
Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of LG by igor Apu

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/host/Source/App/CntrlGLD.h~RF1a0a05c.TMP	Wed Feb 03 10:44:42 2016 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+#ifndef DEVICE
+#define DEVICE
+//e. constants for the piecewise-linear thermocompensation //r. êîíñòàíòû äëÿ êóñî÷íî-ëèíåéíîé òåðìîêîìïåíñàöèè
+#define 	TERMO_FUNC_SIZE		14 	//e. amount of the points of the table function of thermocompensation //r. êîëè÷åñòâî òî÷åê òàáëè÷íîé ôóíêöèè òåðìîêîìïåíñàöèè
+#define 	MAX_ORDER			9   //e. maximal value of order for the thermocompensation coefficients //r. ìàêñèìàëüíàÿ âåëè÷èíà ïîðÿäêà äëÿ êîýôôèöèåíòîâ òåðìîêîìïåíñàöèè
+#define 	TSENS_NUMB			4   //e. number of the temperature sensor used for the thermocompensation //r. íîìåð òåðìîäàò÷èêà, èñïîëüçóåìîãî äëÿ êîìïåíñàöèè
+typedef enum _TERMO_MODE   //e. thermocompensation modes //r. ðåæèìû ðàáîòû òåðìîêîìïåíñàöèè
+	TERMO_OFF,						//e. thermocompensation is switched off  //r. òåðìîêîìïåíñàöèÿ âûêëþ÷åíà
+	TERMO_ON,						//e. thermocompensation is switched on  //r. òåðìîêîìïåíñàöèÿ âêëþ÷åíà
+	TERMO_ON_NUMB_OFF,				//e. thermocompensation is switched on, number resets (debug mode) //r. òåðìîêîìïåíñàöèÿ âêëþ÷åíà, ÷èñëî çàíóëÿåòñÿ (îòëàäî÷íûé ðåæèì)
+	TERMO_ON_STATIC_ONLY,			//e. only static thermocompensation is switched on  //r. âêëþ÷åíà òîëüêî ñòàòè÷åñêàÿ òåðìîêîìïåíñàöèÿ
+	TERMO_ON_DYNAMIC_ONLY,			//e. only dynamic thermocompensation is switched on  //r. âêëþ÷åíà òîëüêî äèíàìè÷åñêàÿ òåðìîêîìïåíñàöèÿ
+	TERMO_ON_STATIC_ONLY_NUMB_OFF,	//e. static thermocompensation is switched on, number resets (debug mode) //r. ñòàòè÷åñêàÿ òåðìîêîìïåíñàöèÿâêëþ÷åíà, ÷èñëî çàíóëÿåòñÿ (îòëàäî÷íûé ðåæèì)
+	TERMO_ON_DYNAMIC_ONLY_NUMB_OFF	//e. dynamic thermocompensation is switched on, number resets (debug mode) //r. äèíàìè÷åñêàÿ òåðìîêîìïåíñàöèÿâêëþ÷åíà, ÷èñëî çàíóëÿåòñÿ (îòëàäî÷íûé ðåæèì)
+typedef enum _WATCH_MODE   //e. variants of control points for scope //r. âàðèàíòû êîíòðîëüíûõ òî÷åê äëÿ îñöèëëîãðàôà
+	VB_DELAY_MEANDER,			//e. the delayed on the VB_phs meander //r. çàäåðæàííûé ìåàíäð íà âåëè÷èíó VB_phs
+	VB_PHASE_DETECTOR,			//e. output of the PD of the dither drive //r. âûõîä ôàçîâîãî äåòåêòîðà âèþðîïðèâîäà
+	VB_PHASE_DETECTOR_1_SEC,	//e. output of integral of the PD of the dither drive for 1 Sec //r. âûõîä èíòåãðàëà ÔÄ âèáðîïðèâîäà çà 1 ñåê
+	VB_INTEGRATOR_40T,			//e. output of integral of the PD of the dither drive for 40 periods //r. âûõîä èíòåãðàëà ÔÄ âèáðîïðèâîäà çà 40 ïåðèîäîâ
+	WP_PHASE_DETECTOR  			//e. output of the PD of the CPLC regulator //r. âûõîä ôàçîâîãî äåòåêòîðà êîíòóðà ÑÐÏ
+//e. =====  device operation modes ================================================================ //r. ===== ðåæèìû ðàáîòû ïðèáîðà ================================================================
+#define  DM_INT_10KHZ_LATCH				1		//e. mode of internal latch 10 kHz //r. ðåæèì âíóòðåííåé çàùåëêè 10 êÃö			
+#define  DM_INT_LATCH_DELTA_PS			2
+#define  DM_EXT_LATCH_DELTA_PS_PULSE	4		//e. mode of external latch with output of the Delta_PS command by pulse //r. ðåæèì âíåøíåé çàùåëêè ñ âûäà÷åé êîìàíäû Delta_PS ïî èìïóëüñó
+#define  DM_EXT_LATCH_DELTA_BINS_PULSE	6		//e. mode of external latch with output of the Delta_BINS command by pulse//r. ðåæèì âíåøíåé çàùåëêè ñ âûäà÷åé êîìàíäû Delta_BINS ïî èìïóëüñó
