IAP class library for LPC1768, LPC11U24, LPC1114, LPC812 and LPC824

Fork of IAP by Tedd OKANO

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Tue Mar 10 04:19:23 2015 +0000
Commit message:
merged with pull requests

Changed in this revision

IAP.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
IAP.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/IAP.cpp	Mon Sep 29 23:03:30 2014 +0000
+++ b/IAP.cpp	Tue Mar 10 04:19:23 2015 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 /**    IAP : internal Flash memory access library
- *        The internal Flash memory access is described in the LPC1768 and LPC11U24 usermanual. 
+ *        The internal Flash memory access is described in the LPC1768 and LPC11U24 usermanual.
  *            http://www.nxp.com/documents/user_manual/UM10360.pdf
  *            http://www.nxp.com/documents/user_manual/UM10462.pdf
@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@
  *                    Chapter  2: "LPC17xx Memory map"
  *                    Chapter 32: "LPC17xx Flash memory interface and programming"
  *                    refering Rev. 01 - 4 January 2010
- * 
+ *
  *               LPC11U24 --
  *                    Chapter  2: "LPC11Uxx Memory mapping"
  *                    Chapter 20: "LPC11Uxx Flash programming firmware"
  *                    refering Rev. 03 - 16 July 2012
- * 
+ *
  *        Released under the MIT License: http://mbed.org/license/mit
  *        revision 1.0  09-Mar-2010   1st release
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@
  *        revision 2.0  26-Nov-2012   LPC11U24 code added
  *        revision 2.1  26-Nov-2012   EEPROM access code imported from Suga koubou san's (http://mbed.org/users/okini3939/) library
  *                                            http://mbed.org/users/okini3939/code/M0_EEPROM_test/
+ *        revision 3.0  09-Jan-2015   LPC812 and LPC824 support added
+ *        revision 3.1  13-Jan-2015   LPC1114 support added
+ *        revision 3.1.1 16-Jan-2015  Target MCU name changed for better compatibility across the platforms
 #include    "mbed.h"
@@ -32,12 +35,11 @@
 unsigned char user_area[ USER_FLASH_AREA_SIZE ] __attribute__((section( ".ARM.__at_" USER_FLASH_AREA_START_STR( USER_FLASH_AREA_START ) ), zero_init));
  *  Reserve of flash area is explained by Igor. Please refer next URL
  *    http://mbed.org/users/okano/notebook/iap-in-application-programming-internal-flash-eras/?page=1#comment-271
 //unsigned char user_area[ size ] __attribute__((section(".ARM.__at_0x78000"), zero_init));
@@ -45,28 +47,23 @@
  *  Table 589. "IAP Command Summary", Chapter 8. "IAP commands", usermanual
-enum command_code
-        {
-            IAPCommand_Prepare_sector_for_write_operation    = 50,
-            IAPCommand_Copy_RAM_to_Flash,
-            IAPCommand_Erase_sector,
-            IAPCommand_Blank_check_sector,
-            IAPCommand_Read_part_ID,
-            IAPCommand_Read_Boot_Code_version,
-            IAPCommand_Compare,
-            IAPCommand_Reinvoke_ISP,
-            IAPCommand_Read_device_serial_number,
-#if defined(TARGET_LPC11U24)
-            IAPCommand_EEPROM_Write = 61,
-            IAPCommand_EEPROM_Read,
+enum command_code {
+    IAPCommand_Prepare_sector_for_write_operation    = 50,
+    IAPCommand_Copy_RAM_to_Flash,
+    IAPCommand_Erase_sector,
+    IAPCommand_Blank_check_sector,
+    IAPCommand_Read_part_ID,
+    IAPCommand_Read_Boot_Code_version,
