
Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of LG2 by Dmitry Kovalev



File content as of revision 0:8ad47e2b6f00:


#define         L_PLC   3
#define         L_DUP   3
#define 	DIV_CONST	768
#define 	DIV_CONST2	384
#define      BUF_SIZE   64
#define		HALFINT		16384

	int highPls = 0;
	int lowPls = 0;
    int BufInMovAverPls [67];
	int BufInMovAverMns [67];
	int BufInMovAverPls_2 [67];
	int BufInMovAverMns_2 [67];
	int hMovAver [67];

	int aPLC[L_PLC], bPLC[L_PLC], aDUP[L_DUP], bDUP[L_DUP]; 
	int aDUP_2[L_DUP] = {A0_HP, A1_HP, 0}, bDUP_2[L_DUP] = {0, B1_HP, 0};

unsigned int Vibro_Filter_Aperture;
unsigned int Vibro_2_CountIn;
** Function name:		init_VibroReduce
** Descriptions:		Prepare	coefficiennts and delay 
**						line for vibro reduce filter
** parameters:			 None
** Returned value:		 None
void init_VibroReduce()
  unsigned int i; 
 	   __int64 coeff;
//     ~22.9                    ~17600           768                               | 10000Hz = 10 KHz  |*|      ?????      |/|768000|
  Vibro_Filter_Aperture = Device_blk.Str.VB_N/DIV_CONST;	//e. real expression is DEVICE_SAMPLE_RATE_HZ*Device_blk.Str.VB_N/7680000
//8832           ������������ ����        384
   i = L_mult(Vibro_Filter_Aperture,DIV_CONST2);		    	//e. i �� ���������� ������.//��������� 2 16-�� ��������� �������� ����� � ��������� 32-� ���������� �����
	//           ?
  if ((Device_blk.Str.VB_N - i)>DIV_CONST2) Vibro_Filter_Aperture++;  //�������� �� ������������ L_mult()

  coeff = 0x7FFFFFFF/Vibro_Filter_Aperture;//��������� ��� ������������

  for ( i=0; i < Vibro_Filter_Aperture; i++)  /// �� �������� ���� ����������� ��� ������ ���������� ����...
    BufInMovAverPls[i] = 0;	 
	  BufInMovAverMns[i] = 0;
    hMovAver[i]= coeff;
   Vibro_2_CountIn = MULT_7680_12500/Vibro_Filter_Aperture;
   Vibro_2_CountIn++; //������� �������

** Function name:		VibroReduce
** Descriptions:		Routine for reduce of vibro
** parameters:			
** Returned value:		 Filtered magnitude
int VibroReduce (int input)
   static unsigned  kIn = 0;
          unsigned  s;          
		   __int64  outMns = 0;
		   __int64  outPls = 0;
   BufInMovAverPls[kIn] =  input;
	 BufInMovAverMns[kIn] = -input;
    for (s=0; s<Vibro_Filter_Aperture; s++)
      outPls += (__int64)hMovAver[s]*(__int64)BufInMovAverPls[s];
	    outMns += (__int64)hMovAver[s]*(__int64)BufInMovAverMns[s];
	highPls = (int)(outPls>>32);
	lowPls = (int)outPls;

	 BufInMovAverPls_2[kIn] = (int)(outPls-(outMns>>32));
	 BufInMovAverMns_2[kIn] = -BufInMovAverPls_2[kIn];
	     outPls = 0;
		   outMns = 0;
	for (s=0; s<Vibro_Filter_Aperture; s++)
    outPls += (__int64)hMovAver[s]*(__int64)BufInMovAverPls_2[s];
	  outMns += (__int64)hMovAver[s]*(__int64)BufInMovAverMns_2[s];
    if (kIn>(Vibro_Filter_Aperture-1)) kIn = 0;

    return  (int)(outPls-(outMns>>32));	 
int VibroReduce (int input)
   static unsigned  k = 0;
   static __int64  out = 0, buf[67];

	 out -= buf[k];
	 buf[k]	= (__int64)hMovAver[k] * (__int64)input;
	 out += buf[k];

	if (k++ > (Vibro_Filter_Aperture-1)) k = 0;

//	if ((int)out >> 16)
//		return  (int)(out>>31)+1;
//			else
    	return  (int)(out>>31);
** Function name:		DUP_Filt
** Descriptions:		Filter for dither frequency regulator
** parameters:			
** Returned value:		 Filtered magnitude
int DUP_Filt (int input)
static unsigned int kIn = 0;
                int ind;
				__int64 temp = 0;
       unsigned int i;
static int BufInDUP_1 [L_DUP] = {0,0,0};
static int BufInDUP_2 [L_DUP] = {0,0,0};
//static __int64 BufOutDUP[L_DUP] = {0,0,0};

    if (kIn>(L_DUP-1)) kIn = 0;

