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mbed Namespace Reference

mbed Namespace Reference

Parser class for parsing AT commands. More...

Data Structures

class  AnalogIn
 An analog input, used for reading the voltage on a pin. More...
class  AnalogOut
 An analog output, used for setting the voltage on a pin. More...
class  BusIn
 A digital input bus, used for reading the state of a collection of pins. More...
class  BusInOut
 A digital input output bus, used for setting the state of a collection of pins. More...
class  BusOut
 A digital output bus, used for setting the state of a collection of pins. More...
class  CANMessage
 CANMessage class. More...
class  CAN
 A can bus client, used for communicating with can devices. More...
class  DigitalIn
 A digital input, used for reading the state of a pin. More...
class  DigitalInOut
 A digital input/output, used for setting or reading a bi-directional pin. More...
class  DigitalOut
 A digital output, used for setting the state of a pin. More...
class  Ethernet
 An ethernet interface, to use with the ethernet pins. More...
class  FlashIAP
 Flash IAP driver. More...
class  I2C
 An I2C Master, used for communicating with I2C slave devices. More...
class  I2CSlave
 An I2C Slave, used for communicating with an I2C Master device. More...
class  InterruptIn
 A digital interrupt input, used to call a function on a rising or falling edge. More...
class  InterruptManager
 Use this singleton if you need to chain interrupt handlers. More...
class  LowPowerTicker
 Low Power Ticker. More...
class  LowPowerTimeout
 Low Power Timout. More...
class  LowPowerTimer
 Low power timer. More...
class  PortIn
 A multiple pin digital input. More...
class  PortInOut
 A multiple pin digital in/out used to set/read multiple bi-directional pins. More...
class  PortOut
 A multiple pin digital out. More...
class  PwmOut
 A pulse-width modulation digital output. More...
class  RawSerial
 A serial port (UART) for communication with other serial devices This is a variation of the Serial class that doesn't use streams, thus making it safe to use in interrupt handlers with the RTOS. More...
class  Serial
 A serial port (UART) for communication with other serial devices. More...
class  SerialBase
 A base class for serial port implementations Can't be instantiated directly (use Serial or RawSerial) More...
class  SPI
 A SPI Master, used for communicating with SPI slave devices. More...
class  SPISlave
 A SPI slave, used for communicating with a SPI Master device. More...
class  Ticker
 A Ticker is used to call a function at a recurring interval. More...
class  Timeout
 A Timeout is used to call a function at a point in the future. More...
class  Timer
 A general purpose timer. More...
class  TimerEvent
 Base abstraction for timer interrupts. More...
class  Callback< R()>
 Callback class based on template specialization. More...
class  Callback< R(A0)>
 Callback class based on template specialization. More...
class  Callback< R(A0, A1)>
 Callback class based on template specialization. More...
class  Callback< R(A0, A1, A2)>
 Callback class based on template specialization. More...
class  Callback< R(A0, A1, A2, A3)>
 Callback class based on template specialization. More...
class  Callback< R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)>
 Callback class based on template specialization. More...
class  CircularBuffer
 Templated Circular buffer class. More...
class  DirHandle
 Represents a directory stream. More...
class  FileHandle
 Class FileHandle. More...
class  FileSystemHandle
 A filesystem-like object is one that can be used to open file-like objects though it by fopen("/name/filename", mode) More...
class  FileSystemLike
 A filesystem-like object is one that can be used to open file-like objects though it by fopen("/name/filename", mode) More...
class  LocalFileSystem
 A filesystem for accessing the local mbed Microcontroller USB disk drive. More...
class  NonCopyable
 Inheriting from this class autogeneration of copy construction and copy assignement operations. More...
class  Stream
 File stream. More...
struct  transaction_t
 Transaction structure. More...
class  Transaction
 Transaction class defines a transaction. More...


typedef Callback< void()> * pFunctionPointer_t
 Group one or more functions in an instance of a CallChain, then call them in sequence using CallChain::call().


