Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Dec 16 12:04:23 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+* Include files
+#include "header.h"
+* data values
+#define cal -200   // calibration value
+int A2D_in;      /* input variable */
+int V_in;        /* input voltage */
+int V_unit;      /* voltage units value */
+int V_unit_old;  // previous unit value
+int V_in_dec;    /* input voltage decimal value */
+int V_dec;       /* voltage decimal value */
+int V_dec_old;   // previous decimal value
+float x;
+* Main part of the program
+int main()
+  ADC_init();
+  LCD_init();
+  LCD_displayV();
+while(1){				/*  infinite loop */
+    A2D_in=ADC_read();
+    V_in=A2D_in*33;       /* calculate voltage from 8-bit ADC input 0xFF = 3.3V */
+                          // all voltage values multiplied by 10 to allow integer manipulation
+      //****************** calculate voltage unit = 0-5V ******************************
+      if(V_in >= 50*255)        // if greater than 5V then unit to display = 5  
+      {
+        V_unit = 0x05;
+        V_in_dec  = 0;          // if unit = 5 then decimal must be 0 (5.0V=max) 
+      } 
+      else if(V_in > 40*255)    // else if greater than 4V then unit to display = 4 
+      {
+        V_unit = 0x04;
+        V_in_dec  = V_in-40*256;  // calculate remainder for decimal processing
+      }
+      else if(V_in > 30*255)     // else if greater than 3V then unit to display = 3
+      {
+        V_unit = 0x03;
+        V_in_dec  = V_in-30*256;
+      }      
+      else if(V_in > 20*255)     // else if greater than 2V then unit to display = 2
+      { 
+        V_unit = 0x02;
+        V_in_dec  = V_in-20*256;
+      } 
+      else if(V_in > 10*255)     // else if greater than 1V then unit to display = 1
+      {
+        V_unit = 0x01;
+        V_in_dec  = V_in-10*256;
+      } 
+      else	                     // else unit to display = 0
+      {
+        V_unit = 0x00;
+        V_in_dec  = V_in;
+      }
+      // if unit has changed, then display the new unit on the screen
+      if (V_unit!= V_unit_old){
+       //  start of line 2  
+      FIO2CLR0=0x02;		 /* set RS to 'instruction' */
+      FIO0PIN2=0xC6;		 /* set address to line 2 units position*/
+      toggle_enable();
+	  FIO2SET0=0x02;		 /* set RS to 'data' */
+      FIO0PIN2=(0x30+V_unit);    // display unit value on screen		       
+      toggle_enable();
+      V_unit_old=V_unit;
+      }
+      //****************** calculate decimal value = .0 - .9 ******************************
+      if(V_in_dec <=260+cal)	
+       V_dec = 0x00;
+      if(V_in_dec > 260+cal)       // decimal value must be between 0 and 2550 (ie 255*10)
+       V_dec = 0x01;
+      if(V_in_dec > 510+cal)       // calibration value allows an amount of simple tuning
+       V_dec = 0x02;               // any error should be linear, but maybe with an offset
+      if(V_in_dec > 770+cal)       // a complete look-up table would be better though!
+       V_dec = 0x03;
+      if(V_in_dec > 1120+cal)
+       V_dec = 0x04;
+      if(V_in_dec > 1280+cal)
+       V_dec = 0x05;
+      if(V_in_dec > 1530+cal)
+       V_dec = 0x06;
+      if(V_in_dec > 1780+cal)
+       V_dec = 0x07;
+      if(V_in_dec > 2040+cal)
+       V_dec = 0x08;
+      if(V_in_dec > 2300+cal)
+       V_dec = 0x09; 
+      // if decimal value has changed then update display
+      if (V_dec!= V_dec_old){
+        // start of line 2  */
+       	FIO2CLR0=0x02;		 /* set RS to 'instruction' */
+       	FIO0PIN2=0xC8;		       /* set address to line 2 */
+       	toggle_enable();
+		FIO2SET0=0x02;		 /* set RS to 'data' */
+        FIO0PIN2=(0x30+V_dec);		       
+        toggle_enable();
+        V_dec_old=V_dec;
+      }
+  }
+} /* end main() */
\ No newline at end of file