      BufInDUP_1[kIn] = input;
   ind = kIn;
    BufInDUP_2[kIn] = 0;
    for (i=0; i<L_DUP; i++)
      temp += aDUP[i]*BufInDUP_1[ind];
	  temp += bDUP[i]*BufInDUP_2[ind];
       if ((--ind) < 0) ind = L_DUP-1;
     BufInDUP_2[kIn] =(int)(temp>>14);	//e.-----16----------- take into account that filter coefficients are divided on 2

//-----------------------------2 section (HF-filtration)----------------------------------
  /*  BufOutDUP[kIn] = 0;
    for (i=0; i<L_DUP; i++)
       BufOutDUP[kIn] += (__int64)aDUP_2[i]*BufInDUP_2[ind] + (__int64)bDUP_2[i]*BufOutDUP[ind];
       if ((--ind) < 0) ind = L_DUP-1;
   BufOutDUP[kIn] >>= 30;	  */

 return (BufInDUP_2[kIn++]);

//-------------------------PLC phase detector----------------------------------
int PLC_PhaseDetFilt (int input)
static unsigned kIn = 0;
            int ind;
		__int64	temp = 0;
       unsigned i;
static int BufInPLC_1 [L_PLC] = {0,0,0};
static int BufInPLC_2 [L_PLC] = {0,0,0};
static int BufOutPLC [L_PLC] = {0,0,0};

   if (kIn>(L_PLC-1)) kIn = 0;

   BufInPLC_1[kIn] = input;
   ind = kIn;
   // BufInPLC_2[kIn] = 0;

    for (i=0; i<L_PLC; i++)
       temp += aPLC[i]*BufInPLC_1[ind];
	   temp += bPLC[i]*BufInPLC_2[ind];
       if ((--ind) < 0) ind = L_PLC-1;
     BufInPLC_2[kIn] =(int)(temp>>14);
//-----------------------------2 section----------------------------------------
//  BufOutPLC[kIn] = 0;
		temp = 0;
    for (i=0; i<L_PLC; i++)
       temp += aPLC[i]*BufInPLC_2[ind];
	     temp += bPLC[i]*BufOutPLC[ind];
       if ((--ind) < 0) ind = L_PLC-1;
   BufOutPLC[kIn] =(int)(temp>>14);

 return (BufOutPLC[kIn++]);
** Function name:		init_BandPass
** Descriptions:		Initialization of IIR filters for PLC and DUP signals 
** parameters:			 None
** Returned value:		 None
void init_BandPass(double CenterFreq, double BandWidth, BAND_PASS_TYPE FiltType)
 double K, R, Cos_x_2, R_x_R; 

   R = 1.0 - 3.0 * BandWidth;
  R_x_R = R * R;
  Cos_x_2 = cos(2.0 * PI * CenterFreq) * 2.0;
  K = (1.0 - R * Cos_x_2 + R_x_R)/(2.0 - Cos_x_2);
 switch (FiltType)
  case PLC:
   aPLC[0] = (int)((1.0 - K)*HALFINT);
   aPLC[1] = (int)(((K - R) * Cos_x_2)*HALFINT);
   aPLC[2] = (int)((R_x_R - K)*HALFINT);
   bPLC[0] = 0;
   bPLC[1] = (int)((R * Cos_x_2)*HALFINT);
   bPLC[2] = (int)((- R_x_R)*HALFINT);
  case DUP:
   aDUP[0] = (int)((1.0 - K)*HALFINT);
   aDUP[1] = (int)(((K - R) * Cos_x_2)*HALFINT);
   aDUP[2] = (int)((R_x_R - K)*HALFINT);
   bDUP[0] = 0;
   bDUP[1] = (int)((R * Cos_x_2)*HALFINT);
   bDUP[2] = (int)((- R_x_R)*HALFINT);   
** Function name:		HFO_MovAverFilt
** Descriptions:		Moving average filter for ammplitude signal filtration 
** parameters:			 None
** Returned value:		 None
int HFO_MovAverFilt (int Input)
   static __int64 smooth_HF = 0;
   static  int buffer_HF[BUF_SIZE];
   static unsigned i_HF = 0;

     smooth_HF -= buffer_HF[i_HF];
     buffer_HF[i_HF] = Input;
	 smooth_HF += Input;

     i_HF &= (BUF_SIZE-1);

   return (smooth_HF>>22);	//shift on additional 6 bits for smoothing 2^6 = 64 