+#define  DM_EXT_LATCH_DELTA_SF_PULSE	7		//e. mode of Delta Scale factor //r. ðåæèì Delta_SF command
+  //e. *** the BLOCK of VARIABLES, LOADED from FLASH-memory ********************** //r. *** ÁËÎÊ ÏÅÐÅÌÅÍÍÛÕ, ÇÀÃÐÓÆÀÅÌÛÕ èç FLASH-ïàìÿòè ********************** 
+      	//e. Address (parameter number in the block = 0..255 ) //r. Àäðåñ (Íîìåð ïàðàìåòðà â áëîêå = 0..255)
+typedef  union
+ {
+    int Array[171];
+  struct 
+  {   					// Device_blk
+	int     My_Addres;      //e. 0 - device own address //r.0 - ñîáñòâåííûé àäðåñ óñòðîéñòâà
+                //e. =============== parameters of HFO regulator ===============    //r. =============== ïàðàìåòðû êîíòóðà Â× ãåíåðàòîðà íàêà÷êè ===============       
+	int		HF_ref;    		//e. 1 - value of the reference //r.  1 - çíà÷åíèå îïîðû  
+	int     HF_scl;         //e. 2 - the gain factor (1.15)    //r. 2 - êîýôôèöèåíò ïåðåäà÷è (1.15)
+	int     HF_min;         //e. 3 - minimum of the output value on the regulator DAC (appropriate to maximal voltage on the HFO) //r.  3 - ìèíèìóì âûõîäíîãî çíà÷åíèÿ íà ÖÀÏå ðåãóëÿòîðà (ñîîòâåòñòâóåò ìàêñèì. íàïðÿæåíèþ íà ÃÂ×)
+	int     HF_max;         //e. 4 - maximum of the output value on the regulator DAC (appropriate to minimal voltage on the HFO) //r.  4 - ìàêñèìóì âûõîäíîãî çíà÷åíèÿ íà ÖÀÏå ðåãóëÿòîðà (ñîîòâåòñòâóåò ìèíèì. íàïðÿæåíèþ íà ÃÂ×)
+                //e. =============== parameters of the regulator of the DS power regulator ========== //r. =============== ïàðàìåòðû êîíòóðà ðåãóëèðîâàíèÿ ìîùíîñòè ÄÓÏ ==========
+	int     RI_ref;         //e. 5 - value of the reference //r.  5 - çíà÷åíèå îïîðû
+	int     RI_scl;         //e. 6 - the gain factor (1.15) //r.  6 - êîýôôèöèåíò ïåðåäà÷è (1.15)
+                //e. =============== parameters of the CPLC regulator ===== //r. =============== ïàðàìåòðû êîíòóðà ñòàáèëèçàöèè ðàáî÷åãî ïåðèìåòðà (ÑÐÏ) =====
+	int     WP_ref;         //e. 7 -  value of the reference //r.  7 - çíà÷åíèå îïîðû
+	int     WP_scl;         //e. 8 - the gain factor (1.15) //r. 8 - êîýôôèöèåíò ïåðåäà÷è (1.15)
+	int     WP_mdy;         //e. 9 - value of the reset delay //r. 9 - çíà÷åíèå çàäåðæêè ñáðîñà
+	int     WP_rup;         //e. 10 - upper value of DAC adjustment (appropriate to minimal voltage on the heater) //r. 10 - âåðõíåå çíà÷åíèå ðåãóëèðîâêè ÖÀÏ (ñîîòâåòñòâóåò ìèíèì. íàïðÿæåíèþ íà íàãðåâàòåëå)                                     
+	int     WP_rdw;         //e. 11 - lower value of the DAC adjustment (appropriate to maximal voltage on the heater) //r. 11 - âåðõíåå çíà÷åíèå ðåãóëèðîâêè ÖÀÏ (ñîîòâåòñòâóåò ìàêñèì. íàïðÿæåíèþ íà íàãðåâàòåëå)
+                //e. =============== parameters of the dither drive regulator of the GLD ==================== //r. =============== ïàðàìåòðû êîíòóðà âèáðîïðèâîäà ÃËÄ ==================== 
+	int     VB_phs;         //e. 12 - the phase delay parameter of the dither drive PLL //r.  12 - ïàðàìåòð Phase_çàä. ÑÐ× âèáðîïðèâîäà
+	int     VB_scl;         //e. 13 - the gain factor (1.15) of the dither drive PLL  //r. 13 - êîýôôèöèåíò ïåðåäà÷è (1.15) ÑÐ× âèáðîïðèâîäà
+unsigned int VB_N;          //e. 14 - divider for dither drive period (defines dither period) //r. 14 - êîýôô.äåëåíèÿ N âèáðîïðèâîäà (ïåðèîä êîëåáàíèé) ÂÏ
+unsigned int VB_Nmin;        //e. 15 - minimum of the output value of the oscillation period regulator //r. 15 - ìèíèìóì âûõîäíîãî çíà÷åíèÿ ðåãóëÿòîðà ïåðèîäà 