template<typename R >
Callback< R()> callback (R(*func)()=0)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename R >
Callback< R()> callback (const Callback< R()> &func)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R >
Callback< R()> callback (U *obj, R(T::*method)())
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R >
Callback< R()> callback (const U *obj, R(T::*method)() const)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R >
Callback< R()> callback (volatile U *obj, R(T::*method)() volatile)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R >
Callback< R()> callback (const volatile U *obj, R(T::*method)() const volatile)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R >
Callback< R()> callback (R(*func)(T *), U *arg)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R >
Callback< R()> callback (R(*func)(const T *), const U *arg)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R >
Callback< R()> callback (R(*func)(volatile T *), volatile U *arg)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R >
Callback< R()> callback (R(*func)(const volatile T *), const volatile U *arg)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R >
 MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ("mbed-os-5.1","Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)") Callback< R()> callback(U *obj
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename R , typename A0 >
Callback< R(A0)> callback (R(*func)(A0)=0)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename R , typename A0 >
Callback< R(A0)> callback (const Callback< R(A0)> &func)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 >
Callback< R(A0)> callback (U *obj, R(T::*method)(A0))
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 >
Callback< R(A0)> callback (const U *obj, R(T::*method)(A0) const)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 >
Callback< R(A0)> callback (volatile U *obj, R(T::*method)(A0) volatile)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 >
Callback< R(A0)> callback (const volatile U *obj, R(T::*method)(A0) const volatile)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 >
Callback< R(A0)> callback (R(*func)(T *, A0), U *arg)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 >
Callback< R(A0)> callback (R(*func)(const T *, A0), const U *arg)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 >
Callback< R(A0)> callback (R(*func)(volatile T *, A0), volatile U *arg)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 >
Callback< R(A0)> callback (R(*func)(const volatile T *, A0), const volatile U *arg)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 >
 MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ("mbed-os-5.1","Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)") Callback< R(A0)> callback(U *obj
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 >
Callback< R(A0, A1)> callback (R(*func)(A0, A1)=0)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 >
Callback< R(A0, A1)> callback (const Callback< R(A0, A1)> &func)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 >
Callback< R(A0, A1)> callback (U *obj, R(T::*method)(A0, A1))
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 >
Callback< R(A0, A1)> callback (const U *obj, R(T::*method)(A0, A1) const)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 >
Callback< R(A0, A1)> callback (volatile U *obj, R(T::*method)(A0, A1) volatile)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 >
Callback< R(A0, A1)> callback (const volatile U *obj, R(T::*method)(A0, A1) const volatile)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 >
Callback< R(A0, A1)> callback (R(*func)(T *, A0, A1), U *arg)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 >
Callback< R(A0, A1)> callback (R(*func)(const T *, A0, A1), const U *arg)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 >
Callback< R(A0, A1)> callback (R(*func)(volatile T *, A0, A1), volatile U *arg)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 >
Callback< R(A0, A1)> callback (R(*func)(const volatile T *, A0, A1), const volatile U *arg)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 >
 MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ("mbed-os-5.1","Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)") Callback< R(A0
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 >
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2)> callback (R(*func)(A0, A1, A2)=0)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 >
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2)> callback (const Callback< R(A0, A1, A2)> &func)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 >
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2)> callback (U *obj, R(T::*method)(A0, A1, A2))
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 >
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2)> callback (const U *obj, R(T::*method)(A0, A1, A2) const)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 >
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2)> callback (volatile U *obj, R(T::*method)(A0, A1, A2) volatile)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 >
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2)> callback (const volatile U *obj, R(T::*method)(A0, A1, A2) const volatile)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 >
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2)> callback (R(*func)(T *, A0, A1, A2), U *arg)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 >
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2)> callback (R(*func)(const T *, A0, A1, A2), const U *arg)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 >
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2)> callback (R(*func)(volatile T *, A0, A1, A2), volatile U *arg)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 >
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2)> callback (R(*func)(const volatile T *, A0, A1, A2), const volatile U *arg)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 >
 MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ("mbed-os-5.1","Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)") Callback< R(A0
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 >
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> callback (R(*func)(A0, A1, A2, A3)=0)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 >
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> callback (const Callback< R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> &func)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 >
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> callback (U *obj, R(T::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3))
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 >
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> callback (const U *obj, R(T::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3) const)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 >
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> callback (volatile U *obj, R(T::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3) volatile)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 >
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> callback (const volatile U *obj, R(T::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3) const volatile)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 >
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> callback (R(*func)(T *, A0, A1, A2, A3), U *arg)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 >
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> callback (R(*func)(const T *, A0, A1, A2, A3), const U *arg)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 >
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> callback (R(*func)(volatile T *, A0, A1, A2, A3), volatile U *arg)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 >
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> callback (R(*func)(const volatile T *, A0, A1, A2, A3), const volatile U *arg)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 >
 MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ("mbed-os-5.1","Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)") Callback< R(A0
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 , typename A4 >
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> callback (R(*func)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)=0)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 , typename A4 >
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> callback (const Callback< R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> &func)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 , typename A4 >
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> callback (U *obj, R(T::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4))
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 , typename A4 >
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> callback (const U *obj, R(T::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4) const)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 , typename A4 >
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> callback (volatile U *obj, R(T::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4) volatile)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 , typename A4 >
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> callback (const volatile U *obj, R(T::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4) const volatile)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 , typename A4 >
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> callback (R(*func)(T *, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4), U *arg)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 , typename A4 >
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> callback (R(*func)(const T *, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4), const U *arg)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 , typename A4 >
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> callback (R(*func)(volatile T *, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4), volatile U *arg)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 , typename A4 >
Callback< R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> callback (R(*func)(const volatile T *, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4), const volatile U *arg)
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
template<typename T , typename U , typename R , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 , typename A4 >
 MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ("mbed-os-5.1","Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)") Callback< R(A0
 Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.
std::FILE * fdopen (FileHandle *fh, const char *mode)
 Not a member function This call is equivalent to posix fdopen().
int poll (pollfh fhs[], unsigned nfhs, int timeout)
 A mechanism to multiplex input/output over a set of file handles(file descriptors).

