Dependencies:   mbed

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Wed Dec 16 12:04:23 2009 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

ADC_setup.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
LCD_setup.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
header.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed_functions.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 000000000000 -r d322a5241da8 ADC_setup.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ADC_setup.cpp	Wed Dec 16 12:04:23 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+// ADC_setup.cpp
+#include "header.h"
+ variables and defines
+ ****************************************************/
+int ADC_channel=1;     // ADC channel 1
+  subroutines
+void ADC_init(){
+     PINSEL1=0x00010000;  //set AD0.1 pin to 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 = ADC
+     PCONP |= (1 << 12);  // enable ADC clock 
+     AD0CR = (1 << ADC_channel)     // channel 1 
+           | (4 << 8)     // This gives us 3MHz 
+           | (0 << 16)    // BURST = 0, software control  
+           | (0 << 17)    // CLKS = 0 (11-bits)  
+           | (1 << 21)    // PDN = 1  
+           | (0 << 22)    // TEST1:0 = 00  
+           | (1 << 24)    // START = 1 start A/D conversion 
+           | (0 << 27);   // EDGE = 0 (CAP/MAT singal falling,trigger A/D conversion) 
+float ADC_read() { 
+    int data;
+    // start A/D conversion on channel 
+    AD0CR &= (AD0CR & 0xFFFFFF00);  
+    AD0CR |= (1 << ADC_channel) | (1 << 24);       
+    delay_l();
+    // wait for it to finish by polling the ADC DONE bit         
+    while((AD0GDR & 0x80000000) == 0) 
+    {
+    }
+    // get the data and stop the adc 
+    data = AD0GDR; 
+    AD0CR &= 0xF8FFFFFF; 
+    // shift data and mask to give 8-bit ADC value
+    data=(data>>8)&0x00000FF;  
+    return data; 
+ } 
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r d322a5241da8 LCD_setup.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/LCD_setup.cpp	Wed Dec 16 12:04:23 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+// LCD_setup.cpp
+#include "header.h"
+  subroutines
+/****initialise LCD function ****/  
+void LCD_init(void){  
+	delay_l();
+    FIO2DIR0=0xFF;  /* set port 2 byte 0 (ctrl) to output */
+    FIO2PIN0=0x00;   //clear Port 2 byte 0 
+		                 //FIO2PIN bit0=R/W	 (read/write)
+              		     //FIO2PIN bit1=RS	 (register select)
+                		 //FIO2PIN bit2=E    (enable)
+						 //all initialised low
+	        		     // set Port 0 and 1 to operate as fast registers			
+    SCS |= 0x00000001;  //  by setting the GPIOM bit of the SCS register
+    FIO0DIR2=0xFF;       // set port 0 byte 2 (data) to output 
+    FIO0PIN2=0x00;		 // clear Port 0 byte 2  
+  /* RS already initialised to 'instruction' (low) */
+	/**** Function set*/
+  FIO0PIN2=0x38;		      /* 2-line mode, 7 dot characters */					
+  toggle_enable();
+  /**** Display on/off*/
+  FIO0PIN2=0x0C;		      /* display on, cursor off, blink off */					
+  toggle_enable();
+  /**** Clear display */
+  FIO0PIN2=0x01;		      /* clear */
+  toggle_enable();
+  /**** Set entry mode */				
+  FIO0PIN2=0x06;       	 /* increment cursor, shift off */
+  toggle_enable();
+/**** LCD Display 'Voltmeter' */
+void LCD_displayV(){
+  FIO2CLR0=0x02;		 /* set RS to 'control' */