+    IAPCommand_Compare,
+    IAPCommand_Reinvoke_ISP,
+    IAPCommand_Read_device_serial_number,
+#if defined(TARGET_LPC11UXX)
+    IAPCommand_EEPROM_Write = 61,
+    IAPCommand_EEPROM_Read,
+#elif defined(TARGET_LPC81X) || defined(TARGET_LPC82X)
+    IAPCommand_Erase_page = 59,
-        };
-/** Reinvoke ISP
- *
- *  @return    error code
- */
 int IAP::reinvoke_isp( void ) {
@@ -78,29 +75,21 @@
     return ( (int)IAP_result[ 0 ] );
 /** Read part identification number
  *  @return    device ID
  *  @see       read_serial()
-int IAP::read_ID( void ) {
+int IAP::read_ID( void )
     IAP_command[ 0 ]    = IAPCommand_Read_part_ID;
     iap_entry( IAP_command, IAP_result );
     //  return ( (int)IAP_result[ 0 ] );
     return ( (int)IAP_result[ 1 ] );    //  to return the number itself (this command always returns CMD_SUCCESS)
-/** Read device serial number
- *
- *  @return    device serial number
- *  @see       read_ID()
- */
 int *IAP::read_serial( void ) {
     IAP_command[ 0 ]    = IAPCommand_Read_device_serial_number;
@@ -110,15 +99,8 @@
     return ( (int *)&IAP_result[ 1 ] );    //  to return the number itself (this command always returns CMD_SUCCESS)
-/** Blank check sector(s)
- *  
- *  @param    start    a Start Sector Number
- *  @param    end      an End Sector Number (should be greater than or equal to start sector number).
- */
-int IAP::blank_check( int start, int end ) {
+int IAP::blank_check( int start, int end )
     IAP_command[ 0 ]    = IAPCommand_Blank_check_sector;
     IAP_command[ 1 ]    = (unsigned int)start;  //  Start Sector Number
     IAP_command[ 2 ]    = (unsigned int)end;    //  End Sector Number (should be greater than or equal to start sector number)
@@ -128,15 +110,8 @@
     return ( (int)IAP_result[ 0 ] );
-/** Erase Sector(s)
- *  
- *  @param    start    a Start Sector Number
- *  @param    end      an End Sector Number (should be greater than or equal to start sector number).
- */
-int IAP::erase( int start, int end ) {
+int IAP::erase( int start, int end )
     IAP_command[ 0 ]    = IAPCommand_Erase_sector;
     IAP_command[ 1 ]    = (unsigned int)start;  //  Start Sector Number
     IAP_command[ 2 ]    = (unsigned int)end;    //  End Sector Number (should be greater than or equal to start sector number)
@@ -147,34 +122,19 @@
     return ( (int)IAP_result[ 0 ] );
-/** Prepare sector(s) for write operation
- *  
- *  @param    start    a Start Sector Number
- *  @param    end      an End Sector Number (should be greater than or equal to start sector number).
- *  @return   error code: CMD_SUCCESS | BUSY | INVALID_SECTOR
- */
-int IAP::prepare( int start, int end ) {
+int IAP::prepare( int start, int end )
     IAP_command[ 0 ]    = IAPCommand_Prepare_sector_for_write_operation;
     IAP_command[ 1 ]    = (unsigned int)start;  //  Start Sector Number
     IAP_command[ 2 ]    = (unsigned int)end;    //  End Sector Number (should be greater than or equal to start sector number).
     iap_entry( IAP_command, IAP_result );
     return ( (int)IAP_result[ 0 ] );
-/** Copy RAM to Flash
- *  
- *  @param    source_addr    Source RAM address from which data bytes are to be read. This address should be a word boundary.
- *  @param    target_addr    Destination flash address where data bytes are to be written. This address should be a 256 byte boundary.
- *  @param    size           Number of bytes to be written. Should be 256 | 512 | 1024 | 4096.