Detailed Description

Parser class for parsing AT commands.

Here are some examples:

 UARTSerial serial = UARTSerial(D1, D0);
 ATCmdParser at = ATCmdParser(&serial, "\r\n");
 int value;
 char buffer[100];

 at.send("AT") && at.recv("OK");
 at.send("AT+CWMODE=%d", 3) && at.recv("OK");
 at.send("AT+CWMODE?") && at.recv("+CWMODE:%d\r\nOK", &value);
 at.recv("+IPD,%d:", &value);, value);

Function Documentation

Callback<R()> mbed::callback ( R(*)()  func = 0 )

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 3536 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R()> mbed::callback ( const Callback< R()> &  func )

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 3546 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R()> mbed::callback ( const volatile U *  obj,
R(T::*)() const volatile  method 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
methodMember function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 3590 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0)> mbed::callback ( U *  obj,
R(T::*)(A0)  method 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
methodMember function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 3726 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1)> mbed::callback ( R(*)(const T *, A0, A1)  func,
const U *  arg 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
argPointer argument to function
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 3950 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> mbed::callback ( R(*)(const volatile T *, A0, A1, A2, A3)  func,
const volatile U *  arg 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
argPointer argument to function
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 4310 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1)> mbed::callback ( R(*)(volatile T *, A0, A1)  func,
volatile U *  arg 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
argPointer argument to function
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 3961 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0)> mbed::callback ( const U *  obj,
R(T::*)(A0) const   method 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
methodMember function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 3737 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1)> mbed::callback ( R(*)(const volatile T *, A0, A1)  func,
const volatile U *  arg 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
argPointer argument to function
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 3972 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> mbed::callback ( R(*)(const volatile T *, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)  func,
const volatile U *  arg 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
argPointer argument to function
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 4479 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> mbed::callback ( R(*)(volatile T *, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)  func,
volatile U *  arg 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
argPointer argument to function
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 4468 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> mbed::callback ( R(*)(const T *, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)  func,
const U *  arg 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
argPointer argument to function
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 4457 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> mbed::callback ( R(*)(T *, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)  func,
U *  arg 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
argPointer argument to function
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 4446 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> mbed::callback ( const volatile U *  obj,
R(T::*)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4) const volatile  method 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
methodMember function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 4435 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> mbed::callback ( volatile U *  obj,
R(T::*)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4) volatile  method 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
methodMember function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 4424 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> mbed::callback ( const U *  obj,
R(T::*)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4) const   method 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
methodMember function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 4413 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> mbed::callback ( U *  obj,
R(T::*)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)  method 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
methodMember function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 4402 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> mbed::callback ( R(*)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)  func = 0 )