+  FIO0PIN2=0x01;		      /* clear display*/
+  toggle_enable();						
+  FIO2SET0=0x02;		 /* set RS to 'data' */					
+    FIO0PIN2=_sp;       // process and display character		      
+  toggle_enable();
+    FIO0PIN2=_sp;		      
+  toggle_enable();
+    FIO0PIN2=_sp;		      
+  toggle_enable();    
+    FIO0PIN2=_V;		       
+  toggle_enable();  
+    FIO0PIN2=_O;		       
+  toggle_enable();
+    FIO0PIN2=_L;		       
+  toggle_enable();
+    FIO0PIN2=_T;		       
+  toggle_enable();
+    FIO0PIN2=_M;		       
+  toggle_enable();
+    FIO0PIN2=_E;		       
+  toggle_enable();  
+    FIO0PIN2=_T;		       
+  toggle_enable();
+    FIO0PIN2=_E;		       
+  toggle_enable();  
+    FIO0PIN2=_R;		       
+  toggle_enable();
+  /* start of line 2  */
+  FIO2CLR0=0x02;		 /* set RS to 'instruction' */
+  FIO0PIN2=0xC6;		       /* set address to line 2 */
+  toggle_enable();
+  FIO2SET0=0x02;		 /* set RS to 'data' */
+  FIO0PIN2=_0;		       
+  toggle_enable();  
+  FIO0PIN2=0x2e;		       
+  toggle_enable();
+  FIO0PIN2=_0;		       
+  toggle_enable();
+  FIO0PIN2=_V;		       
+  toggle_enable();
+/*** toggle_enable */
+void toggle_enable(void){
+ 	FIO2SET0=0x04;		 // Toggle enable flag on */
+ 	delay_s();			
+ 	FIO2CLR0=0x04;		 /* Toggle enable flag off */
+ 	delay_s();
+* DEM16217 LCD connected to mbed as follows:
+RW  = Read/Write     = LCD pin05 = mbed pin16  = LPC pin75 = GPIO P2.0 (Port2,byte0,bit0)
+RS  = RegisterSelect = LCD pin04 = mbed pin15  = LPC pin74 = GPIO P2.1 (0,1)
+E   = Enable         = LCD pin06 = mbed pin14  = LPC pin73 = GPIO P2.2 (0,2)
+DB0 = Data Bit 0     = LCD pin07 = mbed pin10  = LPC pin63 = GPIO P0.16 (Port0,byte2,bit0)
+DB1 = Data Bit 1     = LCD pin08 = mbed pin08  = LPC pin61 = GPIO P0.17 (2,1)
+DB2 = Data Bit 2     = LCD pin09 = mbed pin07  = LPC pin60 = GPIO P0.18 (2,2)
+DB3 = Data Bit 3     = LCD pin10 = mbed pin06  = LPC pin59 = GPIO P0.19 (2,3)
+DB4 = Data Bit 4     = LCD pin11 = mbed pin05  = LPC pin58 = GPIO P0.20 (2,4)   
+DB5 = Data Bit 5     = LCD pin12 = mbed pin04  = LPC pin57 = GPIO P0.21 (2,5) 
+DB6 = Data Bit 6     = LCD pin13 = mbed pin03  = LPC pin56 = GPIO P0.22 (2,6)
+DB7 = Data Bit 7     = LCD pin14 = mbed pin36  = LPC pin09 = GPIO P0.23 (2,7)
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r d322a5241da8 header.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/header.h	Wed Dec 16 12:04:23 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+/* header.h header file */
+/* function prototypes */
+/* main.cpp prototypes */
+/* ADC_setup.cpp prototypes */
+void ADC_init(void); 
+float ADC_read(void);
+/* LDC_setup.cpp prototypes */                                                         
+void LCD_init(void);
+void LCD_displayV(void);
+void toggle_enable(void);
+/* mbed_functions.cpp prototypes*/
+void delay_s(void);
+void delay_l(void);
+/* #defines                                              */
+// *** mc9s12dp256 register addresses
+ // Pin Assignment 
+ #define PINSEL_BASE_ADDR        0xE002C000 
+ #define PINSEL1        (*(volatile unsigned long *)(PINSEL_BASE_ADDR + 0x04))
+ //SCS - System Controls and Status, & Power Control */ 
+ #define SCB_BASE_ADDR   0xE01FC000
+ #define SCS            (*(volatile unsigned long *)(SCB_BASE_ADDR + 0x1A0))   
+ #define PCONP          (*(volatile unsigned long *)(SCB_BASE_ADDR + 0x0C4)) 
+ // Digital IO registers