+unsigned int VB_Nmax;        //e. 16 - maximum of the output value of the oscillation period regulator //r. 16 - ìàêñèìóì âûõîäíîãî çíà÷åíèÿ ðåãóëÿòîðà ïåðèîäà
+	int     VB_Fdf_Hi;      //e. 17 - adjusted output frequency (H) //r. 17 - çàäàííàÿ ÷àñòîòà ðàñùåïëåíèÿ (H)
+unsigned int VB_Fdf_Lo;      //e. 18 - (L) (double precision) //r. 18 - (L) (äâîéíàÿ òî÷íîñòü)                      
+	int     VB_Fsc;         //e. 19 - the gain factor of the frequency regulator //r. 19 - êîýôôèöèåíò ïåðåäà÷è ðåãóëÿòîðà ÷àñòîòû ðàñùåïëåíèÿ                  
+unsigned int VB_Tmin;        //e. 20 - the gain factor of the frequency regulator //r. 19 - êîýôôèöèåíò ïåðåäà÷è ðåãóëÿòîðà ÷àñòîòû ðàñùåïëåíèÿ
+unsigned int VB_Tmax;        //e. 21 - maximum of the output value of the regulator //r. 21 - ìàêñèìóì âûõîäíîãî çíà÷åíèÿ ðåãóëÿòîðà Tau
+unsigned int VB_tau;         //e. 22 - pulse width of the dither drive (without noise)//r. 22 - äëèòåëüíîñòü èìïóëüñà âèáðîïðèâîäà (äî îøóìëåíèÿ)
+	int     VBN_Tzd;        //e. 23 - adjusted noise period //r. 23 - çàäàííûé ïåðèîä îøóìëåíèÿ
+	int     VBN_Ran;        //e. 24 - range of the random component of noise //r. 24 - äèàïàçîí ñëó÷àéíîé ñîñòàâëÿþùåé îøóìëåíèÿ VBN_Tsl                               
+	int     VBN_k;          //e. 25 - adjusted noise constant //r. 25 - çàäàííàÿ êîíñòàíòà îøóìëåíèÿ
+                //e. =============== parameters of processing of accurate data ============= //r. =============== ïàðàìåòðû îáðàáîòêè òî÷íîñòíîé èíôîðìàöèè =============
+	int     PI_Fsc; //_        //e.  26 - the S_ds scale parameter //r.  26 - ìàñøòàáíûé êîýôôèöèåíò Säóï
+	int     PI_Fb0; //_        //e.  27 - the B_ds zero shift of the DS //r.  27 - ñìåùåíèå íóëÿ ÄÓÏà Bäóï
+	int     PI_scl; //_        //e.  28 - the Scale scale coefficient of the gyro //r.  28 - ìàñøòàáíûé êîýôô. ãèðîñêîïà Scale
+	int     PI_bia; //_        //e.  29 - the Bias zero shift of the gyro //r.  29 - ñìåùåíèå íóëÿ ãèðîñêîïà Bias
+                //e. ===============  coefficients of the temperature correction ================= //r. ===============  êîýôôèöèåíòû òåìïåðàòóðíîé êîððåêöèè =================
+	int     PI_a0; //_         //  30
+	int     PI_a1; //_         //  31
+	int     PI_a2; //_         //  32
+	int     PI_a3; //_         //  33 
+	int     PI_a4; //_         //  34
+	int     PI_a5; //_         //  35
+	int     PI_a6; //_         //  36
+	int     PI_b1; //_         //  37
+	int     PI_b2; //_         //  38
+	int     PI_b3; //_         //  39
+	int     PI_b4; //_         //  40
+	int     PI_b5; //_         //  41
+	int     PI_b6; //_         //  42
+                //e. =============== parameters of normalization of the temperature sensors  ============= //r. =============== ïàðàìåòðû íîðìèðîâêè äàò÷èêîâ òåìïåðàòóðû =============
+	int     Tmp_bias[6]; //_  //e. 43 - an array of shifts of the 0..5 temperature sensors //r. 43 - ìàññèâ ñäâèãîâ òåìïåðàòóðíûõ äàò÷èêîâ 0..5
+	int     Tmp_scal[6]; //_  //e. 49 - an array of the scale coefficients of temperature sensors//r.  49 - ìàññèâ ìàñøòàáíûõ ê-òîâ òåìïåðàòóðíûõ äàò÷èêîâ 
+	int     WP_reset;       //e. 55 - initial position of the CPLC regulator (after reset)  //r.  55 - èñõîäíîå ïîëîæåíèå ðåãóëÿòîðà ÑÐÏ (ïîñëå ñáðîñà)
+				//e. ================ gain factor of photodetector channels =========== //r. ================ ê-ò óñèëåíèÿ êàíàëîâ ôîòîïðèåìíèêà ===========
