Fork of cpputest by
- Committer:
- Kojto
- Date:
- 2015-05-13
- Revision:
- 3:9e8c8907d9ee
- Parent:
- 1:4769360130ed
File content as of revision 3:9e8c8907d9ee:
/* * Copyright (c) 2007, Michael Feathers, James Grenning and Bas Vodde * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the <organization> nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE EARLIER MENTIONED AUTHORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL <copyright holder> BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "CppUTest/TestHarness.h" #include "CppUTest/TestRegistry.h" #include "CppUTest/PlatformSpecificFunctions.h" #include "CppUTest/TestOutput.h" bool doubles_equal(double d1, double d2, double threshold) { if (PlatformSpecificIsNan(d1) || PlatformSpecificIsNan(d2) || PlatformSpecificIsNan(threshold)) return false; return PlatformSpecificFabs(d1 - d2) <= threshold; } /* Sometimes stubs use the CppUTest assertions. * Its not correct to do so, but this small helper class will prevent a segmentation fault and instead * will give an error message and also the file/line of the check that was executed outside the tests. */ class OutsideTestRunnerUTest: public UtestShell { public: static OutsideTestRunnerUTest& instance(); virtual TestResult& getTestResult() { return defaultTestResult; } virtual void exitCurrentTest() { } virtual ~OutsideTestRunnerUTest() { } private: OutsideTestRunnerUTest() : UtestShell("\n\t NOTE: Assertion happened without being in a test run (perhaps in main?)", "\n\t Something is very wrong. Check this assertion and fix", "unknown file", 0), defaultTestResult(defaultOutput) { } ConsoleTestOutput defaultOutput; TestResult defaultTestResult; }; OutsideTestRunnerUTest& OutsideTestRunnerUTest::instance() { static OutsideTestRunnerUTest instance_; return instance_; } /* * Below helpers are used for the PlatformSpecificSetJmp and LongJmp. They pass a method for what needs to happen after * the jump, so that the stack stays right. * */ extern "C" { static void helperDoTestSetup(void* data) { ((Utest*)data)->setup(); } static void helperDoTestBody(void* data) { ((Utest*)data)->testBody(); } static void helperDoTestTeardown(void* data) { ((Utest*)data)->teardown(); } struct HelperTestRunInfo { HelperTestRunInfo(UtestShell* shell, TestPlugin* plugin, TestResult* result) : shell_(shell), plugin_(plugin), result_(result){} UtestShell* shell_; TestPlugin* plugin_; TestResult* result_; }; static void helperDoRunOneTestInCurrentProcess(void* data) { HelperTestRunInfo* runInfo = (HelperTestRunInfo*) data; UtestShell* shell = runInfo->shell_; TestPlugin* plugin = runInfo->plugin_; TestResult* result = runInfo->result_; shell->runOneTestInCurrentProcess(plugin, *result); } static void helperDoRunOneTestSeperateProcess(void* data) { HelperTestRunInfo* runInfo = (HelperTestRunInfo*) data; UtestShell* shell = runInfo->shell_; TestPlugin* plugin = runInfo->plugin_; TestResult* result = runInfo->result_; PlatformSpecificRunTestInASeperateProcess(shell, plugin, result); } } /******************************** */ UtestShell::UtestShell() : group_("UndefinedTestGroup"), name_("UndefinedTest"), file_("UndefinedFile"), lineNumber_(0), next_(&NullTestShell::instance()), isRunAsSeperateProcess_(false), hasFailed_(false) { } UtestShell::UtestShell(const char* groupName, const char* testName, const char* fileName, int lineNumber) : group_(groupName), name_(testName), file_(fileName), lineNumber_(lineNumber), next_(&NullTestShell::instance()), isRunAsSeperateProcess_(false), hasFailed_(false) { } UtestShell::UtestShell(const char* groupName, const char* testName, const char* fileName, int lineNumber, UtestShell* nextTest) : group_(groupName), name_(testName), file_(fileName), lineNumber_(lineNumber), next_(nextTest), isRunAsSeperateProcess_(false), hasFailed_(false) { } UtestShell::~UtestShell() { } static