- *  @return   error code: CMD_SUCCESS | SRC_ADDR_ERROR (Address not a word boundary) | DST_ADDR_ERROR (Address not on correct boundary) | SRC_ADDR_NOT_MAPPED | DST_ADDR_NOT_MAPPED | COUNT_ERROR (Byte count is not 256 | 512 | 1024 | 4096) | SECTOR_NOT_PREPARED_FOR_WRITE_OPERATION | BUSY
- */
-int IAP::write( char *source_addr, char *target_addr, int size ) {
+int IAP::write( char *source_addr, char *target_addr, int size )
     IAP_command[ 0 ]    = IAPCommand_Copy_RAM_to_Flash;
     IAP_command[ 1 ]    = (unsigned int)target_addr;    //  Destination flash address where data bytes are to be written. This address should be a 256 byte boundary.
     IAP_command[ 2 ]    = (unsigned int)source_addr;    //  Source RAM address from which data bytes are to be read. This address should be a word boundary.
@@ -186,16 +146,8 @@
     return ( (int)IAP_result[ 0 ] );
-/** Compare <address1> <address2> <no of bytes>
- *  
- *  @param    source_addr Starting flash or RAM address of data bytes to be compared. This address should be a word boundary.
- *  @param    target_addr Starting flash or RAM address of data bytes to be compared. This address should be a word boundary.
- *  @param    size         Number of bytes to be compared; should be a multiple of 4.
- *  @return   error code: CMD_SUCCESS | COMPARE_ERROR | COUNT_ERROR (Byte count is not a multiple of 4) | ADDR_ERROR | ADDR_NOT_MAPPED     
- */
-int IAP::compare( char *source_addr, char *target_addr, int size ) {
+int IAP::compare( char *source_addr, char *target_addr, int size )
     IAP_command[ 0 ]    = IAPCommand_Compare;
     IAP_command[ 1 ]    = (unsigned int)target_addr;    //  Starting flash or RAM address of data bytes to be compared. This address should be a word boundary.
     IAP_command[ 2 ]    = (unsigned int)source_addr;    //  Starting flash or RAM address of data bytes to be compared. This address should be a word boundary.
@@ -206,82 +158,64 @@
     return ( (int)IAP_result[ 0 ] );
-/** Compare <address1> <address2> <no of bytes>
- *  
- *  @param    source_addr Starting flash or RAM address of data bytes to be compared. This address should be a word boundary.
- *  @param    target_addr Starting flash or RAM address of data bytes to be compared. This address should be a word boundary.
- *  @param    size         Number of bytes to be compared; should be a multiple of 4.
- *  @return   error code: CMD_SUCCESS | COMPARE_ERROR | COUNT_ERROR (Byte count is not a multiple of 4) | ADDR_ERROR | ADDR_NOT_MAPPED     
- */
-int IAP::read_BootVer(void) {
+int IAP::read_BootVer(void)
     IAP_command[0] = IAPCommand_Read_Boot_Code_version;
     IAP_result[1] = 0; // not sure if in high or low bits.
     iap_entry(IAP_command, IAP_result);
     return ((int)IAP_result[1]);
-/** Get user reserved flash start address
- *
- *  @return    start address of user reserved flash memory
- *  @see       reserved_flash_area_size()
- */
 char * IAP::reserved_flash_area_start( void )
     return ( (char *)USER_FLASH_AREA_START );
-/** Get user reserved flash size
- *
- *  @return    size of user reserved flash memory
- *  @see       reserved_flash_area_start()
- */
 int IAP::reserved_flash_area_size( void )
     return ( USER_FLASH_AREA_SIZE );
-#if defined(TARGET_LPC11U24)
-/** Copy RAM to EEPROM (LPC11U24)
- *  
- *  @param    source_addr    Source RAM address from which data bytes are to be read.
- *  @param    target_addr    Destination EEPROM address where data bytes are to be written.
- *  @param    size           Number of bytes to be written.
- *  Remark: The top 64 bytes of the EEPROM memory are reserved and cannot be written to.