+unsigned int	Gain_Ph_A;		//e. 56 - initial gain factor of the A channel of photodetector //r.	56 - íà÷àëüíûé ê-ò óñèëåíèÿ êàíàëà À ôîòîïðèåìíèêà
+unsigned int	Gain_Ph_B;		//e. 57 - initial gain factor of the B channel of photodetector //r. 57 - íà÷àëüíûé ê-ò óñèëåíèÿ êàíàëà B ôîòîïðèåìíèêà
+				//e. =============== switch of the source of loading GLD variables block === //r. =============== ïåðåêëþ÷àòåëü èñòî÷íèêà çàãðóçêè áëîêà ïåðåìåííûõ ÃËÄ (ãàëî÷êà â íàñòîðîå÷íîé ïðîãðàììå)
+	int		Header_Word;			//e. 58 - flash sector validity header  //r. 58 - çàãîëîâîê-êëþ÷ ê èíäèêàòîðó èñòî÷íèêà çàãðóçêè
+	int		LoadFlash_enable;		//e. 59 - source loading flag: 1 - load from the flash //r. 59 - ïðèçíàê èñòî÷íèêà çàãðóçêè: 1 - ãðóçèòüñÿ èç flesh
+																//e. 0 - load default parameters (factory)  //r. 0 - ãðóçèòü ïàðàìåòðû ïî óìîë÷àíèþ (çàâîäñêèå)
+unsigned int Device_SerialNumber;		//e. 60 - serial number of the device //r. 60 - ñåðèéíûé íîìåð ïðèáîðà
+	int     Reserved0;       //e. 61 - not used
+	TERMO_MODE	TermoMode;	//e  62 - device operation mode (with thermocompenstion, without it, debug )//r.  62 - ðåæèì ðàáîòû ïðèáîðà (ñ òåðìîêîìïåíñàöèåé, áåç íåå èëè îòëàäêà)
+//e. addition for the piecewise-linear termocorrection //r. äîáàâëåíèå äëÿ êóñî÷íî-ëèíåéíîé òåðìîêîððåêöèè
+	int 	TemperInt[TERMO_FUNC_SIZE];	//e. 63 
+	float 	TermoFunc[TERMO_FUNC_SIZE];	//e. 77
+	int     WP_reset2;       //e. 91 - voltages of CPLC regulator reset at cooling //r.  xx - íàïðÿæåíèÿ îáíóëåíèÿ êîíòóðà ÑÐÏ ïðè îõëàæäåíèè
+	//e. parameters setting termocompensation parameters in dynamics (at heating and cooling) //r. ïàðàìåòðû, çàäàþùèå ïàðàìåòðû òåðìîêîìïåíñàöèè â äèíàìèêå (ïðè íàãðåâå è îõëàæäåíèè)
+	float	Reserved1; //e. 92 - not used
+	float	Reserved2; //e. 93 - not used
+	int		K_vb_tu; 			//e. 94 - slope of dependence of the VB_N division factor from temperature (as though Hz/degree, but in relative units ) //r. êðóòèçíà çàâèñèìîñòè êîýôôèöèåíòà äåëåíèÿ VB_N îò òåìïåðàòóðû (êàê áû Ãö/ãðàäóñ, íî â ó.å.)
+	int		TemperNormal; 		//e. 95 -temperature for which the VB_N division factor of the dither drive is set //r. òåìïåðàòóðà, äëÿ êîòîðîé çàäàí êîýôôèöèåíò äåëåíèÿ âèáðîïðèâîäà VB_N
+	int		K_WP_rst_heating; 	//r. 96 - êðóòèçíà çàâèñèìîñòè íàïðÿæåíèÿ îáíóëåíèÿ ïðè íàãðåâàíèè îò òåìïåðàòóðû (êàê áû âîëüò/ãðàäóñ, íî â ó.å. ÖÀÏ è òåðìîäàò÷èêîâ )
+	int		K_WP_rst_cooling; 	//e. 97 - slope of dependence of a reset voltage at cooling from temperature (as though Volt/degree, but in relative units of DAC and temperature sensors)  //r. êðóòèçíà çàâèñèìîñòè íàïðÿæåíèÿ îáíóëåíèÿ ïðè îõëàæäåíèè îò òåìïåðàòóðû (êàê áû âîëüò/ãðàäóñ, íî â ó.å. ÖÀÏ è òåðìîäàò÷èêîâ )
+	int		WP_transition_step; //e. 98 - step of change of a heater voltage at resetting //r. øàã èçìåíåíèÿ íàïðÿæåíèÿ íàãðåâàòåëÿ ïðè âûïîëíåíèè îáíóëåíèÿ
+	int		Reserved3; // e. 99 -not used
+	int     HF_scl_2;         //r. 100 -  êîýôôèöèåíò ïåðåäà÷è (1.15) êîíòóðà ÃÂ× ïðè îáíóëåíèè
+	int 	TemperIntDyn[TERMO_FUNC_SIZE]; //e. 114 - 
+    float   ThermoHeatDelta[TERMO_FUNC_SIZE]; //e. 128 - 
+    int     DeltaTempRecalc;   //r. 129 - òåìïåðàòóðíûé èíòåðâàë ïåðåñ÷åòà äèíàìè÷. êîìïåíñàöèè (â ó.å.) //e. temperature delta for dynamic thermocompensation recalculation(in relative units)
+	int 	TemperCoolIntDyn[TERMO_FUNC_SIZE]; // e. 143 - 
+    float   ThermoCoolDelta[TERMO_FUNC_SIZE];  //e. 157 - 
+ } Str;