+ #define FIO_BASE_ADDR           0x3FFFC000
+ //FIO2DIR0
+ #define FIO2DIR0       (*(volatile unsigned char *)(FIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x40)) 
+ //FIO2PIN0
+ #define FIO2PIN0       (*(volatile unsigned char *)(FIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x54)) 
+ //FIO2CLR0
+ #define FIO2CLR0       (*(volatile unsigned char *)(FIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x5C))
+ //FIO2SET0
+ #define FIO2SET0       (*(volatile unsigned char *)(FIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x58)) 
+ //FIO0DIR2
+ #define FIO0DIR2       (*(volatile unsigned char *)(FIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x02))
+ //FIO0PIN2
+ #define FIO0PIN2       (*(volatile unsigned char *)(FIO_BASE_ADDR + 0x16))
+ // ADC registers
+ #define AD0_BASE_ADDR           0xE0034000
+ //AD0CR
+ #define AD0CR          (*(volatile unsigned long *)(AD0_BASE_ADDR + 0x00)) 
+ //AD0GDR
+ #define AD0GDR         (*(volatile unsigned long *)(AD0_BASE_ADDR + 0x04)) 
+/* LCD display constants */
+#define _sp 0x20 /* space */
+#define _eq 0x3d /* = sign */
+#define _0 0x30
+#define _1 0x31
+#define _2 0x32
+#define _3 0x33
+#define _4 0x34
+#define _5 0x35
+#define _6 0x36
+#define _7 0x37
+#define _8 0x38
+#define _9 0x39
+#define _A 0x41
+#define _B 0x42
+#define _C 0x43
+#define _D 0x44
+#define _E 0x45
+#define _F 0x46
+#define _G 0x47
+#define _H 0x48
+#define _I 0x49
+#define _J 0x4a
+#define _K 0x4b
+#define _L 0x4c
+#define _M 0x4d
+#define _N 0x4e
+#define _O 0x4f
+#define _P 0x50
+#define _Q 0x51
+#define _R 0x52
+#define _S 0x53
+#define _T 0x54
+#define _U 0x55
+#define _V 0x56
+#define _W 0x57
+#define _X 0x58
+#define _Y 0x59
+#define _Z 0x5a
+#define _a 0x61
+#define _b 0x62
+#define _c 0x63
+#define _d 0x64
+#define _e 0x65
+#define _f 0x66
+#define _g 0x67
+#define _h 0x68
+#define _i 0x69
+#define _j 0x6a
+#define _k 0x6b
+#define _l 0x6c
+#define _m 0x6d
+#define _n 0x6e
+#define _o 0x6f
+#define _p 0x70
+#define _q 0x71
+#define _r 0x72
+#define _s 0x73
+#define _t 0x74
+#define _u 0x75
+#define _v 0x76
+#define _w 0x77
+#define _x 0x78
+#define _y 0x79
+#define _z 0x7a
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r d322a5241da8 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Dec 16 12:04:23 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+* Include files
+#include "header.h"
+* data values
+#define cal -200   // calibration value
+int A2D_in;      /* input variable */
+int V_in;        /* input voltage */
+int V_unit;      /* voltage units value */
+int V_unit_old;  // previous unit value
+int V_in_dec;    /* input voltage decimal value */
+int V_dec;       /* voltage decimal value */
+int V_dec_old;   // previous decimal value
+float x;
+* Main part of the program
+int main()
+  ADC_init();
+  LCD_init();
+  LCD_displayV();
+while(1){				/*  infinite loop */
+    A2D_in=ADC_read();
+    V_in=A2D_in*33;       /* calculate voltage from 8-bit ADC input 0xFF = 3.3V */
+                          // all voltage values multiplied by 10 to allow integer manipulation
+      //****************** calculate voltage unit = 0-5V ******************************
+      if(V_in >= 50*255)        // if greater than 5V then unit to display = 5  
+      {
+        V_unit = 0x05;
+        V_in_dec  = 0;          // if unit = 5 then decimal must be 0 (5.0V=max) 
+      } 