- */
-int IAP::write_eeprom( char *source_addr, char *target_addr, int size ) {
+#if defined(TARGET_LPC11UXX)
+int IAP::write_eeprom( char *source_addr, char *target_addr, int size )
     IAP_command[ 0 ]    = IAPCommand_EEPROM_Write;
     IAP_command[ 1 ]    = (unsigned int)target_addr;    //  Destination EEPROM address where data bytes are to be written. This address should be a 256 byte boundary.
     IAP_command[ 2 ]    = (unsigned int)source_addr;    //  Source RAM address from which data bytes are to be read. This address should be a word boundary.
     IAP_command[ 3 ]    = size;                         //  Number of bytes to be written. Should be 256 | 512 | 1024 | 4096.
     IAP_command[ 4 ]    = cclk_kHz;                     //  CPU Clock Frequency (CCLK) in kHz.
     iap_entry( IAP_command, IAP_result );
     return ( (int)IAP_result[ 0 ] );
-/** Copy EEPROM to RAM (LPC11U24)
- *  
- *  @param    source_addr    Source EEPROM address from which data bytes are to be read.
- *  @param    target_addr    Destination RAM address where data bytes are to be written.
- *  @param    size           Number of bytes to be written.
- *  Remark: The top 64 bytes of the EEPROM memory are reserved and cannot be written to.
- */
-int IAP::read_eeprom( char *source_addr, char *target_addr, int size ) {
+int IAP::read_eeprom( char *source_addr, char *target_addr, int size )
     IAP_command[ 0 ]    = IAPCommand_EEPROM_Read;
     IAP_command[ 1 ]    = (unsigned int)source_addr;    //  Source EEPROM address from which data bytes are to be read. This address should be a word boundary.
     IAP_command[ 2 ]    = (unsigned int)target_addr;    //  Destination RAM address where data bytes are to be written. This address should be a 256 byte boundary.
     IAP_command[ 3 ]    = size;                         //  Number of bytes to be written. Should be 256 | 512 | 1024 | 4096.
     IAP_command[ 4 ]    = cclk_kHz;                     //  CPU Clock Frequency (CCLK) in kHz.
     iap_entry( IAP_command, IAP_result );
     return ( (int)IAP_result[ 0 ] );
+#elif defined(TARGET_LPC81X) || defined(TARGET_LPC82X)
+int IAP::erase_page( int start, int end )
+    IAP_command[ 0 ]    = IAPCommand_Erase_page;
+    IAP_command[ 1 ]    = (unsigned int)start;  //  Start Sector Number
+    IAP_command[ 2 ]    = (unsigned int)end;    //  End Sector Number (should be greater than or equal to start sector number)
+    IAP_command[ 3 ]    = cclk_kHz;             //  CPU Clock Frequency (CCLK) in kHz
+    iap_entry( IAP_command, IAP_result );
+    return ( (int)IAP_result[ 0 ] );
--- a/IAP.h	Mon Sep 29 23:03:30 2014 +0000
+++ b/IAP.h	Tue Mar 10 04:19:23 2015 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 /**    IAP : internal Flash memory access library
- *        The internal Flash memory access is described in the LPC1768 and LPC11U24 usermanual. 
+ *        The internal Flash memory access is described in the LPC1768 and LPC11U24 usermanual.
