000;
00034         strCnt++;
00035     }
00036     if (multipedNumber >= 100) {
00037         str[strCnt] = '0' + (multipedNumber % 1000) / 100;
00038         strCnt++;
00039     }
00040     if (isTemp) {
00041         str[strCnt] = '.';
00042         strCnt++;
00043         str[strCnt] = '0' + (multipedNumber % 100) / 10;
00044         strCnt++;
00045         str[strCnt] = ' ';
00046         strCnt++;
00047         offsetForDegreeSign = strCnt;
00048         str[strCnt] = 'C';
00049         strCnt++;
00050     } else {
00051         str[strCnt] = '%';
00052         strCnt++;
00053     }
00054     str[strCnt] = 0;
00056     return offsetForDegreeSign;
00057 }
00060 /**************************************************************************************************************************
00061 ************************** Transform multiplied temperature value to string ***********************************************
00062 **************************************************************************************************************************/
00063 // Resulting string includes
00064 // 1. "-" (optional),
00065 // 2. current temperature with decimal mark
00066 void Display::CreateStringMultipliedTemp(char *str, short int number)
00067 {
00068     char strCnt = 0;
00069     if (number < 0) {
00070         number = -number;
00071         str[strCnt] = '-';
00072         strCnt++;
00073     }
00074     if (number >= 1000) {
00075         str[strCnt] = '0' + (number % 10000) / 1000;
00076         strCnt++;
00077     }
00078     if (number >= 100) {
00079         str[strCnt] = '0' + (number % 1000) / 100;
00080         strCnt++;
00081     }
00082     if (number >= 10) {
00083         str[strCnt] = '0' + (number % 100) / 10;
00084         strCnt++;
00085     }
00086     str[strCnt] = '.';
00087     strCnt++;
00088     str[strCnt] = '0' + (number % 100) / 10;
00089     strCnt++;
00090     str[strCnt] = 0;
00091 }
00094 /**************************************************************************************************************************
00095 ************************** Transform number of seconds to HH:MM:SS string *************************************************
00096 **************************************************************************************************************************/
00097 void Display::CreateStringTime(char *str, uint32_t numberOfSeconds)
00098 {
00099     char hrs = (numberOfSeconds / 3600);
00100     if (hrs < 10) {
00101         str[0] = '0';
00102     } else {
00103         str[0] = '0' + hrs / 10;
00104     }
00105     str[1] = '0' + hrs % 10;
00106     str[2] = ':';
00107     char minutes = (numberOfSeconds / 60) % 60;
00108     if (minutes < 10) {
00109         str[3] = '0';
00110     } else {
00111         str[3] = '0' + minutes / 10;
00112     }
00113     str[4] = '0' + minutes % 10;
00114     str[5] = ':';
00115     char sec = numberOfSeconds % 60;
00116     if (sec < 10) {
00117         str[6] = '0';
00118     } else {
00119         str[6] = '0' + sec / 10;
00120     }
00121     str[7] = '0' + sec % 10;
00122     str[8] = 0;
00123 }
00125 void Display::CreateStringRussian(const string rustext)
00126 {
00128 //  0123456789АБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя.,:-°±%<>rHYTICS
00129     int len = rustext.length();
00130     int j = 0;
00131     for (int i = 0; i < len; i ++) {
00132         uint16_t res = uint8_t(rustext[i]);
00133         if (res > 0x7F) {
00134             res = res << 8 | uint8_t(rustext[i + 1]);
00135             // АБВ ... ноп
00136             if ((res >= 0xD090) && (res <= 0xD0BF)) {
00137                 char offset = (char)(res - 0xD090);
00138                 russianStr[j] = 32 + 11 + offset;
00139             // рст ... эюя
00140             } else if ((res >= 0xD180) && (res <= 0xD18F)) {
00141                 char offset = (char)(res - 0xD180);
00142                 russianStr[j] = 32 + 59 + offset;
00143             }
00144             // Degree sign
00145             else if (res == 0xC2B0) {
00146                 russianStr[j] = 32 + 79;
00147             }
00148             // Plus-minus sign
00149             else if (res == 0xC2B1) {
00150                 russianStr[j] = 32 + 80;
00151             }
00152             i++;
00153         } else {
00154             // Space
00155             if (res == 0x20) {
00156                 russianStr[j] = 32;
00157             } 
00158             // Numbers
00159             else if (res >= 0x30 && res <= 0x39) {  
00160                 russianStr[j] = 32 + 1 + (res - 0x30);
00161             } 
00162             // .
00163             else if (res == 0x2E) {
00164                 russianStr[j] = 32 + 75;
00165             }
00166             // ,
00167             else if (res == 0x2C) {
00168                 russianStr[j] = 32 + 76;
00169             }
00170             // :
00171             else if (res == 0x3A) {
00172                 russianStr[j] = 32 + 77;
00173             }
00174             // -
00175             else if (res == 0x2D) {
00176                 russianStr[j] = 32 + 78;
00177             }
00178             // %
00179             else if (res == 0x25) {
00180                 russianStr[j] = 32 + 81;
00181             } 
00182             // <
00183             else if (res == 0x3C) {
00184                 russianStr[j] = 32 + 82;
00185             }
00186             // >
00187             else if (res == 0x3C) {
00188                 russianStr[j] = 32 + 83;
00189             }
00190             // "r"
00191             else if (res == 0x72) {
00192                 russianStr[j] = 32 + 84;
00193             }
00194             // "H"
00195             else if (res == 0x48) {
00196                 russianStr[j] = 32 + 85;
00197             }
00198             // "Y"
00199             else if (res == 0x59) {
00200                 russianStr[j] = 32 + 86;
00201             }
00202             // "T"
00203             else if (res == 0x54) {
00204                 russianStr[j] = 32 + 87;
00205             }
00206             // "I"
00207             else if (res == 0x49) {
00208                 russianStr[j] = 32 + 88;
00209             }
00210             // "C"
00211             else if (res == 0x43) {
00212                 russianStr[j] = 32 + 89;
00213             }
00214             // "S"
00215             else if (res == 0x53) {
00216                 russianStr[j] = 32 + 90;
00217             }
00218         }
00219         j++;
00220     }
00221     russianStr[j] = 0;
00222 }