slave with cake

Dependencies:   C12832 mbed

diff -r 000000000000 -r f93e2f7b0139 music.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/music.h	Wed Feb 26 02:07:38 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+enum NoteName {C0=0,Cs0,D0,Eb0,E0,F0,Fs0,G0,Gs0,A0,Bb0,B0,
+                 C1,Cs1,D1,Eb1,E1,F1,Fs1,G1,Gs1,A1,Bb1,B1,
+                 C2,Cs2,D2,Eb2,E2,F2,Fs2,G2,Gs2,A2,Bb2,B2,
+                 C3,Cs3,D3,Eb3,E3,F3,Fs3,G3,Gs3,A3,Bb3,B3,
+                 C4,Cs4,D4,Eb4,E4,F4,Fs4,G4,Gs4,A4,Bb4,B4,
+                 C5,Cs5,D5,Eb5,E5,F5,Fs5,G5,Gs5,A5,Bb5,B5,
+                 C6,Cs6,D6,Eb6,E6,F6,Fs6,G6,Gs6,A6,Bb6,B6,
+                 C7,Cs7,D7,Eb7,E7,F7,Fs7,G7,Gs7,A7,Bb7,B7,
+                 C8,Cs8,D8,Eb8,E8,F8,Fs8,G8,Gs8,A8,Bb8,B8,R};
+//frequencies for all of the notes
+float notes[]={16.35,17.32,18.35,19.45,20.60,21.83,23.12,24.50,25.96,27.50,29.14,30.87,
+               32.70,34.65,36.71,38.89,41.20,43.65,46.25,49.00,51.91,55.00,58.27,61.74,
+               65.41,69.30,73.42,77.78,82.41,87.31,92.50,98.00,103.8,110.0,116.5,123.5,
+               130.8,138.6,146.8,155.6,164.8,174.6,185.0,196.0,207.7,220.0,233.1,246.9,
+               261.6,277.2,293.7,311.1,329.6,349.2,370.0,392.0,415.3,440.0,466.2,493.9,
+               523.3,554.4,587.3,622.3,659.3,698.5,740.0,784.0,830.6,880.0,932.3,987.8,
+               1047,1109,1175,1245,1319,1397,1480,1568,1661,1760,1865,1976,
+               2093,2217,2349,2489,2637,2794,2960,3136,3322,3520,3729,3951,
+               4186,4435,4699,4978,5274,5588,5920,6272,6645,7040,7459,7902,0};
+char lyrics[][75] = {
+"This was a triumph.",
+"I'm making a note here:  \r\n  HUGE SUCCESS.",
+"It's hard to overstate my \r\n satisfaction.",
+"Aperture Science",
+"We do what we must",
+"because we can.",
+"For the good of all of us.",
+"Except the ones who are \r\n dead.",
+"But there's no sense   \r\n crying over every mistake.",
+"You just keep on trying \r\n till you run out of cake.",
+"And the Science gets done.",
+"And you make a neat gun.",
+"For the people who are \r\n still alive.",
+"      <3 ",
+"I'm not even angry.",
+"I'm being so sincere \r\n right now.",
+"\r\n Even though you broke \r\n my heart.",
+"And killed me.",
+"And tore me to pieces.",
+"And threw every piece \r\n into a fire.",
+"As they burned it hurt \r\n because I was so \r\n happy for you!",
+"Now these points of data \r\n make a beautiful line.",
+"And we're out of beta.",
+"We're releasing on time.",
+"So I'm GLaD. I got burned.",
+"Think of all the things we \r\n learned",
+"\r\nfor the people who are \r\n still alive.",
+"      <3 ",
+"Go ahead and leave me.",
+"I think I prefer to \r\n stay inside.",
+"Maybe you'll find someone \r\n  else to help you.",
+"Maybe Black Mesa",
+"Anyway, this cake is great.",
+"It's so delicious and moist.",
+"Look at me still talking",
+"when there's Science to do.",
+"When I look out there, \r\n it makes me GLaD I'm not you.",
+"I've experiments to run.",
+"There is research \r\n  to be done.",
+"On the people who are \r\n still alive.",
+"And believe me I am \r\n still alive.",
+"I'm doing Science and I'm \r\n still alive.",
+"I feel FANTASTIC and I'm \r\n still alive.",
+"While you're dying I'll be \r\n still alive.",
+"And when you're dead I will be \r\n still alive.",
+"Still alive.",
+"Still alive."};
\ No newline at end of file