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 4381 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> mbed::callback ( const Callback< R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> &  func )

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 4391 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R()> mbed::callback ( R(*)(T *)  func,
U *  arg 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
argPointer argument to function
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 3601 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0)> mbed::callback ( volatile U *  obj,
R(T::*)(A0) volatile  method 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
methodMember function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 3748 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0)> mbed::callback ( const volatile U *  obj,
R(T::*)(A0) const volatile  method 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
methodMember function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 3759 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> mbed::callback ( R(*)(volatile T *, A0, A1, A2, A3)  func,
volatile U *  arg 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
argPointer argument to function
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 4299 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> mbed::callback ( R(*)(const T *, A0, A1, A2, A3)  func,
const U *  arg 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
argPointer argument to function
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 4288 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> mbed::callback ( R(*)(T *, A0, A1, A2, A3)  func,
U *  arg 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
argPointer argument to function
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 4277 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> mbed::callback ( const volatile U *  obj,
R(T::*)(A0, A1, A2, A3) const volatile  method 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
methodMember function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 4266 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> mbed::callback ( volatile U *  obj,
R(T::*)(A0, A1, A2, A3) volatile  method 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
methodMember function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 4255 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> mbed::callback ( const U *  obj,
R(T::*)(A0, A1, A2, A3) const   method 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
methodMember function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 4244 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> mbed::callback ( U *  obj,
R(T::*)(A0, A1, A2, A3)  method 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
methodMember function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 4233 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> mbed::callback ( const Callback< R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> &  func )

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 4222 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> mbed::callback ( R(*)(A0, A1, A2, A3)  func = 0 )

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 4212 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R()> mbed::callback ( U *  obj,
R(T::*)()  method 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
methodMember function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 3557 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)> mbed::callback ( R(*)(const volatile T *, A0, A1, A2)  func,
const volatile U *  arg 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
argPointer argument to function
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 4141 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R()> mbed::callback ( R(*)(const T *)  func,
const U *  arg 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
argPointer argument to function
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 3612 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)> mbed::callback ( R(*)(const T *, A0, A1, A2)  func,
const U *  arg 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
argPointer argument to function
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 4119 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)> mbed::callback ( R(*)(T *, A0, A1, A2)  func,
U *  arg 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
argPointer argument to function
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 4108 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)> mbed::callback ( const volatile U *  obj,
R(T::*)(A0, A1, A2) const volatile  method 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
methodMember function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 4097 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)> mbed::callback ( volatile U *  obj,
R(T::*)(A0, A1, A2) volatile  method 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
methodMember function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 4086 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)> mbed::callback ( const U *  obj,
R(T::*)(A0, A1, A2) const   method 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
methodMember function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 4075 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)> mbed::callback ( U *  obj,
R(T::*)(A0, A1, A2)  method 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
methodMember function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 4064 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0)> mbed::callback ( R(*)(T *, A0)  func,
U *  arg 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
argPointer argument to function
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 3770 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)> mbed::callback ( R(*)(A0, A1, A2)  func = 0 )

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 4043 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)> mbed::callback ( const Callback< R(A0, A1, A2)> &  func )