  *            http://www.nxp.com/documents/user_manual/UM10360.pdf
  *            http://www.nxp.com/documents/user_manual/UM10462.pdf
@@ -8,28 +8,32 @@
  *                    Chapter  2: "LPC17xx Memory map"
  *                    Chapter 32: "LPC17xx Flash memory interface and programming"
  *                    refering Rev. 01 - 4 January 2010
- * 
+ *
  *               LPC11U24 --
  *                    Chapter  2: "LPC11Uxx Memory mapping"
  *                    Chapter 20: "LPC11Uxx Flash programming firmware"
  *                    refering Rev. 03 - 16 July 2012
- * 
+ *
  *        Released under the MIT License: http://mbed.org/license/mit
  *        revision 1.0  09-Mar-2010   1st release
  *        revision 1.1  12-Mar-2010   chaged: to make possible to reserve flash area for user
  *                                            it can be set by USER_FLASH_AREA_START and USER_FLASH_AREA_SIZE in IAP.h
- *        revision 2.0  26-Nov.2012   LPC11U24 code added
+ *        revision 2.0  26-Nov-2012   LPC11U24 code added
  *        revision 2.1  26-Nov-2012   EEPROM access code imported from Suga koubou san's (http://mbed.org/users/okini3939/) library
  *                                            http://mbed.org/users/okini3939/code/M0_EEPROM_test/
+ *        revision 3.0  09-Jan-2015   LPC812 and LPC824 support added
+ *        revision 3.1  13-Jan-2015   LPC1114 support added
+ *        revision 3.1.1 16-Jan-2015  Target MCU name changed for better compatibility across the platforms
 #ifndef        MBED_IAP
 #define        MBED_IAP
 #include    "mbed.h"
-#if defined(TARGET_LPC1768)
+#if defined(TARGET_LPC176X)
 #define     USER_FLASH_AREA_SIZE    (FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE_16_TO_29 * 1)
@@ -38,9 +42,9 @@
  *  memory map information is available in next URL also.
  *    http://mbed.org/projects/libraries/svn/mbed/trunk/LPC1768/LPC17xx.h
 /**    Table for start adress of sectors
- *    
+ *
  *        LPC1768 internal flash memory sector numbers and addresses
  *        LPC1768 flash memory are and sector number/size
@@ -144,16 +148,16 @@
     (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_26,
     (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_27,
     (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_28,
-    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_29    
+    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_29
-#elif defined(TARGET_LPC11U24)
+#elif defined(TARGET_LPC11UXX) || defined(TARGET_LPC11XX)
 /**    Table for start adress of sectors
- *    
+ *
  *        LPC11U24 internal flash memory sector numbers and addresses
  *        LPC11U24 flash memory are and sector number/size
@@ -192,37 +196,150 @@
     (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_7,
+#elif defined(TARGET_LPC81X) || defined(TARGET_LPC82X)
+/**    Table for start adress of sectors
+ *
+ *        LPC812/LPC824 internal flash memory sector numbers and addresses
+ *
+ *        0x00000000 - 0x00003FFF        flash (16 sectors for LPC812)
+ *        0x00000000 - 0x00007FFF        flash (32 sectors for LPC824)
+ *
+ *      Sector0:     0x00000000 - 0x000003FF        1K
+ *      Sector1:     0x00000400 - 0x000007FF        1K
+ *      Sector2:     0x00000800 - 0x00000BFF        1K
+ *      Sector3:     0x00000C00 - 0x00000FFF        1K
+ *      Sector4:     0x00001000 - 0x000013FF        1K
+ *      Sector5:     0x00001400 - 0x000017FF        1K
+ *      Sector6:     0x00001800 - 0x00001BFF        1K
+ *      Sector7:     0x00001C00 - 0x00001FFF        1K
+ *      Sector8:     0x00002000 - 0x000023FF        1K
+ *      Sector9:     0x00002400 - 0x000027FF        1K
+ *      Sector10:    0x00002800 - 0x00002BFF        1K
+ *      Sector11:    0x00002C00 - 0x00002FFF        1K
+ *      Sector12:    0x00003000 - 0x000033FF        1K
+ *      Sector13:    0x00003400 - 0x000037FF        1K
+ *      Sector14:    0x00003800 - 0x00003BFF        1K
+ *      Sector15:    0x00003C00 - 0x00003FFF        1K