+//e. ************ end of the BLOCK of VARIABLES, LOADED from FLASH-memory ************ //r. ************ êîíåö áëîêà çàãðóæàåìûõ èç ôëýø-ïàìÿòè ïàðàìåòðîâ ÃËÄ ************
+extern 	TDEVICE_BLK Device_blk; //e. the BLOCK of VARIABLES, LOADED from FLASH-memory //r. ÁËÎÊ ÏÅÐÅÌÅÍÍÛÕ, ÇÀÃÐÓÆÀÅÌÛÕ èç FLASH-ïàìÿòè
+extern 		 int Device_Mode;
+extern 	unsigned Valid_Data;
+extern	unsigned ser_num;
+extern		 int VB_Nmin0;  //e. minimum of the output value of a regulator of the period for the Device_blk.TemperNormal temperature //r. ìèíèìóì  âûõîäíîãî çíà÷åíèÿ ðåãóëÿòîðà ïåðèîäà äëÿ òåìïåðàòóðû Device_blk.TemperNormal
+extern		 int VB_Nmax0;  //e. maximum of the output value of a regulator of the period for the Device_blk.TemperNormal //r. ìàêñèìóì âûõîäíîãî çíà÷åíèÿ ðåãóëÿòîðà ïåðèîäà äëÿ òåìïåðàòóðû Device_blk.TemperNormal
+extern  unsigned BIT_number;
+extern  unsigned Is_BIT; 
+extern	unsigned start_Rq;       //e. request for device starting //r. çàïðîñ íà çàïóñê ïðèáîðà
+extern	unsigned stop_Rq;        //e. request for device stopping //r. çàïðîñ íà îñòàíîâ ïðèáîðà
+extern	unsigned pulse_Rq;       //e. request for light-up of laser //r. çàïðîñ íà ïîäæèã ëàçåðà
+	//e. *** Default device parameters ********************** //r. *** Ïðèáîðíûå ïàðàìåòðû ïî óìîë÷àíèþ **********************
+#define	DEVICE_SN			1		//e. device serial number = 01 //r. ñåðèéíûé íîìåð ïðèáîðà = 01
+#define	My_Addres_const		0	      //e.    - device own address //r.   - ñîáñòâåííûé àäðåñ óñòðîéñòâà 
+	//e. =============== parameters of HF regulator ===============    //r. =============== ïàðàìåòðû êîíòóðà Â× ãåíåðàòîðà íàêà÷êè ===============       
+	#define	HF_REF_CONST	15080	//e. 1 - value of the reference //r.  1 - çíà÷åíèå îïîðû  
+	#define	HF_SCL_CONST	1	    // 0x64 //e. 2 - the gain factor (1.15) //r. 2 - êîýôôèöèåíò ïåðåäà÷è (1.15)                              
+	#define	HF_MIN_CONST	-32668  //e. 3 - minimum of the output value on the regulator DAC (appropriate to maximal voltage on the HFO) //r.  3 - ìèíèìóì âûõîäíîãî çíà÷åíèÿ íà ÖÀÏå ðåãóëÿòîðà (ñîîòâåòñòâóåò ìàêñèì. íàïðÿæåíèþ íà ÃÂ×)
+	#define	HF_MAX_CONST    -17379	//e. 4 - maximum of the output value on the regulator DAC (appropriate to minimal voltage on the HFO) //r.  4 - ìàêñèìóì âûõîäíîãî çíà÷åíèÿ íà ÖÀÏå ðåãóëÿòîðà (ñîîòâåòñòâóåò ìèíèì. íàïðÿæåíèþ íà ÃÂ×)
+	#define	HFO_SHIFT		16		//e. number of digits of fractional part in 32-bit variable of the hf_reg32 varaible //r. ÷èñëî ðàçðÿäîâ äðîáíîé ÷àñòè â 32-õáèòîâîé ïåðåìåííîé hf_reg32
+	//e. =============== parameters of the CPLC regulator ===== //r. =============== ïàðàìåòðû êîíòóðà ñòàáèëèçàöèè ðàáî÷åãî ïåðèìåòðà (ÑÐÏ) =====
+	#define	WP_REF_CONST	5       //e. 7 -  value of the reference //r.  7 - çíà÷åíèå îïîðû                                                  
+	#define	WP_SCL_CONST	5	    //e. 8 - the gain factor (1.15) //r. 8 - êîýôôèöèåíò ïåðåäà÷è (1.15)
+	#define	WP_MDY_CONST	30		//e. 9 - value of the reset delay //r. 9 - çíà÷åíèå çàäåðæêè ñáðîñà                                        
+	#define	WP_RUP_CONST	31936	//e. 10 - lower value of DAC adjustment (appropriate to minimal voltage on the heater) //r. 10 - íèæíåå  çíà÷åíèå ðåãóëèðîâêè ÖÀÏ (ñîîòâåòñòâóåò ìèíèì. íàïðÿæåíèþ íà íàãðåâàòåëå)                                     
+	#define	WP_RDW_CONST	11801	//e. 11 - upper value of the DAC adjustment (appropriate to maximal voltage on the heater) //r. 11 - âåðõíåå çíà÷åíèå ðåãóëèðîâêè ÖÀÏ (ñîîòâåòñòâóåò ìàêñèì. íàïðÿæåíèþ íà íàãðåâàòåëå)