void defaultCrashMethod() { UtestShell* ptr = (UtestShell*) 0x0; ptr->countTests(); } static void (*pleaseCrashMeRightNow) () = defaultCrashMethod; void UtestShell::setCrashMethod(void (*crashme)()) { pleaseCrashMeRightNow = crashme; } void UtestShell::resetCrashMethod() { pleaseCrashMeRightNow = defaultCrashMethod; } void UtestShell::crash() { pleaseCrashMeRightNow(); } void UtestShell::runOneTest(TestPlugin* plugin, TestResult& result) { HelperTestRunInfo runInfo(this, plugin, &result); if (isRunInSeperateProcess()) PlatformSpecificSetJmp(helperDoRunOneTestSeperateProcess, &runInfo); else PlatformSpecificSetJmp(helperDoRunOneTestInCurrentProcess, &runInfo); } Utest* UtestShell::createTest() { return new Utest(); } void UtestShell::destroyTest(Utest* test) { delete test; } void UtestShell::runOneTestInCurrentProcess(TestPlugin* plugin, TestResult& result) { plugin->runAllPreTestAction(*this, result); //save test context, so that test class can be tested UtestShell* savedTest = UtestShell::getCurrent(); TestResult* savedResult = UtestShell::getTestResult(); result.countRun(); UtestShell::setTestResult(&result); UtestShell::setCurrentTest(this); Utest* testToRun = createTest(); testToRun->run(); destroyTest(testToRun); UtestShell::setCurrentTest(savedTest); UtestShell::setTestResult(savedResult); plugin->runAllPostTestAction(*this, result); } UtestShell *UtestShell::getNext() const { return next_; } UtestShell* UtestShell::addTest(UtestShell *test) { next_ = test; return this; } int UtestShell::countTests() { return next_->countTests() + 1; } bool UtestShell::isNull() const { return false; } SimpleString UtestShell::getMacroName() const { return "TEST"; } const SimpleString UtestShell::getName() const { return SimpleString(name_); } const SimpleString UtestShell::getGroup() const { return SimpleString(group_); } SimpleString UtestShell::getFormattedName() const { SimpleString formattedName(getMacroName()); formattedName += "("; formattedName += group_; formattedName += ", "; formattedName += name_; formattedName += ")"; return formattedName; } bool UtestShell::hasFailed() const { return hasFailed_; } const char* UtestShell::getProgressIndicator() const { return "."; } bool UtestShell::isRunInSeperateProcess() const { return isRunAsSeperateProcess_; } void UtestShell::setRunInSeperateProcess() { isRunAsSeperateProcess_ = true; } void UtestShell::setFileName(const char* fileName) { file_ = fileName; } void UtestShell::setLineNumber(int lineNumber) { lineNumber_ = lineNumber; } void UtestShell::setGroupName(const char* groupName) { group_ = groupName; } void UtestShell::setTestName(const char* testName) { name_ = testName; } const SimpleString UtestShell::getFile() const { return SimpleString(file_); } int UtestShell::getLineNumber() const { return lineNumber_; } bool UtestShell::shouldRun(const TestFilter& groupFilter, const TestFilter& nameFilter) const { if (groupFilter.match(group_) && nameFilter.match(name_)) return true; return false; } void UtestShell::failWith(const TestFailure& failure) { failWith(failure, NormalTestTerminator()); } void UtestShell::failWith(const TestFailure& failure, const TestTerminator& terminator) { hasFailed_ = true; getTestResult()->addFailure(failure); terminator.exitCurrentTest(); } void UtestShell::assertTrue(bool condition, const char * checkString, const char* conditionString, const char* fileName, int lineNumber, const TestTerminator& testTerminator) { assertTrueText(condition, checkString, conditionString, "", fileName, lineNumber, testTerminator); } void UtestShell::assertTrueText(bool condition, const char *checkString, const char *conditionString, const char* text, const char *fileName, int lineNumber, const TestTerminator& testTerminator) { getTestResult()->countCheck(); if (!condition) failWith(CheckFailure(this, fileName, lineNumber, checkString, conditionString, text), testTerminator); } void UtestShell::fail(const char *text, const char* fileName, int lineNumber, const TestTerminator& testTerminator) { getTestResult()->countCheck(); failWith(FailFailure(this, fileName, lineNumber, text), testTerminator); } void UtestShell::assertCstrEqual(const char* expected, const char* actual, const char* fileName, int lineNumber, const TestTerminator& testTerminator) { getTestResult()->countCheck(); if (actual == 0 && expected == 0) return; if (actual == 0 || expected == 0) failWith(StringEqualFailure(this, fileName, lineNumber, expected, actual), testTerminator); if (PlatformSpecificStrCmp(expected, actual) != 0) failWith(StringEqualFailure(this, fileName, lineNumber, expected, actual), testTerminator); } void UtestShell::assertCstrNoCaseEqual(const char* expected, const char* actual, const char* fileName, int lineNumber) { getTestResult()->countCheck(); if (actual == 0 && expected == 0) return; if (actual == 0 || expected == 0) failWith(StringEqualNoCaseFailure(this, fileName, lineNumber, expected, actual)); if (!SimpleString(expected).equalsNoCase(actual)) failWith(StringEqualNoCaseFailure(this, fileName, lineNumber, expected, actual)); } void UtestShell::assertCstrContains(const char* expected, const char* actual, const char* fileName, int lineNumber) { getTestResult()->countCheck(); if (actual == 0 && expected == 0) return; if(actual == 0 || expected == 0) failWith(ContainsFailure(this, fileName, lineNumber, expected, actual)); if (!SimpleString(actual).contains(expected)) failWith(ContainsFailure(this, fileName, lineNumber, expected, actual)); } void UtestShell::assertCstrNoCaseContains(const char* expected, const char* actual, const char* fileName, int lineNumber) { getTestResult()->countCheck(); if (actual == 0 && expected == 0) return; if(actual == 0 || expected == 0) failWith(ContainsFailure(this, fileName, lineNumber, expected, actual)); if (!SimpleString(actual).containsNoCase(expected)) failWith(ContainsFailure(this, fileName, lineNumber, expected, actual)); } void UtestShell::assertLongsEqual(long expected, long actual, const char* fileName, int lineNumber, const TestTerminator& testTerminator) { getTestResult()->countCheck(); if (expected != actual) failWith(LongsEqualFailure (this, fileName, lineNumber, expected, actual), testTerminator); } void UtestShell::assertUnsignedLongsEqual(unsigned long expected, unsigned long actual, const char* fileName, int lineNumber, const TestTerminator& testTerminator) { getTestResult()->countCheck(); if (expected != actual) failWith(UnsignedLongsEqualFailure (this, fileName, lineNumber, expected, actual), testTerminator); } void UtestShell::assertPointersEqual(const void* expected, const void* actual, const char* fileName, int lineNumber) { getTestResult()->countCheck(); if (expected != actual) failWith(EqualsFailure(this, fileName, lineNumber, StringFrom(expected), StringFrom(actual))); } void UtestShell::assertDoublesEqual(double expected, double actual, double threshold, const char* fileName, int lineNumber, const TestTerminator& testTerminator) { getTestResult()->countCheck(); if (!doubles_equal(expected, actual, threshold)) failWith(DoublesEqualFailure(this, fileName, lineNumber, expected, actual, threshold), testTerminator); } void UtestShell::assertEquals(bool failed, const char* expected, const char* actual, const char* file, int line, const TestTerminator& testTerminator) { getTestResult()->countCheck(); if (failed) failWith(CheckEqualFailure(this, file, line, expected, actual), testTerminator); } void UtestShell::print(const char *text, const char* fileName, int lineNumber) { SimpleString stringToPrint = "\n"; stringToPrint += fileName; stringToPrint += ":"; stringToPrint += StringFrom(lineNumber); stringToPrint += " "; stringToPrint += text; getTestResult()->print(stringToPrint.asCharString()); } void UtestShell::print(const SimpleString& text, const char* fileName, int lineNumber) { print(text.asCharString(), fileName, lineNumber); } TestResult* UtestShell::testResult_ = NULL; UtestShell* UtestShell::currentTest_ = NULL; void UtestShell::setTestResult(TestResult* result) { testResult_ = result; } void UtestShell::setCurrentTest(UtestShell* test) { currentTest_ = test; } TestResult* UtestShell::getTestResult() { if (testResult_ == NULL) return &OutsideTestRunnerUTest::instance().getTestResult(); return testResult_; } UtestShell* UtestShell::getCurrent() { if (currentTest_ == NULL) return &OutsideTestRunnerUTest::instance(); return currentTest_; } ExecFunctionTestShell::~ExecFunctionTestShell() { } ////////////// Utest //////////// Utest::Utest() { } Utest::~Utest() { } #if CPPUTEST_USE_STD_CPP_LIB void Utest::run() { try { if (PlatformSpecificSetJmp(helperDoTestSetup, this)) { PlatformSpecificSetJmp(helperDoTestBody, this); } } catch (CppUTestFailedException&) { PlatformSpecificRestoreJumpBuffer(); } try { PlatformSpecificSetJmp(helperDoTestTeardown, this); } catch (CppUTestFailedException&) { PlatformSpecificRestoreJumpBuffer(); } } #else void Utest::run() { if (PlatformSpecificSetJmp(helperDoTestSetup, this)) { PlatformSpecificSetJmp(helperDoTestBody, this); } PlatformSpecificSetJmp(helperDoTestTeardown, this); } #endif void Utest::setup() { } void Utest::testBody() { } void Utest::teardown() { } ////////////// NullTestShell //////////// NullTestShell::NullTestShell() : UtestShell("NullGroup", "NullName", "NullFile", -1, 0) { } NullTestShell::NullTestShell(const char* fileName, int lineNumber) : UtestShell("NullGroup", "NullName", fileName, lineNumber, 0) { } NullTestShell::~NullTestShell() { } NullTestShell& NullTestShell::instance() { static NullTestShell _instance; return _instance; } int NullTestShell::countTests() { return 0; } UtestShell* NullTestShell::getNext() const { return &instance(); } bool NullTestShell::isNull() const { return true; } void NullTestShell::testBody() { } /////////////////// Terminators TestTerminator::~TestTerminator() { } void NormalTestTerminator::exitCurrentTest() const { #if CPPUTEST_USE_STD_CPP_LIB throw CppUTestFailedException(); #else TestTerminatorWithoutExceptions().exitCurrentTest(); #endif } NormalTestTerminator::~NormalTestTerminator() { } void TestTerminatorWithoutExceptions::exitCurrentTest() const { PlatformSpecificLongJmp(); } TestTerminatorWithoutExceptions::~TestTerminatorWithoutExceptions() { } //////////////////// ExecFunctionTest ExecFunctionTest::ExecFunctionTest(ExecFunctionTestShell* shell) : shell_(shell) { } void ExecFunctionTest::testBody() { if (shell_->testFunction_) shell_->testFunction_(); } void ExecFunctionTest::setup() { if (shell_->setup_) shell_->setup_(); } void ExecFunctionTest::teardown() { if (shell_->teardown_) shell_->teardown_(); } /////////////// IgnoredUtestShell ///////////// IgnoredUtestShell::IgnoredUtestShell() { } IgnoredUtestShell::~IgnoredUtestShell() { } const char* IgnoredUtestShell::getProgressIndicator() const { return "!"; } SimpleString IgnoredUtestShell::getMacroName() const { return "IGNORE_TEST"; } void IgnoredUtestShell::runOneTest(TestPlugin* /* plugin */, TestResult& result) { result.countIgnored(); } ////////////// TestInstaller //////////// TestInstaller::TestInstaller(UtestShell& shell, const char* groupName, const char* testName, const char* fileName, int lineNumber) { shell.setGroupName(groupName); shell.setTestName(testName); shell.setFileName(fileName); shell.setLineNumber(lineNumber); TestRegistry::getCurrentRegistry()->addTest(&shell); } TestInstaller::~TestInstaller() { } void TestInstaller::unDo() { TestRegistry::getCurrentRegistry()->unDoLastAddTest(); }