+ *      Sector16:    0x00004000 - 0x000043FF        1K  (LPC824 only)
+ *      Sector17:    0x00004400 - 0x000047FF        1K  (LPC824 only)
+ *      Sector18:    0x00004800 - 0x00004BFF        1K  (LPC824 only)
+ *      Sector19:    0x00004C00 - 0x00004FFF        1K  (LPC824 only)
+ *      Sector20:    0x00005000 - 0x000053FF        1K  (LPC824 only)
+ *      Sector21:    0x00005400 - 0x000057FF        1K  (LPC824 only)
+ *      Sector22:    0x00005800 - 0x00005BFF        1K  (LPC824 only)
+ *      Sector23:    0x00005C00 - 0x00005FFF        1K  (LPC824 only)
+ *      Sector24:    0x00006000 - 0x000063FF        1K  (LPC824 only)
+ *      Sector25:    0x00006400 - 0x000067FF        1K  (LPC824 only)
+ *      Sector26:    0x00006800 - 0x00006BFF        1K  (LPC824 only)
+ *      Sector27:    0x00006C00 - 0x00006FFF        1K  (LPC824 only)
+ *      Sector28:    0x00007000 - 0x000073FF        1K  (LPC824 only)
+ *      Sector29:    0x00007400 - 0x000077FF        1K  (LPC824 only)
+ *      Sector30:    0x00007800 - 0x00007BFF        1K  (LPC824 only)
+ *      Sector31:    0x00007C00 - 0x00007FFF        1K  (LPC824 only)
+ */
+#define     FLASH_SECTOR_0       0x00000000
+#define     FLASH_SECTOR_1       0x00000400
+#define     FLASH_SECTOR_2       0x00000800
+#define     FLASH_SECTOR_3       0x00000C00
+#define     FLASH_SECTOR_4       0x00001000
+#define     FLASH_SECTOR_5       0x00001400
+#define     FLASH_SECTOR_6       0x00001800
+#define     FLASH_SECTOR_7       0x00001C00
+#define     FLASH_SECTOR_8       0x00002000
+#define     FLASH_SECTOR_9       0x00002400
+#define     FLASH_SECTOR_10      0x00002800
+#define     FLASH_SECTOR_11      0x00002C00
+#define     FLASH_SECTOR_12      0x00003000
+#define     FLASH_SECTOR_13      0x00003400
+#define     FLASH_SECTOR_14      0x00003800
+#define     FLASH_SECTOR_15      0x00003C00
+#define     FLASH_SECTOR_16      0x00004000     //  for LPC824 only
+#define     FLASH_SECTOR_17      0x00004400     //  for LPC824 only
+#define     FLASH_SECTOR_18      0x00004800     //  for LPC824 only
+#define     FLASH_SECTOR_19      0x00004C00     //  for LPC824 only
+#define     FLASH_SECTOR_20      0x00005000     //  for LPC824 only
+#define     FLASH_SECTOR_21      0x00005400     //  for LPC824 only
+#define     FLASH_SECTOR_22      0x00005800     //  for LPC824 only
+#define     FLASH_SECTOR_23      0x00005C00     //  for LPC824 only
+#define     FLASH_SECTOR_24      0x00006000     //  for LPC824 only
+#define     FLASH_SECTOR_25      0x00006400     //  for LPC824 only
+#define     FLASH_SECTOR_26      0x00006800     //  for LPC824 only
+#define     FLASH_SECTOR_27      0x00006C00     //  for LPC824 only
+#define     FLASH_SECTOR_28      0x00007000     //  for LPC824 only
+#define     FLASH_SECTOR_29      0x00007400     //  for LPC824 only
+#define     FLASH_SECTOR_30      0x00007800     //  for LPC824 only
+#define     FLASH_SECTOR_31      0x00007C00     //  for LPC824 only
+#define     FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE    (1 * 1024)
+static char * sector_start_adress[]    = {
+    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_0,
+    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_1,
+    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_2,
+    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_3,
+    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_4,
+    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_5,
+    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_6,
+    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_7,
+    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_8,
+    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_9,
+    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_10,
+    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_11,
+    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_12,
+    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_13,