+ //e. =============== parameters of the dither drive regulator of the GLD ==================== //r. =============== ïàðàìåòðû êîíòóðà âèáðîïðèâîäà ÃËÄ ==================== 
+	#define	VB_PHS_CONST	4     	//e. 12 - the phase delay parameter of the dither drive PLL //r.  12 - ïàðàìåòð Phase_çàä. ÑÐ× âèáðîïðèâîäà        
+	#define	VB_SCL_CONST	1024	//e. 13 - the gain factor (1.15) of the dither drive PLL  //r. 13 - êîýôôèöèåíò ïåðåäà÷è (1.15) ÑÐ× âèáðîïðèâîäà
+	#define	T_VIB_START     16600	//e. 14 - divider for dither drive period (defines dither period) //r. 14 - êîýôô.äåëåíèÿ N âèáðîïðèâîäà (ïåðèîä êîëåáàíèé) ÂÏ
+									//e. _VB_N - the initial value of the oscillation period of the dither drive (406Hz-18916, 17067 - 450Hz)   //r. _VB_N íà÷àëüíûé ïåðèîä êîëåáàíèé âèáðîïðèâîäà (406Hz-18916, 17067 - 450Hz)  
+	#define	T_VIB_DELTA	    1000	    //e. the range of the oscillation period of the dither drive (~ +/- 10 Hz) //r. äèàïàçîí èçìåíåíèÿ ïåðèîäà êîëåáàíèé âèáðîïðèâîäà (~ +/- 10 Hz)
+	#define	VB_NMIN_CONST   12080	    //e. 15 - minimum of the output value of the oscillation period regulator //r. 15 - ìèíèìóì âûõîäíîãî çíà÷åíèÿ ðåãóëÿòîðà ïåðèîäà 
+	#define	VB_NMAX_CONST   64000	    //e. 16 - maximum of the output value of the oscillation period regulator //r. 16 - ìàêñèìóì âûõîäíîãî çíà÷åíèÿ ðåãóëÿòîðà ïåðèîäà
+	#define	VB_FDF_HI_CONST	3	    //e. 17 - adjusted output frequency (H) //r. 17 - çàäàííàÿ ÷àñòîòà ðàñùåïëåíèÿ (H)                     
+	#define	VB_FDF_LO_CONST	0  		//e. 18 - (L) (double precision) //r. 18 - (L) (äâîéíàÿ òî÷íîñòü)                      
+	#define	VB_FSC_CONST	-2000	//e. 19 - the gain factor of the output frequency regulator //r. 19 - êîýôôèöèåíò ïåðåäà÷è ðåãóëÿòîðà ÷àñòîòû ðàñùåïëåíèÿ                  
+	#define	VB_TMIN_CONST	100	//e. 20 - minimum of the output value of the Tau regulator //r. 20 - ìèíèìóì âûõîäíîãî çíà÷åíèÿ ðåãóëÿòîðà Tau                           
+	#define	VB_TMAX_CONST	10022	//e. 21 - maximum of the output value of the Tau regulator //r. 21 - ìàêñèìóì âûõîäíîãî çíà÷åíèÿ ðåãóëÿòîðà Tau                  
+	#define	L_VIB_START      5120	//e. 22 - pulse width of the dither drive (before noiseness)//r. 22 - äëèòåëüíîñòü èìïóëüñà âèáðîïðèâîäà (äî îøóìëåíèÿ)
+								 //e. _VB_tau - initial pulse width of the dither drive //r. _VB_tau íà÷àëüíàÿ äëèòåëüíîñòü èìïóëüñà âèáðîïðèâîäà      
+	#define	VBN_TZD_CONST	500     //e. 23 - adjusted noise[??] period (user`s constant) //r. 23 - çàäàííûé ïåðèîä îøóìëåíèÿ (êîíñòàíòà ïîëüçîâàòåëÿ)
+	#define	VBN_RAN_CONST	400     //e. 24 - range of the random component of noiseness //r. 24 - äèàïàçîí ñëó÷àéíîé ñîñòàâëÿþùåé îøóìëåíèÿ VBN_Tsl                               
+	#define	VBN_K_CONST  	7000	//e. 25 - adjusted noise constant (user`s constant) //r. 25 - çàäàííàÿ êîíñòàíòà îøóìëåíèÿ (êîíñòàíòà ïîëüçîâàòåëÿ)
+   //e. =============== parameters of DS power regulator ========== //r. =============== ïàðàìåòðû êîíòóðà ðåãóëèðîâàíèÿ ìîùíîñòè ÄÓÏ ==========
+	#define	RI_REF_CONST	25600	//e. 5 - value of the reference //r.  5 - çíà÷åíèå îïîðû                                                
+	#define	RI_SCL_CONST	0	    //e. 6 - the gain factor (1.15) //r.  6 - êîýôôèöèåíò ïåðåäà÷è (1.15)
+                //e. =============== parameters of processing of accurate data ============= //r. =============== ïàðàìåòðû îáðàáîòêè òî÷íîñòíîé èíôîðìàöèè =============