+      else if(V_in > 40*255)    // else if greater than 4V then unit to display = 4 
+      {
+        V_unit = 0x04;
+        V_in_dec  = V_in-40*256;  // calculate remainder for decimal processing
+      }
+      else if(V_in > 30*255)     // else if greater than 3V then unit to display = 3
+      {
+        V_unit = 0x03;
+        V_in_dec  = V_in-30*256;
+      }      
+      else if(V_in > 20*255)     // else if greater than 2V then unit to display = 2
+      { 
+        V_unit = 0x02;
+        V_in_dec  = V_in-20*256;
+      } 
+      else if(V_in > 10*255)     // else if greater than 1V then unit to display = 1
+      {
+        V_unit = 0x01;
+        V_in_dec  = V_in-10*256;
+      } 
+      else	                     // else unit to display = 0
+      {
+        V_unit = 0x00;
+        V_in_dec  = V_in;
+      }
+      // if unit has changed, then display the new unit on the screen
+      if (V_unit!= V_unit_old){
+       //  start of line 2  
+      FIO2CLR0=0x02;		 /* set RS to 'instruction' */
+      FIO0PIN2=0xC6;		 /* set address to line 2 units position*/
+      toggle_enable();
+	  FIO2SET0=0x02;		 /* set RS to 'data' */
+      FIO0PIN2=(0x30+V_unit);    // display unit value on screen		       
+      toggle_enable();
+      V_unit_old=V_unit;
+      }
+      //****************** calculate decimal value = .0 - .9 ******************************
+      if(V_in_dec <=260+cal)	
+       V_dec = 0x00;
+      if(V_in_dec > 260+cal)       // decimal value must be between 0 and 2550 (ie 255*10)
+       V_dec = 0x01;
+      if(V_in_dec > 510+cal)       // calibration value allows an amount of simple tuning
+       V_dec = 0x02;               // any error should be linear, but maybe with an offset
+      if(V_in_dec > 770+cal)       // a complete look-up table would be better though!
+       V_dec = 0x03;
+      if(V_in_dec > 1120+cal)
+       V_dec = 0x04;
+      if(V_in_dec > 1280+cal)
+       V_dec = 0x05;
+      if(V_in_dec > 1530+cal)
+       V_dec = 0x06;
+      if(V_in_dec > 1780+cal)
+       V_dec = 0x07;
+      if(V_in_dec > 2040+cal)
+       V_dec = 0x08;
+      if(V_in_dec > 2300+cal)
+       V_dec = 0x09; 
+      // if decimal value has changed then update display
+      if (V_dec!= V_dec_old){
+        // start of line 2  */
+       	FIO2CLR0=0x02;		 /* set RS to 'instruction' */
+       	FIO0PIN2=0xC8;		       /* set address to line 2 */
+       	toggle_enable();
+		FIO2SET0=0x02;		 /* set RS to 'data' */
+        FIO0PIN2=(0x30+V_dec);		       
+        toggle_enable();
+        V_dec_old=V_dec;
+      }
+  }
+} /* end main() */
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r d322a5241da8 mbed.bld
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Wed Dec 16 12:04:23 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 000000000000 -r d322a5241da8 mbed_functions.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed_functions.cpp	Wed Dec 16 12:04:23 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// mbed_functions.cpp
+#include "header.h"
+  subroutines - commonly used functions
+/*** short delay */
+void delay_s(void){
+  int j;                   /* loop variable */
+  for(j=0;j<2000;j++){							
+    asm("NOP");
+  }
+/*** long delay */
+void delay_l(void){
+  int i;                   /* loop variable */
+  for(i=0;i<500;i++){							
+    delay_s();
+  }
\ No newline at end of file