+    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_14,
+    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_15,
+    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_16,     //  for LPC824 only
+    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_17,     //  for LPC824 only
+    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_18,     //  for LPC824 only
+    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_19,     //  for LPC824 only
+    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_20,     //  for LPC824 only
+    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_21,     //  for LPC824 only
+    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_22,     //  for LPC824 only
+    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_23,     //  for LPC824 only
+    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_24,     //  for LPC824 only
+    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_25,     //  for LPC824 only
+    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_26,     //  for LPC824 only
+    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_27,     //  for LPC824 only
+    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_28,     //  for LPC824 only
+    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_29,     //  for LPC824 only
+    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_30,     //  for LPC824 only
+    (char *)FLASH_SECTOR_31     //  for LPC824 only
 /**    Error code by IAP routine
- *  
+ *
  *        Table 588 "ISP Return Codes Summary", Section 7.15 "ISP Return Codes", usermanual
-enum error_code
-    {
-            CMD_SUCCESS,
-            INVALID_COMMAND,
-            SRC_ADDR_ERROR,
-            DST_ADDR_ERROR,
-            SRC_ADDR_NOT_MAPPED,
-            DST_ADDR_NOT_MAPPED,
-            COUNT_ERROR,
-            INVALID_SECTOR,
-            SECTOR_NOT_BLANK,
-            COMPARE_ERROR,
-            BUSY,
-            PARAM_ERROR,
-            ADDR_ERROR,
-            ADDR_NOT_MAPPED,
-            CMD_LOCKED,
-            INVALID_CODE,
-            INVALID_BAUD_RATE,
-            INVALID_STOP_BIT,
-    };
+enum error_code {
+    BUSY,
@@ -235,43 +352,136 @@
 #define     IAP_LOCATION    0x1fff1ff1
 typedef     void (*IAP_call)(unsigned int [], unsigned int []);
 /**    IAP class
- *  
+ *
  *        Interface for internal flash memory access
-class IAP {
+class IAP
-    /*
-     *  SystemCoreClock ??? :  
-     *    http://mbed.org/forum/mbed/topic/229/
-     *    http://mbed.org/users/simon/programs/SystemCoreClock/16mhsh/
-     */
     /**    Constructor for IAP
+    IAP() : iap_entry( reinterpret_cast<IAP_call>(IAP_LOCATION) ), cclk_kHz( SystemCoreClock / 1000 ) {}
-    IAP() : iap_entry( reinterpret_cast<IAP_call>(IAP_LOCATION) ), cclk_kHz( SystemCoreClock / 1000 ) {}
+    /** Reinvoke ISP
+     *
+     *  @return    error code
+     */
     int reinvoke_isp( void );
+    /** Read part identification number
+     *
+     *  @return    device ID
+     *  @see       read_serial()
+     */
     int read_ID( void );
+    /** Read device serial number
+     *
+     *  @return    device serial number
+     *  @see       read_ID()
+     */
     int *read_serial( void );
+    /** Blank check sector(s)
+     *
+     *  @param    start    a Start Sector Number
+     *  @param    end      an End Sector Number (should be greater than or equal to start sector number).
+     *  @return error code: CMD_SUCCESS | BUSY | SECTOR_NOT_BLANK | INVALID_SECTOR
+     */
     int blank_check( int start, int end );
+    /** Erase Sector(s)
+     *
+     *  @param    start    a Start Sector Number
+     *  @param    end      an End Sector Number (should be greater than or equal to start sector number).
+     */
     int erase( int start, int end );
+    /** Prepare sector(s) for write operation
+     *
+     *  @param    start    a Start Sector Number
+     *  @param    end      an End Sector Number (should be greater than or equal to start sector number).