+	#define	PI_FSC_CONST	128	    //e.  26 - the S_ds scale parameter //r.  26 - ìàñøòàáíûé êîýôôèöèåíò Säóï
+	#define	PI_FB0_CONST	0	    //e.  27 - the B_ds zero shift of the DS //r.  27 - ñìåùåíèå íóëÿ ÄÓÏà Bäóï
+	#define	PI_SCL_CONST	256	    //e.  28 - the Scale scale coefficient of the gyro //r.  28 - ìàñøòàáíûé êîýôô. ãèðîñêîïà Scale
+	#define	PI_BIA_CONST	0	    //e.  29 - the Bias zero shift of the gyro //r.  29 - ñìåùåíèå íóëÿ ãèðîñêîïà Bias
+                //e. ===============  coefficients of the temperature correction ================= //r. ===============  êîýôôèöèåíòû òåìïåðàòóðíîé êîððåêöèè =================
+	#define	PI_A0_CONST		0	//  30
+	#define	PI_A1_CONST		0	//  31
+	#define	PI_A2_CONST		0	//  32
+	#define	PI_A3_CONST		0	//  33 
+	#define	PI_A4_CONST		0	//  34
+	#define	PI_A5_CONST		0	//  35
+	#define	PI_A6_CONST		0	//  36
+	#define	PI_B1_CONST		0	//  37
+	#define	PI_B2_CONST		0	//  38
+	#define	PI_B3_CONST		0	//  39
+	#define	PI_B4_CONST		0	//  40
+	#define	PI_B5_CONST		0	//  41
+	#define	PI_B6_CONST		0	//  42
+	#define TMP_SCALE		0x4000 // 43 - 54  Tmp_bias[6]; Tmp_scal[6]
+	#define TMP_BIAS		0
+	#define	WP_RESET_CONST 7360	// 55
+	#define WP_RESET2_CONST 29216
+	#define WP_TRANS_STEP	32767		
+	//e. ================ initial gain factor of photodetector channels =========== //r. ================ íà÷àëüíûé ê-ò óñèëåíèÿ êàíàëîâ ôîòîïðèåìíèêà ===========
+	#define	G_PHOTO_STRA	60     // 56 
+	#define	G_PHOTO_STRB  	60		// 57
+	//e. =============== switch of the source of loading GLD variables block === //r. =============== ïåðåêëþ÷àòåëü èñòî÷íèêà çàãðóçêè áëîêà ïåðåìåííûõ ÃËÄ ===
+	#define HEADER_WORD_CONST	0x55aa	//e. 58 - magic number flash validity //r. 58 - çàãîëîâîê-êëþ÷ ê èíäèêàòîðó èñòî÷íèêà çàãðóçêè
+#define  DITHER_REG_PERIOD		40	//e. period of dither regulator (in periods of dither frequency) //r. ïåðèîä ðåãóëèðîâàíèÿ âèáðîïðèîäà (â ïåðèîäàõ âèáðîïðèâîäà)
+#define  PLC_RESET_THRESHOLD 	(-3276) //e. correspond to the voltage +1.2 Volts //r. ñîîòâåòñòâóåò íàïðÿæåíèþ +1.2 âîëüòà	
+	//e. minimal allowable output frequency, at which data are considered authentic  //r. ìèí.äîïóñòèìàÿ ÷àñòîòà ðàñùåïëåíèÿ, ïðè êîò. äàííûå ñ÷èòàþòñÿ äîñòîâåðíûìè
+#define		F_RAS_MIN	    10000 	//e.  minimal output frequency at start //r.  ìèíèìàëüíàÿ ÷àñòîòà ðàñùåïëåíèÿ ïðè ñòàðòå
+#define		F_OUT_MIN		(5000>>4)  	//   5000 Ãö / 16
+#define		F_OUT_NORM		(70000>>4)  	//  90000 Ãö / 16
+#define		F_OUT_MAX		(300000>>4) 	// 300000 Ãö / 16
+#define		Set_LightUp		LPC_GPIO0->FIOSET = (1<<4)	//set light up signal
+#define		Reset_LightUp	LPC_GPIO0->FIOCLR = (1<<4)	//reset light up signal
+	//e. constants for the piecewise-linear thermocompensation //r. êîíñòàíòû äëÿ êóñî÷íî-ëèíåéíîé òåðìîêîìïåíñàöèè
+#define 	TERMO_FUNC_SIZE		14 	//e. amount of the points of the table function of thermocompensation //r. êîëè÷åñòâî òî÷åê òàáëè÷íîé ôóíêöèè òåðìîêîìïåíñàöèè
+#define 	MAX_ORDER			9   //e. maximal value of order for the thermocompensation coefficients //r. ìàêñèìàëüíàÿ âåëè÷èíà ïîðÿäêà äëÿ êîýôôèöèåíòîâ òåðìîêîìïåíñàöèè
+#define 	TSENS_NUMB			4   //e. number of the temperature sensor used for the thermocompensation //r. íîìåð òåðìîäàò÷èêà, èñïîëüçóåìîãî äëÿ êîìïåíñàöèè
+#define	    VALID_START_4SEC		3 //e. time after start, when temperature came authentic //r. âðåìÿ ïîñëå ñòàðòà, êîãäà òåìïåðàòóðà ñòàëà äîñòîâåðíîé
