cc3000 hostdriver with the mbed socket interface

Dependents:   cc3000_hello_world_demo cc3000_simple_socket_demo cc3000_ntp_demo cc3000_ping_demo ... more

Issue: Ethernet interface (subset - get methods) (Closed: Fixed)

To implement ethernet interface for cc3000.

Development status: Subset of Ethernet interface was added to host driver.


12 Oct 2013

Have added the follow functions, populated upon receipt of the DHCP usync callback,

cc3000::getMACAddress() cc3000::getIPAddress() cc3000::getGateway() cc3000::getNetworkMask()

these return strings as the ethernet library does, to enable this functionality #define CC3000_ETH_COMPAT in cc3000.h. Shall submit a push once tested.

13 Oct 2013

Thx Carl. I closed this one.