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 4053 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0)> mbed::callback ( R(*)(const T *, A0)  func,
const U *  arg 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
argPointer argument to function
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 3781 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R()> mbed::callback ( R(*)(volatile T *)  func,
volatile U *  arg 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
argPointer argument to function
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 3623 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0)> mbed::callback ( R(*)(volatile T *, A0)  func,
volatile U *  arg 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
argPointer argument to function
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 3792 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0)> mbed::callback ( R(*)(const volatile T *, A0)  func,
const volatile U *  arg 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
argPointer argument to function
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 3803 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R()> mbed::callback ( const U *  obj,
R(T::*)() const   method 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
methodMember function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 3568 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R()> mbed::callback ( R(*)(const volatile T *)  func,
const volatile U *  arg 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
argPointer argument to function
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 3634 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1)> mbed::callback ( R(*)(A0, A1)  func = 0 )

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 3874 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1)> mbed::callback ( R(*)(T *, A0, A1)  func,
U *  arg 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
argPointer argument to function
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 3939 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1)> mbed::callback ( const volatile U *  obj,
R(T::*)(A0, A1) const volatile  method 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
methodMember function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 3928 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1)> mbed::callback ( volatile U *  obj,
R(T::*)(A0, A1) volatile  method 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
methodMember function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 3917 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1)> mbed::callback ( const U *  obj,
R(T::*)(A0, A1) const   method 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
methodMember function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 3906 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1)> mbed::callback ( U *  obj,
R(T::*)(A0, A1)  method 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
methodMember function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 3895 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)> mbed::callback ( R(*)(volatile T *, A0, A1, A2)  func,
volatile U *  arg 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
argPointer argument to function
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 4130 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0, A1)> mbed::callback ( const Callback< R(A0, A1)> &  func )

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 3884 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R()> mbed::callback ( volatile U *  obj,
R(T::*)() volatile  method 

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
methodMember function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 3579 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0)> mbed::callback ( R(*)(A0)  func = 0 )

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 3705 of file Callback.h.

Callback<R(A0)> mbed::callback ( const Callback< R(A0)> &  func )

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type

Definition at line 3715 of file Callback.h.

std::FILE * fdopen ( FileHandle *  fh,
const char *  mode 

Not a member function This call is equivalent to posix fdopen().

It associates a Stream to an already opened file descriptor (FileHandle)

fha pointer to an opened file descriptor
modeoperation upon the file descriptor, e.g., 'wb+'
a pointer to std::FILE

Definition at line 36 of file FileHandle.cpp.

MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ( "mbed-os-5.1"  ,
"Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)"   

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type
objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type
objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type
objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type
MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ( "mbed-os-5.1"  ,
"Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)"   

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type
objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type
objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type
objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type
MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ( "mbed-os-5.1"  ,
"Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)"   

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type
objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type
objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type
objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type
MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ( "mbed-os-5.1"  ,
"Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)"   

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type
objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type
objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type
objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type
MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ( "mbed-os-5.1"  ,
"Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)"   

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type
objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type
objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type
objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type
MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ( "mbed-os-5.1"  ,
"Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)"   

Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments.

objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type
objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type
objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type
objOptional pointer to object to bind to function
funcStatic function to attach
Callback with infered type
int poll ( pollfh  fhs[],
unsigned  nfhs,
int  timeout 

A mechanism to multiplex input/output over a set of file handles(file descriptors).

For every file handle provided, poll() examines it for any events registered for that particular file handle.

fhsan array of PollFh struct carrying a FileHandle and bitmasks of events
nfhsnumber of file handles
timeouttimer value to timeout or -1 for loop forever
number of file handles selected (for which revents is non-zero). 0 if timed out with nothing selected. -1 for error.

TODO Proper wake-up mechanism. In order to correctly detect availability of read/write a FileHandle, we needed a select or poll mechanisms. We opted for poll as POSIX defines in Currently, mbed::poll() just spins and scans filehandles looking for any events we are interested in. In future, his spinning behaviour will be replaced with condition variables.

Definition at line 26 of file mbed_poll.cpp.