+#define		N_START_MAX     	1 // 4       //e. count of attempts of device starting //r. ÷èñëî ïîïûòîê çàïóñêà ïðèáîðà
+#define		LIGHT_UP_PULSE_WDTH 5000 //1000 //e. width of light-up pulse = 100 msec
+#define		LIGHT_UP_PAUSE		1000 //e. pause after light-up = 100 msec
+#define		LIGHT_UP_POLLING	10000 //e. time of waiting laser generation = 1 sec
+	// Status word errors bits
+#define		OUT_FREQ_ERROR		0x8000
+#define		DITH_FREQ_ERROR		0x4000
+#define		HFO_VOLT_ERROR		0x2000
+#define		THERMO_RANGE_ERROR	0x1000
+#define		THERMO_DIFF_ERROR	0x0800
+#define		TS_MIN				-2500 	// minimal temperature for our thermal sensors
+#define		TS_MAX				+13000  // maximal temperature for our thermal sensors
+#define		TS_DIFF_MAX			1300	// maximal difference between 2 thermal sensors
+#define		HFO_NEG_MIN			8738	// -4.5 V
+#define		HFO_NEG_MAX			25122	// -10.5 V
+#define		HFO_POZ_MIN			-32221	// +10.5 V
+#define		HFO_POZ_MAX			-15837 	// +4.5 V
+//e. ================ bits of the main register (_RgConA) of GLD control ==============
+		//r. ================ áèòû îñíîâíîãî ðåãèñòðà óïðàâëåíèÿ GLD (_RgConA) ===============
+        //e. ================ (bits of the status register) ============================
+        //r. ================ (îíè æå - áèòû ðåãèñòðà ñîñòîÿíèÿ) ============================
+#define  LASER_ON        0x0001  		//e. switch on/off laser-up //r. âêë./âûêë. ãåíåðàöèþ ëàçåðà
+#define  HF_REG_ON       0x0002  		//e. switch on/off the HFO regulator //r. âêë./âûêë. êîíòóð ÃÂ×  
+#define  RI_REG_ON       0x0004  		//e. switch on/off the DS power regulator //r. âêë./âûêë. êîíòóð ìîùíîñòè ÄÓÏ   
+#define  WP_REG_ON       0x0008  		//e. a mask of switch on/off of the CPLC regulator  //r. ìàñêà âêë./âûêë. êîíòóðà ÑÐÏ  
+#define  WP_SIN_ON       0x0010  		//e. switch on/off search signal of the CPLC //r. âêë./âûêë. ïîèñêîâûé ñèãíàë ÑÐÏ  
+#define  VB_TAU_ON       0x0020  		//e. switch on/off amplitude regulator of the dither drive //r. âêë./âûêë. êîíòóð àìïëèòóäû âèáðîðèâîäà 
+#define  VB_FREQ_ON      0x0040  		//e. switch on/off frequency regulator of the dither drive //r. âêë./âûêë. êîíòóð ÷àñòîòû âèáðîïðèâîäà
+#define  GLD_ON          0x0080  		//e. switch on/off all GLD //r. âêë./âûêë. âåñü ÃËÄ
+	// Status word errors bits
+#define		OUT_FREQ_ERROR		0x8000
+#define		DITH_FREQ_ERROR		0x4000
+#define		HFO_VOLT_ERROR		0x2000
+#define		THERMO_RANGE_ERROR	0x1000
+#define		THERMO_DIFF_ERROR	0x0800
+#define loop_is_closed(loop_bit) 	((RgConA & (loop_bit)) == loop_bit)
+#define close_loop(loop_bit) 		RgConA |= loop_bit
+#define open_loop(loop_bit) 		RgConA &= ~(loop_bit)
+	//e. switch off all regulators //r. âûêëþ÷èòü âñå êîíòóðà ðåãóëèðîâàíèÿ
+#define open_all_loops()			RgConA   = 0	
+#define close_all_loops()			RgConA   = 0xFFFF
+extern unsigned    SRgR;      //e. system register of the ADSP card //r.ñèñòåìíîãî ðåãèñòðà ðåæèìà ïëàòû ADSP
+extern unsigned 	RgConA;         //e. main register of device control //r. îñíîâíîé ðåãèñòð óïðàâëåíèÿ óñòðîéñòâà
+extern unsigned 	RgConB;         //e. additional register of device control //r. äîïîëíèòåëüíûé ðåãèñòð óïðàâëåíèÿ
+//extern unsigned		Copy_e5_RgR;    //e. copy of the mode register of the E5 card //r. êîïèÿ ðåãèñòðà ðåæèìà ïëàòû E5
+//extern unsigned		Copy_e5_RgRA;   //e. copy of the additional mode register of the E5 card //r. êîïèÿ äîïîëíèòåëüíîãî ðåãèñòðà ðåæèìà E5
+void contrl_GLD(void);