+     *  @return   error code: CMD_SUCCESS | BUSY | INVALID_SECTOR
+     */
     int prepare( int start, int end );
+    /** Copy RAM to Flash
+     *
+     *  @param    source_addr    Source RAM address from which data bytes are to be read. This address should be a word boundary.
+     *  @param    target_addr    Destination flash address where data bytes are to be written. This address should be a 256 byte boundary.
+     *  @param    size           Number of bytes to be written. Should be 256 | 512 | 1024 | 4096.
+     *  @return   error code: CMD_SUCCESS | SRC_ADDR_ERROR (Address not a word boundary) | DST_ADDR_ERROR (Address not on correct boundary) | SRC_ADDR_NOT_MAPPED | DST_ADDR_NOT_MAPPED | COUNT_ERROR (Byte count is not 256 | 512 | 1024 | 4096) | SECTOR_NOT_PREPARED_FOR_WRITE_OPERATION | BUSY
+     */
     int write( char *source_addr, char *target_addr, int size );
+    /** Compare <address1> <address2> <no of bytes>
+     *
+     *  @param    source_addr Starting flash or RAM address of data bytes to be compared. This address should be a word boundary.
+     *  @param    target_addr Starting flash or RAM address of data bytes to be compared. This address should be a word boundary.
+     *  @param    size         Number of bytes to be compared; should be a multiple of 4.
+     *  @return   error code: CMD_SUCCESS | COMPARE_ERROR | COUNT_ERROR (Byte count is not a multiple of 4) | ADDR_ERROR | ADDR_NOT_MAPPED
+     */
     int compare( char *source_addr, char *target_addr, int size );
+    /** Read Boot code version number
+     *
+     *  @return   2 bytes of boot code version number
+     */
     int read_BootVer( void );
+    /** Get user reserved flash start address
+     *
+     *  @return    start address of user reserved flash memory
+     *  @see       reserved_flash_area_size()
+     */
     char *reserved_flash_area_start( void );
+    /** Get user reserved flash size
+     *
+     *  @return    size of user reserved flash memory
+     *  @see       reserved_flash_area_start()
+     */
     int   reserved_flash_area_size( void );
-#if defined(TARGET_LPC11U24)
+#if defined(TARGET_LPC11UXX)
+    /** Copy RAM to EEPROM (LPC11U24)
+     *
+     *  @param    source_addr    Source RAM address from which data bytes are to be read.
+     *  @param    target_addr    Destination EEPROM address where data bytes are to be written.
+     *  @param    size           Number of bytes to be written.
+     *  @return   error code: CMD_SUCCESS | SRC_ADDR_NOT_MAPPED | DST_ADDR_NOT_MAPPED
+     *  Remark: The top 64 bytes of the EEPROM memory are reserved and cannot be written to.
+     */
     int write_eeprom( char *source_addr, char *target_addr, int size );
+    /** Copy EEPROM to RAM (LPC11U24)
+     *
+     *  @param    source_addr    Source EEPROM address from which data bytes are to be read.
+     *  @param    target_addr    Destination RAM address where data bytes are to be written.
+     *  @param    size           Number of bytes to be written.
+     *  @return   error code: CMD_SUCCESS | SRC_ADDR_NOT_MAPPED | DST_ADDR_NOT_MAPPED
+     *  Remark: The top 64 bytes of the EEPROM memory are reserved and cannot be written to.
+     */
     int read_eeprom( char *source_addr, char *target_addr, int size );
+#elif defined(TARGET_LPC81X) || defined(TARGET_LPC82X)
+    /** Erase page(s) (LPC812, LPC824)
+     *
+     *  @param    start    Start page number.
+     *  @param    end      End page number (should be greater than or equal to start page).
+     */
+    int erase_page( int start, int end );
@@ -279,8 +489,6 @@
     unsigned int    IAP_command[ 5 ];
     unsigned int    IAP_result[ 5 ];
     int             cclk_kHz;
-    //int cpu_clock( void );