Fork of cpputest by
- Committer:
- rgrover1
- Date:
- 2014-01-28
- Revision:
- 0:0b799af9d58e
- Child:
- 1:4769360130ed
File content as of revision 0:0b799af9d58e:
/* * Copyright (c) 2007, Michael Feathers, James Grenning and Bas Vodde * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the <organization> nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE EARLIER MENTIONED AUTHORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL <copyright holder> BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "CppUTest/TestHarness.h" #include "CppUTest/TestFailure.h" #include "CppUTest/TestOutput.h" #include "CppUTest/PlatformSpecificFunctions.h" static SimpleString removeAllPrintableCharactersFrom(const SimpleString& str) { size_t bufferSize = str.size()+1; char* buffer = (char*) PlatformSpecificMalloc(bufferSize); str.copyToBuffer(buffer, bufferSize); for (size_t i = 0; i < bufferSize-1; i++) if (buffer[i] != '\t' && buffer[i] != '\n') buffer[i] = ' '; SimpleString result(buffer); PlatformSpecificFree(buffer); return result; } static SimpleString addMarkerToString(const SimpleString& str, int markerPos) { size_t bufferSize = str.size()+1; char* buffer = (char*) PlatformSpecificMalloc(bufferSize); str.copyToBuffer(buffer, bufferSize); buffer[markerPos] = '^'; SimpleString result(buffer); PlatformSpecificFree(buffer); return result; } TestFailure::TestFailure(UtestShell* test, const char* fileName, int lineNumber, const SimpleString& theMessage) : testName_(test->getFormattedName()), fileName_(fileName), lineNumber_(lineNumber), testFileName_(test->getFile()), testLineNumber_(test->getLineNumber()), message_(theMessage) { } TestFailure::TestFailure(UtestShell* test, const SimpleString& theMessage) : testName_(test->getFormattedName()), fileName_(test->getFile()), lineNumber_(test->getLineNumber()), testFileName_(test->getFile()), testLineNumber_(test->getLineNumber()), message_(theMessage) { } TestFailure::TestFailure(UtestShell* test, const char* fileName, int lineNum) : testName_(test->getFormattedName()), fileName_(fileName), lineNumber_(lineNum), testFileName_(test->getFile()), testLineNumber_(test->getLineNumber()), message_("no message") { } TestFailure::TestFailure(const TestFailure& f) : testName_(f.testName_), fileName_(f.fileName_), lineNumber_(f.lineNumber_), testFileName_(f.testFileName_), testLineNumber_(f.testLineNumber_), message_(f.message_) { } TestFailure::~TestFailure() { } SimpleString TestFailure::getFileName() const { return fileName_; } SimpleString TestFailure::getTestFileName() const { return testFileName_; } SimpleString TestFailure::getTestName() const { return testName_; } int TestFailure::getFailureLineNumber() const { return lineNumber_; } int TestFailure::getTestLineNumber() const { return testLineNumber_; } SimpleString TestFailure::getMessage() const { return message_; } bool TestFailure::isOutsideTestFile() const { return testFileName_ != fileName_; } bool TestFailure::isInHelperFunction() const { return lineNumber_ < testLineNumber_; } SimpleString TestFailure::createButWasString(const SimpleString& expected, const SimpleString& actual) { return StringFromFormat("expected <%s>\n\tbut was <%s>", expected.asCharString(), actual.asCharString()); } SimpleString TestFailure::createDifferenceAtPosString(const SimpleString& actual, size_t position) { SimpleString result; const size_t extraCharactersWindow = 20; const size_t halfOfExtraCharactersWindow = extraCharactersWindow / 2; SimpleString paddingForPreventingOutOfBounds (" ", halfOfExtraCharactersWindow); SimpleString actualString = paddingForPreventingOutOfBounds + actual + paddingForPreventingOutOfBounds; SimpleString differentString = StringFromFormat("difference starts at position %lu at: <", (unsigned long) position); result += "\n"; result += StringFromFormat("\t%s%s>\n", differentString.asCharString(), actualString.subString(position, extraCharactersWindow).asCharString()); SimpleString markString = actualString.subString(position, halfOfExtraCharactersWindow+1); markString = removeAllPrintableCharactersFrom(markString); markString = addMarkerToString(markString, halfOfExtraCharactersWindow); result += StringFromFormat("\t%s%s", SimpleString(" ", differentString.size()).asCharString(), markString.asCharString()); return result; } EqualsFailure::EqualsFailure(UtestShell* test, const char* fileName, int lineNumber, const char* expected, const char* actual) : TestFailure(test, fileName, lineNumber) { message_ = createButWasString(StringFromOrNull(expected), StringFromOrNull(actual)); } EqualsFailure::EqualsFailure(UtestShell* test, const char* fileName, int lineNumber, const SimpleString& expected, const SimpleString& actual) : TestFailure(test, fileName, lineNumber) { message_ = createButWasString(expected, actual); } static SimpleString StringFromOrNan(double d) { if (PlatformSpecificIsNan(d)) return "Nan - Not a number"; return StringFrom(d); } DoublesEqualFailure::DoublesEqualFailure(UtestShell* test, const char* fileName, int lineNumber, double expected, double actual, double threshold) : TestFailure(test, fileName, lineNumber) { message_ = createButWasString(StringFromOrNan(expected), StringFromOrNan(actual)); message_ += " threshold used was <"; message_ += StringFromOrNan(threshold); message_ += ">"; if (PlatformSpecificIsNan(expected) || PlatformSpecificIsNan(actual) || PlatformSpecificIsNan(threshold)) message_ += "\n\tCannot make comparisons with Nan"; } CheckEqualFailure::CheckEqualFailure(UtestShell* test, const char* fileName, int lineNumber, const SimpleString& expected, const SimpleString& actual) : TestFailure(test, fileName, lineNumber) { size_t failStart; for (failStart = 0; actual.asCharString()[failStart] == expected.asCharString()[failStart]; failStart++) ; message_ = createButWasString(expected, actual); message_ += createDifferenceAtPosString(actual, failStart); } ContainsFailure::ContainsFailure(UtestShell* test, const char* fileName, int lineNumber, const SimpleString& expected, const SimpleString& actual) : TestFailure(test, fileName, lineNumber) { message_ = StringFromFormat("actual <%s>\n\tdid not contain <%s>", actual.asCharString(), expected.asCharString()); } CheckFailure::CheckFailure(UtestShell* test, const char* fileName, int lineNumber, const SimpleString& checkString, const SimpleString& conditionString, const SimpleString& text) : TestFailure(test, fileName, lineNumber) { message_ = ""; if (!text.isEmpty()) { message_ += "Message: "; message_ += text; message_ += "\n\t"; } message_ += checkString; message_ += "("; message_ += conditionString; message_ += ") failed"; } FailFailure::FailFailure(UtestShell* test, const char* fileName, int lineNumber, const SimpleString& message) : TestFailure(test, fileName, lineNumber) { message_ = message; } LongsEqualFailure::LongsEqualFailure(UtestShell* test, const char* fileName, int lineNumber, long expected, long actual) : TestFailure(test, fileName, lineNumber) { SimpleString aDecimal = StringFrom(actual); SimpleString aHex = HexStringFrom(actual); SimpleString eDecimal = StringFrom(expected); SimpleString eHex = HexStringFrom(expected); SimpleString::padStringsToSameLength(aDecimal, eDecimal, ' '); SimpleString::padStringsToSameLength(aHex, eHex, '0'); SimpleString actualReported = aDecimal + " 0x" + aHex; SimpleString expectedReported = eDecimal + " 0x" + eHex; message_ = createButWasString(expectedReported, actualReported); } StringEqualFailure::StringEqualFailure(UtestShell* test, const char* fileName, int lineNumber, const char* expected, const char* actual) : TestFailure(test, fileName, lineNumber) { size_t failStart; for (failStart = 0; actual[failStart] == expected[failStart]; failStart++) ; message_ = createButWasString(expected, actual); message_ += createDifferenceAtPosString(actual, failStart); } StringEqualNoCaseFailure::StringEqualNoCaseFailure(UtestShell* test, const char* fileName, int lineNumber, const char* expected, const char* actual) : TestFailure(test, fileName, lineNumber) { size_t failStart; for (failStart = 0; PlatformSpecificToLower(actual[failStart]) == PlatformSpecificToLower(expected[failStart]); failStart++) ; message_ = createButWasString(expected, actual); message_ += createDifferenceAtPosString(actual, failStart); }